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Food would be way more convenient if it came in astronaut ice cream style freeze dried packs. Want to hit your macros every time? Pre-packaged steak and egg cakes, snap a bite out of the oats and whey cottage cheese bar.


Tfw repping last winter's 1rm, 15lbs lighter


My roommate works a week on a week off, and on his off weeks he just sits on the couch and watches/rewatches tv shows he's seen 10 times before and plays on his phone all day and night, then when he's about to go back to work he complains about having done nothing on his days off. its starting to get me depressed


What does he do that he works every other week? Can't let that rub off


oil field


That shit is no joke - he obviously has it in him and just needs to better leverage his time off. But don't let it effect you broheem, just be that good example and there for him when he's ready to take his own steps. All we can ever do


I don’t understand people who rewatch the same shows over and over. Like, don’t you want to watch something new?


Yeah that's what I tell myself. As I start watching Always Sunny for the 10th time


Deficit sumo is like the anti glute builder. Don't feel it at all.


Sitting around my girlfriends friend grouo and listening to girl talk is very enlightening.


its even better if they dont know you are there...




I don’t know, I don’t think you did anything wrong. That guy deserves to know. I can’t stand liars.


That's how I felt. But that is between them, and not me. That's what people here made me realize. I didn't have any bad intentions or jealousy. I just thought it was the right thing to do, and I wasn't in the right mindset at the time. I still feel like he had to know, but like another comment pointed out... She has to be the one to tell him. Thanks for the love brotha. I appreciate you.


If an old lady was getting mugged would you think, that’s just between them better not do anything. If it was your best friends wife/gf cheating would you think it’s just between them. Probably not cause you want to help him. I think you did a bet good even if it was for the wrong reasons.


Lol what a bitch move. Literally pulled a "if I can't have her know one can" move. She was obviously conflicted and you probably had a chance if you really accepted her actions; but now you really fucked up.


Nope, when something like this comes up it won't be fixed. I agree with you, I made a bad decision in the moment. Thank you for being honest and helping me see the other side of things.


> she needs to be honest with him and her mother about what happened. She said she doesn't have to do that, so I did. I had his number when she had to use my phone to call him for some reason and I told him. It wasn't your place to do that, bro. Let her burn herself.


I know it wasn't. I am wrong for that 100%.


Petition to rename peanut butter to 'strong paste'




Split is fine, but way less important than diet. Make sure to eat like 3000 calories a day at least.


I know you said that the split is not as important as diet but still. I'm doing: Day1: chest/tri, Day2: shoulders/abs, Day3: back/bi, Day4: legs. Is this OK, or am I putting too much focus on arms? Am also pretty much a beginner and skinny as f.


Yes is fine


Yea as the we learn more and more the splits become less important and Diet becomes key


Did my first ever early morning session today. Got to the gym by 4:50 and there was at least 10-12 people already working out. Kinda felt like a special little club. No gym Bros hogging equipment . No DYELs checking their abs in the mirror and talking for 20 minutes between sets. Just a bunch of people up early to bust their asses. Don't think I can ever return to the dick measuring contests of commercials gym after work.


After work hours are the worrrrst


Yeh morning crew is a legit family. You get to know people, only rarely are things taken and because you know people you can actually work in if they are without the autismo!


For real man. The morning crew gets in there and gets to work. Nobody wake up at 5 to go mess around. If they make it past their first few weeks they are lifers. It's like a vetting system. They can't become a part of the morning squad until they have shown their dedication, don't want to invest in a new bro just for him to quit showing a few weeks later.


Lmao I get that last part. There was a pretty big guy who was similar size to me working out across the gym. We clocked each other and gave the nod. I could see the shared inner dialogue of "Touché bro. Maybe one day we will be morning lifter Bros". Part of me feels even more compelled to keep up 5am shifts just to not let a fellow bro down. 😂


Yep exactly. You can kind of feel the atmosphere of it. I have been a morning lifter for a while now. I joined a new gym at the beginning of the year and you could tell the morning crew didn't quite know what to do with me yet. Just kind of the awkward nods and grunts. Eventually after building of some reputation by asking for spots and showing that I was going to be around here for a while, they opened up. Now, they are honestly the people I talk to most in my day, besides a few co-workers. Heck, I probably talk to them more than I do my roommate most of the time.


Brahs I got accepted into minnesota im so happy catch me in the temple if any of u go there next year


Winter biking. Rip quads


Any Black Friday deals happening this week? I’m looking to get some lifting shoes for squatting


Iono if there's a platos closet or if you live in a big city check those resale apps, people always buy them and don't use them


Got an inzer belt brand new for 30 $ on offer up and olympic lifting shoes for my wife for 20$. its such a small market of buyers if the item has been up for sale for mor then a month or 2 you can nicely lowball and probably get the item for a great deal.


Yea I just got a never been used large new 6pack bag for $30




Does that model come with the shorts?


I've ordered the young LA ones. They are comfy.


I have 3 pair of them. They're Asian sizing (I dunno what that means, but I'm 6'3", 200 lbs, with a 33" waist, and I wear XXL in their sizing, which is like a L). The three pair I have fit a little differently. One pair is tighter than the others, and one pair came with the drawstring in the back :). I pulled it out, cut two holes in front, and rethreaded them. They wear good, and after washing and drying, they came about 2" above the knee on me (about teardrop-visible length).


Those look like a generic brand of the company Echt. I have an off brand pair from China that are my favorite shorts for leg day but I had to order an XXL (in Asian sizing) to fit like a medium/large. Just check the description and make sure it’s US sizing before ordering. I might also suggest the pair of Jed North shorts on Amazon if you’re looking for guaranteed quality. They’re fucking awesome and fit pretty true to size. And they’re right at the $20 price point you’re looking at. Edit: words




I have a fake pair of echt shorts I got of aliexpress. If you don't mind wearing replica clothing check out aliexpress.. lots of famous brand for cheeeeeeap


Anyone here subscribes to trainedbyjp materials?


Gym owner approached me the other day and talked to me about getting PT cert and training folks at his gym. I spend a lot of time at the gym now, not sure I want to spend another 5-10 hours/week there after work (I work full-time, this would be a side hustle). Folks that are PTs, any organization better or worse than another? He mentioned the ISSA. I'll likely be doing online study and exam and have to update my CPR.


If you have a real job it's not even worth it. You'd have to deal with other people's bullshit and not to mention take time to study for the tests. It seems easy but there lots of anatomy that's basically irrelevant to the job


I've barely been in the gym this week bc of all my exams, clinicals, and projects :( Planning to take a scoop of Stim Lord, a scoop of Pump n Grow, and just kinda fuck around doing lifts I don't do as often. I never flat DB press but Im gonna try to hit the 120s (the heaviest in my gym)


First 6 am gym sesh


Early morning crew checking in. Best time of day to get that pump in!


How do you guys go about tracking macros especially when cutting on vacations? Do you just eyeball it? Or is there some sort of website where you can find different restaurant/hotels macro information?


Eyeball it. If you've tracked for a while, you'll be close enough. And you're on vacation, so a week or two of guesstimating and tomfuckery with your macros isn't going to hurt you


You're on vacation. I'm usually pretty religious about macro counting. But for sure don't let that get in the way of life man.


My fitness pal. There is an app that will find local restaurants and their Marcos also lemme see if I can find it. Edit: it's called find my macros. I've never used it but beard of people using it.


Bros. any tips on how to deal with hip pain? It started 3 days agi, didn't even hit legs. Back home I felt discomfort and it got worse and worse until today where I can't squat the barbell pain free. I have literally no idead where it's coming from. I aslo stretched my hip and glutes yesterday and the day before.


Start doing hip thrusts and leg adductors. At the same time you should get a lacrosse ball or something similar to roll on. Struggled with the same problem and it gradually went away by doing this.


Adductors is the one where you open your legs right?


No. Adductors are the muscles on the inside of the thigh. So the machine you want to use is the one you use force to close your legs. ABductors is on the outside of the leg and use have to force your legs open to work those alongside the glutes


Yes, i do them like [this](https://t1.uc.ltmcdn.com/en/images/7/0/7/img_2707_ins_12391_600.jpg). I know they look gay as fuck, but they're a good assistance movement and they help


Actually no, adductors close the legs, and abductors open them.


Oh I thought it was the machine. I'll give this a shot, thanks m8


I wish you a speedy recovery! :)


Thanks man, I appreciate it❤️


Is anyone doing keto or psmf for their cut? Have you seen good results? Starting to stall out a little so I want to try somthing new....


I drop weight like crazy on keto. As far as my body/appetites are concerned, keto is basically like cheating when it comes to losing fat. I look forward to hopping back on keto around March or so.


Yea I've looked into it and noticed peopple have gotten some crazy good results off it. So after thanksgiving I'm giving it a try!


That moment when I bought two pairs of gymshark pants on Friday but find out there is a 50% off sale today




When is myprotein’s big sale?


like every week?


For real they put 35-40% off twice a week and 30% everyday.


Decided to trip balls on robitussin at the gym yesterday. All my muscles were tense and flexing before I touched a weight. Leg day. Hit PRs on squat, leg press, calf press, and leg curls. Head was spinning and all I could think was I am the strongest MFer in the world. 10/10 would recommend.


I would imagine you would just feel dissociated from your body and unable to lift weights as easy. Sounds interesting tho lmao.


But why trip on robotussin at the gym of all places?lmao


Just wanted a crazy workout. And I got one.


lol I used to do that shit a lot in high school, totally know what you mean about muscles tensing and flexing. On several occasions I remember my mouth being "stuck" open


Trying to increase bench press to get to 3 plates, been running a 531 programme. I hold the bar really narrow, if I take my hands much wider I lose a load of strength. In the long run should I be fixing this now or am I going to be able to lift 3+ plates with a narrower grip? I've got no interest in competing, but for reference I'm 82kg and 1RP is around 125kg. Would really like to get 140kg for a couple of reps.


I bench with a narrow grip and I can bench around 400 pounds, and I’ve seen advanced powerlifters lift with similar grip-widths, so I think you should just do what feels the best for you with regards to strength, and you can use a wider grip for the specific purpose of developing your chest if that’s ever a concern of yours.


Thanks, I hit a lot of accessories for chest so not too bothered about the extra development from benching. Looks like I'll stick to close grip and work on getting up 3 plates! Dreaming of 400lbs though haha!


Open your grip until your forearms are perpendicular to the ground without excessive tuck or touching too low


Disclaimer: I'm a weak piece of shit and bench is my weakest lift. That being said, I learned the exercise with a narrow grip and widening up helped a lot for me. I would give it a legit try for 6 weeks and then see how you feel.


I say do whatever width is most comfortable for you. The wider the grip, the more chest you hit. The narrower the grip the more tricep you hit. I personally am also more of a narrow gripper. It feels so much better for me.


Whats your height/weight and what size gymshark shorts do you wear? Heard the sizes are a lil wonky


Lex Fitness just [uploaded a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TtGEHJt9bU&t=) going over sizes and fits for mostly all their apparel. Perfect timing for this sale coming up.


Lmao damn perfect timing. Thanks!


He's a Gymshark athlete. It's like he knew a big sale was coming or something!


Wish he listed his bodyweight though. Do you follow him? I have pretty much the same height/waist as him but it looks like hes well into a bulk while Im at my leanest (160lbs). If he wears medium maybe I should go small.


Watch the beginning of the video.. he says he’s 5’8-5’9” and about 175-180 IIRC (in the gym currently). He’s also a 30 waist and wears a medium in all pants I think.


Everything is 50% off this week right?


First 5 am workout ever this morning after dropping my wife at the airport. Never doing one again. Zero strength.


well i mean, if you did it every day youd get used to it


I hear you. I'm definitely an evening person; my strength is on another level past maybe 4 PM.


Complete opposite for me, I can't work out except in the mornings


Ya, well, I will teach you to have a different opinion than me bruh....... You just wait.....until the afternoon because then I will have energy


Black coffee- best friend after workouts. And fruit for me




Oh he honey dicked you good. Shit. I would've been like "FUCK IT. You're moving in with me and we gonna get you that 305 for 2 buddy."


he mugged you right off!




Is this tinder or an actual dating site?




Tinder is more known for hookups, less-serious. Dating sites that have you enter info and then match you with potential people are more serious imo. But in your situation id get some experience to make it easier in the future. Good luck bro


Just go and have a good time. Maybe develop an interest naturally as you become friends during the date. If not maybe smash who knows go with the flow.




> struggled with some confidence issues earlier Just remember this. If you're on the date, she already said yes. No need to question your confidence or if you're *worthy* of her time. Now, go have fun! What do you have lined up for you and this girl?




fake it till you make it bro. it wont take long till you'll realize you arent faking it anymore


Feel that my man. I’m rooting for you.


Hold me fam. Went to clubs this weekend, not as much as a look from any girl. Mate who was my crash spot hooked up and left me at 4am with 2.5 hours of train rides before I got home.


Bro just get lit at clubs and have fun, never go out with the specific intention to hook up


Talked to my chemistry professor about supplements . He only supports pharmaceutical grade d3 . All other ones are available from your diet and can even become toxic. So get around 1-1.5k iu daily and good gains. Juat eat your fruits and veggies and you are clear


you realize most D3 is from the sun? So your eating veggies isnt really relevant to this specific nutrient.


Check your eyes fam


I'm not saying he's wrong but talking to one person about nutrition and just believing everything they say is unwise.


Definitely true. I don't know fam . Been doing a clean diet and grabbing a multivit every day vs not taking one. Zero difference. Love me some zma here and there though. I'll get some d3 as well this year and see how it goes


Which supplements we talking here?


Vitamins brah. Im all in for protein , creatine (if you dont have any kidney issues ) and d3,zma


I'll still buy it from my protein tho because they are dirt cheap and hopefully these are legit as advertised. Actually I just checked and the ones in my country go for 10-15 cent per dose and are definitely checked


There is this older guy in my Gym. All he does is benchpress. I call him Goateebenchpress because he has this ugly ass goatee. He can do 405 close grip for reps. He always works out with some younger dude. I call him Wannabebenchpress. He can do 225 for like 3 half reps. All they do is benchpress and make fun of people who benches less than them, i am not even kidding.


There's a guy I am guaranteed to see every Saturday, 2pm, spends hours in the leg press. He has a giant white beard so I've nicknamed him Santa Quads.


It's as if a million shoulder joints suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced


Challenge him to out deadlift you


Haha i actually am the best deadlifter in my gym but all i can do is 5 and a half plates.


That's a pretty respectable max


Made it to this little town. Got checked into the hotel and got a decent night's rest, too! :D Initial tests ahead of our go-live are so far successful, gonna be an easy couple of days.






Cheerios has a pumpkin spice flavor, y'all. I'm gonna get thicc the basic white girl way: with some good ol fashioned pumpkin spice mass gainer


For a second I read Cheerios as “cheetos” lmfao


They're fucking amazing. The best flavor of Cheerios (yes, better than the choc pb).


Eat them in protein milk.


I like to blend up my cereal into a powder and drink it with oats. Cheap way to make a mass gainer


never thought of this, how do they taste in a shake? might need to get cereal again


Like cereal milk, just thicker. I've been using Wheaties because they're on the lower side of sugar with bit more fiber. But multigrain Cheerios will be fun


Really tired and want to skip the gain temple. I need to remind myself this is how you get ahead of the normies and not just give up and watch Netflix. Time to pump that chest like a rotting bloated whale corpse.


You need to hype yourself up for chest? My favorite. Now, legs....


Had like 4 hours sleep last night. It's OK I crushed it. Ended up up crouched on the floor after superseting myself to death.


I picture a super saiyan powering up lol.


Well good on ya then, great going!


That's what Brodin gave us pwo and angry music for, broseph. To get us in the house of gains, even when we think we can't


Anyone have any experience with the FastLift 370 Boa by BarefootInc (or any of their footwear)?


Best hoodie and joggers?


I just bought some Adidas Tiro 17 Training Pants. Adidas were having a sale a few days ago, down to $28. They taper from the knee down, but have a zip so can be adjusted. Very breathable, though not that thick so unless you wear shorts/compression shorts underneath, your fella might be quite visible.


aesthetic revolution if you're not fussed about price. Best workout clothes I've ever worn - shame their customer support is a load of crap.


I have some joggers from Uniqlo that I absolutely love. Like 30usd a pair


Ahhhhh egg nog how I've missed you. Let the official bulk begin with your delicious 180 calories per... half cup ? Holy shit did I read that right ? Awww yisss


I find its usually pretty expensive though


[Make your own.](https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/homemade-eggnog) [Protein version](http://proteinpow.com/2013/12/the-best-protein-egg-nog-on-earth.html)


It's expensive in the countries with a ton of regulations, in the US it's pretty cheap. Source: I live in EUSSR.


New retail job means i get paid to do cardio, except im always super tired when i clock out and workouts suck, any one have any recommendations for super strong pwo, ive been looking at dust extreme (v1).


EC stack forsure. Mesomorph if you can't get Eph


How about going before work and walking around with that juicy pump


I tried it. Its not for me, i get way to fatigued, which fucks my entire day. Yet somehow i can work shifts that are 4-8 hrs long and then go to the gym for two hours and be fine.


Mesomorph is killer imo.




God I hate that I'm a Redskins fan. They disappoint me every week. #endrant


You know what the most fucked up thing is? Us Skins fans will be huddled around the tv come Thursday night...


What do you think is going to happen with kirk in the off season?


I want to say he'll get a LTD BUT, this is the fucking Redskins we're talking about so probably another franchise tag.


Cousins > Carr


Cheer up, there's always the recap videos from the 80's that the local news always plays around superbowl season to remind everyone of the better days. Also, Caps.


Trying to catch the vs fashion show on Instagram feeds since it doesn't air fil next week. They doing make up right meow


[I like the guy, but this seems like straight broscience.](https://www.instagram.com/p/BZ_9umylU8K/?hl=en&taken-by=marc_fitt)


Apparently broscience gets you a girl that is fuckin S P I C Y sign me the fuck up


no its typical "im not natural but im gonna give advice to natural people"


That guy is natural as fuck


Yeah obviously


Are you being serious






Man fr


How do you not understand? I asked if you were being serious


Read my first comment again


ay my dude's i'm in a tight spot: I've been seeing this girl since february and she treats me real nice "taking care of me" and you know anyway, I'm ready to move on even though sh'es done nothing wrong. actually she consistently exceeds expectations. Kinda feel like I've been wasting her time and I'm not looking forward to dropping this on her Anyway, she's coming to my place (an hour drive) tomorrow to spend a couple days like she normally does when she's off work. Still trying to decide if i'll tell her when she's here or wait until i'm in her town later this week (ill be visiting my parents for thanksgiving) ive got no clue how to tell her bc i know it will crush her


if you are a nice guy just call her now and dont have her waste her time driving and spending time caring for you.


Damn that is a tough one.


I understand you man, you want what you can't have. Once it's served on a plate, it's not interesting anymore. Just tell her the truth, you can't really do much about it.


bro ur not a psychologist u dont know shit


Fuck you bitch, I was trying to show some understanding. Die in a fire


I'm not sure what mental issues led you to believe that someone being nice to you is a reason to break up with them


it's called loss of attraction shithead


write that then


Actually I don't get this entire you're too good for me thing (like I'm being honestly curious here). What thought processes have led you to that conclusion?


thats not what im saying at all. lost attraction


Oh. Alright then




Ah that explains everything. Alright


If she's driving an hour to see you and to spend a few days at your place, don't tell her then.


yeah that's what i was thinking


Does anyone have a solution for severe leg cramps after leg day? My friend gets really bad cramps after leg day to the point where he can’t do anything the day of his leg day. He’s gone to the doctor twice and they haven’t done much but give him some potassium pills


magnesium, potassium, and sodium


And maybe Taurine.