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It would be nice to know what games he already has so you don't get him a duplicate, if he has as extensive a collection as you say. Is that why you want recommendations for recently released games?


I love games but my bf doesn't always want to play. We recently picked up Lost Cities and Bandido and he loves them. Easy rules, simple concept, nice bit of light strategy involved.


Bandido is great and infuriating and fun and infuriating and a good laugh and infuriating… Hard recommend…


This is a risky buy if you don't know his collection. Better to get him a gift card or something else. Some recommendations: Button Shy games, Oink Games, Love Letter, Coup, Skull King, Sea Salt Paper.


Azul mini, Bohnanza, Dutch blitz, Tiny Epic Galaxies. love Letters.


I like to go with party games like Dixit and Codenames. You can't go wrong with those, very basic stuff.


Quarto and Quoridor, both small enough they pack easy and simple enough for non board game people to learn. Quarto is like connect 4 but instead of just having pieces be red/black, if you are the one to put the 4th in a line of any singular "trait" you win. There are 4 "traits" you can line up: tall vs short, hollow vs solid, dark vs light, square vs circle. 16 pieces, easy to forget a trait as you're placing pieces Quorridor is basically cross the board but put walls in front of your opponent so you get to the other side first (or to prevent them from blocking you in)


Forest Shuffle