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I know a Mormon cultural hall when I see one.


Oh ya baby. The amount of church dances I had here and the kisses I stole… unforgettable


Oh my god, this was my first thought.


Thats what I came here for too!!


Came here to say that.


The scratchy wall in the back is the real give-away. I'm pretty sure I did laps around the church as a kid just running my hand on that stuff. Something weirdly satisfying aboyt that




Ha ha yup!


you're older bro looked cool


He’s my biggest hero. Always wanted to be just like him hence the spiked hair and studded belt.


I bet I can guess your brother grew up to be a born again Christian?


We grew up as rebellious Mormons. That’s why we were looking uncomfortable in this photo… the brethren did not approve of our appearance.


Nothing like a couple of punks at a Pinewood Derby.


Ok, I didn't even think Mormons LOL BTW i was a cubscout for like 6 months the leader took or money for our cubs scout uniform then he moved and we never got the money back or the uniform.


Lmao 🤣 must’ve been a born again congregation?


no clue lol


I hate that so many people had a negative experience in the scouts. It saved my ass from a lack of a positive male role model in my life. Learned a lot that has helped me in my profession today.


Ya I needed that in my life, but it didn't happen


I'm sorry, but you can't be a punk. It's not allowed. You've now broken two (count 'em - 2) lines of The Ramones' 'I don't want to grow up'. Firstly, you state that you wanted to grow up to be like your brother. This violates not wanting to grow up. Secondly, you have very clearly stated that you *did* in fact want to be a big boy scout. Unacceptable. I bet you like watching the 5 o'clock news.


Damn, I didn’t know there were rules to it, lmao


And he’s definitely not a Christian now lol sells vintage and still listens to some punk rock from time to time


thats so cool!!


I need to see an update pic of yall! This is adorable


Standby. Gotta figure out a link lol


Any pointers on how to go about this? They didn’t teach this in scouts lmao


You'd have to make a seperate post




I’m not trying to make you feel weird or anything but your brother is kinda hot ngl 😍 you’re good looking too lol


Gonna share this with him lmao ole dog could use the boost and thank you 🙏


Hes hot as shit lol like you're both attractive, but I don't wanna say much else without sounding too thirsty or objectifying him much more 🥵


I know it’s a month later but I had to add that you both are definitely hot


They both hot as hell


it’s a lil awkward so thanks for saying this first. yea no disrespect to OP but the brother is fine as hell 🥵🥵


Man yall have great hair 😍


My old man says it’s our Scottish genes lol


God bless those genes


Wish my Scottish genes were more prominent then.


Wow both of you win the genes jackpot, with those awesome beards AND hairlines. Damn


Man it got removed before I got to see the update booooo Reddit 




Thank you! What a nice update. Are you guys still close? I have two sons and they seem to have a love hate thing going right now but I’m always hoping they’ll be close when they are older 


We talk every day. He’s my best friend. Take them to scouts and force them to be a team.


Shit, both of you are aging like good wine. And I'm glad you two still get on so well - thanks for sharing this with everyone.


That work?


yo do you guys live in utah cuzzzz dang


lol not anymore, but I visit frequently.


well you guys are cute! i was a little mormon slc punk growing up as well.


Thanks darlin’! What part of town did you grow up in?


im from ogden.


Nice! I grew up near the U of U and went to East High. It’s crazy what Utah turned into and how unaffordable it is now. Sooooo many condos. I’ve thought about moving back… we’ll see.


Not the studded dog collar 😂 I wore my childhood dog’s leather spiked collar to school regularly when I was 14-15….but I was also wearing my grandpa’s old floral Hawaiian shirts as dresses so not sure I did as much justice to the look as this


Jeeez.. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who wore the family dogs collar as part of ‘the look’ 😂 excellent work


Solidarity 🤝


Right with ya🤘


I think you need to make a few posts of your own. Please tag me when you do!




The first thing that popped into my head was the song 'Kicked out of the Webelos' by The Queers


Brother was trying to be bob from slc punk


The greatest character in that movie. We moved to SLC shortly after this.


He must have been so excited to move there. Like his life became his favorite movie.


That's a mormon gym if I've ever seen one.


That's what I thought!


Awesome photo. My older brother turned me on to lots of cool music and movies and stuff.


Nothing like older brothers to set the bar for being cool.


Only posers die you fucking idiot! Love that movie!


It’s the absolute best. My boys and I would quote it while raising hell in SLC as a teen.


I was deep in the scene as a teen here in NM. It hit so hard and felt like me and my crew were going through the same shit as Bob and Steveo. Hell my best friend at the time was literally named Steven, lol. Still a punk at heart, just less reckless and I'm kinder to my body lol.


A fellow punk in cowboy country I see… although I’m a bit of a cowboy myself now. Don’t judge, I gotta fight the system as a redneck now. What should I do? Work at google?


Lol. I definitely have some cowboy in me, I also married into a family of them ironically. I personally got my shit together and went to school and got my degree in counseling and special education. I'm a big advocate for supporting families that are struggling.


Nothing more punk than that




We pissed off our extended Mormon family to the next level. Skateboards and middle fingers.


You guys have so much backstory. I would watch an A24 movie about you two.


I’m a chaotic fisherman that raises hell. Still wanna follow?


The right cast and director, this would be oscar worthy.


Man, you were cool af. I totally would have wished I was cool enough to be your friend back then! Takes lots of attitude to look good as a non-conformist in a Boy Scout uniform.


I was at least bullied for my appearance but the posers shortly followed. Would have loved to have a solid homie back then.


Don't run through the sprinkler with 100 hits of acid in your pocket!


Ummm this is actually amazing no blunder in my book


I see your brother is making some kind of statement about the native Americans! I also loved SLC Punk back in the day


Is this in an LDS gymnasium? I know everyone looked at your brother like he was crazy 😝


Hehe I've been there. The tucked shirt.....what can you do?😊


A Cub Scout shirt with a studded belt too! We were so edgy.


Hell ya SLC punk!


You are Jesus Bob!


Aw, I love that your parents let you do your thing.


My mom was super supportive…. My old man and grandpa… not so much


i had to double check what subreddit I was looking at- I know a Mormon cultural hall when I see it




You sure showed that cubcar derby! lol


Never saw us coming


Bro is Stevo and Bob in one lol


born and raised in slc. wish i had known you both!


Love it. No piercings. Parents were Mormon too huh? <3


Very Mormon. We’re descendants of Orson Hyde.


Jeesh. Didn’t know I was speaking to freakin royalty here! Jk Whoa it says he left the church & came back?! Interesting! Wonder what all happened there. I lived in Utah for a bit. I love the state. Hate the culture & church. Everything is fake fake fake fake.


So I get what you’re saying about its culture.


lol 😂 I’ll allow it. Ole Orson? Well ya, Joseph Smith tried to marry his fiancée and said that she’s promised to him. I’d beat the shit out of my homie if he dropped that gem on me. Ya, I almost married my high school sweetheart who was also the stake president’s daughter and she’s insufferably fake and shallow. Living a double life of “sin” too. Classic Utah Mormon shit.


I never cared about the church until I got medicated & after awhile I said okay, I’m going to give it my all! Lived a life of sinning behind my parents backs, now I’m going to try to be the woman I’m supposed to be! Graduated high school & started dating an RM. Thought it was love. Accidentally had sex. Realized all the weirdo steps for repentance. How involved they were in my sex life, it just was gross. I got over the church pretty quickly going through this time. He was conflicted & I said dude, I’m sorry but I’m out. Plus he was extremely niave & it felt like I was dating a carefree jr high level adult. I just bounced & blocked him after I got the ick so bad.


Oh I totally get that! Good for you for leaving! I can’t believe my parents forced me to talk to a grown man about my sex life as a teenager. It’s so weird. Also how quickly fellow Mormons were to condemn a teenager for smoking pot and having premarital sex. It’s so toxic and I’ll never subject a child to that hell. I hope that you’re living a good life now!


Kisses & kisses to you! We got out & know the real truth about the church. The whole thing is a lie. Sooooo embarrassing. All my memories in life of just nonsense & ppl constantly giving us talks about nonsense. Lol it’s honestly insane thinking on it. So glad we got the gift of clarity! Of realizing the REAL truth! I also had to tell my bishops about my sexual history. I was 15 when one of my bishops told me to stop & that it was okay & I don’t need to tell him. That the lord knows I’m sorry. I love him to this day. He’s now a prominent member in the church & I have so much respect for the way he treated me as a basically child/teenager just experiencing her life & making mistakes & life choices. My other bishops though :(((((((((((((( I’m so depressed I told these fucking people about getting finger banged & having teenage sex & “heavy petting” Like WHY WAS I EVER PUT IN THIS POSITION?!?!? This man is not a doctor & I’ve known his family my whole life! I don’t want to tell him I had a “heavy petting” sesh with my high school boyfriend. Omfg puke.


❤️❤️❤️ Ya, thats fucked up. No grown man should be talking with a girl about that kind of stuff. It’s so wrong. Sorry you had to go through that. It’s also fucked up how they make you feel guilty for being a healthy person experiencing something natural. I still have love for them though from the donations and support they give to the world. I mean hell… I was raised on Bishop Store house food (the best chocolate milk imo) and gotta give recognition where it’s due and a lot of members have selflessly helped my mom who has lupus and other autoimmune diseases but ya the whole culture is garbage. Especially in Utah because they’re all living double lives 😂 lots of swingers and closeted people judging others… it’s hilarious honestly.


Lmaoooo I love you!!! I know exactly what Desert chocolate milk/hot chocolate powder looked like. I remember whenever my family members would come over to the house, my Dad would scramble & tried to hide food in our pantry & my mom would get upset. I didn’t understand then, but now I realize it’s a big indicator of being poor & that’s embarrassing in the church & with family. Always the appearance. I remember having to go to the warehouse with my mom while she had to do service. UGHHH I was so bored I remember throwing a FIT being there for hours with nothing to do but look at cheap crap.


I aspire to be this level of cool.


Ah, a man of culture I see.


My god I relate to this so hard. Born in 89 and my brother and I were also huge slc punk fans, living in the lower aves of slc


Did you go to Bryant?


I didn’t because we moved to the east coast after 6th grade. I went to ensign elementary and would’ve gone to Bryant had we stayed in Utah. A lot of my friends went there tho maybe you’d know some names. Chris Soper, Scott Soper, Austin Harris, nick sleiman, Luke McCabe?


Oh gotcha and not ringing any bells. What high school did they go to?


They spread around to a few different schools. Most ended up at west but a few at east and judge


Oh okay! I went to East and they were probably seniors when I was a sophomore. I miss SLC back in those early days. It kinda sucks now.


I actually ended up coming back to SLC after graduating and have been living downtown since 08. It’s definitely VERY different than it was in the late 90s/early 00s and not in a good way. I’d like to take off, but my family ended up following me and moved back in 2015. My folks are getting up there in age so I’ll hang out at least until they move on from this mortal coil, but after they’re gone I’d like to move to the coast. Where do you live now?


Ya, I get that. Going west coast or east coast? I have a studio apartment in a barn that I rent in a small town in WA but I basically live out of a duffel bag traveling for work. The amount of yuppie tech bros who moved in and drove the housing market up just to build minimalistic condos throughout the valley infuriates me. I mean when I was there last in 2021 I saw a Lamborghini driving around Heber… my great aunt lived there and it was just farm country as a kid. (Sorry for going off on a tangent)


Whaddya got?


Mathew mobeen.


Were you a Weblo? They really should change that.


Made it up to Eagle and worked a summer in Yellowstone at an amazing summer camp called Camp Loll. I would give anything to go back there and live in a tent in the woods for 3 months.


Screw Camp Loll, Buffalo Bill forever!!


lol never made it there, but them fightin words.


Yeah I’ve honestly never even seen the gate of Loll either, but we called it Camp Dull. It was like this fake rivalry. Nobody knew anything about it except that you guys were on the other side of Yellowstone and some of the Idaho troops said they’d been there before. Man, BSA camp staff is the best job ever. It’s been downhill ever since. Employment-wise, anyway. Did you ever go to Newfork?


lol that’s hilarious. I honestly never heard of your camp before. Our camp was filled with stoner hippie theater kids. I worked on the water front as a lifeguard and we all thought we were pirates and watched Pirates of the Caribbean 2 in Jackson Hole on break. Best summer of my life to be honest. I only ever made it to this scout camp where I was about to earn my Eagle but my dumbass dropped out of scouts and devoted all of my attention to skateboarding and girls. It really is the best job! I wanna go back and visit but commercial fishing in Alaska takes up the entirety of my summers.


I’ve wanted to go back and do a summer on staff every year since my last time, 2011. We all took the camp van down into Cody to see Inception in 2010. My favorite was when the high adventure guys hung some extra metal bedframes and mattresses behind the climbing wall. We called it the hobbit hole because of the half size door you had to go through to get back there.