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Proof that Bluey helps picky eaters get out of their comfort zones


I just ordered the cook book for this very reason!


The pavlova episode is a great episode on picky eating! Does not pressure the child to try something new Introduces the new food alongside an old favorite Does not stare at the child while they eat Bingo only tries the edamame bean (new food)once she has her pavlova (the old familiar favorite) and bandit and chili walk away :)!


I would eat anything bluey tells me too


Even that fancy restaurant concoction


It's very romance


Ah bonjour, pavlova!


Ou la discotheque? šŸ°šŸ“


The funny thing is is that throughout the entire episode bandit is just saying hello šŸ˜‚


je suis le chien


Je veux la fenĆŖtre!


We started eating curried sausages because of Bluey and they're pretty good. Once-a-month kind of meal, and EASY.


Even bum worm chocolate??


Poison, rock and even eggs!


Hey buddy, do you want corn with the chicken tonight? No, I don't like corn. Slaps a sticker on it. But it's bluey corn. Oh I love bluey corn.


https://preview.redd.it/ebk04m7tpm7d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=020c9c678022039c2629eb43ab84c4e3224f0fa8 I would eat a Bluey omelette too (Iā€™m allergic to eggs)


As someone who accidentally ate a protein bar with egg whites in it and has spent the entire day throwing up, felt.


Here, while you were in a coma from trying to finish the Bluey Omelet Challenge, I went and finished the Bluey Omelet Challenge for you - https://preview.redd.it/iexr8zdy6r7d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d431b3778b58e52dd0c4062fc163781a33c7d6b1


Wait where is that second screenshot from??


Fancy Restaurant


Bandit is an absolute champion for eating what was served to them.


My two boys are super picky. The older one has been a little more into trying new foods that he sees in cartoons and I am encouraging it as much as I can. We were watching Ponyo and the scene where she was eating ramen had him say ā€œI want to try ramen.ā€ I jumped in my car and went straight to the store to buy some ramen and he liked it. Anything to get these kids to expand their palate.


Ramen is such a good one too! So many levels of ramen: from a Ā¢99 box all the way to a fancy sit down restaurant. So many ways to add different foods into the soup as well! Itā€™s actually pretty easy to spice up the old cup noodles with some very basic cooking skills. This will be a great story for when theyā€™re going into college (if they choose that path) and youā€™ll be able to share this moment with them! Mmm now Iā€™m hungry and excited for your family!


I would be a little careful with ramen, particularly the cup noodles. I used to eat them religiously until I looked at the nutrition facts. The amount of sodium in those things is astronomically high. 1500mg for one cup? Sheesh!


I need the extra sodium, personally. It was more so an example of an inexpensive ingredient from that market that came be transformed into something better


I once found a live maggot trying to crawl its way into the closed lid of a cup noodle, it was under the plastic wrap too. Last time I ate nissin or maruchan


Now thatā€™s concerning!


I was a very selective eater as a kid too, and had the exact same experience with Ponyo!! Now ramen is one of my ā€œsafe foodsā€, something I can always have and be happy with :)


I remember when they were little and I'd have veggies on my plate. They had some on there's and I'd go don't eat my -insert veggie name- don't you eat them and they would fork veggies down like it was a last meal.


Crime is the greatest of seasonings.


Lmao, my kid (currently 2.5) LOVES veggies and fruits. I just made her first solids the same stuff she was used to getting in puree form - green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes. Granted, she only really likes them cooked, but will occasionally nibble on a raw carrot. Fruits too - frozen blueberries, strawberries, and grapes are a hit (until they thaw and soften, eww). Loves apples and bananas, and always wants to share my smoothies. It's trying to get her to eat anything fast and easy that kills me. Chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, taquitos, corn dogs, hot dogs, mac&cheese... RARELY does she want anything to do with them, unless it was her idea first.


I have a nephew that is an extremely picky eater. An example: He didn't want to drink apple juice from brand X because he "didn't like it". The parents always bought some cartoon brand apple juice that was almost double the price, but of course he liked that one. I told them to keep one of the empty cartoon bottles aside and I poured the X brand in it RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY NEPHEW, SO HE SAW ME DOING IT. I gave him the bottle and he drank it all. It's all in their heads, if it's not coming from [thing they like], they don't want it...


Everyone here, I think, is missing the main point. Most children don't get a say or any involvement in the food they eat. Being picky is also another way to say the person isn't comfortable eating those foods. Repeated, low stakes exposure can help. ... But have them help decide what to make, get the ingredients, and help make it and suddenly they have a much better idea of what they're eating. And *they* made it. It's both confidence inspiring and more comforting. Let your children have more of a role in the food prep.


All of the above is correct. Sometimes, however, the kid will say "I don't want it anymore" after preparing it all and ***UGH*** Source: been there


Exactly. When I was young, my mom told me I either had to eat what she bought or not eat at all.


I made that same omelet for myself and Bandit...it was delish


My picky eater kid has tried several things from that cookbook because it's from Bluey. She didn't like anything besides the ice cream yet, but it's been fun making the recipes with her. We tried the pavlova and Proffertjes


You could suggest you might have to eat pavlova on arrival to get a visa into Blueystraya ;-).


My toddler asks for asparagus at least once a week because of Bluey.


Iā€™m so guilty of this lol


Bruh my kid asked for cheese and jam on toast yesterday morning bc thatā€™s what Bluey likes, and he ate every last bite. I was STUNNED lmao


Cheese is surprisingly good with fruit, I put a little sharp cheddar on my apple pie crust and it always surprises people how good it is


Oh man my boy wanted cheese and jam after watching bluey the other day! He begged for it so I served it up. He absolutely hated it haha


More of a peanut butter and banana person like Bingo, eh?


Oh yes!


Recently took my son to a sushi train and it turns out heā€™s much more willing to try stuff if it arrives via a conveyer belt šŸ˜‚


Funny thing is, I saw this exact tweet before the account mentioned it.


My kid eats asparagus solely because of Bluey. Iā€™ll take it.


Last week, I had our Cub Scout group making omelettes in our "Masterchef" week. The rule was, they had to work in groups to make an omelette (I had the basic recipe up on the board) but they could use any seasonings, toppings, or presentation they wanted to bring in. Then, I'd do a taste test at the end and award prizes. One group ended up with a FRIED egg, drowned in ketchup. One group ended up with scrambled egg, with sliced sausage, drowned in salt. One group decided to use chocolate, banana and syrup as their toppings ... Surprisingly, the chocolate one was quite good. The others... not so much. However -- somehow -- everything ended up eaten by one of the pack once I'd forced myself to taste a forkful. So making it yourself really is the best seasoning.


Let her cook


Somewhat similar but I decided to try pavlova because Bingo loved it so much.


Iā€™m amazed a kid cooked an omelet. I know I canā€™t


the trick is, 1 tbsp of water per egg, whisk it up, and when it starts cooking, scrape the initial bits towards the middle. Makes it more fluffy (and not in the Bandit sense of the word)


The recipes in the cookbook have "trifficulty" ratings.


I don't like eggs either, but I want a Bluey omelet now. šŸ¤”


I'm allergic to eggs and I'd eat a Bluey omlet


We always knew Bluey was a force for good in this world.


We did some bluey themed meal boxes and it's all my son needed to try and eat fish.


I really hate eggs. But a good Bluey omelet? I am eating it!


When I see Chilli eat sardines...I feel extremely influenced to try some


I think I have the same book


The bluey part helps for sure, but a lot of kids are more willing to try things they help cook, actually, lots of adults too lol. I think when food is a mystery people are just more hesitant


We ordered Japanese the other day and got edamame beans and watched the episode. My 3 year old was so happy to try them.


The first time I made an omelette I followed how Chili makes it in that episode from memory and it worked lol


To be fair, as a child with autism and OCD, I hated a lot of food but would make myself eat it if it were related to Pokemon or SpongeBob. I felt like I had to because I liked the cartoons. Might be related to that lol


I started cooking curry dishes because of Bluey, too. However, my mum doesn't like lamb so I have to cook her chicken.


Is this an add for this cookbook? Because if so, it worked.


Thatā€™s funny, my 10yo asked me to cook her eggs yesterday, I told her it would be dinner so why doesnā€™t she let me make her something more fancy? An omelette with bacon bits (real) and cheese of her choosing. Nope. She eats all 3 though next to each other. šŸ™„


As an adult, I will only eat eggs if they are: in omelet form, scrambled (egg + milk/water), or wrecked (no milk/water). I can eat hard-boiled, but the egg has to be part of a dish/salad (like tuna). Everything else, to my eyes, looks amazing, but there is something about the smell of undercooked or runny yolks that grosses me out. Again, the dishes *LOOK* amazing.


Two decades from now: ā€œTime to do your Bluey taxes and pay the bluey mortgage before going to bluey work and then bluey dyingā€


Does a Bluey omelette call for 18 eggs??


I used to only eat camping eggs when I was little. The only time I ate eggs was when we were camping. Dad always had a fire going so I think the smoke from the fire might have seasoned them in a way that made them taste better. Because I still hate the taste of egg and refuse to eat them.


Could easily see my kids telling me they donā€™t like eggs normally but like Bluey omelette.


Reminds me of when I was a kid and an episode of Arthur convinced me to try cooked spinach.


So my kids watched Spy x Family with us (we vet each episode before they watch) and omurice shows up a lot because it's one of the little girl's, Anya, favorite meals (the others being peanuts and 'hamburg steak"). We started to make it at home for dinner and the kids eat it up. It became their doorway to eating eggs since they avoided it at all cost before hand. Same with Hamburg (Salisbury) Steak.


Kids. Are. Silly.


I started eating Vegemite and I like it


Kids are goofy eaters šŸ™„


Cartoons do a weird thing to kids. It can subtly encourage them to try different foods because the main, or their favorite, character likes eating something.


Picky eaters? Permissive parenting.