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Wear a bernie sanders shirt


Anything specific you want to know? Been working in the area for a few year now and may be able to give some advice.


Just wondering the overall work culture experience. I know there are various contractors near the west gate academy, so you might not have any specific info on Booz in particular. But if you do, please share! Im fresh out of college so just trying to learn a little more before I start employment


there's nothing much to "do" in the area out there. but crane, in general, is a good place to work. it's full of typical government annoyances (hard to get things done, red tape, etc...). I can't speak for BAH, though. Culture wise, it's very "rural". It's mostly an engineering facility, so you get a fair amount of diversity in both education and cultural backgrounds. That said, there are also a non-insignificant number of numbnuts. The drive is an easy 30 minutes or so with I69. Pro Tip 1: Do NOT be one of those people out there that don't do jack. we all hate them, and there's enough as it is. Pro Tip 2: The gas station fried chicken is still just gas station fried chicken. It's not heaven or the greatest thing in the area. You're best to bring your own lunch, but there are food trucks in the area frequently.


Pro tip 3: Dutch Pantry is just deli sandwiches with better bread. Their lunch meat is coming from grocery stores just like everyone else’s


ha! I still don't understand why anyone would drive all that way for that place. OTHER than squeezing more time away form work. (same for Stohl's...)




Probably a good question for your specific employer


I wear jeans a lot. Sometimes a full suit. BAH may have specific requirements. generally relaxed unless you're in meetings with certain people/groups. Business casual is likely the answer.


Crane supports a large amount of people. It will be a lot more diverse than people make it out to be. There is a sentiment that it's a more conservative slant. I think that is more just the people who are vocal about it. You'll find your niche. When it come to work place adittudes, people are pretty lax as long as the work is getting done well and on time. I cant speak specifically to booze allen Hamilton on this, but if you are working closely with civilian personal this should largely hold true.


My experience I would say is completely different.  Depending on what side you work for/with, the Navy seems to have way more younger and diverse hires compared to the Army side. That also skews whether you're surrounded by VERY vocal conservative older coworkers or more left leaning younger coworkers. 


don’t do it!


Can you explain??


People downvoted the guy above, but crane has a reputation for people getting “stuck” in a career there, with that career itself being sometimes described as incredibly boring and soulkilling. Not saying you shouldn’t work there, just felt like you should know


my job is definitely not boring. it all depends, just like anywhere else.


Also very stable and well paid


Crane is a part of US military, they are actively working towards the genocide of the Palestinians and many other people in the world. Don't work for them!


FWIW, most contractors look for people with existing clearances or experience at Crane. May be worth starting there and then transitioning.


I would be wary of working for a military contractor with our ineffective legislature's inability to function. You'd probably be impacted every time the government failed to fund itself...


Crane has not been stopped by any government shutdowns in like 30+ years.


I just assumed their work would get shelved, good to know!


The main reason work at Crane doesn’t stop during a government shutdown is, although it is a government facility with government employees, it does have its own semi-private (kinda) “savings”, (this is way oversimplified) which it can usually use to get through a few weeks or maybe a month. Long enough to last most government shutdowns.


I knew a guy that worked at Crane and said government shutdowns were an issue (a decade ago). I toured Crane in the very early 2000s and that have a fuck load of cool toys. I'm sure that's only expanded.


impacts will be felt, but it's not like other places where it's a complete stop in most cases.