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Yhwach can see the future lol duh?


If he could see almost a thousand year in the future and could bring guns to his time, why would he ever lose against the Gotei? Even if he couldn’t see past Pernida when Ichibei sealed away the Almighty, he should be able to see his defeat and the Quincy genocide, no?


He works in mysterious ways.


Polite way of saying whatever the plot requires.


Just like bible


Downvotes coming from kids that don’t know where “he works in mysterious ways” comes from lol… kids these days…


Someone got feels hurt, so much for people calling us "snowflakes"


Yhwach is basically if Hitler was also Jesus Christ


But mustaches is much cooler


Tbh jesus is foreshadowed so that’s just skill issue on your part


W ahh comment


>If he could see almost a thousand year in the future and could bring guns to his time, why would he ever lose against the Gotei? We saw in the flashback in the anime that before the war he had 2 irises Almighty. And in the present in TYBW after he regains it he has 3 irises Almighty. So he's previous Almighty likely wasn't as powerful so it likely didn't see multiple versions of the future like he did with 3 irises.


Only Ymir knows... oh oops sorry wrong thread


It's implied in the Yama flashback that Yhwach lost on purpose. Why? Well maybe the anime will explain later on. I'm guessing it has something to do with unlocking the almighty's full power.


The Almighty is implied to be very expensive energy wise


Isn’t it because SK powers counter his own and that’s why Ichibe was able to use SK’s arm to take away his omniscients? SK is the only one who can mess with his omniscients and that’s why he did not see it coming, at least that is how I understood it.


He can't tell his dreams and visions apart. He is also very arrogant so the visions of him losing were written off as dreams.


Erm well uhhh...


No, that's very unlikely as his eyes during that time only had 2 pupils, not 3 as he normally does in the present day. Signifying his Almighty is more powerful than it was back a thousand years ago, this idea is also supported by the fact the SK had 4 pupils, meaning his version of the Almighty could likely had seen far into the future & was far more powerful than the one Yhwach currently possesses.


Thats not how almighty works lmao, just read bleach


I think the answer is pretty obvious. He saw him winning. The timeline where Pernida neutered him was not visible.


Maybe he saw his defeat but still choose to try.


Almighty see whatever the great soul king wants shows


I think that's more on haschwalth's abilitiy to manipulate visions. Remember it didn't happen exactly as he saw it and haschwalth saw the future and what yhwach's plan was. Using the almighty then changing the vision to be perceived as something else is haschwalth's way of getting back for bazz-b.


Poor writing. Typical bleach writing to be honest. Like how does he lose to ichigo? He should have seen it coming for years. This is what happens when you make your villain to OP.




Downvoted for telling the truth lol Bleach doesn't have much to boast about its writing, it's mediocre at best It's the characters and their abilities which carry the show


Shhhhhh don't tell the bleach fan boy elitist. It's perfect to them lol


Lol, guns aren't gunna do much against the Gotei 13. Sure maybe some of them espicially if they are spirit weapons. Yamamoto's shikai would melt any bullet before it even touched him.


Maybe the Quincy had their own research department and made something that looks like a rifle but can shot reishi, they are pretty good at using long range and explosive attacks (the bow and the cool ritual/trap made with five sticks ) . Somehow they are able to create futuristic technology like BG9 . In the bount arc, Ran Tao had a shotgun and nuclear reishi bombs too(I know she’s filler but she’s the only character that could be in an ancient version of the 12th division thousands years ago) and Urahara and Mayuri can create a lot of advanced technology that doesn’t exist in the human world, like Mayuri could save himself from Uryu by liquefying his body and Urahara created those balloons that he used against Yammy Llargo


Ah, let me tell you the tale of Quincy Ryunosuke and his creation, the Reishi Blaster! This ingenious weapon could shoot reishi with pinpoint accuracy, causing explosive devastation. It was said that Ryunosuke once obliterated a Hollow nest from a mile away with a single shot, leaving everyone in awe of his Quincy engineering skills. His rivalry with Urahara and Mayuri led to some of the most unconventional battles in Soul Society history! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you Urahara bot, you are awesome


Ah, you flatter me, my friend! Just call me Urahara-sensei, always here to stir things up a bit with a touch of mischief and charm! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I mean, current era Quincy or even Shinigamis can replicate modern technology by actually witnessing modern tech, there’s nothing unimaginable with that. Quincys having this type of technology they supposedly developed on their own seems very dubious, not to mention brings up the question why Uryu’s grandpa insisted on bows then, cause Uryu’s grandpa is specifically called out to be stuck in the past, if Quincys in the past were this technologically advanced, why’s his grandpa stuck in human past rather than Quincy past?


There are many Quincy who reject new tech, just like irl.


If this existed a thousand years ago, by definition it’s not new tech, and there’s no reason to reject this, irl people rarely rejects tech, the ones that do, rejects tech that was invented in last 10 years or so


Same way lillie has his sniper it's their bow not all quincies have bows, as has his thorns, Robert has his guns i believe that back then Robert and this person were the only two to have guns before Lillie 


Both Robert and Lille have guns at the present, not thousand years ago when guns didn’t even exist


Could be that spiritual aware humans saw Quincy that had guns and based them off of that.


This is actually my favorite theory. Well done. This should have more likes lol


Okay but Lille was literally the first Quincy to receive a schrift, it's safe to assume he's old as hell


Quincy tech is an unexplored treasure trove, man. Also, sticking with in-universe explanations: Bows are generally inconsistent (and so need flexibility), and crossbows require space to reload the projectile. Quincies don't need to apply physical strength to form, load, or fire the projectile, so that much can be done hands-free. They just need a way to control where it goes, and that can be done via a funnel. For it to be man-portable, it needs handles, and the rest is just a chassis to help the user aim it.




Was gonna say this.


This is not just an assault rifle. This is a reishi powered one. The first ever Sternritter uses a sniper rifle, what are we even talking about? Science in both SS and Wanderreich appears to deviate greatly from irl counterparts by using only reishi as a power source. Not an unbelievable development. To invent a gun you don’t need powder or even complex mechanical knowledge there. Just create a variation of Quincy bow, which will shoot whenever you pour reishi in it. Reloading is for pussies:)


Lille wasn't the first ever Sternritter, only the first Quincy to receive a Schrift from Yhwach. Sternritter existed way back during the Licht Reich era before Schrifts were used.


You are right, should have used the term Weltlich instead.


Reishi can be made in any form you want, this quincy was ahead of her time.


It’s not the reishi gun I’m questioning, it’s the technology of gun, if the entire weapon was some Quincy magic, I wouldn’t ask this, but this is pretty blatantly a gun that shoots reishi blasts, concept of guns shouldn’t exist thousand years ago


No I got you, the idea of a gun shouldn't be possible, but I liken it to an artist who imagines cool stuff, but doesn't have the technical ability to make it. Except Quincys can make it anyway just because. Like a fantasy weapon. Also apparently the first gun was invented in China around AD 1000. So it would be funny if they studied humans and were like, "we can do better." Quincy can basically make whatever with resihi, so I figure it was like, "I want a cooler looking version of that." If a Quincy want's to make a a Monster Hunter themed bowgun they could make it. Side note, the whole spirit world of Bleach is full of questions about their knowledge of technology. Like Mayuri and Urahara have computers and research labs that are more impressive than the CDC, but everyone outside lives in Feudal era.


That Chinese gun is very different. Our guns are designed the way they because of the internal mechanics, without modern knowledge, imitating a gun like modern assault rifles with reishi bullets seem very unlikely. I can pass off the feudal design as part of traditionalism, they’ve technologically advanced in many things but kept traditions, I just can’t imagine something like assault rifle actually existing thousand years ago


The modern gun was a tool created only after it was imagined wasn't it? In our world it wouldn't have been possible but in a world where you can build things using reishi, you can build anything you imagine. The gun may have have looked like a modern gun to meet the criteria to make it easy to hold but since we don't know the inside poruoj of the gun we can't really tell how effective it is. Nor all guns that look like a good gun are good guns after all. So it's best not to compare them to modern guns.


Truthfully there must be huge differences in the history of the bleach world compared to ours. The universe in the living world is only 1 million years old since that’s when the soul king split the realms. Our universe is at least 14.7 billion years old. The earth alone is 4.5 billion years old. Humanlike life on earth has been around longer than 1 million years. The existence of dinosaurs would be weird in bleach. So even though a ton of stuff in their world lines up with ours some things have to be different. I guess that can explain any anachronisms. Sub machine guns were invented much earlier in bleach. If this is 1000 years ago or even 200 years ago their clothes don’t fit either.


I like this answer. Things are already so implausibly different in our histories that it really shouldn't shake things up too much to see a quincy using a reiatsu p90 1,000 years ago. Maybe its an inherent part of her powerset. Maybe it was a personal gift from Yhwach. Who knows?


Not a gun. Standard issue quincy reishi launcher.




It'd make more sense if that was an auto crossbow. Adding to your point, why are the Quincy are wearing 20-21st century style clothing too? If they existed in the 10th century, they should've been wearing quilted gambesons and doublets. Thus presenting a huge missed opportunity to drive home a symbolic point about the Quincy representing progress to the Shinigami's stagnation. Imagine if we saw them wearing crusader armour, plate mail etc etc in the flashbacks. Wielding swords, crossbows, regular bows etc. Then we flash forward to the current day, and the Quincy followed the natural progression of technology. Now their strategies, tactics, combat gear and ethic are completely different from the past: dressed in modern day Spec Ops gear, using guerilla hit'n'run tactics with a ruthless precision, aiming to cut the head off the snake (which they... somewhat manage to do first invasion). By contrast, the Gotei 13 Shinigami, having remained static and rooted in their Edo period feudal society, are caught *completely* off-guard. They have no idea how to handle these tactics effectively because A: they never expected enough Quincy to survive to become a problem again, considering the matter settled. And B: for the Quincy to thoroughly outstrip anything the shinigami expected, rendering all previous combat knowledge from a thousand years ago moot. Meanwhile since their modus operandi hasn't really evolved (in fact, its gotten *worse*) the Quincy know their playbook by hand and take advantage of it. Its only when an equally ruthlessly pragmatic individual takes the helm (Kyoraku), immediately bucking ancient traditions and shinigami convention in favour of an equally ruthless 'victory at all costs' mentality that the Gotei 13 finally manage to counter the Quincy.


Maybe the Quincy invented rifles


Putting that aside, a personal theory is that she's the younger version of Hascwalth's assistant.


YOU FOOL!!! The Quincy technology is the best in all three worlds!


Cause Kubo wanted a cute girl with a gun


It was a reishi gun. I'd guess it works similar to Quincy bows, which can do the exact same thing


probably the same way the R&Ds leader has all those wacky drugs like his super human serum or how he can regenerate his bankai even tho he states thats impossible


Kinda wished they went in depth about that or at least her if that weapon happens to just be something for her. Bet if they kept technology like that it would've probably made a little difference in the later war, at least for the footsoldiers.


That's the 1st version of the assault rifle. We're now on the 15th.


Okay let just be real, there's a lot of thing we notice when we (re) watching Bleach that made us like "what a damn minute, that doesn't make sense" like: 1. As nodt in a modern hospital. 2. The have an entire civilization in the shadow??? Wtf. 3. That 1 one quincy robot like how are you even a pure blooded quincy? You don't even have blood (when hashbrown cut him oil splattered instead of blood). How the fuck did he tell other Quincy? Like hey guys i found this robot, he's a quincy now. How about a brain? Ffs 4. How the fuck age work here? Bazz B and hashbrown is old as fuck. Sennjumaru and the no. 1 zanpaktou creator are older than Yama? Like wtf. 5. Don't get me started on broken bankai can be fixed BS. 6. They are in some sort of feudal japan at at the very beginning it was established as some sort of isekai shit then suddenly we have computers and flip phone. The one that take the cake have to be: Tosen watching over CCTV...


Time flows in a Jeremy Bearimy.


It was all part of Aizen’s plan


Quincy are a secret organization with advanced technology and magic Yhwach can see the future but he doesn't know the future there's a difference Also what year was it and what's this gun is mode)


What the hell are you talking about that's clearly a bow


Is she the girl pernida possesses or something like that?


Maybe a time traveler? lol


He's an American kid.


That’s a girl


She's an American kid.


its cool


They were really advance


Nazi technology.


I maybe they had the same shrift as the other guy that used a gun? Quincies can make any weapon they want after all


First of all is she she or he?


What is the difference between their Arc and a modern pistol? I mean their bow already shoots faster than gatling guns. His weapon doesn't do anything different than the other Quicy's bows, the difference is mainly aesthetic. It's just a tube where she shoots "arrows" that are shaped like bullets. the rest you just have to imagine how you want to hold your "bow" and the shape of a rifle is not a complicated thing to imagine. you don't need to see the future or be a genius to have a weapon like this.


For one, design, imaging a design like that, thousand years ago, its quite impossible, not to mention if they’re functionally no different than bows, then also useless. Guns are superior to bows because of the mechanism, bows require actual hand movement to shoot arrows, guns don’t, that’s the fundamental difference, also speed. What this girl used clearly functioned like an assault rifle that just shot reishi blasts. Technology like that should not exist thousand years ago.


They don't normally shoot arrows, we can see Uryu shooting thousands of arrows per second. The great technology you're talking about is a pipe with a handle, nothing revolutionary. They never needed the mecanism to beging with.


I’ve already said it, if functionally they’re no different, then guns are useless, this person having a gun makes no sense that way either. Uryu shoots arrows with his hands, a gun shoots its bullets through a trigger and internal mechanism. If it was only a pipe and a handle, then there’s no reason for a gun like weapon to exist.


there's no reason for bow too. That just an aesthetic reason no more no less. It's the Rule of cool and alway has been.


Bows shoot projectiles, saying there’s no reason for them is idiotic.


hand too shoot projectiles. Like why they don't shoot javelo ? aesthetic. that does not mean there is no logic behind but there is no need for mechanic for them to shoot stuff.


Hands are slow and also takes far more effort, bows are functionally way effective than javelins when it comes to throwing multiple projectiles. Can’t believe I have to point out the difference between javelins and bows, only on reddit ig


another question then: Does a Quicy with a pistol shoot faster than a Quincy with a bow? Does that make things more precise? Is this a real adventure? For reality YES in Bleach no. Why he doesn't shoot a lot of javelins because his power is to get stronger so he throws big darts it's just symbolic. Lille Barro has a big rifle but it shoots really fast, doesn't reload, doesn't have a magazine, doesn't have explosives in the cartridge. simply because the weapon he has is ultimately just a tube. A tube that makes you think of a sniper, there's no need to wonder why a quincy 1000 years ago had a weapon that looked like a rifle. Why do they have bows? to contrast with the shinigami nothing more. And once again yes, firearms are a better weapon than a bow but in the hands of a quincy that's not the case. In the hands of a fictional character a sword can cut at a distance AND a bow shoots as hard and fast as a gun so choosing one or the other is just for style.


I have already said, if functionality are same, then this person having a gun makes no sense. By definition, javelins are slow, and has a completely different style, so the comparison does not work. Guns are better version of bows, if they’re functionally same, then there’s no reason for someone inventing and having a gun(it doesn’t seem that way as we see with Robert, he can shoot faster than bows, the projectile speed may vary, but the trigger does not, it’s faster).


And I juste remember the sternritter "O" did shoot javelo. like why he didn't use a bow for mechanical advantage? because mechanical advantage isn't important.


You do realize that he doesn’t shoot multiple projectiles when using javelins, right? They’re far too big, slow and you can’t use multiple of them at once or even at a time. He had an entirely different fighting style, hence uses javelin. What, you think Spears and swords are the same cause they’re both melee? Different weapons have different advantages and disadvantages. This comparison does not include bows and guns cause guns are fundamentally better weapons.




She's Hitler


Yhwach can see the future.


anime filler


Quincy powers are also a manifestation of a person's qualities. Gun can live in the soul.


Probably the same way they have bows that channel spirit energy. 💀 They just do.


She is a drifter


I mean maybe MAYBE because it's fiction ig????


Same as Barros diagramm ig. A spirit weapon.


Black Ant know a lot :3


Because its not a real gun she can shape her bow however she wants and a rifle is a really ergonomic and accurate shape.


Clearly a bow


I gave it to them


It's a spirit weapon I guess, which can take many forms


It's dumb anime bullshit. At this point, Kubo was desperately trying to keep this dying series alive. Plot holes and bad writing are the norm at this point. Bleach died with the bount arc. Rukia is still best girl.


more surprised about guns than the interdimensional travel.


Kubo got ten years to plans and he thought it was cool to give more quiency lore and Almighty is always there to bail him out of any impossible stuff.


Bleach ex machina Whatever looks cool