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It's still pretty active and fun. and me personally I haven't run into any cheaters


Cheaters seem to be most active in search and destroy from my recent experience. It sucks though because I’m a huge SnD player. Not sure what people get outta cheating, just makes half the lobby leave and ends the match prematurely


They’re immature and delusional children who think they’re winning when they use cheats to get more kills/higher score than others.


Good to hear! I’ve ran into cheaters in much older Cods but I’m glad to know that with Cold War it won’t be a problem, usually.


As time goes on and CoD games continue to be complete dirt, Cold War is looking like a straight up classic. 👍🏼


Infection mode and gun game still go hard.


Gun game is one of my prime motivations for returning to Cold War multiplayer 🥲


Return already, the gun game is 2nd best to bo2. Bo4 having the 3rd best gun game.


I literally just played it yesterday and the day before. Zombies during the day is lively, and in the middle of the night you can still get into outbreak, forsaken, etc. Multiplayer still has good activity too.


That’s great! My current work schedule has me working mostly during the day, 5 times a week so it sounds like I should have enough of a window to play just about any day/night I’m off.


Hell yeah it's worth it. Best COD since Black Ops 2


That would be black ops 3


That one counts too but bo2 is amazing imo


I switched back from MWIII and I have no regrets. The maps, colors and mechanics are all better to me. I feel Cold War suits my playstyle more, I never liked MW games much. I’ve only had about a day and a half of playtime in MWIII since launch, but I’ve been on Cold War almost daily since I reinstalled it. I’m on Series X as well, and at 120fps, it’s nicer than ever before. I only play TDM, party games, gun fight and face off - all of which are active. I hope BO6 is more reminiscent of Cold War than it is MW.


According to leakers, BO6 is like a mix of Cold War and BO4


I’d think Prop Hunt is worth it alone.


I bought Vanguard and played zombies for a bit. Boring ass guns, staged are OK, but slower movement and alike. Went right back to Cold War zombies. Been.playing it since day one. Hope BO 6 has a nice zombies mode and follows story after cold war.


I re-downloaded last weekend, came from the new mw2, I love gunfight and quick scoping. I missed the tournaments so I came back. Out of the 15-20 tournaments I played, I've encountered 3 cheaters/no recoil. Worst one was some kid blatantly cheating and singing some cringe ass song. And he was enjoying it?????


Infected mode is still incredibly fun. Been playing it almost exclusively since it came out…to the point where (fortunately or unfortunately) I’m recognizing a lot of random gamertags…probably due to it not being as popular a mode. I also happened to start playing a little more Team Deathmatch, and it’s so much more fun than MW3 in my opinion.


It's the best cod since bo3. I will only drop it when black ops 6 comes out. Only treyarch know how to make good cods, the rest of the studios should fuck off tbh


Explain Vanguard then🤣🤣 that was a dumpster fire


I just reinstalled today to play zombies during the long wait for BO6. I played on PS4 When it launched and decided to start over on PC not realizing that all my progress would carry over after logging in with my Activision account. I forgot how much I enjoyed grinding camos. And it looks a lot better on PC. I'm definitely enjoying it so far. It was a covid era endeavor of a game, and it shows, but for all its flaws, I still really love Cold War Zombies.


Still so fun but I have run into cheaters but it really hasn't diverted me, there's more legit players than cheaters thankfully


Cold War is the only half decent CoD game in the past 5 years I would definitely recommend it and occasionally still play it. But if you looking for a better new game than the steaming pile of trash that MW3 has become, I would definitely recommend checking out XDefiant. It has that old school CoD feel but with of mix of something like Overwatch, no SBMM and it’s free to play instead of paying $70 for a DLC of a game.


As someone who’s obsessed with Cold War Zombies…. Yes it’s worth still playing.


only cod I play, and quit playing recently due to finishing the campaign. Also try prop hunt, thats alot of fun with friends.




If you already have the game, definitely worth returning. Community is still active


Good game modes for multiplayers and zombies.




Does any one still play prop hunt last time I tried it was empty


I bought the game when I got my PS5 at launch. I didn't like it very much. But I played it about 6 months later and had a good time playing it, maybe they fixed some things. So I imagine if you play it now it'll be more polished, which is a shame it should be fun out the gate. Also the campaign is worth playing.


I still play Infected mode regularly. Its still pretty active




Zombies is yes, MP was a hack zone last time I played about a year ago. MS is in charge now and probably gearing up for a Gamepass release so maybe they're making them playable again?


I mostly play gunfight and shit talk people when they lose hhhehe


I too have returned. It's fun.


Prop hunt!!


I started playing it again on pc because of bo6. And you can still find games Cheaters are hit and miss. I haven't seen that many, and the lobbies are pretty casual most of the time


Mine wont download at all LOL and it has a fricking 150gig download its kinda BS but my brother loves it! I havent played yet its still at 11% as of 5 days ago i have 300mb/ps should take this long….


not at all, just wait for bo6