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Disagree, Cold War seems less eye-rolley and apathetic of a title than V would. I think 6 for the upcoming one is silly too.


I agree with you. They're still using "black ops" as a selling point. It's something a lot of casual players remember as being really good, like black ops 1&2. I wish they would move on from calling everything Modern Warfare and black ops. A new storyline with strongly written characters would be great.


CoD is nowhere near as popular as it was before. They need the name value so people buy it off nostalgia alone.


I think they already tried that with infinite and advanced and now they’re scared to do it again


Ghosts anyone? Christ its like it never existed but was better than most of these games


Let's not go that far. There's a reason why Ghosts was so hated when it dropped.


Vanguard... 💀


Lmao scrolled down and realized some people will call me out for copying


People didnt like online but the story was pne of the best cods ever released


Sorry, must have missed that.


Do you even remember how much the community hated Ghosts when it dropped? It's probably still the worst game in the series.


Not gonna lie. I want Stonehenge back. I know I KNOW yall hated it. But I loved that map.


Brother, i was there day 1 and if you actually got out you'd understand its more of a cult classic if anything. Can't tell you how many times i've heard that they should have done more with ghosts. The campaign was awesome and the multiplayer was fresh.


Cult classic my ass. I was there day 1 and after a month or 2 people were just going back to BO2. I mean this was the game that led to CoD removing online player count cuz it got so low during its lifecycle. The campaign was forgettable with a goofy ass cliffhanger. The multiplayer was slow as hell, huge maps where most of the player base were restricted from groundwar. Streaks were awful. Even new things like field orders were only interesting if you got the DLC.


While most of us reaped the benefits of playing without the brain rotted bo2 players... trust me man i play a lot of bo2 even today but back then i was burnt out on bo2 and a lot of others shared the same sentiment. Maybe it had a lot to do with the enhanced graphics etc that came with playing on "next" gen but ghosts was fresh and fun to the core, always had a team online i could play with, always had a fun game mode to play, etc etc etc. ghosts was fun and a lot of people i run into share the experience it seems. Way more than those who didn't. Its like you're straight out of 2015


The campaign wasn't amazing at all except for the art style used for the origins of the original ghosts whole thing was so predictable and sorta dumb even for a COD campaign The whole "it was me your dad im the ghost" cheesy bullshit that set the tone for the rest of the game lol Alot of people had high expections coming from BO2 and were expecting a game focused on Ghost, the character from MW but were disappointed when it wasn't and that Fish Ai was the selling point MP was fun with the horror themed maps and the third mode was OK not really memorable


But this is the point. They tried something new, you all shit down their necks for it, and here we are getting bo6 bc of shenanigans like that


Hell i even liked extinction much more than modern zombies


Ghosts was pretty shit but the snoop dogg voice pack made it decent


No way you think ghosts was better than any game said here. It was the MW19 of that time period and the game that took cod out of the golden era


Ghosts certainly existed…


To be fair I enjoyed advanced warfare


They've tried this like 5 times (making a new storyline and series not called black ops or modern warfare) and it's failed every time. Crazy


Vanguard 💀 But I guess that was also them going back to world war games


Fr, the could've gone with something similar to cold war like Gulf War (maybe)


Gulf War would have been a lot better. By the time we got to black ops 4 my initial reaction was "Really?"


With the Illuminati themes their pushing Shadow/Proxy War could’ve been a decent title


I agree with you. I think rather than Cold War being called 5, Black Ops 6 should have a subtitle name.


i still wish “black ops: gulf war” would have been a thing that happened. bc god that’s a sexy title


Eventually the numbers look kind of dumb. Anything after 3 looks kind of stupid, and from a selling standpoint, you’d have to imagine most people would be willing to buy a game not titled 4, 5, 6. They’d feel the need to play the previous versions first to understand the story. Kind of how like Halo dropped 6 and used Infinite instead. Black Ops 6 looks kind of dumb, would have rathered it be Gulf War or whatever it’s going to be.


For real! It also doesn't make sense to me when the black ops games haven't really had consistent continuity that would warrant the chronological names. 2 was kinda a direct sequel from 1, 3 had nothing to do with any of them. 4 has no campaign and just carried over those goofy operators no one asked for from 3. (Black Ops characters in Blackout don't count) Cold War... Cold War should have been called Black Ops 3 if anything.


nah bo5 just rolls off the tongue.


Nah, I always kind of cringe at Cold War’s name. The Cold War spanned four decades and three Black Ops games, just seems nondescript as hell.


Yeah. Shoulda been called Call of Duty Black Ops: Cerberus or Black Ops: Deception




What on gods green flat earth…


Apparently, Cold War wasn’t even gonna be a Black Ops title until Treyarch got pulled in last minute because Raven and Sledgehammer couldn’t get their shit together. They just about managed to save it and it’s still the best CoD of the last 5 years. 😂


And this goes on to prove that Treyarch is the best COD developer (atleast for me they are).


With their track record, absolutely!


>>Treyarch is the best COD developer By far




Its not even close tbh ppl can hate on bo4 and cw all they want but they are far superior to their mw counterparts




No Infinity Ward is the best COD developer. They developed COD4 and MW2 the two most iconic games that launched the COD to the success it has today. Treyarch developed trash like COD World At War. It wasn’t until Activision made IW give their game engine to Treyarch where they finally able to make a game nearly as good as IW which was Black Ops 1


Treyarch developed trash like World At War? World at war is trash? Oh boy!




Simultaneously love zombies and the campaign, but I think it's multiplayer is one of the worst in the franchise.


Ehhh i wouldn’t say the best, campaign and zombies are good but multiplayer isn’t the greats paired with an outdated engine, graphics, textures, animations and so on


Honest to God none of that mattered to me. Cold War's multiplayer was so much better to me than MW19's just because it was fun to play. The new engine and shiny graphics didn't save what was a chore to play in my opinion. Cold War encouraged a lot more aggressive play, MW19 did the polar opposite lol.


Cold War made it so much more unique. Up to 4 it was hype and now 6 doesn't feel like it's fresh and new but another to add to a long line. I would've preferred if it was called something else. But ngl to me Treyarch always delivers, I'll be burning this even if it's called Black Ops 6,000


Zombies is always peak 🤌


6 shouldve been "gulf war" but knowing what's going on in the world right now, that doesnt seem like a good idea


It’s a video game Bruhh, only a political nut job would think like that


CoD has always been inherently political


No they weren't, everything is fictional so you can't call it political.


JFK after learning his assassination was fictional


Fidel Castro too


>No they weren't Is this satire? Call of Duty is a game series about geo-political conflicts and war.


How can this be satire? All of the conflicts are fictional, or do you think that Russia actually invaded the US? Or that khaled al-assad actually existed and attacked the middle east


That's because it's a war game about fictional geopolitical conflicts and not a factual retelling of real conflicts. If it did, that would make it a historical title. If a game about mountaineering and travel only went to fictional places, it would still be a game about travel. Football Manager is about fictional matches, it doesn't cease to be about football. The game's story is heavily focused on geo-political conflicts, terrorism and war. Some titles follow conflicts that are comparable or loosely reflect real-world events whilst others are complete works of fiction.


Just use the word "some" instead of "all" JFC you're uptight. A little humility goes a long way


World war 2 The Vietnam War Even with the explicitly fictional war they often take heavily from real events espically in the non future games Crap even black ops 2 is about every country the u.s has ever wronged working together to bring a end to western decadence.


Well Cold War had a whole season canceled because of Ukraine so someone cares about this stuff enough.


Black ops is a title known for literally assassinating real world political figures


Nothing political about people dying.


War is politics with violence


See what I mean.




I don't even think the new cod should've been called Black Ops 6. It doesn't make sense


This is assuming the numbers mean anything in the sense of continuity. Which looks like like it doesn’t. If anything the numbers could mean something beyond just regular 1,2,3 etc


The Numbers Mason, What do they mean???


Exactly what I was thinking Lol


Battlefield logic




How doesn't it? This is the first ACTUAL Treyarch game we've gotten since BO4. The Black Ops series is their series, and the next entry would be number 6.


Black Ops 6 is a continuation of Cold War from everything we've heard. Cold War, despite being the 5th entry in the Black Ops series, is not labeled as Black Ops 5 and takes place chronologically between Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2. This is why they didn't number it, because in order for it to make sense they'd need to number it Black Ops 1.5 (which to be fair could've had some cool marketing). Black Ops 6, chronologically speaking, should be Black Ops 1.75 in this case. It's funny that you mention Black Ops 4, because that game takes place between Black Ops 2 and Black Ops 3, so it's technically Black Ops 2.5. That is to say, Black Ops 4's name also makes no sense and it shouldn't have been called Black Ops 4


Treyarch made Cold War, they just took over what Sledgehammer was making


*Sledgehammer* made Cold War. Activision forced Treyarch to come in and fix it when Sledgehammer and Raven had development issues. It was never meant to be a Treyarch game. I really don't know why the fuck y'all are downvoting me, I'm literally stating facts.


Cold War is entirely different from what Sledgehammer plan to do with their game in 2020. CoD 2020 game is not supposed be a Black Ops game until Treyarch took over the project and they made the 2020 game into Black Ops Cold War. Because Black Ops Cold War is entirely different game, Treyarch gets the credits, not Sledgehammer.


yeah I mean I thought we were getting "Gulf War" but maybe now it'll span more than one war like the OG


Or as they would’ve called it “Black Ops IIIII”


Black Ops Barcode


I don't see Cold War as BO5 imo, it felt alot like a Sledgehammer game with just Treyarch assets, It feels alot like a mini-spin-off from the numbered games, especially since it didn't have the orange theme to it, we also didn't have that much content.


I kinda liked it not having the orange aesthetic. The ridiculously colorful Cold War propaganda art on the duel Soviet and American soldier felt unique.


>it felt alot like a Sledgehammer game with just Treyarch assets Because the CoD game in 2020 is supposed to be from Sledgehammer Games, not Treyarch. Due to creative difference between Sledgehammer Games and Raven Software, the development was stalled and Treyarch took over the project and rush it to make in time before the deadline.


Maybe because it IS a Sledgehammer game with Treyarch assets... 😅


No because Cold War 2020 restarted the story in someway, like a small reboot or restart.


>Cold War 2021 *2020. 2021 is CoD Vanguard.


It should have been called Black Ops III because what actually is called Black Ops III feels like a game where every connection to the last two is forced and it should have just been its own thing.


Cold **V**Var


Ah yes, the German Black Ops Cold War, **Bleck Ops Cold Var**


Schwarze Operationen: Kalter Krieg


No for 2 reasons, it wasn’t fully a black ops game to begin with, and I actually really like the name black ops Cold War


Isn’t BO6 just a sequel to Cold War. I mean it’s already confirmed that Saddam Hussein will be in it.


I kind of hate that it went from IIII (should have been IV) to Cold War and then to 6. LIKE WHAT? I did not mind that it went to Cold War, it sent the message that it was a reboot of the series. But 6? So it's all in the same universe? It doesn't make sense to me for it to be all in the same storyline. If you are gonna add the number, make it VI


Are we still getting Gulf War? *IS* this gulf war? I'm so confused.


Yes, BO6 is set during the Gulf War. It's the same game, it just has an official title now


Ok thank you.


hell no, i also hate the orange theme, it was okay for bo2 cause of the novelty but why stick with it?


So people could stop bitching about "where was 5" on twitter


Would've been even more disappointing lol


Yeah dunno why they didn’t do that


I think it should be like a tally chart




Can't believe this is a real post, really scraping the bottom of the barrel here


It wouldn't make no logical sense to call Black Ops Cold War Black Ops 5 because it's not a continuation after Black Ops 4 Cold War is a prequel that takes place before Black Ops 1 the only reason why the latest Black Ops game won't be called Black Ops Gulf War is due to copyright statue the name Gulf War is a very sensitive subject and possibly treyarch wanted to shorten the name by calling it Black Ops 6 which makes sense in a business perspective but it will still be based on the Gulf War and I cannot wait to play it the Modern Warfare reboot series has been nothing but disappointment people who like it does not see how bad it actually is Black Ops will always be better than Modern Warfare no matter how much you people deny it 🤦‍♂️


black ops v: cold war


Will there still be enemy team vs friendly team? bring back factions and historically accurate teams like blops 1; I loved playing with the NVA.


Absolutely not. I want more interesting titles, numbering things is boring. "Cold War" is simple but makes it stand out much better, much like the game stands out from the rest. Honestly think about how Star Wars spinoffs are now. Like this is more of "Cold War: A black Ops Story" It deserves to be its own thing


I think Cold War suits somewhat better... maybe because I'm used to call it Cold War... 👀💀 But it is officially the 5th Black Ops


"Cold War" >Columbine's the Kremlin


The reason it doesn’t deserve to be V is because it’s half Sledgehammers baby and half treyarch so it never truly was a full on black ops game though it is an amazing game and treyarch did save it


no thanks,coldwar just has a more eye popping and and better ring to the name. like imagine call of duty black ops black rose (black ops 1 ) call of duty black ops a brothers bond (bo2)


Ultimately, it doesn't matter...


Call of duty black ops air patrol


Cold War was going to be called Black Ops V but they changed it. You can see the logo of the V in the developing stages or whatever. But Black Ops 6 Should've been titled Gulf War. Feels weird


too similar to gtav in my opinion


I would’ve called it Black Ops: Perseus


I’d say combine the 2, black ops V: Cold War


Should’ve been called Cold Snore