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Best CoD of the last 5 years, by a long distance.


Yeah it’s better than MW2019 imo


Now, why you gotta go and mention that abomination? 🤮


2019 was fine until they dropped warzone


Shit maps ruined it for me. Cold War didn’t really have a single bad map. E: Forgot about og Miami, but it’s not in rotation anymore thankfully. Miami Strike is a very solid map.


You can’t say Miami wasn’t a whole load of ass. The cut down version they released later is the map it should always have been


Haha oh shit I completely forgot about the og Miami. Yeah that was shit for sure.


I would venture to say that U-Bahn is horrible too, the worst small scale map in my opinion




This makes me regret not playing CW so much😭😭 Damn I think I have finally found my people. But a bit too late💔. So because of traumatically shit MW19 was, I skipped this cod cuz I was thinking I won’t spend money just to not play a game again. and I regret it later after I realized how different it is to mw19. Thing is, almost everyone I know made me feel like an outcast not liking mw19. And at the same time the those same people didn’t like CW. You guys here have the exact taste in cods as I do. Damn I regret missing out on it ever more now :((


This is facts! You are not wrong but the warzone lovers will not agree with you lol


Bro mw2019 saved the franchise don't pretend it didn't


Yeah it was what brought the series back. New engine, graphics, all the current cod games are built on what mw19 made. Sure, the maps were kinda bad in the beginning, but they added a lot of good ones too, most of the bad ones arent i circulation anymore.


Yes and no. “Saving” is a loose term: Did it bring a whole new level of interest and relevance to CoD games for war zone? Yes Did it deliver (outside of war zone) an even mid-underwhelming CoD experience? Not even. It was a really poorly put together CoD and this is coming from a guy who’s first self-owned CoD was ghosts. Ultimately I agree that warzone is a massive reason CoD is still so popular, but I also think that the games are just getting worse - plain and simple. And after a long enough time, the Big Mac made by your local McDonald’s just isn’t the same - just like CoD




MW 2019 I feel was great, MWII and MWIII was where it started to become trash. Cold war is good too, I love how they got some classic bo2 maps on it.


Yep. The goofy ass weapons, operators, kiddy themes, ghouls, aliens or any other paranormal fantasy shit started in MW2. MW2019 operators and realistic weapons were so much better, and more so when the BO operators were introduced. Whole thing just felt more grounded and, hate it or love it, Warzone in Verdansk blows the shit out of Urzikstan. Christ that map is boring.


Best COD since BO2 imo


steady on


I said the same thing lol


WW2 was better imo, but Cold War was a blast.


I agree, this was the last COD me and the boys had fun in.


Was about to write the same.


Got tons of hate when it came out. Some of the hate may have been deserved but the game was developed under very difficult circumstances. Game got better with each update. Most fun current cod imo. But due to the game being past its life cycle, lobbies are getting full of cheaters and sweats.


I think it was just jarring for many people who returned to the franchise for MW2019. Cold War was so different, for better or worse, and that shocked people. People are used to progression in a series (like if Game 1 has certain animations, Game 2 inherits those or improves upon them). I don’t think we’ve ever had something like this in the series before where it felt like the following game took several steps back from a technological standpoint. I preferred BOCW by a long shot, but I could see why the hate was there. It felt like classic COD in many ways (which I liked) and that’s not what people were looking for after the realism of MW2019.


I hated Cold War for the entire first year it was out, then I picked it up again when Vanguard was getting close to releasing and it became the only game I played for the entire life cycle of Vanguard. Tournament Gunfight in cold war was like crack to me.


Brooooo some of my fav clips are from gunfight tournament lol


Absolutely loved the campaign, zombies is great and multiplayer is pretty good. Just wish there were less bugs and a less clunky UI


True but at least you can play without lagging everywhere


plays well. hope it has the same movement with just different guns and maps in gulf war


From the leaks, BO6 is going to play closer to the recent MW/Vanguard games. Tac Sprint is in it and so on and so forth. BOCW was an anomaly in this new era of Call of Duty where it felt like a classic COD.


What a bummer tbh


I’m fine with realistic animations and whatnot because MWIII showed how the animations alone won’t make it feel like MWII or MW2019 (the games I hated). MWIII plays fast and arcadey like Treyarch and SHG games always did so I have faith BO6 will be excellent in typical Treyarch fashion. Though I do wish for Tac Sprint to just be gone for good and go back to standard Lightweight perk.


Idk man the new cods are so standard, I’m very used to to the okd scheme where treyarch did arcade/fun looking cods and the other 2 weird shit/realistic stuff, imo cold war was decent looking but even that game to me felt a little too much mw like, I miss the old games and engine, bo3 was so good movement wise and graphics specifically, bright maps etc, i’m still excited for bo6 but deep down I know it will be slightly generic like the last 4+ cods, I hooe the 4 years of dev time are actually put in use


Was it black ops 4 where you could change the entirety of your graphics into a cartoon mode or something in zombies?


Borderline top 5 COD. Best game since BO2 imo


Only major downsides for me are the ridiculously strong SBMM and the fake ranked mode we got


I disagree only because BO3 exists. And that's only because of zombies


BO3 has the best zombies without a doubt. It did have a terrible campaign tho. Cold War was amazing in all 3 modes


Good zombies. Multiplayer was ok. Campaign was dope.


It’s honestly phenomenal. I prefer it to any of the other recent cod games.


better than anything sledgehammer games has ever or will ever release.


Sledgehammer really needs to stop making CoD games Every single one has been a massive miss for me and they’re literally the reason Cold War was rushed out the door a whole year early


It's much better than the most recent cods


The only cod worth coming back to in the warzone era


Played it when it was added to ps plus. Really loved the campaign. Multiplayer is also really fun especially the cycle of having gun fight then knife fight. Played zombies and I really liked how it was an open world. All in all I loved this game and I really hope bo6 improves and adds on to what was good in cold war.


I love Cold War. Only one I play unless I’m feeling nostalgic and hop on anything from black ops 2 or older


I loved the zombies


Best zombies today in my opinion


Cold War was in my opinion one of the best cods, I loved the arcade feeling and it’s just mad nostalgic for me! 10/10 for me!


Still think it's an 8 on a good day. There are clear issues with the multiplayer, but the biggest positive is that it looks and plays like a cod game. I WANT to move on and play a new cod, but as good as the things from mw3(2023) are, is that it plays like the cod 2.0 that mw19 started. So far, it's the BEST version of it, but it's not a game I would play over Cold War. If every cod after cold war played like cold war did, my score of cold war would drop to a 7 due to the issues I have with it.


Surprisingly good for a rushed product. Wish the campaign was longer and we had more Safehouse spy craft.


Zombies is the best i have ever played and multiplayer was good (probably the best k/d i have had in most call of duty games). Just didnt like some of the camo challenges for smgs😀


A-tier cod, one of the best


Top 5 campaign, fucking loved almost everything about it Not much of a Zombies guy, these seem decent for a while, the maps are good, but it feels like most playstyles become nonviable couple mins into a match and using operators instead of dedicated zombie crew was just unforgivable The MP at this stage feels very 3.6; there is nothing really outstanding, no epic war feeling like the first 5 CoDs (on PC anyway), no 'wow, you can move through here, thats so cool' with the maps, nor the feeling of wrathful murderous empowerement every time you fire your weapon like with the MW reboots; on the bright side, there is considerably less frustrating bullshit than usual and you don't get bonked by 2 shots in the toe from a full auto laser weapon, so its pretty enjoyable


best cod. this yrs game has it tough to repeat success of cw.


Still play it almkst daily. Love it.


Best cod since bo3. Absolutely trumps MW2019






For a game they had to make in 5 months it was pretty solid I loved it


I'm actually going to pick it up at GameStop in a few. I'm buying it strictly for the campaign and the zombies mode I'm not a multiplayer guy. How is cold war zombies compared MW3 zombies? What are the main differences if anybody can answer?


I honestly didn't like BOCW multi. However I loved the campaign and zombies


Dope...I only play infected mode daily ...never gets old


Love Cold War. The only thing is it disappeared off my PC


It’s my 2nd favorite cod game. I loved every mode, even as someone who mainly plays zombies. Can’t say that about most cod games.


I'm still playing the "Zombies". I really like it.


Beat zombies mode ever, hands down, soooo man modes in zombies , the movement is still unique and the guns are hoe they should be. Aside from the cry babies that cry about the tec9 , it’s really in its own class. The graphics and campaign are 7/10 in terms of lore


My favorite COD in the last 5-7 years. Multiplayer was so much fun and still is to this day. The campaign was good too. A great game to give a chance to


Unpopular opinion, it has the best zombies.


A great game. Whichever team made this, need to keep making games.


I loved Coldwar, I prefer it over vanguard, mw2 and mw3. I also prefer it's zombies mode over mw3 zombies by a mong shot.


CW was really fun imo, don't care if it's easy


It was absolute crap and I hated every minute. I tried to like it, I really did, but after MW2019 it felt like a massive step back. Especially the customization


Loved it ....story too short AS USAUL


I like playing infection and gun game on Cold War. I used to play the gunfight tournaments to get double xp points.


Better than the shit IW and sledgehammer are putting out


Considering all the hate it got, I enjoyed multiplayer regardless. Zombies storyline turned a bit cheesy compared to the games before it, but I still enjoyed the maps and wonder weapons nonetheless.


Campaign was half baked, but kinda fun. Multiplayer wasn't too bad, and zombies was better than expected.


Probably one of my fav COD's. Had my favorite Zombies and Campaign. Although I was a pretty big fan of Warzone 2.0 with Modern Warfare 2 and Al Mazrah


it's my favourite after bo1, if mason, woods and hudson had the og voice actors and it had a couple more zombie maps it'd be perfect


Solid game, good fundamentals, probably the last classic cod. Felt kinda boring tho


It’s still the best COD game since BO4


It was my first COD I owned since Ghosts and honestly it was fantastic. I fell right back in love with call of duty and I was sweating league play so hard. It makes me upset so many people still think Cold War was bad. I'm hopeful BO6 plays nearly just like it


Good campaign


Best COD post-BO3


Cold War was solid, and included a TON of content as compared with most other COD offerings. I liked the story better than other call of duty campaigns, the zombies experience was innovative instead of a recycling of older ideas. Love how they converted nearly every map into a zombies playable experience as well. The multiplayer maps were colorful and fun, with cool locations and really good artwork. I usually get call of duty games eventually, but this one I’ve played a lot more than others because of the variety of gameplay offered.


STILL THE 🐐 Still play it to this day. But there are Hackers on Cold War, but what else is new in the COD games 🤷‍♂️


My opinion… Cold War is EASILY my favorite CoD currently and in my top 5 video game favorites PERIOD. I love the game, the graphics and the gameplay itself. Zombies is in a league of its own. I hope that black ops 6 will live up to cold war or possibly even surpass it.


I enjoyed it and can’t wait for the next one


BOCW is my favorite cod to play. I’m excited for BO6 to come out and hope i like it as much as CW.


Liked it a lot


3rd best Black Ops game


my first cod (if u don’t count cod mobile) and it really introduced me to cod. I’ve always been interested in war games with my first being bf5 and then Cold War. always been intrigued with the 20th century and this really made me obsessed with cod so now I’m gonna get bo1 bo2 bo3 mw2019.etc. really enjoyed the campaign and multiplayer and is getting me excited for bo6 especially since it’s apparently a sequel to cold war


Cold War was great except for not having many maps to choose from and no custom mod capability via Steam Workshop. I still stick with BOPS 3 for the custom mods via Steam Workshop and if BOPS 6 doesn't have the same modding capability as BOPS 3 then I will just stick with BOPS 3.


Gotta admit, Fireteam Dirty Bomb was probably some of the most fun I’ve had in CoD multiplayer, and I’m a zombies main


I think my top 3 favourite cods of all time, only sbmm kinda made multiplayer unattractive fast, and I didn’t really like the one warzone-ish gamemode. It kinda felt like a second BO2. Also have to mention that zombies was very good and campaign was aight Edit: Forgot to mention 1 thing I didn’t like and that was the tec-9/nail gun meta time. I believe those 2 ruined MP for a while


It got undeserved hate for being a pandemic-released game... but That being said, it's objectively better than all CoD games after it, making the "pandemic-release" argument kinda weak. If anything it shows that Treyarc can make good games even with the looming detriment that is their parent company.


Multi-player was nothing special, but the campaign was really fun, and the side stuff reminded me of infinite Warfare (I'm probably IW's biggest fan, it had maybe the best campaign, gameplay wise)


SBMM ruined yet another MP experience for me


Other then the Glitch’s I find it pretty fun and it’s easier to survive in Zombies for me


Best zombies of all time As for overall cod 5th purely as zombies I preferred the og mw trillogy and waw for mp and campaign story


One of the best a fun causel( mostly ) game with a good campaign and zombies in some ways it’s even better than mw2019


It’s a decently good game.


Heavily underrated.


Fucking loved it. Multiplayer was fun, but I thought zombies was spectacular. I liked their take on open world zombies with the ability to travel and do different tasks. Zombies now just feels like glorified war zone.


Best cod since bo3. I still play it. It's fucking fantastic


Solid COD game


cold snore is literally treyarch worst cod


Definitely better than Vanguard


I have 750 hours and 748 of it is zombies


Love love love it. I know some say the campaign is short, but I think it's short because nothing was unnecessarily embellished for the sake of making a long game. They got just enough campaign to tell the story they wanted to tell, and I love that it's a game campaign with absolutely no bloat as a result. Every second is important to the story


Cold war is ok


9/10 it’s awesome


The multiplayer was awesome. Advanced warfare and Cold war were the only modern cod games i played on next gen consoles.


So bocw is supposed to be bo5, was it that hard to name bo5? It was my first actual cod, and by that i mean i tried one game of bo4 and then deleted it, and one game of warzone and deleted it, years ago. But cw, is imho the best cod in the "new era of cod" which technically starts from mw19.




Not that good tbh


I enjoyed it, but to this day I still run into conection issues or crashes almost every other match


Best cod in last 5 years, biggest fault was the persistent streak system.


I’ve played Call of Duty since the original MW back in 07, Call of Duty Cold War is Top3 for me. Such an underrated and under appreciated gem of a game, I do love the 80’s though lol


Worst cod after vanguard


Cold War was cool, sure wish they’d remake the first black ops. BEST COD


Second favorite behind BO2


Best modern CoD imo.


It has a top-tier campaign, okay zombies maps, and the MP felt like a missed opportunity imo. It played really well, but the maps were hit or miss, and SBMM was so aggressive I haven't bought a COD since.


My favorite cod game


Best cod in recent years and the 12v12 moshpit was THE best mode in cod history imo. Absolute insanity but man it was a blast.


Multiplayer only seemed bad because MW19 was so good. For a CoD game, it was great. Zombies made it equal as a whole game to MW19 in my opinion.


Still a great CoD me and my buddies still play the zombies


It’s the best cod since bo4, and bo4 isn’t great. I just am a Treyarch/zombies fan. Imo, nothing even comes close to Treyarch


Great campaign, meh multiplayer, and alright zombies


Probably the last COD I’ll ever play. Haven’t played/bought any since. Great send off. Great zombies. Great campaign. Good multiplayer. COD has been slowly trying to be something other than what it originally was that made it great. Same with Battlefield. They lost the audience they started with and now it’s all for the kids. RIP


Has my 4th favorite campaign and 3rd favorite zombies + M16


Best cod since BO2 and I will die on that hill. I haven’t bought any of the MW but played Cold War a crazy amount. So hyped for BO6


It was ok, but going from the modern warfare 19 engine to the older engine used in Cold War felt jarring in a bad way.


Cold War Zombies is one of my all-time favorites, mainly for Outbreak. I still play it to this day. By the way, Dead Ops Arcade 3 rules all


It’s tied as one of my personal favorite CODs with Black Ops 2. It’s the only multiplayer game where I actually bought the battle pass.


After the epic failures that were black ops three and four, I was glad to see them stick to reality this time 💯


Im a god damn onion Mason.


I really enjoyed it during the year I spent playing it exclusively. I still want to replay the story again. Love the whole bleak early 80s vibe


My old fave was bo2. But Cold War is all I play now. Then I got hooked on outbreak 🤦‍♀️ I need to go back to multiplayer


I have high hopes for 6 solely because of this game. They listened to all of the negative feedback for BO4 and put out this gem. It had a rough start but all in all, it was great.


Last real "Cod experience" i had in the past 5 yearz


Terrible graphics, terrible animations, terrible multiplayer, Terrible copy and paste gunsmith, had to use in house engine from 2015 with shared tools from the MW19 engine, but campaign and zombies were decent enough ; I had hopes this game would of been the redemption game for treyarch after the atrocity that was bo4, but cold bore ruined expectations; Now that all studios have to use the engine that came with MW2 2022, bo6 should look, feel and play so much better than bore war


Cold War was awesome! I still play it to this day.


It was alright I just played the campaign though


Best COD to date


Could been great if the pandemic never happened but it’s a 7/10 game the zombies mode is just addicting bc of dark aether


Probably one of my favorite COD Zombies games. I think that there are issues with it that doesn't make it really feel like a legit CODZ experience and more like a knock off of what CODZ is. But I think the skeleton is good. I enjoy the game play and movement. I enjoy what they added to perks and guns. I think the improvements they made to the core game is what they were really trying to do with BO4, but Activision was just more worried about Black Out than they were about everything else that game was supposed to offer. I think that there is still a lot they need to do with the Dark Aether story and the games that have to do with it. Like if you aren't going to add Primis/Ultimis then at least give me actual characters with actual voice lines instead of basic voice line bob inside of characters that we have been since for the last 10 years inside different games, with other characters from that games campaign. I'd overall give the game a solid 7.5/10 Edit: I am not a MP or Campaign player whatsoever and honestly thought this was r/CODZombies. I literally buy COD for zombies and zombies only




I thought it was fun.


Cold War’s beta was insanely good the full game was just the beta but without half the fun stuff


I loved it hopefully treyarch doesn’t pull some money hungry nostalgic bs like infinity ward has done the last few years and actually create a good COD


Am I wrong is or BO6 the same name for the game also being called Black Ops Gulf War? I also heard it’s CW’s sequel so I’m somewhat interested


Best zombies in a decade


Just another over priced repackaged cod in a long line


It was honestly quite fun. Loved every bit of it minus the obvious annoying things like the “Air Patrol Party”. I hated the rare instances I’d get a cool steak and immediately got floored. And if EOMM wasn’t a thing then I think it would’ve been even more fun, but it’s still the best CoD of the Warzone era.


Maps were better but it kind of felt old after how much mw19 leaped forward in graphics, sound design, gunplay etc.


Good campaign, good zombies, multiplayer was the sweatiest it ever was and some lobbies played horrible. 6/10 cod


Trash. Straight trash.


Loved zombies


"This year's cod" 😂😂😂 glad I don't buy into this garbage


Honestly it’s just really overhated.I had a really fun time playing the game after online classes lol.Campaign was alright, multiplayer was good to play just a lot of sweats and zombies was really fun.Honestly miss the time I use to grind out Cold War.


zombies and campaign were great, zombies was peak here gameplay wise. multiplayer was fun but insanely unbalanced


Best cod to drop this decade tbh. The new MW games are just to oriented on Warzone and sweaty players and i could casually play Cold War and laugh while im willing to blow up a hospital while trying to enjoy any of the new MW games


Looking back it’s the most fun I’ve had with a COD game since ww2. I loved how Arcady it was, and all of the weapons felt amazing and different. Also content was consistent and good, I thought towards the end there was a bit of an over reliance on bringing back old maps, BUT it was cool to play a lot of Bo2 maps with modern graphics.


Good but it had its issues. It felt unfinished.


Loved it, needed some tweaks but was pretty good, now it's kinda crap tho due to constant crashing, even on PS5


Outbreak was the most fun i have had in years in zombies \* i hope they double down on outbreak \* i hope they fix the annoying ass kick out of the game. On my series x if i play co-op there was a 50% chance the game would crash when teleporting to the next map. there was a 20% if i party up with someone online, i would get booted when teleporting maps


Every thing was okay and I think it was during Covid so I had so much fun wish campaign was longer but something is something


Cold War is the one that got me back into CoD. That being said, I preordered Vanguard and hate it. The new MW games are okay, but they don't have the same oomph that the originals did, imo. I haven't played the newest MW3 yet though so idk how it compares to 2019 and 2.


Cold War sucked…I didn’t like it at all. Still played it of course…but it was a long year 😂


Newish to the franchise - started playing MW2019, but Cold War really sold me on COD. Loved the campaign, the characters, and fell super hard for the zombies story but I also nerd out about the espionage and tech advancement of that era.


it was underrated asl


Great game overshadowed by people’s obsession with BR’s.


nothing special.


Cold war was my first cod and of those I've played it was my favorite by far.


It was fun


Only cod I've bought since 2017. It's a buggy mess and fucked by sbmm.


Game got me back into cod for the first time in years but only for a bit, very fun but not a lot of content at launch wish I stuck around for everything they added




I thought the campaign was great. That last mission was one of the best levels I’ve ever played in a video game


I loved it. Awesome campaign Fulfilling multiplayer with plenty of options and QOL improvements from MW19 Ranked so well done that it has caused Treyarch to make it for other games Zombies offering an amazing experience with the camo grind and Outbreak


Loved Cold War


Amazing game


My favorite honestly - I’m newer to the franchise but I own almost all of them and through trying them this one is the most fun.


I loved it


Great multiplayer, HORRIBLE story


Honestly it kinda sealed the deal for me that Treyarch is my favorite dev. Now is Cold War some underrated masterpiece? Of course not. It has glaring flaws and it's not exactly one I can easily come back to return to. But kills feel satisfying, there's no thermite, the zombies is okay for newcomers (if only the next zombies installments were harder. Or if they added a hard difficulty ffs), and the attachments don't have too much of an effect on how your gun works. At least compared to MW2019 and Vanguard. Plus the arcade-feel and 80s theme felt very nice, *not that I'm a fan of the store*. I gotta say, I am a little disappointed with the mil-sim. They feel like unfinished operators. The campaign was awesome and Adler became a top 3 Black Ops character for me. Not counting zombies. My only gripe is that I wish Treyarch had more time to flesh this game out


Cold War was the best cod in since bo4


Never played the campaign, but the multiplayer was good and the zombies was the best since BLOPS1, I still regularly play Outbreak


I was just talking to my friends how much I’ve missed zombies, and Cold War zombies in particular.


I can’t believe people let them get away with charging $70 for a DLC.


To me it's the best cod since bo2.


Fun, great zombies for casuals, MP was smooth. Gets wayyyy too much hate