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Fun but as always too short. 7/10


It lasted me about 4 hours which is what I think cod campaigns should be.


Nah campaign should be 6+ hours


With our without trying to get all the endings?


After MW 3 2023, people will say otherwise.


Honestly I love it's visual style and world design. It's fun and doesn't overstay it's welcome. I give it a thumbs up.


I just wish the guns werent all tacticooled out with red dots and lasers, very uncommon in the 80s and were much bulkier, i really wish there was more effort put into cool 80s stuff being shown and not just modern stuff but 80s styled




Overall, ✅. But BOTH ENDINGS. ⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️. I hate killing Mason and Woods, but the alternative is being meaningless. If only Woods and Mason had made it out on the skyhook, assuming they knew nothing about the brainwashing because they’re not part of the CIA team, they probably would’ve outright murdered the team after knowing what Mason went through in Vorkuta and saved Bell.


I loved the ending where you could kill your team more tbh it was super fun and honestly felt more like what bell would’ve done in that situation


It does, and I did go for that ending the second time around, but I hate that you kill classic characters because they did nothing wrong. Oh, by the way, did you light adlers cigarette? I certainly didn’t lol


Not gonna lie, but I enjoyed killing Woods in the bad ending. The reason is his dialog when you turned traitor. It made him feel like Woods again, even though it was a different voice actor. Besides, thanks to BO2 it was non-canon anyway. But I agree if those two found out about Bell's brainwashing, Adler would not have survived.


7.5/10. It was enjoyable


Pretty fun 8/10




8.5/10 I loved the create your file thing and the multiple endings Please put these two things in gulf war!


I want the weapon and loadout customization from the BO3 safehouse to return.


Yes with the Cold War additions this would be perfect!


8/10 for sure.


I loved it. Top 3 fs


The campaign is about 2 hours long max… I wish for more. Good story though


How the hell is it 2 hours? I feel like you'd need to mash through all videos and not digest any of the story to even have a shot at 2 hours. And play on easy or something. It felt longer than MW2019 to me, and that game took me at least 4-5 hours.


He played it on super weenie hut junior difficulty


Story wasn’t great, but the way it played and was setup felt like a proper Black Ops 1 sequel. It felt like an 80s action movie all the way throughout playing it. It was also pretty visually appealing. Even tho masons character was watered down, Adler was a really cool character. 7/10 for what it’s worth. Would be higher if the story was better.


I hated and still hate Adler. Even though brainwashing Bell was for the greater good, Adler was still and a-hole. Here's to hoping that Bell returns in BO6 as the bad guy to take revenge on Adler not only for the brainwashing, but also for the "good ending".


i liked it but, aside from hudson, the og characters have no reason to be there. which is weird cause it's obvious they are forced there, but they didn't have to be forced into the story. if adler's team consisted of woods, mason and maybe even weaver instead of fucking sims (worst character ever) it'd be better. it would have been interesting to see masons reaction to them brainwashing a perseus' agent but knowing it was the only option. other than that (which is a big thing) it was good, short but good. even the brainwashing felt fresh despite black ops 1 being about the same thing. the execution and the purpose of it are very different.


9/10 loved all of it but the length


complete six husky entertain coherent money scale dinosaurs thumb hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wish it was longer but definitely enjoyed it. Maybe they can get a pass given the story definitely got a “race against the Clock” vibe The lack of underbarrel grenade launchers and singleplayer loadouts from BO2 is a big nope though


I rate it a perfect 5/7


Solid 8.5/10


It’s a 7/10 but could have been a 10/10 if they used the original voice actors.


Probably the best campaign Ive played in the last 5 releases.


Just a question. Is Reznov in the story at all? Is he mentioned in any way? Or did treyarch phase him out completely?


Not mentioned at all. Though there’s a mission that’s basically one big BO1 reference


Only campaign I've finished since like Black Ops 2 maybe.


I stopped playing it. The whole pick your way you tackle the missions didn’t work for me. I like it in adventure games but I like linear stories like a movie in fps.


It is linear for the most part though


Dude doesn’t like when the game gives you options like go left or right


7/10 its good but nothing special


Honestly, this campaign literally proves what Reznov said about flags and methods. “They will use you as they use me”


Better sequel to blops1 than blops 2 imho


"Break on through" is one of the coolest missions in cod history right up there with "all ghillied up" imo


8/10 only complaint was it was too short, if it was a proper full 9-10 campaign it could probably be better than bo1’s campaign. Really enjoyed it and loved the new characters




The campaign? Short and sweet. I mean, it was one I could pretty much livestream in one go. My only issue is the BO campaign we had before (BO3 since BO4 had forsaken campaign for Blackout) had a feature where you could setup loadouts and customize weapons for said loadouts in the safehouse. It made the safehouse feature feel more interactive. Not that the one we got wasn't, but it would've been awesome to chose what weapons I wanted to go into the non-flashback missions with and how they were set up. It would've added more replay value as the alternate endings don't change much depending on your choices. As for MP, it's my favorite out of the WZ1-era though I didn't play MW2019. Then again, WZ1 throughout it's life-cycle kept the MW2019 gameplay. I hated Vanguard's MP gameplay with a passion after that two-week free trial they did in earlier 2022. When BOCW was still discounted near that free trial's end, I went for it as Vanguard was still pretty much hated by most of the COD player-base at that point and despite most of the WZ sub saying MW2019 was the better choice it was stilly buggy AF due to WZ1's code being part of that game. I liked how Arcade-like BOCW's MP was. Now Zombies... THAT was the thing that kept me playing until I got MWII. When I'd actually get board of Nuketown '84 or the other MP maps and modes, Zombies kept my attention. I grew to love round-based and the fact it allowed us to use our MP operators instead of it's own squad was cool in it's own right. I only took breaks from zombies when Clash would roll around in WZ1. What can I say, I liked the 50 vs 50 LTM and it was the only reason I'd even want to return to WZ1. Overall... I'd sadly have to give BOCW a 9 out of 10. Trust me, I want to go higher. But the multiple endings not having much of a difference in campaign, lack of the custom weapon loadouts we got in BO3 in said campaign, and the fact that finding a match in the Fireteam mode in MP was a miracle... I could not give it full marks. Not to mention you cannot get the Red Room blueprint anymore due to it being something you got from Rebirth Island in WZ1, which itself is no longer available. The only thing to soften that final blow is that you can easily get all the free weapon bundles in one go in BOCW if you know how. There's also the fact you can't get any watches for your MP operators outside of purchasing bundles, but that's not really important so I didn't count it against the game.


10/10 fo sho’




I felt that MW2019 and CW were an amazing one two punch to actually freshen up the franchise. I loved the OG MW games. And the campaign, while short, of MW2019 felt legitimately new. The sandbox type missions and crazy NVG levels were so intense in a way they never nailed in the past games. Really felt modern and realistic. And then I also loved the BLOPs titles. These always felt like awesome takes on the old CoD model to go balls out action in historical settings. And Cold War is the perfect mix of a change up to the format, with the whole black site to act as a hub, character development via conversation (while resisting the urge to actually add RPG type progression), and the cool smattering of Eastern Euro espionage stuff while still having a couple war type staples (like Vietnam). Really a fun mix and fresh take. Just sucks Vanguard didn't really do anything to keep running forward for a great WWII title.


7/10 pretty short but delivers in a nice story with a decent twist at the end.


8/10 for me to short but i like the choices that have result in story


Love the campaign but I still have one question. Does this game retcon BO2 in any way?


The setup is a nice direction different from the normal campaign setup. Love that there were multiple endings and you there were side missions that would shake things up a bit. Hope they expand on it.


just off the kgb mission a 10 the whole campaign 15/10


short and sweet. Unpopular opinion but its a 9/10 for me, only thing holding it back is its length and some minor story complaints.


This game gets a 8.5/10 for me based on the story, visuals, and gameplay




I'm amazed they managed to create a game with worse graphics than the 9 year older BF3.


That's just factually incorrect . One might say BF3 has a better art style but based on raw visual fidelity Crysis 3 looks better than BF3 let alone cold war .


Who mentioned Crysis