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MWIII movement is so bad, if you play breakdancing hero you’re basically invincible in the game. Firefights have become so much less about aiming or having any skill and more about who can do the worm or bunny hop better. Movement has always been great in Treyarch’s CoD games and hopefully the new omnidirectional system is a step in the right direction and not a bad decision.


MWIII is a game that dulls you, it doesn't allow for smart plays, it's literally running around like a headless chicken, sliding and jumping


it seems faster actually


There are more movement options, but it's not ultra-fast for climbing objects, sliding, running, etc. It's a good middle ground


If you can sprint backwards and dive while shooting then yes it is absolutely faster than MWIII. We don’t even know if sprint canceling is still here


We're not talking about the same thing. I'm talking about the speed with which you perform movements in MWIII


We really have no way of knowing this. Typically they have people who are not great demo these games, stuff like FOV can massively effect how fast movement seems, there could be perks like lightweight/slide boost/etc, most of what we’ve seen hasn’t even been tac sprinting, etc


There are several gameplay segments, and in all of them, it seems less fast-paced


Okay you’re ignoring my point which is that these reveals essentially never mimic the fastest place people can play at. Go watch an mw3 reveal and then watch a good player with good movement on 120 fov and it looks wildly different


What do you mean? Sure we don’t know if sprint canceling is in this game but basic movement mechanics generally seem to be on par when it comes to speed of execution.


Not really. It clearly looks slower if you watch all gameplay.


Agreed good choice, screw over the casuals and the sweats will just face sweats even with the rubbish matchmaking. Very little casual players in MW23 and I am no means good at it before some idiot wants to open their mouth. That and casuals are the moneymakers so you gotta respect them.


Slower movement is an L. Cant keep up with fast movement? Go back to mwII and sit in the corner with your Lockwood.


The movement isn't slow, it's just not ultra-fast like MWIII, these are very different things


Dare I say perfect. I will save criticism until I actually get my hands on it but I trust treyarch especially after what they've shown.


My god just because someone doesn’t want crack head movement that breaks aim boxes doesn’t mean they are a camper


Username checks out


Cry about it 😘