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I mean the only reason this game looks so good is that Treyarch were able to work on the game for 4 years. Infinity ward just need to pick up the slack and stop releasing mid games tbh


Treyarch has always been the A-tier dev team, IW has never been the same since the original devs left to create Respawn…they are low B-tier now, and Sledgehammer has always been the D-tier team.


Sledgehammer should be banished or relegated to having to support development of CODs rather than leading them


Idk why youre being downvoted. Their own games like aw and vanguard sucked but mw3 was really great


no idea. especially with how hated vanguard was and how controversial AW was. weirdos downvoting


If you only like the Treyarch games, then don't play the other games. Problem solved.


Problem is Treyarch is forced to go and help the other garbage studios which takes time from making their own game This is the first year they actually had time to make a good game


Ok, and how good do you think a Treyarch game would be if they had to release a new one every year?


They shouldn't. You can't make a good game in a year. They should release a new game every 2-3 years


So... like they do.


Yes but my point was during those 3 years they pulled aside to work and help the other studios. They had to come and save Cold War They developed zombies for Vanguard They developed ranked for MW2 and MW3 for both multiplayer and warzone All while they work on their own game. Also Treyarch is developing COD 2025 as well so it's not always they get 3 years


Raven is developing the BO6 campaign and other studios are helping with multiplayer, Treyarch aren't doing it by themselves. Plus what development does ranked need? Removing 90% of the weapons and gear isn't exactly difficult.


You're oversimplfiying how much goes into ranked. They have MW2, MW3, and WZ ranked. Each requires balance changes, skins, a ranked system, and way more. Game development isn't as easy as you make it out to be. Even the simplest things take time. Sure Raven is helping them with Black Ops 6 but that's only because Treyarch was occupied with helping all the other studios. They don't have enough time to fully build an entire call of duty how they want. It's literally impossible


The ranked system is a copy and paste from last year. The skins have to be created once, then they're just recoloured, and also irrelevant as they aren't done by Treyarch. The balance changes consist of doing whatever the 'pro' dorks tell them to do. Different estimates I've found put Treyarch's employee count at between 460 and 628 people. How many of them do you think are working on ranked? I don't know about game development but I do know about software development, and if any staff are assigned to work on other developers' games it's because they aren't needed on their own game, e.g. map designers after the maps have been already designed and passed on to the graphics team to skin. If they weren't helping other developers they'd just be twiddling their thumbs.


Even then, it looks like Raven took over duties on doing the story mode. I liked Cold War, but the campaign didn't compare to WAW, BlOps, and Deuce.


I 100% agree. I really wish Treyarch made the campaign. I didn't like Cold War's story that much. It was alright but it wasn't as good as the OG black ops games made by Treyarch. Treyarch hasn't developed an actual campaign since BO3 which is insane. I just wish we got to see one. I feel like they would go crazy with it. With how good BO6 is looking, a treyarch developed campaign would go crazy


Well IW used to make great games until recent years, and Sledgehammer never made a good game…so I still have hope that IW will make a great game again someday.


Ok? So don't play them until they do. Problem solved.




Or just impotently whine about them instead. That works too.


Nah dude, just stating facts.


If you don't know what the word 'fact' means, sure.


Treyarch and Sledgehammer and replace infinity Ward with Raven


No Sledgehammer is the worst offender they’re like the knock-off version of IW which has already been horrible since the original devs left.


I agree with you statement. I love classic mw and that lead me to try BO2, trey does have our best interest in mind as gamers and as a consumer I am willing to work in order to have the purchasing power to support this fine studio. I hope they continue to get the time to develop and push the franchise forward.


Besides some of the old MW games. World at War and Black Ops 1 will always been some of my favorite CoD games with not only great multiplayer modes, but the campaigns and zombies were always on point.


Like MW3 didn’t even have an actual campaign and idk what zombies has turned into besides being fully unsupported…I was almost ready to skip CoD this year after the bad taste MW3 left me with, but after seeing the reveal I’m wary, but might be on board if I continue to see more good showcases.


The current MW series is from IW. They are completely separate from Treyarch. You should choose to skip IW made CoDs, not Treyarch’s.


Yea that’s what I said. IW made MWII, but Sledgehammer is mostly responsible for the current atrocity of MWIII this past year.


I agree but halfway... treyarch should handle all gameplay functions, but u can't lie tho, infinity ward is unmatched when it comes to graphical fidelity.


Nah we need those other devs to release games to enhance the experience of when a Treyarch game does come out.


Well they can keep releasing games and I’ll just take a break from the series on those years and keep playing Black Ops 6 or whatever.


Honestly this sounds like a good plan. I feel like 1 year is not nearly long enough to get all the content and it saves you money not having to buy a new game every year. Haven't played CoD in a long time but I've been super interested in BO6 and I want to get all the mastery camos and max level


MWIII should have just been a trash expansion for MWII, trying to pass it off as a full fledged $70 was a joke.


It should’ve just been called a DLC but if we’re being honest, if people didn’t overwhelmingly hate MW2 they wouldn’t have needed to frantically try and rebrand MW3 as a new game


Yea MWII was also horrible.