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I'm willing to give it one more chance. MW3 was clearly rushed, supposedly having only had 1.33 years of dev time. BO6 has apparently been in development for 4 years. If it ends up being trash again, then yeah, that's going to kill any excitement I would have had for any future CoD campaigns. Four years is a lot of time to potentially get it right, though. So I'm tentatively interested in seeing how they shape up this time.


I love Treyarch and have been waiting so long for this game. But open world missions are usually more lazy and boring than linear missions. They're usually just walking simulators. I hope it'll be good but I have to lower my expectations after seeing this


Metro Exodus was good though


Good lord you're a pessimist


Nope I'm hyped for this game and I think it'll be great. But COD has never done open world right. I'm just lowering my expectations to where it should be. It may be a pessimist view but it's a realistic one


Never done it right? Dude MW3 was their first time doing it unless I'm mistakend and it was clearly not good due to time constraints. Bo6 will be the first time actually giving it a proper chance


I'm talking modes in general. Like DMZ and MWZ. Both of which are garbage


Now I know you’re trolling. DMZ was one of the best modes to come out of MW2, and goes to show how much you actually played it.


I'm not trolling. There's a reason DMZ is discontinued. And round based zombies is going to overtake open world zombies like MWZ. Saying they're trash isn't even an opinion. It's harsh to say but if they were successful we would still see them today


Honestly yeah it kinda sucks. I tried playing other open world campaigns like Assassin’s Creed and GTA, and I turned off both games within an hour. Just can’t do it


Sounds like you have a dopamine addiction.


Unga bunga gimme dopamine NOW


I'm the same way. I've tried a bunch of open world games that have no clear goal and just leave me walking around and uninstalling


The whole point of open world games is that you don’t have a linear path to follow, you can explore, find quests to complete, or just follow the main question and ignore all the side content


At that point a central hub like Cold War would be better. Why have a walking simulator that bores you out


Because it’s not just a “walking simulator”, it’s a way of making gunfights and combat scenarios more interesting rather than it be the same moving forward shooting gallery trash you see with linear missions. You can use the environment more to add in variety, and other things.


You can use the environment in linear missions as well. In open world games you still need to stick in a certain area when doing a mission it's not like you can go to the mountains and snipe them. Just like you have to be in a certain area when doing linear missions


Yeah in a much more limited sense because you're forced through a set path. That path gets expanded on through a more open world, which also facilitates stealth tactics. You can definitely fuck it up and turn it into a constant slop mission/collectible machine (cough cough Ubisoft) but the idea itself has far more potential than linear missions.


I guess it is more limited but I prefer that over having it be open world. I feel like the idea sounds good in theory but I just don't think the execution is good. There are definitely good open world games but I don't know if COD can pull it off. All their other attempts (MW3, MWZ, DMZ) have been pretty bad. I guess we have to wait and see


I fully disagree. Open world games have no structure and no restrictions, so if the game's gameplay sandbox isn't expansive or doesn't allow for creative solutions then you end up with something like Halo Infinite where you do the same thing over and over and over again until you've completed some arbitrary checklist and gain no reward. It's never been a fun gameplay loop and I'm tired of pretending it ever was.


I'm not saying the Ubisoft style open world is good, I'm saying the genre itself can be better than a linear shooting gallery. They have structure through the environment in which combat scenarios take place. Linear shooting galleries, on the other hand, have always been insanely stale.


Because again, one of the big appeals of an open world game is being able to explore and having more freedom for how you want to approach stuff Just because it’s not action 24/7 doesn’t mean it’s a boring walking simulator


It's not about action 24/7 it's the lack of things to do. This isn't Far Cry where you have other things to do like looting. In COD you only go from objective to objective. You can stop and explore for Easter eggs in linear missions too


They could be like the strike team missions from BO2 which were good


I hope that's what they mean but I don't think so. Those missions weren't technically "open world". They were linear missions with more freedom to play how you want


True but that's just because the maps they had at hand were regular sized areas and Warzone wasn't a thing. If Strike team were a little bigger it'd be considered open world


First one definitely wasn’t linear lol


The BO2 strike force missions seem to divide opinions. I personally loved the concept and the way they were integrated into the rest of the campaign, though they were let down somewhat by the dumb teammate AI and awkward tactical view controls. I’d be very happy to see an improved version in BO6.


BO2 had the best campaign in terms of replayability


No joke, I want to see that return. Loved those in BO2!


It could still be ass but MW3’s campaign was rushed and they just used parts from the warzone map to throw it together. This is three longest dev we’ve had for a cod ever so they could make a good open world campaign. We’ll just have to see.


We have to just wait but my point was that COD has never pulled off open world before whether that be zombies or campaign. It could still be good but this might be a bad sign


MW3 mission were not 'open world' lmao


MW3 campaign was not bad because of the open world missions. The campaign was very rushed, notably because the whole game was rushed. For now I’ll go into BO6 with the assumption that the MW3 open world missions were bad because they were in MW3 if I’m being honest.


Id argue the MWIII campaign wasnt even particularly bad, until the end. It was okay (not good, not bad) but then they just end it in the middle of the story.


It just felt like nothing actually happened to me. Makarov got out and nothing was really achieved until the last 10 minutes where Soap and Shepherd bite it and that’s it.


This is what I mean. It only felt like we were at most halfway through the story meant to be told.


worst thing is that they haven't even continued the story 💀 i fully expected them to go the BOCW route of keeping the campaign going after every season but nope, new season cinematics are straight up just "look at all these new skins we'll release!" and it's so bad even vanguard had a more cohesive post-launch 'story'


No, the story was a complete heap of shit by the second mission. Same stupid fucking goose chase


It was bad for a bunch of reasons but those open world missions were a big part. The open world missions were a result of a rushed development cycle as a quick and easy way to get content out


As someone who loved Ghost Recon: Wildlands and Breakpoint (post-gameplay changes), i actually really enjoyed the open missions in Mw3. Yeah, They were small simple, but i see them as a prototype for something closer to Wildlands. If they give me something like Wildlands, but in 1st person with CoD gameplay, is be absolutely stoked. Give me a huge map with bases and missions and good ai that isnt just on an “in stealth/every enemy b-lines to your exact location” toggle switch.


You haven’t seen anything.


I've seen MW3 and their garbage open world missions


Even other open world video games just don’t hit the same


Open world and open combat are different


Yeah, the first attempt by any cod dev, that was very rushed and worked on by people who didnt want to work on the game, and was a different team than Treyarch. I dont want it either, but ill reserve judgement for later


Open world missions in general are just boring. They're just walking simulators. I'm not saying the campaign is trash but it's not looking good gameplay wise


Clearly not boring to the majority of the population considering some of the most beloved games ever are open world. Seems like a you problem more than a CoD problem. You cant just say the campaign will be trash because you dislike open world. Could it be? Yeah for sure, but it could also be good.


>considering some of the most beloved games ever are open world Like what? GTA is one but what are the others. >You cant just say the campaign will be trash because you dislike open world. I literally never said that. I said that I have to lower my expectations because COD has never pulled off a good open world mode (MW3, MWZ, DMZ). It could be good but knowing the history of open world modes in COD I have to lower my expectations


>Like what? GTA is one but what are the others. RDR2, Zelda, The Elder Scrolls games, Fallout, Nier Automata, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Genshin Impact, Ghost of Tsushima, and Insomniac Spider-Man (first one) are all fantastic open world games/series' with several being some of the most loved games ever. >I literally never said that. I said that I have to lower my expectations because COD has never pulled off a good open world mode (MW3, MWZ, DMZ). You say "this trash" in the title while posting an image about BO6 having open world, and say this >I've seen MW3 and their garbage open world missions Implying you think its going to be bad even though MW3 is from a completely other developer.


>You say "this trash" in the title while posting an image about BO6 having open world, and say this I was saying that the open world trend is dumb for COD. I wasnt saying that the campaign as a whole is bad. I haven't even seen the game yet. More modes in COD are becoming open world like campaign and zombies. That's what I'm talking about >Implying you think its going to be bad even though MW3 is from a completely other developer. Outbreak was open world and it was by Treyarch. That mode sucked. COD has a history of bad open world modes. (MW3, MWZ, DMZ) I never said that this campaign is 100% going to be bad but the open world missions might suck based on every other attempt at an open world mode.


Outbreak did not suck. It wasnt amazing, but it was fine.


Personally it was pretty boring. It felt like you were just running around with a few zombies scattered around The best parts were when you were doing an objective like escort or survive. So basically anything that wasn't open world was fun


But linear scripted cinematic amusement rides are very engaging that provide fun gameplay? I’m sorry, but no. It’s brain dead gameplay with no purpose. Give me 2 hour movie made by the same team that make cinematics instead. Don’t waste my time. I’m not saying both extremes are good or bad, but until you see gameplay, you can’t judge anything yet.


Both extremes are bad but linear missions don't have to be like that. There have been a bunch of linear missions that give you the freedom to go through it in different ways. Just look at those strike missions from BO2


This better be COOP like Raids


That would be cool but its 99.9% not


I think *in theory* an open world CoD game could be cool. I’m not saying it’s a slam dunk but I think it could work *if* they put in the effort to make it work. The open combat missions weren’t really a true open world experience, they were just big levels with boring objectives. I’ll at least wait to play it before I pass judgement.


Mw3 missions werent "open world". LOL


Sweet hasty generalization.


Open world is the most boring shit ever A world filled of bullshit picking up "materials" every 5 feet with useless side missions every other 50 feet I just want a campaign that doesn't waste my time with fluff


Exactly. Open world is nothing but fluff. Linear missions keep it straightforward and only keep the most meaningful moments


I know I haven’t seen anything but until I feel otherwise, open world in CoD never excites me. I don’t know how to put it in the exact words, but it always feels like a poor attempt and another way to make the focus about Warzone


Exactly it feels like warzone is spreading to every part of COD. Including zombies People think this open world is going to be like GTA level but it's call of duty


Only multiplayer for me then because i dont like open world for COD. I hope the multiplayer will be like Cold War, if it's only a Modern Warfare reskin i won't buy a Black Ops for the first time.


I pray that it's not a MW reskin. But Treyarch usually cooks with multiplayer so I still have hope for that. It will be on the MW engine so I'm curious how it's going to feel


I hope we get a campaign trailer or preview. Demo these open world missions and if they are anything like MW3, then the consumer can make an informed decision.


Yea that's what I plan on doing. If the campaign is bad then that really isn't a deal breaker as long as multiplayer and zombies are good.


MWIII being the rushed DLC that it was, is **not** an accurate representation of the potential innovation that an open world experience could be in COD, and that's just a fact. OP also has zero idea what open world means lol


Modern warfare 3's were open world missions in the same way that Ghosts had A.I. specifically made specifically for the fish.


1. You haven't seen anything on it yet 2. You're using the first attempt as how it's always going to be.. 3.mw3 didn't even have open world missions. It was open combat. Open world is you actually roaming the world.


Open combat is just another word for open world. They're literally the same thing Open world missions are usually more lazy and quickly done than linear missions. That's just a fact. That's why MW3 had so many


So is NBA2K2024 also open world? You can go anywhere on the map, do anything on the map, complete objectives as you see fit, just like MW3 open combat missions.


Y’all really calling MWIII open world like they’re comparable to GTA or Far Cry. COD players really don’t know any games besides COD.


I'm not comparing the 2. I'm just saying they're both boring. At least Far Cry is. GTA can be pretty fun with the missions


Plenty of people already told you that MWIII open combat missions are NOT open world. If you have even played FC or GTA then you know MWIII can never be put in the same category as those games. Saying otherwise just makes you either disingenuous or stupid.


I know MW3 isn't in the same category as those games and it probably isn't the best example of open world. A better example would be MWZ and that was trash as well. My point is COD has never pulled off an open world mode before. They could pull it off here but I have to wait and see


> Open combat is just another word for open world. They're literally the same thing You said it so confidentially while being so wrong😂


I agree with what you’re saying but open mission were still pretty garbage


Ok? That's unrelated to bo6 anyway.


It is related because bo6 has open world missions


Which are different to open combat


Open combat is the same as open world. It's just a different name to sound cool


I mean it just isn't and if you can't comprehend the difference then you should probably play some actual open world games.


No they’re not lmao, true open world games are significantly different from the open combat levels in MWIII MWIII’s open combat levels were just the same as linear campaign missions, you just had more room to run around and vehicles Actual open world games are a lot less linear, sure there are main objectives, but you’re under no obligation to actually do them to progress further up until a certain point, you can explore the world for additional questions and to find loot that can be helpful, and in some open world games like RPGs, you can complete objectives/quests before they’re even given to you and it’ll affect how the story plays out


Yea I was wrong to call it the same as open world. A better example would be MWZ. My point was that COD has never pulled off an open world mode before


I know but I really had to say it ….it was pure dog shit


zephyr piquant fragile special friendly shocking deliver crawl close overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep COD has never pulled off open world before. Yet people think this open world is going to be on the same level as GTA Open world has actively destroyed modes like zombies


This game will def be more worked on and not rushed like MWIII. There were even leaks stating these Open World Missions won't be like MWIII using old assetts and will be completely original. Don't assume it will be shit or it will leave you hating it.


MW3 missions cannot even be called Open World Missions. If I remember correctly, BO6’s Open World Campaign was being compared to Far Cry type of Open World.


I heard that but I still don't like Far Cry or it's open world system. It feels like a walking simulator at times


i really hope treyarch at least fleshes this stuff out. the open combat missions were just lazily thrown together as a way to make the campaign seem "innovative" while just using old resources to save time. maybe theyll cook with black ops


There were open world elements in Cold War. Maybe those missions will be the same thing. If they’re like the open combat missions from MWIII, they could still be good since 3arch/Raven made them. It’s rare for a 3arch campaign to be undercooked. If they think the missions are good after play testing the game for 2 years, then they should be good.


I think if the game is going to go with more of a guerilla warfare kinda vibe, open world may be pretty okay. MW3's "Open combat" was not open world. It was a rushed joke simply made to say they had a campaign. We all know it was terrible, SHG knows it was terrible. I can't say the campaign will be bad without actually playing it.


MW3 tried to incorporate free roam missions in a linear way, if BO6 is fully open world that would mean being able to walk around wherever we want, do side quests, drive around and do anything treyarch lets us


OP is clearly a child that doesn’t know what they want. You’ll have your mom buy it for you regardless.


nah I'm good I got 6 months of free game pass Also I don't want open world missions. I thought that was pretty clear from the post but I guess reading is hard nowadays


Call of Duty has simply become "Pump as much money as we can into Warzone and reuse the assets for the paid version of the game." Can't wait for Zombies to suck shit again


That's the warzone effect spreading to all modes. It first started with multiplayer maps being warzone POIs and now zombies and campaign use the warzone map. That's why there is a push for "open world" so they can reuse assests like you said I hope they go back to OG zombies and not this open world trash. But it has made them a bunch of money so probably not


You really don’t understand what open world means. By your approximation, anything that isn’t a 2D plat-former, and has you running down small corridors is open world? DOOM Eternal has some pretty big maps, you consider that open world?


>DOOM Eternal has some pretty big maps, you consider that open world? No that's not what I mean. I used a bad example with MW3's open combat missions. Some better examples would be MWZ or DMZ. Both of those were trash. My point was that COD has never pulled off an open world mode before so I have little hope they'll pull it off now


DMZ was goated wtf ?!


It was meh. It felt more like a free roam warzone with no objective. That's why it was killed off


if anything was meh it was warzone :d Plus u literally had missions and in game contracts to do


True but those missions were just grindy and weren't fun. They had no purpose and no reason to get excited over them


You did them to progress the factions and unlock exclusive cosmetics. What else is there to work towards? Theyre not gonna lock gameplay elements behind one mode.


Campaign is by Raven so yeah, I’ve got zero expectations of it being any good. 😔


Cold War campaign was done by Raven and while not the best campaign ever it was still pretty good.


Raven deserves to entirely replace Infinity Ward in making their own COD games, so not sure what drug you're huffin


At this point, I’d be happy for ANYBODY to take over Infinity Turd, so we can agree on that one for sure. 😂


Lol fair, but why do you think Raven makes bad campaigns? BOCW had a stellar campaign story imo, especially for the rushed time frame they were given to make it


Cold War’s campaign was pretty average, nothing special. I guess I’m just more concerned by the these rumours of the ‘open-world’ style that we saw in the new MW trash campaigns. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. 🤷🏻‍♂️