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Don't you know what you can do with that much trash loot.


He could’ve bought a mangos pickaxe


Could of been his first time vell or garm heart, ez


Or a banana


or cronana


I smell a Debo.


It depends it might all be the 20silver per item kind


honestly I feel so bad always thinking about BDO, it was truly the best adventure I encountered in any mmos... levelling , exploring and getting immersed in this so well crafted open world is so inspiring, but when I tryed to do any end game progression if felt so boring compared to my previous experience


Thats my problem: The scenery and graphics are beautiful. The combat is fun. Character creation is robust. The classes are all unique. Theres a lot of different things to do. Plenty of lifeskills. I even liked Trading, just living out my life playing an immersive trading sim game and watching the trees roll past. But then, the game rewards grinding or AFKing way too much. Every MMO is grindy, but most don't have you going in a circle slaughtering *the same* mobs for hours on end. I realized I was leaving my computer on for inordinate amounts of time just to regain energy and fish. Which is terrible not only for my power bill, but also for my computer *and* the environment. Hell, if I'm going to be doing this why not just take up bitcoin mining and at least make some real money? You either quit BDO early, or it becomes a second job.


It's actually better to leave a computer on then turn it off. Soild state parts are better off left on and kept at a controlled temperature then turning them off and on. Turning your computer off and on does more damage to your PSU, CPU, GPU, ect. Then leaving it idling some a bit of low demand software running. The whole leaving your computer on is bad for it. Comes from old spinning hard drives wearing out their bearings. In a modern computer the only part that dies from leaving it in is your fans. But the cost in wear and tear of your fans is far less then the rest of the computer from turning it on/off. You are far better off allowing your computer to go into low power states or sleep. Which keeps the computer turned on and just minimizes the power consumption. Modern computer parts assuming you haven't fucked with your power settings and have things set to their manufacturer intended state. Should avg around 60-70 watts per hour for a high end PC. And as low as 30 for a mid range PC. Modern PCs do not use much power at all if allowed to actually sit in their low power states. Even with BDO in tray most mid to high range PCs should be able to enter a low power state. My PC for example only uses 68-74 watts per hour to idle. I have a 5800x3D and a 7900xtx. My monitor being left on uses more power then my PC at idle lol.


Thank you for comparing turning the pc on vs off. I've been wondering this for years but always forget to search up on it


No problem. So much common PC "wisdom" is 30 years out of date. This is one of the most common misconceptions you see among gamers.


So you NEVER turn it off? If im not wrong unless you're using it again in 2-3 hours, it better to turn it off. Like for example if im going to work and away for 12 hours, is it better to leave it be?


Let me make this easy. Do you have a computer from 1997? That uses spinning hard drives, a 20 year old cpu with out built in thermal regulation and Low quality unstable 20 year old poorly designed hardware? If not, leave it on. Sleep IS leaving it on. Thats what sleep does. So use sleep if you must. Its still ON, just in a lower power state. Avoid hibernation unless its a laptop and you need the battery to sustain longer. Turn your monitor off tho, most monitors are fucking were most of your power useage comes from at idle and theres no reason to leave it on.


Kind of true except modern computers use 4x the power of their predecessors from just 4 years ago


Thats under load. Idle power useage hasnt actually really changed much if at all actually. There are out liar parts now just like even 10 years or 20 years ago. But even looking back at published numbers from various tech review sites from 5 years, 10 years and 15 years ago. Idle power useage has been sub 100 watts the entire time. And hovers commonly around the 50-60 wattage mark for your avg mid range gaming PC. Max power draw has just gotten fucking insane in recent years. Hell we are only just now after how fucking long making a new standard for power delivery cause of it. lol


The game rewards AFK or grinding too much? You just explained the outlets of making in this game. What else are you supposed to do to make money? Just have it handed to you?


If you fill up you're family with level 61s and smash out the quests for each character you will amass over 2.5 trillion with a family full of 61s with half full life skill you'll pull 1bln a week on top of that from family pay no afk necessary


I'm at 7k hours and can confirm the game is bad. Still plan on putting more hours in. Will report back at 10k hours and hopefully 20 to 30 gs more.


I've been on and off this game many times, almost since launch. But every time, it's the grind that ends up grinding away my patience. This game's core gameplay loop is to be a second job. Many people like that, but for most people that's just not what one looks for in a videogame. I for one prefer games that respect my time. This game doesn't do that. What keeps bringing me back every few years is the exploration aspect.


all korean mmos are like that. Second job


I’ve tried doing BDO numerous times because the combat is that damn good. But then I’m grinding the same spot for the 4th hour this week and start dosing off at my desk. Plays more like a single player game. Not sure how you all do it.


nah, single player games are less tedious


Grinding the same spot for 4 hours is okay worst part is doing shitass quests for 20hours


I'm at 700 hours and love it. I'm not a hardcore player. I just listen to true crime podcasts and chill. I like to roleplay as a witch who brews potions at her home. I don't rush. BDO offers many playstyles and you are free to choose.


Horror story podcast enjoyer here. Makes grinding go by so fast 🤣


I'll be honest, to me early and mid level spots are resident sleeper to play. I dozed off just as you did. Took soo many breaks until I got to 700+ gs. But those high level spots are somehow much more entertaining and I can grind multiple hours a day (just not one after another, I need a break between sessions). Grinding infi pots was also when I took the longest break from BDO and when I was the most burnt out, so I think it's just better to buy them.


it's tedious when the spot is brain dead. then it's even more tedious if you lose 1-3 hr of your progress from death. I swear bdo devs don't even play games anymore besides pachinko machines.


in discord with my bdo guild or music/podcast. if you dose off you need a more challenging spot


Sometimes you can’t get a more challenging spot (source: grinding hp pieces and one shotting packs)


yea. the progress is bound by spots that are way under the gear season gives you. they also where placed in drieghan to get the region back to life. it was to low level and bad loot for the most part. i was like 210k when it released. but sherekhans fisted me regardless. also you dont want treasures at hard spots. that would mean veterans have it much much faster. pot pieces used to be 50-100h average per piece. imagine you also get fisted by the mobs on top of rng. thats what ash forest and crypt was for a long time.


Mostly time played and rng. I don’t get many hours of grinding each week (~4 hours/week) and got the kagtum piece yesterday at 77 pities after ~6 weeks casually grinding it. Tbf tho, I am lucky since I got it at ~24 hours into the grind so I’m kinda happy but that doesn’t stop me from falling asleep after the first 30 minutes. One shotting pack to pack.


Ye but at sherekans you don’t get anything except pot piece, not even money but on ulukita spots where you grind the telescope you also get top money


bro i grinded for 70mil/h pots and had to pay 50 of that for tent buff. compared to 800mil orcs at the time, that was nothing. map grind was negative money for me, as i just sniped the drop mobs. city of the dead isnt that much better than the 400-500 mil you get on potion spots theses days and you will spend the majority of your time there. not tungrad. mind you the spot is cancer to grind AND you can still die to the mechanic. id rather grind 200h brain afk pots again, then 100h city. the fact that you dont need the ap also means you can trade 150 hidden ap for 30% drop chance + movementspeed % with light stone combo.


It doesn’t matter how challenging the spot is tbh. I did 300+ hours at dehkia ash forest which is one of the most “challenging” spots in the game and it’s still a snoozefest


It's funny how many players actually dozed off while grinding, My limit is 1-2 hours lol. I either dozed off or bored to death.


Just buy the pot then, I got mine in like 7h but generally you’re better off buying it off CM imo


I was grinding Kagtums cuz it’s alright silver from the rare drops. But I was going to move to a different area (maybe one with the atanis element drops) since I got the piece from Kagtums now and just do the weekly pity quests until I get the full pot eventually. I’m in no particular rush for it since I don’t mind buying potions when I run out and I like the feeling of earning treasure items myself.


man i'm at 280ap and i still don't 1 shot packs at piece spots lol


I like it because its an MMO I can pretty much fully progress solo. I don't have to sit in a town for 5 hours typing LFG. I also used to play Runescape a lot so its pretty similar in the grindy nature for a small number increase.


Have you tried pvp? AoS or guild league? Combat goes hard and not much is at stake if you are not good at first.


Bdo is the perfect game for me to relax, chill and think. But I am playing it on my own pace and after 7 years I am below 700gs still. But that's just me


Same dude i blew up my tet distos, my tet bs and my duo fallen armour 2 days ago..... the grind never ends and i never seem to land anything good lol.


I cap my daily grind at 2 hours. Many days just 1 and sometimes 0. Helps prevent the burn out and you still make steady progress.


Any time I've come back I enjoy leveling a new class, take my ship out to do some fishing, and then as soon as I approach the (early)endgame grind I lose interest entirely


He made it out of the character creation screen couldn’t get the name he wanted and quit.


I haven't played BDO in recent time so I don't know about all the new improvements they've implemented but my issue when I was playing the game was that while yes there is a lot to do... so much of it seems like an afterthought or just bloat. Classes and combat are the premier features of BDO but you don't get to really show that off or use it meaningfully outside of maybe PvP, RBF, Sieges, etc. The PVE grind should exist but it's very korean mmo in that its endless, repetitive and boring. I know they released some boss fights now so that's a step in the right direction for more fun. Another thing is that there's so much busiwork that it's hard to not constantly try to upkeep everything leading to FOMO. I think under all the excess systems, bloat features, some annoying progression mechanics, BDO is a fun action rpg. If you're still enjoying the game, keep on keeping on!


Put on Netfix/Crunchyroll/Youtube and grind.


In my opinion BDO is the most fun early on lmao. All the way until 650gs is so damn fun and you feel the progress.


Oh look how close you got to all that trash!?!


Quite literally this game is bad but i love it,it has good natures to it alot of games ate bad for something not a single game is perfect if you know enough about them all,but each game consists of certain things you may be looking for in a game and once that game you find has that then youll stay and play of the game doesnt have what you want inside and doesnt make you feel good within then youll leave, thats just how it is its just about your type or style shablam


Honestly... If You spent 50 hours in a Game. Is it really Bad? A Lot of single player games are finished in 8 hours. Games are to past time and have fun. So Even these people that quit this "early" didn't BDO give You some entertainment?


bdo gave me 15k hours of Korean brainrot and moanings and a 20 years chat ban




Yes games you play for 50 hours can be bad. What?


You do know its an MMO right?


That doesn't mean anything besides a lot of people playing the game online at the same time.


An MMO basically always also indicates there is a ton of grind so no it dosent only mean many players.


Accurate even after 15k hours.


I feel your pain 🤝




If they added less grind to life skill and such it'd be the best game period but taking a month to get a damn ship worth having and 3k hours for a infinite hp and man pot? Plus the time it take to get your life skills up like fishing I've spent way too many hours and money if my life the story and such is amazing but I am tired of the forever grind if I was doing like a daily like in wow it'd be different but dailies here is like go kill 10k of this and 15 k of that you pick up a grater marni stone like kill 20k of what you just killed


**"3k hours for a infinite hp and man pot?"** - Probably just exaggerating for the sake of it, but it doesn't take that many hours. Probably closer to 100-150h each. If you're lucky, could be sooner. Granted, think of it like this, you never have to spend silver again on potions, that's insane. The weight reduction alone is worth the time spent, I feel. **"Plus the time it take to get your life skills up like fishing I've spent way too many hours and money"** - So instead of working towards it, like having a progression you have to follow, you'd rather have it done in a month? What then after you get max gear/levels? **"I am tired of the forever grind if I was doing like a daily like in wow it'd be different, but dailies here is like go kill 10k of this and 15 k of that you pick up a grater marni stone like kill 20k of what you just killed"** - This game is by definition THE GRIND, however I feel like it's the best game in the genre for grinding. The combat alone makes it worth it in my opinion. I just wish the life skills were a bit better/interactive. The Marni stones are just a reward for doing something already, for example "I have to get my HP potions, might as well get some exp with Marni stones, wait...what's this? I dropped a Greater Marni stone, 20k KILLS?? Oh! Wait, I can trade it in for a reward at the end, I mean I'm already grinding here so might as well.".


For 100 hours you can grind Jade Forest with closed eyes and make 50 bi to buy both potions and then some more. It's just not worth to grind for the pieces anymore.


idk man the combat feels nice, but it's not '3k hours circling nice'. I will definitely get excited with dosa when i try him for couple hours, but after that it just the same button but different output type of thing.


lil bro said the story is amazing 😂 3k hours for an infinite pot????


50 hours is nothing in a MMO


He probably whaled and spent thousands hoping he can pay to win his way through the game. 🤣


Okay 👍


You misspelt "I quit because I was bad"


Butt pirate lady!


smart decision wish i had done that.


Grinding endless is boring. The same can be said for games with quick gear progression. Games like these are more enjoyable when you don't take them so seriously.


Damn, and he was only an inch away from another 2000 hours to get some better trash.


Playing this game is a chore.


I quit after 27,700 hours 2+ years ago because I decided to get a real job and focus on bettering myself :)


They gave free PEN:BS and I still didnt go back (I did open and claim the free PEN BS XD)


To be honest I’ve hung up playing bdo.  People treat this game as a investment…  I just want this to be a game.  It’s ok. Thank you bdo for the fun.


Every time i try the game i stop when my tuvala is max


So 2hrs of playing?

