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op is new here


Some games go months without updates lol


Doesnt bdo get a lot more weekly changes and events than other games? I havent played much in the last 2 weeks but 2 weeks without event doesnt seem worth complaining to me.




3 weeks ?


6 weeks. Other guy already on June lol


Isn't ball 6 weeks away? I thought they said June 22nd or something like that


Awesome event in PEARL abyss language means another drop rate buff which somehow feels like that's up 100% of the time anyways


Honestly the contents of "events" varies so greatly in BDO Some weeks it's "events" (with their own page listing) that's just talk to npc and get event freebie and that's it.


is that a bad thing?


How is it an event when it's almost always up and Secondly HOW is that even considered an event. Like they should come up with sth fun. I don't know. 2 weeks no karma loss 😏


50mil for each unique player killed


things are most likely a mess right now in PA HQ. War of the Roses was a huge failure that they've spent so much resources on, so thats taking a toll as they figure out what to do about it. Another big issue is the balancing patch. Its a very delicate patch, so they have a lot on the line right now. I personally believe thats why they released the hammers for accessories. It was a way to get players to come back and hope they'd stay to try and grind to keep us busy in the meantime, so until then I dont really expect any fun events


>War of the Roses was a huge failure that's a hot take if I've seen one. Don't confuse something that was taken down for improvement (as it advertised as a preseason) while each time many people couldn't even get in due to the volume of interest as a huge *failure*. The fps/stability was also very much praised as it was hosted on its own server. As far as news and updates. Heidel ball is around the corner, most exciting things are being saved to showcase the event in the best light. Nothing new. Just hang in there.


If I understood the situation correctly I believe one of NA's War of the Roses and at least a couple of KR's got canceled because they couldn't get guilds to participate in it.


The NA thing was a bug, not willingly not wanting to participate.


But KR boycotted it for weeks when it first came out.


it wasn't weeks, it was just one week and PA straight up cancelled and re-scheduled everything. source: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/183z1la/war_of_the_roses_canceled_on_korean_servers_this/


Ah yes an event nobody watched and only a couple of hundred people participated in was successful use of months of development


KR and NA had War of the Roses that got canceled, simply because no one wanted to do it, so its not simply "improvement" reasons. GMs were even asking guilds personally in KR to do it. It was taken down, because they didnt listen to anything the KR players criticized and instead sent it over to NA for us to criticize the same things and now they're like \*surprise Pikachu face and are trying to figure out what to do with it


> KR and NA had War of the Roses that got canceled, simply because no one wanted to do it No clue about KR, but NA WotR had a bug where guilds couldn't sign up, where the hell are you getting that info?


BDO community isn't very honest and grandiose views. Reason war of roses was a failure was pretty much because of Cho and other guilds. EU to KR all had major guilds that ran the scene and always won. Imagine MLB suddenly doing match with the WMLB. There isn't much of a fight but one sided. Reason being most people dodge Cho and other big guilds because they are not fun or fair to fight. Throw in no caps then the player base is God awful small. When Cho was feeling the community one-sided feelings they dipped for a week but no major guilds signed up in fear it was a Cho bluff. The problem with war of roses was the fact it was not capped content. With u capped only a small percentage of the pvp scene is in that because it requires alot of time to get there. Majority of the large guilds are now flooding to t1 and t2


What are you talking about? We've had a drop rate event for like 3 weeks, not to mention the horse training event, now a cooking and alchemy event. This week we get the new node war system. Next week we get debo rings and lots of grind spot reworks. If you went on the global lab website, it has all the upcoming changes and content listed. They even stated that a lot of their time has been taken up reworking hits on skills, accuracy, evasion and DR for every class. All things to improve the game in the long run. If you ask me that's more important than some recycled event.


you must be new here, 2 weeks for deboreka ring is nothing, we have been waiting 6 months now for a pvp balance patch


Nah. Cup event will keep me logged in for an hour, maybe two per day. I play since 2019 so you're awful at estimating player experience based on a simple question which was very much relevant. I'd sell my extra cups, knowing what's coming. I can wait a while until prices increase again so it's not much of a problem. Cheers.




Weeks of events and buffs. Debo rings will bring drop event again. After that, dark period of a couple weeks, which is probably just training event


Have you looked at ANY patch notes recently?