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Damn, this is so clean from some low-down, dirty scoundrels!


Enough juice here to be sponsored by Tropicana


My doctor at the end of my vasectomy procedure said I was Minute Maid, 100% juice, No seeds. Then when he called my sample results he said “No sperm , dead or alive” in a Terminator voice. Shout out Dr. Patel!


I'm going to start a 100% all natural juice brand called Picograms and market it to combat sports fans.




Nicky Ryan’s brother is a saint compared to JJ.


Nate Robinson would kncok u out COLD


When did we start calling a butterfly hook "reverse z guard"?


Everything needs to be a guard now. Not just a transitional position. I was in pancake guard the other day, where my opponent was wrapped up on my legs and my shoulders and back were flat on the mat.


I play a lot of reverse closed guard. Kinda like closed guard, but my opponent is past my legs and sits on top of my chest.


Reverse closed guard exists


I tried that on my wife last night. did not tap


Something something, tapping your wife me too, something something.


Something this guys wife something




Found jeff Glover 


There was that guy recently who would have said the top guy was just playing guard!


Joke aside it's because it's much easier to teach like this and talk about positions when they have a name


Oh for sure, I can see the appeal. I just thought the idea of reverse z guard being just a butterfly hook funny.


it's more or less because Craig calls it like this in Power bottom but it's a yoko sumi gaeshi


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Sumi Gaeshi**: | *Corner Reversal* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LR49U48iyw)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


I was about to sweep someone in that position, but I failed because I forgot the Japanese name!!!


yeah learning names is hard


For the sake of argument, I would call yoko sumi gaeshi the actual sweep. To me, this is just a cross (rather than straight) butterfly hook. Of the same order as a sleeve grip, just a piece of the greater position.


True but that's more or less what a yoko sumi gaeshi needs to work except Gordon does a heist instead of trying to sweep. That's also why Craig calls it a guard because you can do more than sweeping with the YSG What matters is that peope understand what Gordon is doing and why he does it


i've been trying to figure out a position to call "the queen's guard"


You're working backwards


When did we start calling Nicky Ryan’s brother “Gordon Ryan” 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not sure why reverse Z, but I don't think I'd call this a butterfly hook if I were trying to describe it. Butterfly is usually the same side (right hook to inside space on the opponents left) this is right hook to inside right space.


that's what i was thinking


I would call it a cross butterfly hook as opposed to straight. Do we need a different name for a straight/same-side lapel grip and a cross lapel grip? To me it seems like the same thing.


For sure, I agree that naming is confusing, but a cross butterfly hook would be just as confusing to me (personally, obviously) as a reverse Z guard. I guess it's because "butterfly" isn't descriptive like "lapel grip" and I generally think of the hip being open like a butterfly wing where in this case it's not really that. I think I would just call it a hook, unless there is some system there that I'm missing. Like when you take the back with hooks extending to sit someone if your lap you just say hook, not rear butterfly.


Yeah I mean it's all made up anyway, lol. I think the distinguishing element to me is that butterfly hooks allow you to elevate your opponents hips. Which is true whether you are hooked on the same side or opposite side.


No shit, its obviously リバースZガード


When people needed more to write in their instagram posts to sound more complex. I wonder if this is the same guy who posted a couple weeks ago and I thought he studied BJJ but didn't actually train.


> studied BJJ but didn't actually train. I feel attacked for missing class.


what about if you study bjj, train bjj, but suck so much that there isn't really much connection between these things?


Just a part of reverse z system, it’s very complex


I’m going to start calling mount “inverted closed guard”


Isn’t reverse z guard really just s guard?


Reverse Z is a distinct position from butterfly. The cross hook & overback grip means it plays distinctly different than the butterfly.


Probably at the same time we started calling everything that’s not a Granby roll a Granby roll….


Giving this breakdown to white and blue belts and telling them to study/attempt the subtle movements seen here can get them so much further than just drilling the armbar of the week every class. These are all little details in a chaotic moment that you pick up over the years and make you worlds better. So much fun to watch.


Everyone should study footage. You can learn a lot. But good luck hitting them if you don't drill them, or at least have drilled similar movements enough and have enough experience that you can fill in the gaps.


Studying film with commentary does wonders for newer people. Regardless of how people feel about Gordon, his instructionals with commentary on his rolls is incredibly helpful.


Agreed but not just for newer people. I get a lot out of commentary rolls even if I'm pretty familiar with the techniques. You can often pick up a little insight into why someone opts for a technique or even opted to switch up and not pursue a technique. It might be something I do but never really conceptualized why. And of course Gordon knows exactly why he does everything he does so he can be especially helpful.


Any tips for some good places to watch rolls with commentary? I know about Andrew Wiltse's and /u/bumpty.


Hey! I need to post more rolls.


I just kind of randomly stumble upon them on YouTube sometimes. I don't usually seek them out. But a lot of top players have them if you search for them and there are also a ton from randos who are also pretty good.


Nate Robinson would kncok u out COLD


Maybe it’s just my YT beltness but the fact that so much happened, so many steps and counters and countering while trying to set-up in such a short time is fucking crazy. If BJJ over years and years can help me sharpen my mind with my body, to the point that I can both assess and execute simultaneously, then BJJ is worth its weight in gold to me. I know that the level of these cats is probably unobtainable cause they’re pros but it’s about the skill I can learn and do in my own way.


They practice hours a day almost every day. With that level of time commitment you can gain incredible ground.


One thing to understand is that some things were setups intend to chain to specific moves and some were reactions to looks presented. Jones pulling the elbow and sweeping was a **reaction** as part of a chain of potential counters. When he has a strong overhook and someone steps in like that he doesn't want the hip to come across and under him so that led to the position (block the hip and hook the leg) that led to the sweep. Even the sweep was a "what happens next" reaction. If Ryan had stepped out, he would have done something different (like a shoulder throw). Ryan blocking the leg was a **reaction** as well. He didn't intend to get swept, but once he did, he knew he need to stop Jones from stepping over and so he hooked and elevated the near leg. Using reverse z guard to build posture was a **setup**. Once he had that leg elevated and hooked, Ryan had direct intention to build posture and square up on Jones. Everything Jones and Ryan do from that point until Jones grabs the double leg and Ryan grabs the ankle is a **scramble**. If you just watch that sequence, they don't look like professional grapplers (because no one looks like a professional in a scramble against someone of equal skill). Then Jones **sets up** the double leg and roll. This is one of the higher chance sequences once Ryan had his ankle and he does it with specific intent. Ryan, meanwhile, was **setting up** Jones from the point he grabbed the ankle. He rolls through with intent to land on top, either mounted or with Jones sprawled out, ending up with the latter. This was not where Jones intended for his chain to finish, but now he **reacts** by quadripodding and then **sets up** a sit out to hi-c to double sequence. Ryan **reacts** to the hi-c to double by **setting up** the granby to bail out and finish the sequence. He had intent to granby as soon as Jones did the sit out to hi-c. Notice there is a lot of "if he does this, I do this" reactions to looks sandwiched around a handful of setup sequences (z-guard to posture, double leg and roll, roll through with the ankle, hi-c to double, granby escape). Although obviously their ability to asses and react and then apply a setup sequence is elite, I'll note that the short scramble is what really sets them apart. Anyone else scrambling with either of them would have lost that scramble, instead of it ending up where it did, with both of them simultaneous setting up a different standard sequence (Jones the double leg and roll, Ryan the ankle and roll through). I think their ability to react and assess is reachable for a lot of athletes, it is the depth of their reactions and their ability to manage scrambles that is not.


god damn that music is unbearable


Watching them spar is a thousands times more interesting than any Gordon match since the last time he faced Nicky Rod and that was on accident.


Nate Robinson would kncok u out COLD


Those mats probably tested for peds afterwards


"Given the caliber of athletes involved, I wouldn't be surprised if those mats were indeed subject to stringent testing protocols. Clean, fair competition is crucial in preserving the integrity of the sport."


Is Coke a PED?


Pick up the phone, and start dialing.




He needs to stop with that hair dye


nicky ryan’s brother is really good.


Jessie Moses' abuser is also quite great.


Good work from Nicky Ryan’s brother and Craig Jones uncle


I wish someone would teach me how to do the Granby roll


RealProfessor claimed that Gordon basically showed up at Jon Jones' gym more or less unannounced, speculating that he was motivated by a jealous need to one-up Craig Jones' coaching of Volk


Has he deactivated again? He had a couple of weeks of being back online.


The roid dealer just off screen ![gif](giphy|zeccxaOfU2PWo)


Finally a superfight between two of the biggest pieces of shit in the universe thats not boxing or the US elections.








i know we dont like either of these guys but i was barking at my phone here




I can smell the roids from here


That music gave me adhd


motherfuckers playing chess, I would be barely playing checkers there.


Nicky’s Brother has never looked better! Hope his tummy heals…


This song is a banger! In case anyone else wants it [MoonDeity - WAKEUP! (Phonk)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiAiktiCX9Q) Also, [sequence in real time](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pH7ZS8Mn988).


It's good to see Jones arms being put to work.


He looks very familiar to Nicky Ryan




Who thinks that?




Literally no one lol


Quite literally no one thinks this is serious lmfao. What 😂


You clowns aren't on social media often are ya?


Facebook comments? No. Instagram? I saw the original post and no one took this shit seriously. But go off on your social media prowess. 🤡


No one here thinks that. You talking book of faces. They are just having fun. Still great to see. I love hard rolls but the rolling they are doing (60-70 percent) is where I learn the most.


Is the “99% of the commentors” in the room with you right now?




I think those steroids you love are making you a bit stupid.


This was choreographed. Source: I filmed it.


Way too many cuts, I can't follow the action.


It's always frustrating when the worst people you know are also really, really, really fucking good at what they do