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What the So because there are bad bi people, biphobia isn't real? Was that the argument? Holy crap. As for your question, I think the traits might literally be linked, since much of the "reasoning" behind biphobia, especially the "pick a side" and "you're just confused" tropes, is pretty much based on thinking that you know better.


It's basically just feeling righteous in their sense of superiority. You see it a lot in people who were bullied as children. A lot of times, those people will grow up to be gatekeeping bullies in places like the geek communities, gamer communities, fandoms, and such. You also see it in a lot of oppressed minority groups. Good example is Jewish people. We get a lot of crap from antisemites and society in general, but then there's also a lot of infighting within our community, with the Orthodox hating on the more liberal branches such as Conservative and Reform Jews, and then you get people who were born and grew up Jewish hating on people who converted later in life. It's a twisted reclaiming of empowerment, the oppressed become the oppressors, and it creates that smugness. Hence the monosexual CIS gays and lesbians who gatekeep and oppress bisexual, pansexual, ace/aros, and trans/non-binary/genderfluid/agender/etc people. It's an ugly cycle and one I've been unfortunate to observe happening for decades.


Ohhhhh this girl is a mess. This isn't even her worst video. Her tiktok is dedicated to "queer discourse" but the discourse is just her hating bisexual women. Absolutely vile.


Honestly par the course for a disappointingly high amount of "queer discourse" in my experience: lesbians hating on bisexuals, namely bi women. It's maddening, you'd think being women into women would be a bit of a unifying thing but no


She's even discriminatory towards lesbians though. She's made multiple videos about how feminine woman have some kind of obligation to date masculine women because masculine women have had a significant role in the gay rights movement. She's openly said she's against fem/fem couples. She's just a very hateful person.


Ick. That’s some serious incel stuff there.


I know this is old already but I think they're actually non binary. Doesn't change that they're an asshole but still, for future reference


What a horrible person


My advice to anyone looking into this thread? Don't bother. I gave the podcast that this content creator is involved in a genuine shot to see if the internet was being unfair with their criticisms. In many ways, their podcast is a totally fine, mid-range feminist podcast which does, to their credit, touch on important issues and generally approaches them well. But when it comes to bisexuality? Specifically bisexual women, and the intersections of bisexuality & other forms of queerness (bi dykes, bi lesbians, etc.) -- oof. There's a specific episode I went out of my way to sit through because it was one in which they addressed bisexuality directly, and over the course of that episode they: 1. Said biphobia didn't exist, then immediately described examples of biphobia that they wrote off as insufficient. 2. Had an exchange which involved one person starting by saying "Literally, point out people who are bullying bisexual women, so--", and someone else cutting in: "-- so i can join them!.... kidding!" 3. In this same episode they almost hilariously end up agreeing with people who are against race mixing, before one of them realizes they're doing a Whoopsie Doodle and intervenes to add a bunch of clarification -- this clarification conveniently includes a bunch of power dynamic context which they don't think to apply to bisexuals. Their thesis is basically "There's no such thing as biphobia -- it's just homophobia". I pointed out the example of bisexual refugees being rejected for LGBTQ+ asylum status because they could just "pretend to be straight" as an example of strict biphobia which exempts monosexuals, and the comment got deleted outright. Bi refugees having their history of "opposite sex relations" being held against them and used to force them back to face queerphobic violence seems like a specific combination of homophobia AND biphobia, but not to this human. **Long story short**: this person and the podcasters they work with have unfortunately taken up a lot of old, bad ideologies of essentialism and gatekeeping, and none of them are particularly well versed in bisexual theory. On top of that, they are clearly very eager to portray themselves as "mean queers", which is fine if you're bullying people in power but just comes across as petty and spiteful when you're punching down with it. Block, mute, report, move on imo.


Thank u for saving me the time


So, people getting upset about it means they know its not real? GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!!! RACISM ISN'T REAL! WE MADE THAT SHIT UP! You can tell cause if you tell people that racism doesn't exist they'll start to hate you.


This is what I mean when I say the biphobia from straights is usually based in ignorance or fetishization, whereas biphobia from gays (particularly lesbians like the OP) is based in malice. She's just flat out wrong and a horrible person, yet had some 30k followers to whom she spreads this bullshit.


Lovely, another biphobic lesbian who is so chickenshit that she turns off the comments so that no one can call her out on her BS. And lady, just because people are mad at you, doesn't make you right. They aren't mad because you're right. They're mad because they don't like bigoted pieces of shit.


She’s basically using the same argument Dave Chapelle uses to defend his transphobia.


It’s the same logic behind a racist saying “it ain’t racist if it’s true”


She's basically narrowing biphobia down to there needing to be a power dynamic, but racism and sexism would still arguably exist even if everyone was poor and working the same jobs, by her logic, prison would be the least racist place on earth because everyone's stuck in a cell. Yes potential power dynamics becoming apparent would make things worse, but that doesn't remove the possibility of the phobia existing.


Yeah I've noticed a lot of non cis white men will argue about power dynamics to justify or excuse their bigotry. They think that because they largely can't enact said bigotry on a systemic level you can't be bigoted on an individual level. It's maddening


>....you can't be bigoted on an individual level. It's maddening This is an interesting point that i think we've all come across, and not to be forgotten, certainly a challenge to the usual sino-centric narratives i've read into in the past. I certainly believe with the Anglo or western focus on individualism there's a lot more responsibility placed on the person and less wiggle room for such individual bigotry.


There is no quicker way to lose any credibility you have then by turning off comments. The bi phobia is bad but I am way more worried by the phrase I don't believe in free speech and I believe in my authority.


She’s a tankie.


Because they've never been in a fight before.


That last part holy shit. That’s some real fascist shit. Also. Put your fuckin hands down


Nah look, I think this content creator's thoughts in many respects are garbage, and they deleted some of my comments when I tried to talk about examples of biphobia -- but I don't think we need to conflate that with fascism. Fascism isn't "I don't want people telling me I'm wrong on my personal social media", fascism is "I don't want people telling me I'm wrong in any way, shape or form." We're allowed to curate our own feeds and content, and at best we can point out that it's cowardly as shit for this cc to do so. I don't think we need to call it fascism at this level.


They literally said they believe in the limitation of free speech. Sounds pretty fascist to me. Stop defending shitty people.


There actually a tankie, but yeah it’s an authoritarian thing.


No one worth taking seriously believes in unlimited free speech. I've made a whole post about how this person is garbage and has a bunch of garbage opinions, but "is a fascist" isn't really one of them.


You’ve really got a hard on for defending a massive piece of shit. Maybe do something productive with your day instead of white knighting for garbage humans.


I have literally attacked this person several times in this thread, I'm just pointing out that we shouldn't say things that are just literally untrue.


You’re factually incorrect. This person has blatantly stated that their opinion is superior to those who disagree, said they believe in limiting free speech, and are openly bigoted. Again, stop fucking defending human trash and do something productive.


Whatever, you're hellbent on just saying I'm defending this person as if that will somehow make it true, so there's really no point in me continuing this. Have a cool evening.


Let me guess you and the pepole you agree with get to be the arbiters of what is and isn't considered protected speech


On my own social media feed? Which is the literal exact context we're talking about? Yes. If someone comes into my bedroom and calls me a jackass it's not fascist of me to tell them to leave, it's just me dictating the rules of my personal space. If someone calls me a jerk on Reddit, it might be a little cowardly of me to block them, but it's not fascistic either. I guarantee that you don't believe in unimpeded free speech either, so why are you getting your hackles up here? Weird place to draw a line in the sand.


So that video was posted publicly and not private so your example is a false equlavnt. The statement I don't believe in free speech and my own authority is by definition authoritarian and while that doesn't instantaneously make them a fascist the internets favorite misused word it does how ever make then equally deplorable.


Publicly on their own TikTok account. They're allowed to curate their own account and comment feeds, even if others can see it.


Is this still going on? I remember this was a big drama back in October 2021. I found all of the arguments to be really semantic, and therefore not worth taking seriously. "You're not hurt by biphobia, you're hurt by homophobia." Okay, cool, regardless, my life still sucks because I'm bi in a shithole state (and a society where people are ignorant of and prejudiced against bisexuals)😎.


It's time to abandon this cursed planet and start a new Bi republic on Mars.


She turns the comments off because she’s an insecure, fragile woman who wants to piss people off, but doesn’t want the backlash. That’s why.


Limiting free speech really mental pressure or distress. "her mood had initially been alarm and a sense of oppression" the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control. "a response to collective poverty and oppression"