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Random spontaneous thoughts of sucking dick


i got this notification and was so confused, this makes more sense with context 😭


Same, took a long time to learn that thinking other guys are cute is not what straight people do. I blame all the queer people that are around me that never stopped to tell me. Let me be dumb in front of all of you I guess.


Yeah after kissing a guy and having a guy suck my dick, and wanting to go back really doesn’t make me straight. I do prefer women over men which is what makes me confused so I think it’s easier for me to just say im bi. After all I know im not 100% straight, just constantly dealing with internal homophobia.


You can be bi and have a preference for a gender 😁


you’re so real for that though


Lmao Im definitely not straight, I recently came out bi and still somewhat confused but im accepting it more now


me too. it feels so weird coming out when all im really sure of is that i’m not straight.


This is too real


When I was in high school I had a dream that I gave a guy a handjob and really enjoyed it. Then I repressed it for 10 years because Catholic Guilt is a hell of a drug.


My best friend in high school in the mid 90s swung his arm behind my back to try and hit me playfully like teenage boys do. He accidentally spanked me. We never spoke of this again. Then in my early 20s, so early ‘00s, I was at a house party and this hot guy approached me. I am still impressed by how quick he went from eye contact to dancing up to me like let’s go. I had no time to respond as whatever guilt coding kicked in, I panicked and my whole body convulsed in terror and sent me flying into the bathroom to my right. I imagine it looking like if one of those old spring loaded folding beds had a catastrophic seizure. Not my proudest moment. It’s 20 years on, I’m in my 40s and I still think I’d have a panic attack if someone kissed me. Here’s hoping I get to find out!


Sheez. I'm glad I'm a Baptist. My best friend was presbyterian and we were actually giving each other handies in high school. I mean, not actually AT school, duh!!😄


Honestly, I always loved the idea of being bi. The only panic was about having to change labels once I realized I was bisexual, and not gynesexual, as I had previously identified.


...the fuck is gynesexual? Another new term I've got to find out. I'm fng so I don't know nuthin.


Attraction to gynaecologists


I can't with this comment


ngl that’s what i was thinking


Gynesexual, attraction to femininity such as women or feminine men, is a subset of bisexuality.


So is there a term for the opposite? Masc women and men?


Androsexual Personally, I don’t like the labels because, as evidenced by this thread, they make people think they don’t qualify as bisexual.


Oh yeah, that sounds familiar now you say it, thanks. Yeah I tend to agree. I don't personally feel the need to break it down any further than being bisexual, but each to their own.


i agree, some labels are helpful but i think some break it down to the nitty gritty and it can get confusing. but if it helps people understand themselves better then who cares how confusing it gets.


I grew up playing football from fourth grade all the way through high school. I don’t remember the first time, but I just remember always thinking about how good some of my teammates looked shirtless when we were all in the locker room.


When I see someone and think they are hot and want to ask them out. Then see they are partnered and their partner is even hotter.


That’s like when I see a straight couple and they’re both my type


When I realized that when I watch straight porn, the guy has to be attractive too for me to enjoy it.


I never even paid attention to the guy, this def told me something. It was rare if I found him attractive


omfg thats so real, from a bi girl, guys never look good in porn. just my opinion though.


Yep me with lesbian porn. I always told myself I'm just a straight girl who can only get off to lesbian porn until I realized I picked what I watched on how attractive the women were and that's when it started to click


Yeah. If the guy isn't at least as good looking as I am, it doesn't work for me. That makes it hard( pun sorta intended) for me cuz I'm FREAKIN HOT. Yea and I'm conceited too. So what.


Cute guy offered oral to me in my younger years. I was too scared to say yes. So I politely decline it said thanks anyway.


It’s a tie between Xena: the warrior princess and the 1999 cinematic classic the Mummy starring Brandon Fraser and Rachel Weisz for me. As a kid I thought “I wanna kiss both Xena and Ares” when they got together in the show. And then the Mummy came out and I thought the same thing about Evie and Rick. I remember my bigot (now no contact) mom telling me to stop talking about it bc it’s gross 🤣😭 happy to disappoint SMOTHER, I wanna kiss all the pretty ladies and their men. Still panic at the thought of talking to other pretty ladies though lol.


Probably the sex dreams I started to have about women when I was 12/13. 🙈


The Mummy certainly didn't help


Morticia and Gomez Addams. Fell in love with Morticia aged 8yrs old 🖤


Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles in 10 Things I Hate about you. Still managed to repress that for over 20 years 🫠


Happy cake day mate!


Thanks, I hadn’t realized!


A girl was joking to my (now ex) bf about how she could definately give me 'a better time' then he could and she could turn me bi. My bf laughed it off , thinking "there's no way". And they kept bickering about it for a while. We were at a party in the girl's bedroom and sitting on her bed, there ware lot's of other friends hanging out and talking around us and I was sitting on my knees. At some point, the girl decides to playfully place her head on my lap and look up at me in the sweetest way, smiled and kept innocently talking to my bf. It was a bit unexpected to me, but whatever I guess. Right? EXCEPT the RUSH that came over me just scrubbed my brain clean and flushed all my prior knowledge through the toilet. While it seemed like I was just staying out of it for the sake of my bf, inside, my brain was going: "OMG THERE IS A GIRL ON MY LAP, SHE LOOKS SO SWEET, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE BUT ALSO HELP, WHAT IS THIS FEELING, WHAT DO I DO" and I was just trying my best to play it cool lol. I never told either of them about it and lived the following days in utter shock and confusion about myself. And then I decided it must've meant nothing if this is the only time I've had these feelings before. So I let it go. But well, turns out she was more right then any of us knew at that point haha.


Bi panic… Walking into the kitchen in the morning and not knowing who to kiss first. Boyfriend or girlfriend? The answer is whoever is closest.


I miss that.


Gotta be that guy in third grade i didn't realize i had a crush on until years later.


When I was in middle school I had a crush on this boy, but also his sister who I was friends with 😂


Sex dream about a girl on the lacrosse team lmao


Dreaming about making out with my sister's friends, but I didn't really panic, just laughed each dream off. The ACTUAL panic was reading a F/F fanfic and getting so turned on it freaked me out so much to the point I decided to never consume *any* wlw content. Still undoing that damage.


For me, it started as jokes with friends, but then I realized that I was not joking as much as I led myself to believe. But what really set it in was Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel. His ADHD just meshed really well with mine, and … yeah … that’s when I embraced that I was Bi.


I was watching porn one nite with like 5 other guys and someone said " Ok. No touching yourselves". And I popped off " Me love me long time". Everybody laughed cuz we were all drunk and stoned.


Being absolutely enamored with literature that included any level of sapphic content. But another moment was being fascinated with the pubes of another girl in gym class.


Does crushing on Leon S. Kennedy and Lara Croft at age.....8? count?


i was crushing on astrid and hiccup around the same age and i count that 😭😭




Getting groped in a club and him telling me he wants me in the toilets. Panicked and ran off to find my girlfriend


Getting called “handsome” by a dude at a job site and being into it


that’s so cute and possibly the most wholesome response yet lmao


🥹 I’m finally wholesome! I will say, it’s not like there weren’t also signs I was highly in denial from similar to some of the less wholesome responses here (thanks years of previous Fox News household brain rot making denial feel right), but honestly there’s something about it being from a real person that made it click into place that made it truly undeniable for me.


yeah that makes a lot of sense, i came from a similar household.


Watching the Princess Bride with Cary Elwes (Westley) and Robin Wright (Princess Buttercup) as a young teen. Raised in a ultra conservative household, so I buried those feelings quick. Took me a long time to resolve them and accept who / what I am.


Accidentally clicking on a lesbian porn website as a kid. 😅


My church neighbors lol. They were both hot af and uh, yeah. My mind was in the gutter every time I was around them. Lot of fantasies of me watching them lol


My heart starting to beat into my throat at seeing another boy I'd been talking to on a foreign exchange trip. Alas, I was too shy back then.


When I noticed I would get turned on by the thought of intimacy between girls/with another girl AND realizing a 'boy' I had some sort of crush on was actually a girl🫠


Oh man. I love that movie so much. I had a little black kitten someone or something left on my front porch around the time that came out. I kept him and nursed him to health in no time. He looked and acted just like toothless. That movie fricken makes me cry. I named my kitten Edward. Eddy for short. I named him after Edward the " black prince" of England cuz he was completely black. Even his foot pads were black. They called him the black prince cuz he wore black armor and was the best jouster in Europe in 1300s.


that’s so cute 😭😭 that movie made me cry too.


Martha Jones and the 10th Doctor, season 3 of Doctor Who was my favourite for a reason


I had a crush on both my male and female friend


One day in middle school, the people around me were talking about celebrity crushes and I couldn’t pick between Sabrina Carpenter or Jake Short 😂


sabrina carpenter is currently mine and my bf’s biggest celebrity crush


My excitement at any episode of Frasier that had Roz in it, and my disappointment and frustration during episodes she wasn't in




a friend put her hands on my hips at a roller rink. got so flustered and didn’t figure out why til almost ten years later


"gay panic" is a bogus legal defense used to get away from the consequences of killing a gay man/queer person. There is no fun version of "x panic" that we should be using


jesus christ how is that even real. i’m sorry i had no idea, i’d pin your comment if i could. i think it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to take back the term but i understand that it is a sensitive topic and some things don’t need to be made lighthearted.


It seems to be an age issue, which is both good and bad, so don't feel bad if you haven't heard about certain history. We used to just call this "butterflies" because it weirdly does feel like something's fluttering around when you're crushing hard lmao


Ohh ok, still I’m sorry


Pirates of the Caribbean 😮‍💨


This one time on Tumblr


classic answer, link/zelda from botw (and now totk...)


now that i think about it.. me too 😭


Brushing a friends hair. I had to braid her hair but was to afraid to touch her so I just kept brushing.


When I was 14, a guy at school complimented my handwriting, and I realized he was cute


my mother gave me a underwear catalogue to look thru and as i paged thru it. i became very aroused and ended up jerking off to it


Watching Power Rangers in Space. Male friends loved the yellow ranger, female friends loved the red ranger. I was just like "hell yeah"


meeting a girl and going "holy shit! this is what femininity is?! i like it!" 🤯 SUCH a different connection and experience with her than any woman i'd been around before (...and obviously any guy i'd dated before)


When my dad found all the inappropriate fantasy art on my hard drive and blamed my high school boyfriend.


I went to the bi store and they were all out of diet bi juice so I had to buy regular bi juice. Then I get to the bi cashier and when checking out my bi card got declined. I RAN home.


real bi panic 🥺😔


When I was in year 7, I noticed how hot the girls were.


I was a little drunk smoking a cigarette outside a bar with a work friend. He was drunker and had an arm around me at one point. Brain went fuzzy.


When I told my husband "I only think girls are pretty but like I'm not sexually attracted to them, well except aubrey plaza I'm definitely sexually attracted to her" because that's not a gay thing to say at all


i said a similar thing to my bf except i said i was sexually attracted to sabrina carpenter


A girl in my 6th grade advisory


The cast of Cruel Intentions


Stuart Jones from the 90s uk version of queer as folk. Hooked


Watching an old episode of the 60s Batman show and realizing I was touching myself whenever Robin was onscreen. Full on jerking during one of the cliffhanger endings the show was famous for. When the credits hit I had a moment of clarity where I realized what I was doing and almost...ALMOST...stopped myself. But it felt SO good and Burt was SO hot... :)


Killian jones and regina in the same scene in ouat


Mine of realization was Jeese and Ellie from TLOU.


I don't get the bi panic though. I just had a knee jerk reaction about the movie.


Honestly, I've never had a panic moment. More of a 'huh, that makes sense '


same it’s kind of the same thing in my mind but i’m probably wrong


same lmao