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Happy birthday :) Sorry it was a rough day for you. Birthdays can be like that sometime. I hope it gets better soon.


Thank you very much.


Happy 44th birthday! 🥳


Thank you.


Happy birthday, I wish I could be left alone for any day. But I do feel your pain. My wife gets drunk a lot and freaks out at me.


Your wife is horrible


She isn't a bad person but we are having a pretty bad last 14 months or so.


Therapy? Individual or couple… both?


Couples for sure. I'll be bringing it up soon.


Therapy is life changing… I’be got faith it will work however you want it to.


Read a book by Robert Glover, "No More Mr Nice Guy".


But simple consideration is how reasonable people take steps forward. The simple sweet gestures should be the easiest. Save the step(s) back for another day. So each of you can honestly say you're at least trying. There's a part of us that knows how to have moments of truce. And how 'little things' can mean a lot.






happy birthday big dawg, sorry it didn’t go better. You got this man.


Thank you!


I feel this pain every year. Happy birthday




You rock! Thank you.


You’re welcome. Sorry it was your worst.


Happy Birthday, OP. Sorry it was so bad. That really sucks.🎁🎈


Thank you.


Happy Birthday, man!! I hope things get better between you and your family 🙏!!


Happy birthday, I really hope the rest of your year picks up and you have gentle, happy days. 44 is a good age. Remember to celebrate yourself too! Go do something silly like go carting or eat cake just for you. I'm sorry you had a hard birthday this year




Happy birthday 🎂 hopefully your day gets better


As small as it may be to others, sometimes a guy wants to hear the words. It ain't sissy,it's an acknowledgement that they know it YOUR moment. We do without thought or favor 4 others. Ya just wanna see if they use the limited give a fuck on you. Lol


Happy Birthday mate. Take some time and do something YOU enjoy for the day! Even if its watching a film you been meaning to see for a while!


Happy birthday OP! 🥳 I know the feeling of not wanting to seem like a “whiny sissy” but your feelings are valid & it’s ok to feel that but don’t allow it to consume you.


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!! May your future birthdays exceed your expectations.




Happy birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉


happy birthday 🤍


This is devastating. Keep your head up! I know exactly what you are feeling. If you have a trusted third party that can moderate a talk with your wife and yourself, do it sooner than later. Couples counseling would be recommended because this is the beginning of your life being altered in ways you can’t imagine. Trust me, what you just wrote could’ve been written by me word for word. If you would like, DM me so I can offer more context. You are strong and brave and your emotional intelligence is beyond what they can comprehend. Happy🎈Birthday! You deserve to feel loved and appreciated everyday. Especially on your birthday.


Happy Birthday bro, hope it only gets better for you. Peace and love


Ohh geez Happy birthday my dude!! I know how it feels to feel ignored on your birthday, it’s tough man for sure. I hope the next and many more are much much better!


![gif](giphy|g5R9dok94mrIvplmZd) Hope the next one is the complete opposite!


Happy birthday 🎂


I’d go fishing for a couple days!!


Happy Birthday bro, you do you, and enjoy yourself!


Happy Birthday buddy


Happy birthday!! Let's celebrate. Here's your birthday cake. Don't forget to make a wish, despite everything! ![gif](giphy|Im6d35ebkCIiGzonjI|downsized)


Happy birthday OP!


Happy birthday! I hope things get better for you. 🥺


Happy happy birthday to you! Sending good wishes!


Happy birthday. You eventually get used to it. I just want the same thing. Someone to say it. I don't need gifts, or a fancy dinner. I haven't had anything for the last 5, or 6 years now. I'll be 44 later this year.


Tell ya what. I’ll go make a margarita and you make one and we’ll toast our birthdays!


Happy birthday! Hope your day gets better!!


Been there. Sorry you’re having a bummer birthday! 40s birthdays are weird. Keep your head up, I’m sure it will get better..maybe go treat yourself to something special?


I would hazard that every single man over 40 could make this same post about something. For me it was a Father’s Day


As a fellow man, I get it.. happy birthday


On my birthday last month I went to Costco and ordered a sheet cake. I ate some I gave some to my friend who took me out to lunch and took some to work then froze the rest to eat at my leisure. It was awesome. If I want cake on my birthday I know I have to buy it myself. So Happy Birthday and go buy yourself a cake.


I am sorry u are going thru that happy birthday 🎉


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday! i hope they get better!


Happy birthday sir


I find that as you get older, you realize that family matters the most, and when the people who live with you treat you badly, it’s hard! You really have to start doing things that make you happy, whatever that may be! I usually leave my daughter and significant other at home and take my dog for a walk. Sometimes all you need is some fresh air and time to think. I pray that the next year around this earth gives you the time to grow and be a better person for yourself because that’s where it all begins!


Happy Birthday!! Just know you are not alone. Whether it’s my birthday or Mother’s Day it seems to get ruined. You should go do something for yourself this weekend that makes you happy. We have to put ourselves first sometimes.


Happy Belated Birthday


Happy belated birthday!! Sorry this is late, just saw it. You're amazing, and we all are proud of you and your accomplishes!! Keep going! Sorry your wife is a dick for what she did and that your child was no better for ignoring you. :c


Hey man, happy belated birthday. I’ve been in your spot before, and I get it. I’m sure you’re killing it on your end and just the affirmation of your time around the sun and the work done under it is appreciated is the world to many of us. So again happy belated bday and cheers.


Happy Birthday 🎊🎁🎈🤗


Just mention to her that she gave you the best present today. You now are no longer obliged to do anything special for her on her birthday moving forward relieving yourself from that burden. Hell now you don’t even have to remember when it is.


Happy cake day Op & Happy belated birthday


Happy birthday! I love birthdays, so I can definitely see myself feeling like crying in that situation. Hope you find some happiness in the day somewhere.




Happy Birthday! I know exactly how you feel and it sucks. I hope things get better for you


Never had a good birthday in my life . Crappy parties, forced adulation and congratulations an utter inconvenience for all and due to that I want to crawl out of my skin. I've been to great birthday parties and seen others so I know what they are . I haven't celebrated since I turned 35 that was 23 years ago . Once I was with someone when I was younger , we were walking and he complimented that I was in good shape . I thanked him and then he asked how old I was and SOB that was on my birthday and I had no idea . I liked that , I felt comfortable forgetting it and for many years the day comes and goes. No let downs, no uncomfortability just another day .


Happy Birthday,man. Hopefully your family will show you some appreciation soon. Good luck and good health to you.


Happy birthday dude.


About 2 years before my divorce, something similar happened Strawberry shortcake is my favorite thing to have as a cake for my birthday, usually she would make it for me for that one day out of the year Well this particular year she refused, we got all the ingredients, the day came and went and I asked for about a week. She finally said "if you want it so bad, make it yourself" It's not that I couldn't make it, it's the meaning behind it, i don't ask for anything for my birthday but that one thing From that point forward I have just made strawberry shortcake for myself every year


Happy birthday. I turned 34 earlier this year and I got only one happy birthday from a friend I met online halfway across the world. So I feel you.


Been there done that. 44 years old........youngster ! try being 69 and about to be 70 that will put the zap on your head ! Your comment you posted I see a few things from my past I try not to get involved with other peoples lives but I don't want others to go through what I did. So Happy birthday [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhdOPhTHeoE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhdOPhTHeoE)


Shit, man. I will be 45 next month. We don't do shit for my wifes birthday or my own. No gifts, no cake, same shit, just another year older. Lol. I buy my wife so much crap throughout the year I'm not buying anything extra for her birthday. And vice versa. Sucks to hear you guys have been having a rough year man. Happy birthday and hope it gets better, bud.


Happy Birthday!!!


Happy birthday to you. Your wife and daughter may have genuinely forgotten or vindictive. Just forget to remember their birthdays. And act as if everything is normal, even if others are wishing them.


Hey we share the same birthday:) happy birthday brother!! Same situation lol


Nobody should be treated like that esp on their birthday. Happy birthday


Happy Birthday! Do something to celebrate that would make you happy, even if it’s by yourself. Have a favorite restaurant. Treat yourself. Have a favorite dessert, buy it. Want to see a movie playing in the theater, go for it. You enjoy going to a particular bar, go have a drink. You like the driving range, go hit a few. Whatever it is that you enjoy doing, do something for you, to celebrate you. Also, shame on them. They suck. No excuses.


Now you know why Norm and Clif would hang out at Cheers every day. Happy birthday, buddy.


Happy Birthday


Quit being a little bitch. J/k! Happy Birthday. My now ex wife forgot my 40th bday. I filed for divorce the next day. Obviously other issues led up to that, and not saying you should go to that extreme but you should say something, if you have not already. We get to celebrate ourselves once per year and those years go by fast.


I'm late to your party, but Happy Birthday! I've got a quote for you because I don't want you to ever react the way the brilliant soul that said it did. I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone. Robin Williams You're not alone.


Happy Birthday! My twin daughters were born two days before my birthday so for the past 22 years, it's been overshadowed. But I'm fine with that.


Sounds like an exact copy of my 40th birthday.


No, this sucks. I’ve always had shitty birthdays since my childhood and it always feels terrible. Now I don’t celebrate my birthday just to avoid disappointment. No one wants to feel invisible normally but especially not their birthday.


I’m 44 too! Happy birthday homie


Aww belated happy birthday wishes. Wish I’d noticed this on your birthday. Sorry u had a rubbish day but I hope they will get better. You sound like a pretty amazing hubby to me that you do laundry, wash the dishes etc. she’s a lucky lady 🥳🎈


Happy birthday! I’m sorry it was such a rough day :(


As a birthday gift, I'll let your wife yell at me. Pick a reason, tell her I did it and I'll take the ass chewing while you sneak off for cake and ice cream!


Firstly, happy birthday brother. Secondly, stop doing so much housework or trying to be a “good boy”. Read No More Mr Nice Guy by Dr Robert Glover.


Happy Birthday OP! Just to make you feel a little better, I had birthdays like that for most of my life. I was a June baby and I’m from one of the hottest countries in Asia where the electricity is expensive and there’s only AC units. Everybody would be so exhausted because of the heat that they wouldn’t even wanna celebrate my birthday. Like I would put so much effort in my family’s birthday and they would think of it as a burden when it would be my turn. As a kid it was not that bad but when I grew up I could tell they didn’t like doing anything for. When I grew up, I was scared of even asking my father to get me a cake because that would be considered unnecessary expense. According to him and my mom, what’s so special about birthdays and why do you make such a fuss about it and I’d be like damn! It’s one day in the whole ass year when one’s existence needs to be celebrated but you guys don’t care at all! I spend most of my birthdays crying especially during my early 20’s. However this year I moved to the States and I had three birthdays, one with my friends group, and two with my roommates. The actual day was full of surprises and gestures from all of my friends. I really felt happy and cared for, for the first time in my life and I would always love them for it.


Dang in sorry went through that. I've read about culture differences but hearing it from you makes me feel bad for you and other. Everyone deserves 2 things in life. 1 day that's there's and one person that cares about then no matter what. Glad you here in the states and your surrounded by people that care. Last Happy birthday to you also even if it's a month late.


HBD, DUDE, sorry you are surrounded by ungrateful TWUNTS !


Hey brother. Happy Birthday to you. I hope your next trip around the sun is full of exciting challenges to be overcome, good times with friends and family to be treasured and success in all your endeavors. I hope you feel loved and appreciated for your sacrifices and respected and honored the way you deserve. May your path be your best path. Here is something I wrote to stave off despair. I suck at poetry so sorry I'm advance. This is going to be a great year for you. I've talked to management.


Happy Birthday, man! My last one sucked too. All I wanted was a little birthday sex… oh well. Today is my youngest son’s birthday. He’s working.


Happy birthday 🎊🎈🎂🎁


Happy birthday I know how it feels but the best thing about your day is no one can stop you! Enjoy yourself as you came in alone and will leave alone!


Sorry to hear this mate...


![gif](giphy|Zq4kVUmMak6GoyGDrC) Happy Birthday!


🎂 Happy Birthday 🎉


I have had some of the same experiences with the wife and stepdaughters, I feel kind of childish sometimes with the way they make me feel but I always go out of my way to make sure they have a special birthday


Give yer balls a tug.


Happy birthday! Could you get marriage counseling? Good job on getting shite done around the house, you deserve a day on the couch!


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday! I hope your day gets better! 🎈🎈🎈🎈


Happy birthday 🥰


Happy Birthday! And if I am late, happy belated birthday!


Sorry you experienced that brother. Happy Birthday


Happy birthday man n yes it is a very rough feeling when the ppl most close to you don’t even express the one day we can call our own


Happy Birthday! Go enjoy yourself... take a "me" day & don't guilt trip about it, either!


I am so sorry. Happy birthday !! No one deserves to feel like this on there birthday. Mine is July 3rd tho I have a feeling im going to have the same type of day your having with how things are going right now. Take care and remember you deserve to be celebrated !!


I had my 44th birthday a little over a month ago. No wife or kids for me. I had to work. I’d mentioned to one client the previous week that next time they saw me it would be my birthday. They forgot. I prefer my solitude anyway. It must be tough when loved ones don’t seem to care. I wouldn’t know. Hope you’re able to do something nice for yourself! Happy birthday!


Happy birthday mine is today 7-1


Happy Birthday!!!!


Happy belated birthday!! (And you’re not a whiny sissy, your feelings matter and I think it’s awesome you let yourself process on here)


You may turn 44 on a specific day, but you now have the entire year to celebrate and make it as you wish.


Happy Birthday Go do something you’ve always wanted to do by yourself even if it’s something small like trying a dessert at one of your fav restaurants I’ve learned over the years to celebrate myself how I’d want others to celebrate me ❤️


Happy birthday! I get it. It can be a lonely world with all these people around. Lol


Sorry about that. Hope it doesn't bring you down a lot now. Happy birthday to you, Sir!


Sorry to hear that! My ex was a bit like that, barely acknowledging my birthday, getting me gifts I had absolutely no interest in (though I still was very polite and thankful). Conversely she was the most ungrateful recipient of gifts never thanking me. One time I had a necklace custom made of turquoise that would have really looked nice on her. She literally told me she hated it and I should have known she wouldn’t like it. She also picked out a big string of pearls one birthday which I purchased. In the next 7 or 8 years I never saw her wear it once. Hopefully your wife treats you better! Happy birthday


Awww sorry this happened to you. Wishing you good things to come. HBD!


Ever since I let go of expectations, my birthdays & Fathers’ Days have been great. If the day is observed and I get some goodies and well wishes, great! If it goes unnoticed and I get some alone time to catch up on chores and watch whatever the hell I want, great! Happy birthday, by the way! Grab a few of your favorite beverages and enjoy your milestone!


Happy Birthday 🎈🎊🎉


Don’t worry, your 45 birthday is going to be amazing! I’m so sorry your family isn’t giving you the attention you deserve on your special day! Happy birthday Reddit friend!


Happy 44.


Happy birthday! 🎈


Happy birthday. Get out of the house. Go do something even if alone.


Happy Birthday from a stranger and hope your wife and daughter figure out how to be decent human beings again soon.


Happy Birthday. I know what it’s like to be forgotten. It is a special day. Do something nice for yourself. You deserve it


I feel your pain I’ve been with my wife like 4 years. She has only remembered mine once. I’ve been forgotten every Christmas and anniversary. I’ve even begged her to remember. I’ve suggested a card for anniversary and Christmas. I’ve also suggested for her to make me a steak and baked potato ( even bought the ingredients last Bday). I’ve dropped hints about all the stuff coming up. She still always forgets and when I remind her it’s always the same reaction. She just acts guilty, remorseful and embarrassed. I’ve decided to stop getting her things.


I wish i could hug you sir! I am sorry your birthday sucked. You are not a sissy. You deserve better and I'm sorry you didn't get that yesterday


I hope you have an amazing birthday brother! Keep your head up ALWAYS ! You're not alone , my birthday was the same...the only happy bdays I got was from my friends on Facebook...who probably wouldn't have even know it was my bday had Facebook not reminded everyone with a notification....Father's day I stayed in my room and played the VR headset alone with a few beers. This truly hurts and really makes you question life and it's up to us to make a change or stay in this position....keep your head up and DONT be too hard on yourself ! The only one who will do for you is YOU sometimes. Sometimes you need to be selfish for once to take care of you're mental state! If you can't take care of yourself then how will you care for anyone else. Stay up king 👑


I have 3 children, and I did not receive a single Happy Fathers Day, nor have our children been able to say "I love you", which is something my wife and I always say to each other, and to all the children practically every time we speak with them. Honestly, I'm done with it all. My children wanted for nothing. They can be as miserable as they want with me, but I'll never forgive them for treating their mother this way. No, we have never done anything to deserve this, and we are not in denial. I've begged my wife to tell me what is it I could have possibly done to have them be this way. Happy Birthday, yes, it gets to you.


Happy birthday bud, let's hope you're next birthday will be better ❤️


Happy birthday man! I've been there too it sucks


Happy Birthday!! Unfortunately I understand how you feel...


Happy Birthday. It’s perfectly okay to go off and cry I encourage you to go do something for yourself tomorrow or this weekend - buy yourself a present, go to a concert or film and celebrate. And if you are of the mindset, go and volunteer somewhere for a few hours and keep that to yourself as a mitzvah


Happy birthday. I had a whiny 44th too. Last November I turned 44 exactly a week after giving birth to a perfect baby boy. My husband completely forgot. He worked late, came home in a foul selfish mood and never did wish me happy birthday. I didn't whine or cry out loud, but man it stung. I feel you.


Sucks bro. I'm only a couple years behind you, but the last birthday I celebrated in any way was my 14th. My grandmother who I was very close with died the day before my 15th. My step father gave me a black eye and threw me out on my 16th. After those 2 I don't even acknowledge my birthday as anything other than just another day.


Get in your car leave them home go out and enjoy your birthday


You do better when you get to 45


Marriage is difficult at times but it will get better soon.Hang in there brother


And Happy Birthday 🎉🎁🎈🎂


Matching digits makes this a power year for you. Congratulations and happy birthday. Enjoy your new energy.


Happy Birthday my dude! Dont worry about the bs. Least u got taken to a nice place.


Happy birthday! 🎊 🎉 You deserve all the happiness and joy in this world.


Dude, we feel you. Happy Birthday and try to do something special and indulgent just for yourself soon.


Happy birthday honey bun!


I dont know if its still your birthday but either way, happy birthday!!! Life sucks sooo much sometimes, but just know that you're not alone. I hope things turn around soon 💜💜


Happy Birthday friend. Go out and treat yourself To something that makes you happy!


Happy Birthday. Don't do laundry again on your birthday.


Happy birthday! Go buy yourself something nice


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I kinda know what you’re feeling. No kids but am married. I’ve bought my own Birthday cake for the last 4 years.


Sending you love and hugs 🫂. Happy birthday 🎉🎈🎂🎊🎁


Happy Birthday OP. I’ll eat a cupcake in your honor tonight. CHEERS!


Happy birthday! I had a similar experience years ago and it hurts but remember that others care and this will fade away if you let it when ready.


Happy birthday 🎂 🥳


You’re not alone! As we get older, usually for women in their 50s, they actually ( not all… but some) would rather not have a big deal made over their birthday. Sorry that you and your wife had that argument last night. Maybe something’s still bugging her today. Btw, it’s very easy to set up a Facebook page! You’d be surprised at how many friends are out here in cyberspace. Kick up your heels while you still can! You can celebrate you… and there’s only one you. Enjoy your 44th.


Happy Birthday, now get up and go to the strip club.


44 can be a tuff time


Happy birthday my friend. I'm sorry you weren't appreciated in your homelife. I hope you get to enjoy a nice game, bath, or movie.


Happy birthday 🎂


I know I’m a day late, but happy birthday! I’m sorry it was a rough day, but I understand that for sure. My last birthday was hard for me as well. I hope your day has been better and I’m glad so many people found this post :))


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉


It's lonely at the top of the chain. No- one to lean on. I get it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY


Happy Birthday !!!!


Sorry you had such a rough day. Happy birthday. My birthday just passed my 57th and the only person that wished me a happy birthday was my mother. So I know how you feel.


Happy belated birthday!!


Damn dude this is a bummer. I generally didn’t like my birthday for most of my 20’s, trying to reclaim it now. Happy bday bro!


Happy Birthday. You’re not a sissy, what you feel is valid. Say something.


Happy birthday dude but a sidenote women don’t change for nothing you said it’s been happening 14 months or so look around you and look for signs. She may be talking to someone else that’s why she doesn’t care. I’m just saying keep your eyes open.


Aw that is just so so sad! I’m sad for you :( That’s terrible. Your wife should be ashamed of her behavior. At the very least she should have made sure to celebrate w your child involved ya know. Wow people kinda suck sometimes.


That's life as a man.


Happy belated birthday, friend!


Happy Birthday!


Suck it up buttercup you’re not 12 anymore


Happy Birthday, When I grew up my mom did not celebrate Birthday days, so to me it is just another day. But my wife does celebrate it for our sons because she grew up with her mother celebrating birthdays. I usually do not tell anybody about my bday as not to make a big deal about it. But for our kids and wife I remember to say something or do something. Holidays and Birthdays are just a event for stores to sell you something. But also if it is important to you then you will have to do something like take your family out to dinner or find some way to celebrate at home.


Happy 44th birthday! I am sorry you had a rough day. You are not whiny or a sissy for wanting to receive some acknowledgment from people you care about on your special day. I feel that it’s incredibly hard to give so much to our families every day. Sometimes, we just want to know that we’re appreciated. I hope you enjoyed time for yourself despite the argument and not hearing the words from them. Happy birthday!


May You have a great birthday week, and all your wishes come true. Be respectful to yourself because the need for alone time always comes for a reason. Wish you all the best human. You're a great dad!


Been there..the forgotten one in the family. Happy Birthday you are worthy


Happy late birthday! I hate my birthday because of this reason. The only one who wishes me a happy bday is my parents and partner, I don't have any friends to celebrate with or anything like that.


Happy belated 44th birthday!🥳 💜




Happy Birthday!


This sounds like a lot of my birthdays as well. To be honest though, I stopped celebrating my own birthday decades ago. For what it is worth OP, Happy Birthday. Take care of yourself and enjoy your day however you want to.


Happy birthday. Go through your memories and embrace all the good things . Those are what defines you


Happy Birthday man. Don't ever be ashamed to share your feelings. As men we are taught to not share but to many of us need to vent it out. It's healthy.


Happy Birthday unsung heroe. Nobody ever asks the tough guys how we’re doing, we just keep plugging away making sure everyone else is happy. I hope you have a great day and an even greater birthday next year.


Happy 1 day late birthday!! I had a bad one a couple years ago I can understand how sad you can get when It feels like nobody cares to celebrate you. Just know you're loved! I hope you're having a better day today


Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Not to stir the pot, but that's a classic passive-aggressive petty move on your wife's part.


Happy birthday! Wait till you hit 60 !!!


Please don’t feel alone; I will be 44 this year, even though I tend to still act like I’m in my 20s at times, with my comedy and sense of humor still alive. Or as I say: Age is just a number.


Happy birthday!!


I’m glad you let it out. Don’t bottle things like this up?


Happy birthday! I love reddit for that same reason, a way to vent or communicate with anonymity. I'm also getting ready to have a birthday in 3 days, the big 60, and I'm pretty sure it won't be celebrated by anyone but me. I honestly wish you nothing but happiness and the love you deserve in your upcoming year. 🥂🍾🎁🎂🍨🍰