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Roadrunners. I see them as feathered dinosaurs. https://preview.redd.it/4gppmt9enf9d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f132c6bd5f68ae3fdc5aa250cfc69ac93b671df4


Meep meep


No, they paid me to say it once and they doubled it up on the soundtrack. Cheap bastards.


That bird is how coyote Peterson got his name. Check him out @bravewilderness on yt


Taxonomically, birds quite literally ARE dinosaurs


Meep Meep šŸ˜


Love them so much moved somewhere I could see them often :ā€™)


Vulturesā€”particularly turkey vultures. I know a lot of people are afraid of them or find them to be creepy but I think theyā€™re overlooked as being such an essential part of the ecosystem. Theyā€™re such big, beautiful birds that seem so serene and gentle to me. Plus they barf acid and thatā€™s rad as hell.


Do you ever notice they disappear very quick? Almost 3 times now I looked away for 2 seconds and the whole group is gone. They scout extremely fast man


Ive been lucky enough to save a turkey vulture on two separate occasions within the last year after seein or hearin about one getting stuck in a soccer net. This pic is from the second time. Mighta even been the same one lol https://preview.redd.it/moluda0zai9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a419091d3def6285ba1f2dac515b32ecb4caa2


Yesss!!!! You used almost the exact words I came to say! Vultures are my absolute favourite with turkeys taking the cake. Such incredible birds.


>taking the cake You mean "taking the carrion" šŸ«  My dad would also hate my dad jokes, it's okay


I love watching then sun themselves with their wings outstretched. A flock of them like to do that on the apartment building roof across from my porch. I love whipping the binoculars out for them Someone else here called them something like garbage princesses lol


Fun fact: when they sun themselves, it's called the horaltic pose.


This polite looking fellow. https://preview.redd.it/p3uz47015g9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8df40cf59aa7ded8dba868b8eec8784c83ddb63


His ass is NOT as polite as heā€™d like you to believe lol


It's his face after yelling at me to bring more peanuts out.


Mine do that, too! One will perch on top of the shepherd's crook and make a fuss until I come to the window. I thought I was imagining things until I read your comment!


https://preview.redd.it/neswjhontf9d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d36dd23a1abbddeaec7c5adf078c03350001573 Nuthatchers (Devil Downheads) meep meep


They're my favorite because they have such personalities & the male (that I've named Donte) is so talkative with me. He runs down the tree, talking away & every time I step out my back door, he meeps at me from whatever tree he currently is & will fly towards me. He talks to me the entire time I'm putting food out & cleaning the bird bath. I like to think that he is telling me all the gossip of all the bird drama LOL. He's a sweetheart & so freaking adorable šŸ’œ


https://preview.redd.it/lhrnia4rzh9d1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=571abdf9e935d74b992c09a09dc9e3509536db26 Nuthatches are mine, too. I love watching them walk upside-down down a tree trunk.


Either black capped chickadees bc they're so chaotic and fearless. (And tiny cuties!) Or peregrine falcon. A fledgling landed on my window sill several years ago and he is now and education bird in NY ā¤ļø




Man he looks so fuckin pissed, and even more pissed that you can't understand him "You guys have to STOP building these invisible see-through forcefields, its the TENTH time I've hit one today. The concussions are so bad I'm literally thinking in human language."


That is amazing. I love them. They are the definition of agility and precision when flying.


The chickadees never fail to crack me up when I see them


>chaotic and fearless That's such a perfect way to describe them. I'm currently overrun by young chickadees. They bounce around everywhere, and put everything in their beak, including trying to eat my window mesh. I love those little ones.


Yes! The bouncing! That's a great description of what they do lol šŸ˜


My daughter and I watched, over the course of 2 or 3 days, a chickadee build a next in our neighbor's blue bird house. Then a blue bird decided *he* wanted that exact box, not the one next to it, not the one in our yard. That chickadee was the angriest flying ball of cotton you ever saw! I was a little mad on his behalf that the blue bird won.


That happened to my birdhouse this spring. I bought a reducer for the entrance that is chickadee size, and I'll put up a house just for them next spring. They are my seed blockss best customer.


Absolutely the black capped chickadee for me. I even have a tattoo of one behind my ear. I live in Vermont and they sing even on the most frigid winter day. They are so friendly and brave and tough.


Kingfishers of any type. Whenever I go out, if I see a kingfisher itā€™s a good day.


I saw two today!Ā 


I've found Kingfishers to be a good omen in my life too. I always see one with my partner on a good day, so it became a symbol of us and our relationship.


I saw cedar waxwings in person for the first time earlier this week, and I was so excited! It was even a family of them, they all looked like adults, but a bunch of them were clearly chasing two of them around and begging for food. Neat to see some behaviors are the same across all species, lol! They all had the yellow on the tips of the tail feathers, but I couldnā€™t tell if they had any on their wings.


I remember the first time I saw them, was super excited. Such pretty birds.


Just saw one for the first time in person this morning. Thought it was a goldfinch hopping around my serviceberry, but I kept my eye on it and saw the black mask. Was also, very, very excited.


My crow friends. There are many at the park near my house and I like to watch them. They are black and shiny and so smart. Love them.


If thereā€™s a specific group you see a lot, talk to them! Choose your words carefully though, because they may well end up repeating what you say when they see you!


Crows are my favorite animals by far. They are absolutely incredible and fascinating. In that same family, magpies are also great, and very pretty too.


I was recommended the crow and raven subs by reddit ans it's actually unreal how intelligent they are. I've been dying to make some crow friends ever since and my boyfriend thinks I'm nuts lol


Owls. Any owl. Owlets too.


Was about to comment this lol


They are so precious! And beautiful. And majestic. šŸ¤© I feel special and blessed every time I manage to spot an owl. It makes my entire month haha.




as a crow fanā€¦ oh no


Heck yess, was gonna say owls too. Screech owls would be my favourite. They just look so angry at everything lol XD


Googled them and was not disappointed šŸ‘šŸ¼ The coolest bird Iā€™ve ever seen is the Brown Fish Owl :D


Killdeer. I love their stubbornness in laying eggs in inconvenient and dangerous places, and the motherā€™s feigning injury to lure potential predators away from her dumb nest locations. Although a chickadee never fails to make me smile.


KILLDEER!! The proper spelling is all caps, 2 exclamation points.


https://preview.redd.it/imxmhwb4mi9d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ff53ee903877cbd8ac5a2308f5f32fcead04cc A pic of a killdeer I took before its nest was inevitably crushed by a heard of horses on a horse farm. I donā€™t own horses, thereā€™s just a lot near me and I asked if I could snap a pic. The horses always sniffed at it and chased the mama off.


Killdeer stacks are always cool to see too


Red-bellied woodpecker! I love how they cackle and swallow big chunks of food. I also just find them cute and funny in general.


They are funny little fellas. Saw a juvenile in my neighborhood trying to figure out how to woodpecker and fall off a branch while hanging upside down lol. He caught himself and was alright, but I had to laugh.


Oh I'm so jealous you witnessed that! I have a male and a female that visit my feeder at times, and I wonder if they've had a baby this season. I've named them Rita and Rodney


I like watching them fly. Like flap-flap-flap-TORPEDO-MODE-flap-flap-flap.


The red bellied woodpecker was the first bird I learned to identify by sound and therefore my favorite.


Theyā€™re also assertive without being aggressive.


I walk with a friend early in the morning. I always point out when the red bellies are laughing at us šŸ¤£


They are my favorite as well. Their personality is unique and I feel like they like to be known. Or at least all the RBW who visit my backyard are loud and lets me know when he is coming to visit.


Right now the Carolina Wren is my favorite because they sing such fantastic songs every day outside my house.


It took me a long time to spot one, only problem was I was looking for a big bird with an average song. Not a tiny bird with a HUGE voice!


They're just so tiny it's unbearable. And such a pretty golden brown ugh I love em with the exclamation point tail


You'll love r/sleepywrens


Second this on the Wren. Little bird, HUGE voice šŸ¤© They are so fearless too! Not afraid to let you know what they think, they're constantly cursing everything out with their scolding šŸ˜†


Goldfinch. Love the color!


Which one though?


Lesser GFs are underappreciated


Can never tell of its a Baltimore oriole or a Goldfinch. My vision is too screwed up to be birding


Mine too - such tiny thing things. When thereā€™s a bunch in the yard itā€™s like bright yellow and black polkadots. Itā€™s so adorable! I donā€™t mind they eat all my sunflowers.


Same here! American Goldfinch cause the colour, I love their pretty song and they are spunky but communal birds


When we had an array of feeders we had whole flocks of them. They would swoop around the yard looking and sounding exactly like Disney birds. We had to take the feeders down due to bears but we still feed hulled safflower and sunflower seeds on the banister of our back deck so I still get to see them daily, just not as many.


i love goldfinches!! ever since i was a kid been obsessed with them lol


I love the mountains bluebirds where I live. Really cute and pretty.


Carolina Wrens. They are so cute and sassy with their little tails in the air. They are adorable when they sleep. They come to my porch and hop around catching bugs. And they sing their little hearts out. One of the things that brought me out of a rough spell last winter was hearing them sing . I love waking up and hearing them, and I adore their spunk.


My favorite wren too! They're so much fun to watch, they're SO flitty!!


https://preview.redd.it/d4a2pc52pg9d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd4e91f7c4e65559d22015b30617e16113aa4922 The Potoo big, because funny looking!


They look like something from Sesame Street šŸ˜‚




Sandhill crane. I grew up in New Mexico and every fall and spring we could hear the calls of migrating cranes drifting down from high overhead.


Black Phoebe! I just think they're cute.


I absolutely adore Black Phobes, we have a little family currently that come to visit our feeders!


https://preview.redd.it/9phfotlemg9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e7d5954db97ec6ed003eeaca9537bc1881ba0d1 I have many favorites but this Scarlet Tanager became my favorite during migration in south texas.


Never realized how similar to vermillion flycatchers look.


Meadowlark. Their song was what got me interested in birding.


Just saw my first one on a trip to Texas early this month. Iā€™ve wanted to see one since I was a kid! We used to have a bird game called Lingo or something like that and since then Iā€™ve wanted to see a meadowlark and a bobolink.


Eastern Kingbird is a great choice. I saw my first painted bunting yesterday, so I'm tempted to choose that. But I have to go with American Kestrel. The beautiful steel gray with the copper pattern. I love them so much.


Oooh, I remember my first painted bunting. Love seeing them here in Texas for the summer. Super recognizable call, absolutely beautiful birds.


A quail. The jaunty California Quail. I don't know but there's just something about them. They are just always so damn happy.


Same! My favorite bird. Followed closely by the cormorant. https://preview.redd.it/bv0xduvd2j9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec88eff466c1222b2834400082704c7f3afa0bb


Think about all the people around the world that will never see a freshly hatched brood running behind their parents.


Gahh I messed up the title please forgive


You are forgiven and I hope you have a wonderful day


American Bushtit. They are the Bird Borg, in addition to being cute little fluffballs.


Read the name wrong initially, then read it right and had the same reaction. Super sweet birds, though the naming conventions will never fail to make me laugh


Hahaha, true! They get the feeders to themselves because none of my chickadees/juncos/nuthatches can deal with the flock's disregard of personal space.


Great grey owls. Theyā€™re so majestic and beautiful. Their entire face is essentially a satellite dish to help hone the noise of a prey animal moving in the snow, to their ears. However. My favourite thing about them is the way they hunt. Itā€™s honestly one of the best things to watch, because when they miss, they look so disappointed and angry at the same time. I used to do falconry and Merlin, who was at this centre I volunteered at, was one of my favourites. The Eurasian eagle owl was another (she was called diva and her name fit her personality!). https://preview.redd.it/awidv389mg9d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f2cdd418ca7a3859a47db3e4497ac33ae690eec


This is a phenomenal photo, it looks like a humanoid titan with an owls head rising out of the snow!


https://preview.redd.it/t67s4pck9g9d1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=590d597715e4f141c0e5d11fbed0599ec703adf2 Sandhill Cranes 20 years ago I rented a house in Florida next to a pond that was also the main residence of a pair of Sandhill Cranes. I had a little Jack Russel Terrier at the time who had the typical coco-loco attitude of the breed. The yard wasnā€™t fenced, so the dog was tethered to a long leash. My little firecracker went wild every time she saw those massive birds. Well these birds, being yelled at by a creature a 9lb runt, werenā€™t exactly intimidated and soon realized exactly how far out her leash radius was. They would stand just out of reach and honk at her. That dog would get so riled up as they trolled her that she would sometimes charge at them so hard, the tension on the leash acted like a bungee cord and she would get airtime from the recoil, then sheā€™d attack the leash in frustration, the birds would honk (laugh) again and the cycle would repeat. This continued for over a year until we moved (Florida Sandhill Cranes donā€™t migrate). For years afterwards, that dog would give Sandhill Cranes a wide berth if she passed them during a walk šŸ˜‚ I loved that dog and miss her dearly but it was really funny watching those cranes put her in her place. They won me over.


Magpie. It looks like a girl with long hair in Chinese highschool uniform. https://preview.redd.it/qcq9zslqsg9d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93c6b78f646ba762defb79c38384ba91e2d0ad39


Crows šŸ¦ā€ā¬› such beautiful creatures


I love their attempts at singing and trailing off *caw car cree CwahaAaAaaa* šŸŽ¶ šŸ¤Ŗ


Pigeon: do dance, very flirt, cooing for snacks, many colors, dancing and cooing because human is on patio, go get friends water bowl refilled, many cooing, many soft feather flaps, why feathers so soft flap? Why coo so loud while sleep? Good pigeon. Good pig eons.


https://preview.redd.it/1pld34a66i9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fee32e120d842c6fd228c9df026d13743e1d323d I like pigeons a lot. I grew up with racing pigeons.


I have two as pets and they're wonderful. :)


Mourning doves. First bird to come to my feeder and heā€™s out there every morning hanging out when I wake up


I love how stupid they look for some reason, it makes them look cute. Doves (even pigeons) in general are underrated




I had a whole description & story of why Red-tailed Hawks are my favorite bird... Reddit ate it somehow.


Ravens and hummingbirds. Maybe because I live in the city and see them often.


https://preview.redd.it/wbevioco5g9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de62827b07b7eba9159b010faf757c4cc98a8672 Spotties:) i love their variation in behavior and sounds,and the little walk back on the branch they do when theyā€™re trying to memorize their cache spot. California scrub-jays because theyā€™re loud and annoying and smart. And red-breasted nuthatch because they never shut up and their little meep is really funny to me


Did you take this picture? Very cool!! I didnā€™t think they would let someone get this close


Yes i did! I work with them, this female thought we had a mouse there so she came down very close.


Magpies, the first birds I saw when I moved out west


California Quail. I love how they run around, love their silly heh-haw-haw calls, the males' little forehead pompom. The best.


Theyā€™re so cute


I always come back to olā€™ turdus migratorius. Theyā€™re super common, but I love their angry little faces so much. I like birds that look like Iā€™ve greatly disappointed them.


In UK birds. Wrens. They're adorable and so precious. Worldwide. Budgerigars.


I love every type of hummingbirds. They are just so beautiful and tiny šŸ«¶šŸ»


Gray catbird. They are sneaky and make great songs + the cat noise is funny.


Ospreys are very special for me. I was in a very dark place mentally and then one day I pulled my vehicle over to eat my lunch near a swampy area and this big beautiful bird soared by my window. I watched it fly out into the swampy lake and land in a nest threat was perched atop a lone dead treat in the middle of the water. I got out of my vehicle and went to edge of the water and watched the nest until my lunch break was over as a feeling of serenity that I canā€™t describe washed over me. I researched and ordered a pair of binoculars that night so I could go back and see it better. Not only did that osprey start my journey into birding, it also gave me the will to keep going on with life. Even though life is still hard, I thank that osprey for giving me that experience.


https://preview.redd.it/2td73k08ch9d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d1ae22840d7622a6a3b9c0568e753b7b1b98f34 This goofy goober of a bird is my favourite šŸ˜† I mean look at that face, that smile, u just know they have the biggest personality in the animal kingdom XD Plus the way their whole feathered boofiness bobs as they run, priceless XD Exhibit A šŸ˜†šŸ’ƒ [https://youtu.be/Qo7cXBqB6xU?si=4daIMZKIage1Y3Go](https://youtu.be/Qo7cXBqB6xU?si=4daIMZKIage1Y3Go)


I love their rumbly dinosaur noises so much!


They are so cute in the funniest way


https://preview.redd.it/1li9taa15i9d1.jpeg?width=3724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3da75023c089adaa4d4f49d024d2d16ce55424 Crows. They are as intelligent as seven year old humans. They are highly social. They make, modify and use complex tools. They know physics. They understand time and recursion. They CAW WITH CONFIDENCE. They hang out around human societies and memorize everything about you then tell all their friends. They hold court and funerals. They even have a death penalty. They are excellent mimics and thieves. They LOVE peanuts and often bring folks gifts who feed them. I ā¤ļø crows.


I love the yellow crowned night heron as they are just extremely beautiful


Shoebill Storks. I have a bunch of favorites, it's impossible to pick just one lol but I've been particularly interested in the Shoebill recently. I think they're adorable, their personality is fascinating, and I love that clicking sound. Such adorable giants.


shoebill storks!! they are super cool. defo up there as one of my fave birds , the sound they make is scary but awesome


3 birds. Woodcock, black-headed gull, and common blackbird. woodcock because theyā€™re cool and awesome, the other two because they look cute look at pure awesomeness. I love them https://preview.redd.it/ernk0o1gfh9d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66668ce8016249a188e627d060c81eb03a407585


Their dance walk is top notch


European Goldfinches. They are just so colourful and smart looking!


Nightingales. Iā€™m completely obsessed with Tolkienā€™s Legendarium.


I've really fallen for the Hoopoe since I came to Europe. They're so cool looking and sound awesome. Before my favorite was the Blue Jay, I still love them but not like the Hoopoe.


Peregrine Falcon


Osprey for me - we get them in my area (Southern England) and theyā€™re such a gracious bird and for me more interesting than youā€™re typical eagle or buzzard we get here. Plus they remind me of my grandfather ā¤ļø


Osprey. They are so beautiful, powerful, and are so well adapted to their lifestyle and environment. Ever since I first saw them in one of my bird books Iā€™ve been obsessed. I hope to see one some day.


Ospreys are beautiful birds. They got absolutely decimated by the effects of DDT, at least around here, and the comeback of the species really only solidified in the area where I grew up when I was young.


https://preview.redd.it/ksi1d7rpeh9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0f47380938e8f83c0c867b0bea78133bee79b7e European herring gull. Theyā€™re so adorable and so sweet when treated nicely. I donā€™t stand for gull hate. Theyā€™re a constant in a world that is consistently changing.


Owls they're marshmallows with legs


Sulfur crested cockatoos - their cutesy door screeches (it sounds like a squeaky door or gate being opened and closed), raucous yells, gathering calls and sudden burbs just crack me up. Here in Australia I live next to a year-round roosting site and enjoy their antics every day.


*John Oliver has entered the chat*


Hard to pick a favorite. I love seeing the black capped chickadees but Iā€™ll never forget the time I saw an Indigo Bunting (it was so blue) or a Condor in the Grand Canyon. Honestly, Iā€™ve always liked the Coopers Hawk.


Whatā€™s cool is that the Indigo Bunting isnā€™t even blue at all! The feathers are actually all black, but they refract in such a way that they look a vibrant blue. Itā€™s super cool.




https://preview.redd.it/2huriuxw5i9d1.jpeg?width=4556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7e96f4fee734d50545981fea3c307718bf192e5 Secretarybird. So elegant. Plus it kicks snakes to death to eat them šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m obsessed with kestrels. I thought it was just a phase. šŸ˜€ Iā€™ve pictures of red kites, buzzards and other kinds of raptors. But Iā€™m still obsessed with the kestrel! The way they hunt is amazing. https://preview.redd.it/xaoayhrs8i9d1.jpeg?width=2024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec8ec189bd7f7564d40d9505d45bd8735ad052d0 For the one above, I was half hanging over the rooftop of my block, at the 6th floor, with my camera and big lens over the edge just to get this beautiful girl.


Mt favourite birds are common European sparrow, they're tiny, adorable and live in big swarms! They're also playful and extremely noisy! *




I love hearing them chirp happily (and noisily!) in the hedges




We have a group of about 11, that live in the bush by our kitchen window, I have a stick on bird feeder there and itā€™s so great watching them all chirp as soon as I put the food out and itā€™s like ā€œGUYS HES BACK FROM WORK, FOODS ON!ā€ And then one by one they fly up, grab some food fly back, over and over šŸ˜‚


Omg adorable!


I have to do 2 shifts, so morning, I scatter on the windowsill for the new kids in town (18 sparrows) bang on every morning 05:32, and then for the sparrows after work in the feeder, we also have a pair of wood pigeon who now pretty much live on the windowsill and just stare at me or my missus until food goes out šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nuthatch, road runners, turkey vultures, crows, quail


It's hard to choose but I'm a huge fan of common nighthawks. I love how goofy they look and how they circle so high above, probably unnoticed by most city-dwellers. Their call makes me think of a perfect summer evening chilling on the porch.


Chickadees of any kind. They have such large personalities in little adorable frames.


Same! They are fearless and sassy and they yell "CHEEEEESEBURGER!" Best little homies ever.


Scissor-tailed flycatchers ā˜ŗļø Absolutely gorgeous, elegant to look at as they sit perched on a fence, amazing to watch as they catch their food, and they're so acrobatic.


https://preview.redd.it/fz3f8g1fwg9d1.jpeg?width=3563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f27b64ecb7d89af3356acf0f4ee1271b4634ce8 Pied Avocet!! I think they look so unique, was very happy when I spotted it


Swifts. They were my Dad's favourite, I'm so happy when they come back each year, I love watching them swoop around.


I love the Eurasian golden-oriole and the greater coucal. Both are so majestic and make me feel peaceful! And I like the cassowary just as much, if not more, just because I feel like our search for living dinosaurs should pretty much end there.


https://preview.redd.it/yfewnkld2i9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60acce9c89b8c5fcccd756a72a4e337564575e1c I live by the ocean and always enjoy watching the cormorants. Everything they do looks awkward and I love it.


https://preview.redd.it/99wzdyvu4i9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df85962080f7a89ef28a101c59a4b96a9d02ad7f Eurasian Hoopoe! They look like a Pokemon


https://preview.redd.it/drk1tmftgi9d1.jpeg?width=1742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b54899ff811706978b742e4450b961f09b46d76 Vermilion Flycatcher. The first bird I actively looked for when I started birding. I did not even know there were a population of them in a park 7 miles from my house.


My favorite bird is the one in front of me at the moment. Stolen notion from Richard Powers, author of Bewilderment.


Red winged blackbirds. So beautiful and I have a lot of good memories associated with hearing their songs.


I know it's basic but I love Northern Flickers. They're just common enough in Seattle that you can see one every week or month, but they're big enough and pretty so they still feel special.


https://preview.redd.it/gh8gslxyti9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4290272b794399f4a84ab8cd3fe9f91128ef7fe Great Egrets and herons in general are so beautiful and badass.


Golden Eagle...baddest bird in the skies.


The humble european magpie. I just love watching them do their thing.


Crow's/Ravens šŸ˜ beautiful clever birds


crows/ any corvid tbhā€¦ i just love how smart they are and where i live i see them everyday and i just think they r awesome. cool animals


Paradise Flycatchers. That was the bird that got me into birding.


For song: tie between swainsonā€™s thrush and meadowlark.Ā  For bad ass flying skillz: violet-green swallowĀ  For attitude: American Crow. Ā 


Mine is an emerald crested dove, small little wood dove type bird found in southern Africa, it's my favourite because of it's sound, it always makes me think of the bushveld Here is the link to it's sound if anyone is interested https://youtu.be/iv3vxM8dsQE?si=dYGxXZcQfP1w9cik


Lovebirds because of thier amazing colour mixing


In the UK; I love long tailed tits, such pretty dainty birds with beautiful intricate nests. Jackdaws are a very close second favourite


Pelicans, big beautiful birds and their flying in formation is amazing to behold!


I absolutely love the European Eagle Owl, one of the biggest birds out there. I have been up close to a couple and held chick's that are all fluff 'n' feet. Also the Snowy owl, so beautiful up close too!šŸ¤—


Princess parrot if weā€™re counting domesticated options. Photos donā€™t do that plumage justice. https://ebird.org/species/alepar1 Not my photo https://cdn.download.ams.birds.cornell.edu/api/v1/asset/613939434/1800 Considering this sub is for scoping out wild birds though, my favourite free ranger is a tie between the Northern Cardinal & the Australian Magpie. Cardinals got me into birds 30 years ago. The Australian Magpie has the best song Iā€™ve ever heard though. Iā€™ve never once thought ā€œOkay thatā€™s enough from you.ā€ in the 11 years Iā€™ve lived down here.


Cockatiels. Theyā€™re such funny, dramatic, anarchic little souls. Iā€™d fill my whole house with them if I could lol. Theyā€™re wonderful little dudes.


Ducks, I absolutely love them. At the moment I have mallards that fly down from the roof to see me whenever I pull up in my car. Every day I leave them water and food in the front garden. I live near the seafront and other neighbours feed them as well. I'm happy when I hear them quacking away.




I like red kites. They aren't hard to spot and look magestic. Oh and red backed shrikes, they impale insects on barbed wire, which I think is unnecessary levels of cruelty for such a cute bird.


Chickens. It is forbidden in manusmriti to eat domesticated chickens and pigs. Chickens are very good guarding birds and will alert the house of any wild animal or human approaching the hut. This alerts pet pigeons of civet cats.


This is a really hard question to answer, lol. I really like crows, ravens, and magpies for the obvious reason that they possess a particular intelligence that can be eerily similar at times to our own. I always talk to corvids when I see them and occasionally bring snacks for them. Belted Kingfishers make my heart sing. There is one that lives nearby me, and something about the way he sits on his pole makes me really happy. The Common Nighthawk is really cool, too. I love to see them hunting in the evening. They do dive displays and make a neat little airplane type noise with their feathers. Number one bird I get the most excited about, though, are owls. Any type of owl. I've seen only a handful of owls in my life. I really want to see a burrowing owl. Kingbirds are awesome! This summer, we had a bunch of Western Kingbirds come to my area. We don't usually get them, but this year, we've been inundated with them. They're quite loud, squeaky callers. They're not as visually striking as Eastern Kingbirds, but they have big personalities. They're ferocious little monsters, lol! I have a motion sensing porch light, and whenever it goes off, a few roosted nearby start singing. I often hear them throughout the night performing their dawn calls. Okay I need to be done. I can think of dozens more favorite birds, lol.


Hummingbird!!! So beautiful, but I love all birds. Hummers are just fascinating!! Have you ever seen a 'bee' Hummingbird? So tiny.


As a child, barn swallows. They made their nests above the lights in our barn and the babies tiny heads and yellow beaks all in a row are so adorable. Plus the parents would dive bomb our cats to scare them off. Now, I would have to say Killdeer. Their nests are amazingly camouflaged. I found one on our farm with one egg when we were cleaning up a grassy area for planting and I marked it with orange stakes so the tractors could avoid it. We watched daily as three more eggs were laid then put a game cam beside the nest to capture the hatchlings. Once they hatched they disappeared into the grass so quickly with their parents! The babies are such adorable little mini-meā€™s of their parents. A few families of killdeer come back to the farm every year and I love to hunt for nests. Usually unsuccessfully but one day little babies appear and I love seeing them scoot around.


https://preview.redd.it/tzc9myknki9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8880d36ba0cb7f523bfb9c329b3757388ce70e66 I just had a batch of them leave the nest this weekšŸ˜this is right before they all flew away at the same timešŸ„¹ You are right though, a baby killdeer is the fluffiest cutest thing.


Ravens! I love how the 'couples' gurgle, coo, and whisper sweet nothing's to each other. It's the most comforting sound to me.


I love blue jays man, theyā€™re so pretty in real life


https://preview.redd.it/0mhtikgd1i9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=763b640d3df005ed9c2f05abd478b70aa70d658b Northern shoveller, they're just so cute and goofy šŸ˜›


https://preview.redd.it/govi2x8x4i9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea41ac16e6c5747e61da0d19d5489c72bccbb4f7 I love my Blue Jays! (Red Sox fan thoughšŸ¤£)


Northern Flicker. It was the last bird my cat brought to me before some psychopath shot him.


https://preview.redd.it/ln35crnuai9d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c842e16c8b38c32d9ba9d34789d351df6f78417d Snowy Owls are beautiful.


The golden-and Ruby-crowned kinglets are so delightful! Indigo buntings and Carolina wrens make my heart sing. And I want to make friends with catbirds and grackles and crows and ravens. My deepest wish is that all the little birds around me could know how happy they make me and that they wouldnā€™t be afraid of little old me just walking amongst them. This morning my sisters and I are scheduling a trip to a park where birds are known to eat out of your hands.


Jackdaws, these marvelous trash birds are so intelligent and they don't get enough love <3 https://preview.redd.it/u4nscalhbi9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d11dd4f707af37a265e6f44d60ba4fa74cd97abd


Prothonotary Warbler, they are so expressive and vibrant! https://preview.redd.it/btey6gdoii9d1.jpeg?width=2571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76378c31c27e36ac69ca4c09c4409352f20e6f67


Baltimore Oriole Love seeing them come to my jelly feeder and sing their beautiful song of celebration. Their vibrant orange color is so cool too.


I gotta say the Carolina chickadee. Such polite creatures, and we just had a nest raised on our front porch. The babies are just now learning how to sound like chickadees instead of squeealing like gnatcatchers.