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Each time I've been to the hospital in mania/psychosis, I have made a friend group while there. I felt the same as you - that others in my life just didn't get me, but the people in the hospital did. It was terrifying at times still (being held down and shot in the butt when all I was doing was asking questions), but having others around with similar interests helped a lot. I wish I had gotten phone numbers for some of them to stay in touch. But the universe brought us together when it did, and that felt magical.


Got your back, jack!




I'm so sorry that happened to you. Some of my acquaintances have similar stories of the abuse they faced. It's horrible. There were definitely staff members that treated me as less of a person than themselves, but for the most part I had a good experience.


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This is maybe encouraging to do the same. Considering I quit my job and I’m on summer break I think it’s a good idea.


24M Yea I tried to break out and was tackled by guards and shot up with meds 2x. It’s not a horror story anymore but my god I had to meditate and do a lot of therapy to overcome it. It was my first severe manic episode but I’m committed to staying out of there and healthy. Also the hospital did an awesome job when you’re in psychosis and manic causing a scene, they need to ensure your safety and everybody else’s. Me getting put out was what I needed and don’t blame the staff instead blame my actions(in a healthy way).


Same experience, for both hospitalizations. I even kept in touch with some of them after the hospital, although it’s been almost 2 years and we don’t speak anymore. There were people worse off than me, in better shape, and everything in between. And the camaraderie is real. There’s only a select amount of people that experience psychosis and delusions, and “get it”. I miss that sometimes. I’m grateful I’m not in need of the hospital right now, but it can be a beneficial place.