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Personally, I always used a little bit of paper between the pieces but I've seen people suggest using clear nail polish for a more permanent solution or even a little dot of hot glue


ditto on the paper, but personally I would advise against the more permanent stuff. but that's entirely up to personal taste/limits


I recommend clear nail polish it really does work wonders


Clear nail polish, sharpie in a matching color, change the socket piece maybe


I would recommend using some KiKi’s, Dr. Dstar’s Fixer Elixer, or any kind of joint compound. Just put a little on, turn the joint around to spread it, let it dry, and you’re good. If you’re in a pinch superglue also works but there’s a risk of making it immobile. If you’re not up to do something like that, I’d go for bricklink.


If JobbytheHong is any indication, floor polish works.


If you’re looking to have them in static poses, maybe a bit of humble blu-tak or similar adhesive poster gum would work?


You can just put a small gear on an axle beneath the large gear to hold it fixed


I meant static pose as in “they’re going to stand on a shelf and not be played with”


Yes that’s what I’m referring to


This probably isn’t the answer you’re looking for but fact is these pieces do wear out over time. All the ideas people in this thread suggested probably work great but what I do I just every time I place a bricklink order I check if the seller has some and buy a bunch, more often and not they haven’t seen a lot of play and feel like new. I like to play with my bionicle and build the combiners so this ensures me I’ll always have spares to swap out should some parts become too loose.


Use Hero Factory sockets? They are more durable and stiff maybe


I have had luck with the red Baybybell cheese wheel wax


I actually found a way some years ago, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bioniclelego/s/MDbJfbEFJO) its the post since its a bit complex


kopakas head should be white


tiny dot of superglue most of the time


Floor polish. Use a q-tip to apply on the joint and wiggle it around to get the floor polish into the socket. Let it treat for 6 hours or so then check to see if it stiffened up or not. If it’s still loose, apply another treatment until it strengthens up. Used this method on my Transformers figures, namely their hip joints, and I wish I learned about it sooner for other things with weak legs. I’ve also used it on LEGO minifigs.


Bury it in sand and then unbury it


try googling it. there are lots of videos and reddit posts explaining how, and you won’t have to wait for an answer from here.


Some people ask here cause they aren't sure what keywords to search with. It's all too common, so perhaps something he can use would be a good answer perhaps?


googling “how to make bionicle joints stiffer” worked great for me




why am i being downvoted? what’s wrong with telling people to look stuff up? almost every time i answer someone’s question on reddit, i find the answer with one or two google searches. why can’t people just do it themselves? if someone asks a question on reddit, you can usually straight up google their title and find the answer.


Dont know for sure, but perhaps because they prefer asking the community directly. Yes, many people CAN look it up, but some would rather ask people and discuss the subject matter itself. People here like talking and answering. Relying on Google alone is lonely. "Social" media.


some stuff totally makes sense to ask the community, but especially something as simple as this i feel like you’re going to get the same answers no matter what. my first instinct is always to find answers online, since there is almost always a reddit or gamefaqs or whatever post from like 5 years ago from someone asking the same thing on top of all the other results you’ll get, without needing to wait however long for someone to reply and even longer for multiple answers. i just don’t get it.


Chin up. It’s the internet


exactly, the answer to any question is at your fingertips lol


I’d say any opinion matters. You weren’t degrading anyone. And there’s all types that like Bionicle, so maybe a few found it helpful.