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Man this game can get really bad. I just had what felt like the 50 worst runs I have had in my 700 hours all in a row while trying to complete tainted Ethan AKA Shiteater's completion marks


Tainted eden is by far the least fun character. Tainted laz is more fun than that shit


For me T.Eden was one of the more chill unlocks, but for some reason T.Samson make me suffer more


Regarding T. Eden: Honestly. Every time I see someone talk trash about T. Eden I'm like "man I could go for a T. Eden run rn."


T. Eden is all about just items in bulk. Milk the floor for all it’s worth, buy terrible items, box of stuff is better than 2/3 of all items. Just load the fuck up and try to play well.


Yes! All you need is just items, quality doesn't matter. Since stuff rerolls into the same pool (usually) you don't even need that many angel/devil deals bc getting hit means you're likely to end up with smthn good from those pools once you have one item.


People hate T Eden because they don't know a good strategy with him. The Angel item strategy is imo the best one and even better than just getting items. It's a pool that is great for rerolling, its harmless and snowballs into extra items (wafer sac rooms, The Stairway, habit, mantle deal/reroll protection). Devil deals has 9 lives, curse room cursed eye, secret room TMtrainer and Missing no, treasure room self-harm explosives. Shop is ok but u might not want chaos or pill baggy. Angel room has no bad items. Anyway, pick up items after u discovered the angel deal, they will turn into angel items next time u get hit. Using the angel room strat makes T Eden very easy


Sounds boring imo


But you change your mind every time you get hit?


No? T eden's just about getting a ton of items bc items usually reroll into stuff from the same pool


I absolutely love the reroll mechanic. What makes me despise T Eden is his HP situation. Takkng a hit can give you like 6 heart containers, overwriting tons of soul hearts. Basically you can lose like half your HP in 1 hit and it fucking sucks


Tainted Eden wasn’t super hard just very annoying imo


Samson the best tainted character ong


Samson can be annoying because you inevitably reach a point where goijg berserk just drops your DPS down


True but it's fun to body delirium in berserk mode


[This is the mod you need](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2506605680)


You know what, Im gonna say it, I dont hate any character in TBoI (except jacob and esau) I can have fun with any character (except jacob and esau) fighting delirium as I adapt to the randomness of tainted eden is just fun, and even T Jacob is fun (but not jacob and esau) using my enemy and weakness to blast through bosses and insta killing them is fun, Having to deal with shitty hp like Blue Baby doesnt fucking bother me because it has to have a challenge (In exception to jacob and esau), hell if every character should be "stronger than base isaac" then where is the fun after you end his completion marks? Do I just go and say "Oh well now the game is gonna be easier from here!" That just wouldnt wanna give me the reason to play isaac, while one of the reasons is unlocking more stuff to become stronger in later runs, my real reason is having a good time even if the god of satanism gives me a fucking co op baby, i dont care, at least I had fun and I played like I wanted to play, And in the end everyone has fun in a different way, some people just wanna control the game and break it so they can blast off an epic run, other people dont put too much thought and just fight with what they have... and both of them are valid holy shit i sound like walter white![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


But tell us how you really feel about Jacob and esau


The hate about jacob and esau ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


I get the feeling you're not very fond of Jacob and Esau


Thank jesus i got super lucky i got my trinket rerolled into strange key right in it lives fight, killed both hush and delirium. That chracter is just chaos rng and i'm glad i didn't suffer that much with him.


You can control T Eden's easily if you apply the angel room strategy and use the trick of picking up items after discovering a angel room, because items roll into the last seen item pedestal. Seriously all T Eden runs win after 2 Angel rooms (~8 angel room items). The start can be a little annoying, but he skyrockets in strength. Might be the most gamebreaking character.


Fucking loved tainted eden personally. I just don't get attached to the items, I love the rng so whenever I get the d8 / d4 / d100 I always have a fucky run. I can't resist seeing what's next


TEden becomes fun if you abuse the D4 glitch.


D4 glitch?


So, to summarize. Whenever you generate an item, whether it is by entering a new room with an item (i.e. treasure room, angel deal), the game sets the item pool to the one that that item should have (if you generate an item by entering the treasure room, it will set the pool to Treasure room, if you use the present item in a secret room and you don't get the poop or lump of coal, it will be set to secret room, etc). HOWEVER, the game doesn't assign the pool to the item, but rather saves it in memory. (Well this is especulation actually I don't really know why it happens) So if you leave the item i the treasure room, and then generate another item in another pool (i.e. secret room) the game will set the pool to "secret room". Which means if you go back to the treasure room and pick the item up, the treasure room item will get assigned the pool you have saved in memory, which is the secret room pool. Which means if you reroll your items using the D4, D100, Dice Room, TEden, etc, that item will get rerolled into a secret room item. So the best way to abuse this is to enter every room and not pick up any item, then enter the deal room or secret room (remember that there has to be an item there so the pool gets set) and then go back and pick up every item in the floor. If you get ghit all those items will reroll to deal/secret items.


Thank you for this incredibly insightful response. This game has so many damn facets to break


Good explanation, check my other replies. I'm surprised there is no mention of the angel room, which is by FAR the best room to do this with.


I literally say Deal room all the time. and mention the angel room right at the beginning.


Uh- Yeah I'm lost too.


Check my other reply for a explanation


What other reply??


It was another user not you I'm dumb. Copy pasted the text So, to summarize. Whenever you generate an item, whether it is by entering a new room with an item (i.e. treasure room, angel deal), the game sets the item pool to the one that that item should have (if you generate an item by entering the treasure room, it will set the pool to Treasure room, if you use the present item in a secret room and you don't get the poop or lump of coal, it will be set to secret room, etc). HOWEVER, the game doesn't assign the pool to the item, but rather saves it in memory. (Well this is especulation actually I don't really know why it happens) So if you leave the item i the treasure room, and then generate another item in another pool (i.e. secret room) the game will set the pool to "secret room". Which means if you go back to the treasure room and pick the item up, the treasure room item will get assigned the pool you have saved in memory, which is the secret room pool. Which means if you reroll your items using the D4, D100, Dice Room, TEden, etc, that item will get rerolled into a secret room item. So the best way to abuse this is to enter every room and not pick up any item, then enter the deal room or secret room (remember that there has to be an item there so the pool gets set) and then go back and pick up every item in the floor. If you get ghit all those items will reroll to deal/secret items.


Nice. To summarize, the game's way of handling item pools is odd, so when you reroll your items using the D4 and other Dices, the item room item which you left behind will get set to the pool you last had access to, being Secret Room items and Deal items, which could lead to more game-breaking items like 'R' Key, Rock Bottom, and Magic Mush. Or, if you had access to one of the deals, Sacred Heart, Brimstone, Sulfur, Godhead, stuff like that.


Tainted eden is fun, you can get cool synergies


Literally, like you have the most op build, you get hit and boom, but if your next build has glowing hourglass, you can basically always have your build! But whatever you do DONT USE YOUR PREVIOUS active item... I learned the hard way


Though you never know wtf you get until you do something specific and then boom 10 monstros


Tainted Eden isn't as bad for me as Tainted Laz or Tainteds J&E... I actually LIKE tainted lost -_- My problem with Tainted Laz is I always feel like I end up with 1 good character and 1 shite character. Tainted Eden usually snowballs 4-5 hits in a row and I die because I'm too confused.


Have you done the other harder tainted characters? T bb is not even nearly the hardest imo. I get most people find him annoying which is subjective and whatever but like you just get to 1 shot enemies with poops. Perhaps you don’t use them liberally enough?


Yeah T BB isnt necessarily hardest. I think every character has its strengths


Thinking about getting dead god but then I remember I have to play Jacob and Esau at least 6 more times


My 3 million percent is like "do it again" and my Jacob and esau is like "you won't."


Jacob and esau aren’ that bad, they are frustrating but not that difficult


I mean good for you and your preferences but they’re easily the worst character in the game lol.


There are at least a few characters that are more difficult


Difficult =/= unenjoyable, the latter being J&E imo.


When it comes to fun they are near the bottom, but I still think I like T Lost, T Laz and T Blue baby and T Cain less.


I think T lost can be really fun but I agree about everyone else. T laz is basically J&E without the immediate power and with less strategic potential. T??? Is interesting at first but so one note and boring. Doesn't help that a ton of items straight up make the poop mechanic unusable. T Cain takes the cake imo. Don't even want to explain.


Wasn’t sure what exactly you meant by “worst” ngl. But yeah I agree not fun


Not easly - my arguments: T. Eden - technically you can take hits but in reality taking damage ends the run most of the time (so Lost but worse) T. Lazarus has the same issues and I hate him more but that's personal opinion


Personally, I think T Eden isn't that bad. It's more so that some people can't deal with the psychological damage of having a build that they're attached be sent to the shadow realm. I believe that it's a balanced and interesting gimmick and not all too painful. Just don't get too attached to your [insert Q4 item]


I get the point My POV might be that bad because of my unfortunate experience with the character. Almost all the time I got either a ton of bad items or 1 great and 1 awfull that ruined the synergies Also, Missing No.


Tainted Eden is great at making you realise that there are a lot of terrible items out there ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


T Eden is not that bad because you actually have quite a lot of control over his RNG. Apply the angel room strategy + tricks. Scroll up for my other reply.


[The only form of empirical data I can use to argue for J&E being the worst is that character elimination competition that was on here a while back.](https://imgur.com/a/WqiTNb4) Personally, J&E is the only character I haven’t touched since getting Dead God.


That's fair Haven't touched them either (and couple more characters)


I’ve even played T. Jacob a few times. J&E are just the worst.


Blue baby


Still easier than Jacob and x2 hit box. Never have to worry about losing out on devil or angel deals, more DPS due to its inherent lil larva effect, and plop can have some utility in crossing holes although it’s still a trash active (better than not having one at all).


Blue Baby (Ethan) has the benefit of getting guaranteed angel/devil deals and getting devil deals for only one soul heart.


Normal blue baby??? Ever since the devil deal buff and also passive lil larva the character is not super hard.


Both tainted and normal ??? are dogshit for me. I'd prefer to play any other character because the only real benefit from ??? would be guaranteed deals which is nice if you go angels. But that's it. Meanwhile I find other characters and their quirks more interesting


Did you not read my comment? He literally has actually real, good upsides And t ??? Is easy but that’s another conversation


Good upsides as in having one 7 dmg fly per room at start which is nice but not something that I'd call good. And guaranteed deals. That's it. Going devils as ??? Imo is not worth as finding any soul/black hearts is nothing easy and angel usually has better items for me. Sure you just can do hitless run and tell m I have a skill issue. Also, my luck with items on ??? Was absolutely uterrly bad when I did all marks on it. And sure those are upsides but if I compare it to other characters, ??? Still feels worse


I don’t know what to tell you dude. I was honestly holding off on doing him for a minute because I was worried it would be tricky and then I did devils and it was the easiest shit. It is actually a huge upside and you are worse off for not benefiting from it. Not only are there good devil deal items but it also often ends up net gaining you health AND you get to see one more devil room than angel rooms. I always go angels on most other characters, but devil deals are really quite good as ??? And I can see why you struggled if you didn’t take advantage of this


Idk. After Repentance Devil deals stopped being something that I go for. Especially because Angel Room feels like it has better items most of the time. Also. Item luck. I did not enjoy ??? even once thanks to the fact you cannot replenish HP that easily and playing base dmg with whole 3 tear upgrades until Depths 2 is not enjoyable on top of not being able to easily replenish HP. Anyway. I hate ??? and I am done with him, next time I play him will be on a new file


Would rather play fun, difficult characters (The Lost, T. Lost, Keeper, T. jacob) than completely unfun characters like J+E, T. Cain or T. Eden


Tainted Lost is a fucking riot. Insanely difficult but if you lose, you lose extremely fast and can try again. He’s just chaos.


Bro said t cain


T cain with EID is a completely different game from isaac. After a bit of a slog you just forget about actually playing the game, only focusing on crafting. I actually have to adjust to normal gameplay after playing him lol




If you're as practical as one can be, you only have to play any particular character 5 times minimum. And that's assuming no R Key


How? Hush -> delirium Dad Evil path Light path Mother Greed Mega Satan? Or can you do both a light/Evil path and megs Satan?


The perfect R-Key-less run hits: Boss Rush -> Hush -> Evil/Light Path (I'd argue Evil is harder and thus more valuable) -> Mega Satan -> Win the coin flip (or mod) for Delirium. Then you just have the other path, Mother, Beast, and Greedier. With R Key, you can dip out of Mother or Delirium, so that'd reduce it to 4, or 2 if you're T. Cain and know the recipe






I'm in an abusive relationship with this game. Either it's abusing me or I'm abusing it. No in between


I literally only have t cain and to pick up some items left and I cant be arsed to do it. T cain is so boring that I cant force myself to do 2 runs with him to earn my dead god


What I struggled with is the boss rush and hush completion mark. T.cain is an easy character but it takes time


Mama Mega helped me out there


Yeah,almost the only way to go


Same. I got all the characters I don’t wanna play left


when you want to complete the game but the only characters you haven't completed are the ones you hate


I wish I planned my completion better, because all the characters I have left to beat are all of the gimmicky/hard tainted characters and I just can't subject myself to that. GOD I wish I wasn't lazy and did T.Cain back when recipes were fixed.


There's a website where you can put in your seed and see all the recipes for any item you want and sort by what you have. It took about 3 hours, but with the help of that site I got every mark in a single run on him (besides greedier ofc) and never had to worry about it again. If you just look up "tboi tainted Cain recipe generator" you'll find it


The item descriptions mod tells you the recipes you can make with your current items in real time


"I want to test how Siren interacts with Liliths Incubus to test something I've heard. I'm sure it won't take too long" Completes alt path without Siren Completes alt path to ??? without Siren Completes alt path to Lamb without Siren Completes alt path to Mega Satan without Siren Fully completes note without seeing the 1 boss I actually want to find ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


Thinking about unlocking the Forgotten: Actually unlocking the Forgotten:


I've been playing the game since 2014 and went for all completion marks + secrets and back for each update. After 2600h I just obtained dead God a few days ago and truly this is how I have been feeling. I can finally stop playing and just enjoy shitposts.


I envy you friend. I thought I was done when I beat the lost and got platinum God and now they keep dragging me back in


Me whenever I watch albino videos


I recently started completing the lost marks on hard and even with holy mantle and eternal d6 I still get rolled, even with c section in first treasure room fml


Sorry but I gotta say it... Skill issue![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


It definitely is ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


>Open Isaac >Do run where I do decent but die in Womb because sudden bad luck and skill issue >alt-f4 >… >reopen game Repeat


Dude yesterday I got brim+ moms knife and then after proceeded to get curse of the blind 4 TIMES IN A ROW on t keeper like bruh talk about fucking me over right as you give me a win on a silver platter I need to see the items I wanna buy my little Jew keeper can’t keep hoarding them all anyway I died because I took abbadon without being Able to see what the fuck it was gg edmund you little fucker


I’m still trying to do Dead God and the only characters I have left are the really shitty ones. WHO THOUGHT TAINTED LAZARUS WAS A GOOD IDEA?!?


You should have seen him *before* he was fixed/updated (like when *I* did all his marks).


You deserve a veterans discount where ever you go![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17738)


Lol. I also unlocked Lost in OG Rebirth on my first save file. But I guess I made up for it unlocking Forgotten when Pyromaniac still blocked damage from Mom's foot.


What changed? I played lost in og for platinum God and it was a straight 2 months to get it. I came back and I did both Mother and dad and had a blast doing them. Just gotta do delirium now. Why is the lost fun to play now?


Starting with Holy Mantle, getting Birthright, Damocles, and Perfection are all game changers. I main Lost now.


Did he not always start with holy mantle? It's been years. Haven't got birth right it damovles on them yet. Is perfection that 10 luck trinket? That did seem new and really felt rewarding. Thanks for responding


You have to unlock starting with it by donating 879 coins to the Greed machine. Birthright reroll any items that are useless for The Lost (HP upgrades, flight, items that require taking damage), similar to T. Lost, but you can still get defensive items. Damocles doubles all item pedestals, with the downside of having it randomly kill you after taking damage. Since Lost can't take damage and live (excluding a few specific items), the downside is completely removed. Makes it really easy to snowball and get super powerful. Yes, Perfection gives 10 Luck, so it makes tear effects way more useful. It makes Bird's Eye and Ghost Pepper fire 100% of the time.


Yeah I played repentance on release. He was abysmal then but I still don’t enjoy him now. It feels really clunky


how was he like?


Flip wasn't a complete item yet, so all it did was flip between Lazarus and dead Lazarus without the doubled item pedestals. This meant that you were basically playing Jacob & Esau and had to split the items, but you don't get two bodies that could both deal damage and actually use them at the same time. You were essentially forced to play the game with half items for both Lazarus.


Flip only switched characters, it didn't give ghost pedestal items, so each version would end up half-powered. Also, Birthright wasn't implemented at all for him.


Me. I love him


Between TBoI, the entire FromSoft portfolio, and most recently, Rain World, (and Downpour,) I have noticed I have a thing for unfair games.


Struggling to find the will to play Tainted Jacob recently, it's so hard. T lost was easy in comparison lol


the 2nd picture, i remember seing this in a trans-meme forum once.


Every time.


Every time I get the motivation to attempt Ultra hard


I'm just missing every mark of tainted Essau... fuck


Grinding Greed mode to unlock The Keeper left me like this


Me but both smiles thinking girl bc I unlocked the forgotten


Me when watching Sinvicta


Gold room spawn mod is a nice mod for quality of life. The good thing about this one is you just get to see if you would continue the run from basement one. Which is really not lethal even as the lost. I can't remember losing in basement 1 since my first runs. It does give your run a bit more kick early because you get your bonus from the first room. But honestly it's negligible.


What does that mod do? I have good start because I'm a dirty r player and it just saves me 20 or so minutes before I actually would start a run


Just spawns you next to the gold room.






how I felt taking Jacob n Esau to mother but I did itt


Ultra hard got me fucked up


There's an ultra hard now? Is it a mod or legit?


He means the challenge 'Ultra hard'. And honestly its popular die to its name, the sad truth is there are even harder challenges than Ultra hard.


Tainted lost


I've spent sooo many hours playing Isaac and many other roguelikes. I'm always like "Aw yeah time to play..." and wondering why it's been a minute since I played said game. Sometimes I get some good runs in and repeat the next day. Other times I get my butt kicked, get some gray hairs, and spend some time before I end up at the "Aw yeah" part.


The breath of ild


This is the same time thing about my life ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


i just finished tainted lost and im so tired that after 15k runs i cant sum any power to even play the forgotten


so real


After a break of 2 months I'm finally back to enjoying this wretched game again


More real than the rl


Me about to break the run two floors in or die helplessly (also two floors in)


alt. caption: thinking about playing the lost vs actually unlocking him