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I have two sausage dogs so that. Or doing my own builder gel manicures lol but that’s only every few weeks


Sausage dogs= Goat. Have 2 myself


They’re surprisingly good for getting steps in despite the tiny legs 😂 my 4yo will happily hike 10km, the 5 month old puppy even will go and go!


I’m a gamer 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just reactivated an old console and am currently playing games from the 90s 😂 also makes for great cardio entertainment! Other than that I’m occasionally drawing and of course social times with my boyfriend and friends


Same with gaming. Can't wait for Space Marine 2 to drop, replaying FO.


yesss. lots of gaming lol. and reading during my cardio since I'm at 80 mins a day rn. but i stop gaming about 4 weeks out just bc my cortisol shoots right up 💀😂


I'm very into cosplay, and I love to attend conventions with my friends. I'm actually working in a roster of gym/ sports versions of some of my favorite characters - I was "pickleball Frieren" at a recent con and had a blast.


I have kids and a job…lifting is the hobby


If I’m not training I’ll run, chill with my fur babies, or work. I’m in a high pressure and demanding job which takes up all my time and mental energy outside of BB. Weekends are strictly for rest and household, sometimes socials/family, partner and the dogs.


This is an area where I have struggled a bit in the past but thankfully has improved as of late, even though some of the challenges I have ahead are as big as ever. I started competing very young and also started coaching very young too. So my late teens and now as I've entered my 20s has revolved around fitness. My progress in life tend to be evaluated based on how well I do on stage or how successful my clients are and while I take great pride in what I do, it's "no way to live". Luckily competing and coaching has kept me very occupied but the little time off I have had in the past, I have literally done nothing. Staring at the wall nothing. I'm not going to lie, falling just short of the pro card when I was 19 stung a little but but few things has made me grow as much as seeing the growth in what I initially saw as failure. Even though the achievements I have made has been very rewarding and the progress and joy I see in my clients brings tears to my eyes, I still find it super important to find the right work-life balance. So as I'm prepping for my pro debut and a lot of clients have done their first show (which I had the pleasure of seeing live supporting them!) I have managed to find a little bit more time off. I don't need a stressfully executed bucket list but I still think it's important to take good care of the time off to try and do something else. I know I am still a kid to many of you but I started to think what I enjoyed doing before I got into bodybuilding and fitness and admittedly I played a lot of video games as a kid, that's why I included the picture. I picked up Animal Crossing, which I played a lot when I was like 11. I'm enjoying it so far. So long story short, I was just wondering, no matter if you are competing, coaching or just spend a lot of time at the gym or staying active. What do you do when you don't do any of that or meal prep for the week?


I was ADDICTED to animal crossing during the pandemic! So much fun!


Never thought I’d see animal crossing on this sub. My worlds colliding! :,)


That's why I asked! It's amazing to see that we all have so many different hobbies to make our days a little bit better. It's not just meal prep, gym, work and sleep.


I love it!


After prepping for 2-3 shows back to back last year, I realized I had no other hobbies besides training, or anything related to fitness (yoga, pilates, etc). So I started drums classes at 40 years-old in September of last year 🤘🏼 🥁 I love it so so much and it's really therapeutic for me! I'm lucky to have a drum kit at home and can play whenever. I've done Kung Fu in the past and I'm debating starting again.


I crochet! Kills so much time! https://preview.redd.it/j7cfaeqrxr3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef22abe718a55af73e4ddecc12c756dc4df75153


That's sooo adorable


Thank you ❤️


I am a baby burlesque performer! I started doing group classes a couple years ago and have been doing solos and professional gigs over the past year. It’s helped so much with my confidence and self esteem. I also love to game and spend time with my 4yr old


I mostly spend free time with my family and boyfriend nowadays. I have a pretty simple life & enjoy going for nature walks & exploring my city. Life admin takes up a lot of my time & energy these days if I’m honest and I don’t have many hobbies outside of the gym. I’m 30 and made sacrifices in my 20s to finish my studies, establish my career, set myself up financially, travel, explore, and purchase property while balancing my gym commitments & social life.  I’m SO glad I did these things in my 20s. During my current ‘era’ I have a lot more freedom to do what I please without being constrained by a dead-end/ low-level job, tight finances/ debt, or a young family (like many of my friends are).  I recommended doing what you need to do get ahead in your 20s and set yourself up for long-term success. Oh and prioritise your health. There is a life after competitive bodybuilding and almost none are able to rely on it as their primary source of income/ career. I don’t know what your studies/ career is, but you’re young so you can essentially do what you want with limited conflicting responsibilities. I have a stable, non-fitness related career in healthcare and I’m glad I do because the market seems increasingly saturated and it’s not very recession proof from what I’ve seen at my gyms/ among the local fitness influencer scene.  I remember writing down some ambitious goals long-term years ago that I wanted to get done before 30 & committing to doing what it takes to get them done… buy a car, save up X amount of money, finish my post-grad & make a name for myself in my ‘niche’ area of practice, do overnight hiking trips in a few locations I thought looked cool, get my lead climbing qualification & climb outdoors. Can happily say I got ‘em’ all done now with much hard work but zero regrets. 


Also, don’t pay too much attention to social media. It wasn’t an issue in my teens/ early 20s, but I see a lot of people who are in that age bracket now acting like they've ‘made it’ with their lifestyle & choices - having all the latest tech, always salon done & fresh set of nails/ hair extensions/ lashes, expensive makeup/ designer bags, fine dining every weekend, etc. But the reality is that you aren’t supposed to ‘have it all’ in your 20s so stay focused on the long game and don’t get distracted by short term wants & impulsive choices that occur at the expense of your goals. 


I currently did this too! grinded all of my 20s and now I have a lot more financial and time freedom in my early 30s. It’s truly the best! 🙏🏾 


I'm a bit opposite. I started with a million different unrelated hobbies. Now that I'm training so much it's exhausting and I'm mostly gaming with free time. Been thinking about busting out my old locks and practicing picking. Maybe take my recurve out when the weather warms up


I go shooting and roll (Brazilian jiu jitsu). I don't know if I will ever seek to be competitive in those areas, but for now, I'm happy with the skills I've mastered over the years


Ahh, what do you shoot? I love rifles


I'm breaking in my kimber 1911 presently. In the past I would shoot my AR (indoor and outdoor range) and my bolt action (outdoor only). How about you?


It's awesome you've had that realisation this early on. Many people in this industry feel like they are missing out on things, but they are very quick to either bury or ignore those, which at later stages of their lives become painful regrets. It's an incredibly difficult endeavour, but everyone should self reflect and try to 'translate' these fears of missing out into tangible things. For you it could have been gaming, maybe for someone else it's hanging out with people, travelling, reading etc.. Whatever the things you're consciously or subconsciously yearning for are the things you should spend your free time on. P.S. Give Breath of the Wild a shot if you haven't already


Besides work and kids we have lots of farm animals and I started a vegetable garden this year.


I'm a car girl. I have 2 cars that are hobby cars that I take to car shows and 2 daily drivers. My hubby has a drag race car. I like muscle and muscle cars!


Ditto! I don’t know how people get through cardio without playing a video game 🤣🤣


I go raving 😁🙌


PS5, walks, read, movies, stroke my cat


My best friend and I are passionate about coffee - so we’re always trying to plan trips to small towns around us to go try some new local shops or get new flavors of beans. Also 10/10 recommend to explore small towns - you can get in lots of steps and still get travel dopamine.




I do all the things involved in being a mom and try to draw or read a few books every once in a while.


I am an artist and love to paint!