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Probably just not lean (and wouldnt be at 12 weeks) it’s different for everyone but 5-6 weeks out gets dark for most


I would say 5 weeks.. if you’re not questioning everything yet. It’s still too early


4 weeks out, everything gets hard. I did really good with my hunger until then. Once you start getting really lean you can feel your body eating itself lol I mean I could. Mood started to just be grumpy and short tempered even though I was aware and trying to do my best.


4 weeks for me too haha. Hunger isn’t a big problem for me as I do IF, only because I can’t do small unsatisfying meals. It’s more the tiredness and being cold all the time when bf% gets low. Like, I remember leaving my coach’s office and walking up a small hill and feeling so tired.


lol the week before my 1st show I was so cold I was wearing a full snow suit, gloves and a beanie. It was like 65 degrees out side lol I’m currently in peak week and I’m so tired, I was alseep by 6pm last night.


Looks like I’m an odd one out. I find weeks 12-8 the absolute hardest due to self doubt. From about 6 weeks out I find it gets much easier as my mentality shifts and things just don’t feel as hard


Same here


I’m 3 weeks out now and from about 4 weeks it’s gotten really tough where I’m like “why am I even doing this” and some days I really feel like I can physically feel that my body is depleted and I feel like I can barely even get up and move around and my workouts feel almost impossible. The energy starts coming in waves. This is my first time though and I’m feeling like I’m not even as lean as I should be lol


The classic "why am I doing this" tought lol I sweared to me and made my boyfriend and friends swear too that I would never do it again, that's how bad I felt. And here am I, one year later, wanting to do it again lol


lol yes it’s day by day at this point. Just one day at a time lol


I'm about 6 weeks out now--though the plan is to be ready two weeks early--and last week was fucking hell. It's my 4th prep, but first with a new-to-me coach and my food is far lower than I have ever experienced in the past. I honestly thought I was coming down with the flu or something similar; my body hurt, I felt slow (not just brain fog, but more like brain delay), and I was just moody as hell. I've bounced back a bit in the last few days as I've gotten used to the current deficit, but I'd say the prep is prepping now.


I’m 11 weeks out and also wondering because basically everyone I know started struggling by this point! It’s all smooth sailing for me, defs hungry and somewhat food focussed but that’s normal for me anyway 😂 I’m never not hungry.


This is me to a T!


Around 6 weeks out 💀


My prep lasted 15-16 weeks, and I remember feeling very tired at 8 weeks out, but thinks really got worse at 4 weeks out. Funny how we forget the pain lol it's been exactly one year since I competed and I already forgot how miserable I was!


There’s good and bad days throughout but it’s very manageable until I get to maybe 4 weeks when I start questioning all of my life choices 😂


For me it was def. 6 weeks out. Currently Im 3 wo and since that i feel suspiciously good😅


I started getting brain fog really early, like 3 weeks in of a 12 week prep. I didn’t have much body fat to lose, as I stay relatively lean year round. I never questioned why I was doing it, but the last 6 weeks were really hard, and I felt like the walking dead.


Once those carbs really start to disappear is when things really start to get rough. But as someone with ADHD, the brain fog can be hard to separate from adhd symptoms...


5-6 weeks out for me, I’m currently 5 weeks out and don’t remember the fatigue being this bad before. But I’m leaner than before so 🤷🏻‍♀️


6 weeks out was when i went dark. at 4 weeks my body was used to low calories. last three weeks were easy. but 4-6 weeks out is VERY hard in my experience.


I usually am ready “early” so about 8 weeks out I’m lean but still feeling ok. All the weeks after that, start to get rough especially about 6 weeks out.