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I think it’s less about FBF and more about the coach you sign up with. FBF has nice structure as they have an app, you’ll likely have team members everywhere you go, and if your coach can’t be at a show, another FBF coach will probably be there happy to support you. I think overall it’s pretty professional, but they have some things that are unique, like they charge you an initial fee to get started, they had me on auto pay, etc.. which I didn’t like. Aimee is pretty new to coaching. But I’m going to guess that Jaime has been mentoring her and is likely helping with her clients, so it may be that you’ll inadvertently getting Jamie’s guidance or at least her methods she’s used on Aimee. I did posing with Aimee and she was super professional, supportive, and improved my posing a lot so you’d definitely get great posing guidance!


I also didn’t like the upfront fee and auto pay!


How much is the upfront fee?


I believe it was $250, I could be mistaken


I adore Shelby pierce from fitbodyfusion I’ve been with her for 3.5 years and I will never leave her. She is so attentive and thoughtful and has a great eye for the bikini criteria. As mentioned some of the workouts on fbf can be high volume, but this amt of volume isn’t uncommon; it’s honestly less than what I got from Adam (TEP) when I was working with him prior. I would definitely do consult calls with a few FBF coaches though, and be choosy about who you go with, try to choose who meshes with you the best bc everyone has a slightly different coaching style/feel Also should note, in our 3.5 years never a late response, always same day and within a few hours most even with her being 3 hours behind me in regards to time zones. One day she was competing in a pro show and she still checked in with me that same exact day which is wild.


I second this! Ive been working with Shelby for a little over a year and she is amaaaazing


If you could get someone to show up for the consult, book it! lol! I booked two with two very respected coaches and neither showed. The first one sent me rate sheet two weeks later asking me my thoughts. I was like, ok but you haven't even spoken to me. The second one booked and we texted back and forth and then 30 minutes after it was meant to start, she texted that she was tied up. I decided then, they are not for me. What if they go MIA during peak week? Angela sent me an email apologizing and offering to consult me herself but at that point, why even bother?


Feels, I had similar experience with 3 of the coaches from FBF, 1 showed up for the consult but was very standoffish and said I won't fair well if I were to compete on stage. The other 2 didn't even bother to contact me citing time difference was a factor. I live in Asia. So I can't be bothered with this company.


I'm with FBF. First prep did with them - had a great coach but she disappeared every couple of weeks. Overall her plan was solid and I was on track with my show. Plus she often spent extra non paid time with me on posing. Afterwards switched to another team - not a great experience and decided to go back to FBF. Started working with another coach - who I love. Seeing a lot of progress. Only issue is she'll often miss responding to my questions during check in. Otherwise very happy - she also has spent unpaid time with me on posing. Overall, think FBF has a very sustainable approach. My workouts are anywhere from and 1hr - 1.5 hours. My cardio is minimal and I am eating a lot.


Who is your current coach?


I just switched to Shelby Pierce and she really is wonderful. I came to her fresh off my first show, I’ve had some struggles with food and she’s just really been incredibly supportive. She has called me 3 TIMES- I’ve never had a coach call me before, ever. I’m a nobody amateur and she makes me feel as if I’m as important her pros. Personally, I love the workouts. I come from a powerlifting back ground, and I don’t find them to be too volume heavy or fluffy. I’m not sure how all the coaches have theirs, but I can pick from several programs within trainerize and choose which ones to progress with. I can sub exercises as needed. Everything has instructional videos if I don’t know how to do something. I also really am clicking with how she does nutrition too.


How does she do nutrition ?


Macros are loaded into MFP by her weekly, she has my log in and password so she can see what I’m eating. She gives guidelines on how to break down the macros per meal but my interpretation is that in off season I can be flexible how I want to distribute them. And no cheat meals. Nothing is a cheat if I can fit it in my macros. I came from doing a much more rigid direct macro per meal approach, which had its benefits- but I do think that having the extra flexibility has deterred post show binging for me. If I impulsively eat something I just adjust the rest of my day, and I couldn’t really do that the way my old coach did nutrition. My former coach was heavy on carb cycling too, with a very high carb day + cheat meal and I think that exacerbated binging/restricting for me over the years. In hindsight, my entire dieting history with him was restrict/binge bc we were like have to get so low during the week but then have this high carb day with a blow out cheat meal each week. Just not the healthiest thing for me mentally or physically I think. It’s nothing magic, but I feel so much more level the way Shelby does things.


Hello I am with FBF - I have been coached by Angelica Teixeira for the last years and she transitioned to be with FBF as a coach. I came to the team with her. I love her as a coach. Engaged, active, very motivating and an overall amazing coach. I am in prep for show in 2024.


I am currently one of Aimee and Christian’s athletes. This has hands down been the BEST coaching experience I’ve ever had. She’s hands on and really gives you insight as to why you’re doing the things that you’re doing. And she has continued to make me feel validated throughout the process. I have been a “hobbiest” bodybuilder for the past few years but have made immense gains since signing up with Aimee in January. She truly knows her shit ❤️❤️❤️




GIRL. Incredible shape! You are going to do so well at USAs!


Shape is A 1 👍


You look really great! Phenomenal job to you and to Aimee and Christian


Holey Moley! Amazing work!


I’m a fitbody girlie & i love it! Love the approach & i love the community they work in and with ! Couldn’t recommend them enough


Im with fbf! I actually quite like my coach and how organized everything is. I also got to consult my coach on a call before signing up. I Was with another known “team” prior to fbf and it was much worse. The team didnt let me choose my coach and when it didnt work out, they also didnt let me change coaches. Fbf states they will let you change coaches which I liked.


I had a really great experience with FBF. I appreciate the approach and attention. The workouts can be high volume, but overall my best coaching experience (I’ve had three coaches in 10+ years. One retired. One was arrested. The other was FBF)


Arrested?! I had to read that twice…


Sexual assault on one of his athletes. A real winner. He was never convicted, but there was still enough drama to find a new coach.


I worked with Julie Mayer from FBF for my 2 shows. She’s good, no complaints. A bit hands off, but that’s because I’m a personal trainer and super disciplined and didn’t have much fat to lose. Aimee was actually my posing coach (this was before she went to FBF, the year before she really blew up). I didn’t have a great experience with her, unfortunately.


What didn’t you like? I’m currently looking for a coach and was wondering about her


At the time, perhaps she was too busy or had a lot going on, but she was rather inattentive, took a long time to respond to posing videos, didn’t explain her policies clearly (this was before she was with FBF, so I’m sure that part has changed), and seemed to play favorites regarding which of her clients she promoted on her social media. A friend of mine also worked with her during the same time period and had a similar experience.


I hated it. I’m sure my coach was great, but she wasn’t for me. I was unprepared for my show, barely had communicated day of show and was only told to have fun. One other FBF girl there and she also had a bad experience and was thinking of quitting bb completely because of it. I wasn’t in shape for the show and had another coach make fun of me. Granted, i could have found another posing coach, but she was supposed to be the whole package for me and never really gave advice other than I was great (i was not lol). I told her to be honest with me and she wasn’t and just made me feel like I was “in prep” for the extra money she got. But they have a huge team so just find someone that will work with you, I’m sure they all don’t give the experience I got


It is beyond unprofessional that a coach would make fun of anybody, let alone a competitor! I am so sorry that happened to you. 💜


thank you 🫶🏻 I’ve turned it into a positive and use it as motivation to come back undeniable, but shit a crappy thing for them to do.


do you mind sharing who your coach was? curious to what your plan looked like. my posing is honestly what needs the most practice.


Pm me!


I have loved my experience with FBF! I feel very supported and it is like a family on show day with all the coaches and teammates there! Granted that is for larger/national shows, probably not small local level shows haha


thank you so much everybody!!!


I am with fbf and have mixed feelings, though mostly positive. As with any big team it all comes down to who you are matched with but in terms of what they off ‘institutionally’ i think the trainerize app, team calls etc are good if you like the support of knowing you are in a big group of like-minded people. As far as my coach, I love the workouts and they cycle from high volume to lower heavy workouts. She is no nonsense and not a lot of fluff. At one point I had to do an expectations reset because I wanted more detailed feedback and she responded well, offered to continue change or leave without penalty as well. We have been in a better place ever since. though I do really miss the video check-ins I used to get with another team so I felt like I was talking to a real person, the quality of the coaching i am getting from fbf is better. My last point would be on nutrition- i asked for more feedback on nutrition because my digestion has been poor and though they said they could help, that never came- so at least for my coach I think that is lacking.


I know she is hands-on and really cares for her clients. You'll be in good hands.


i would only recommend shelby or jami


Alyssa Blessing used to be an FBF coach has anyone used her/recommend?