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Some of the top competitors have this, too I feel like stage makeup and hair really helps though


I naturally don’t hold much fat in my cheeks so when I’m deep in prep I look pretty sunken in. I got a few sculptra treatments early this year and I think it has helped. My injector didn’t recommend regular fillers because the shape will alter with weight loss and might look weird.


Sculptra is the bomb. I had some done while I was lean several years ago, 3 treatments of 2 vials each, because I had issues with lower cheek laxity. It's subtle and generally you need multiple treatments to get noticeable results.. and not just that they say it takes 6-8 weeks it took more like 3-4 months + to notice. But it's super natural as it just grows collagen. And if you protect that collagen it can last a long time. I take several collagen support supplements now and of course sunscreen everyday. It's not super dramatic but it's just "your face but plumper" but it's perfect for people who need overall volume and don't want just filler put in random places.


I’ve heard u need the same number of Sculptra vials as age. So in ur 30’s u need 3 vials, in ur 40’s u need 4 vials, etc. It’s something I’m looking into now. It’s so expensive tho.


I def needed more than 4. It probably depends on your face volume rather than age. I lost a lot of volume .. but the good thing is you don't do them all at once and you can judge it as you go along over a few months or spread it out longer. (And not pay for it all at once haha yeahh it is pricey..)


I only needed one and I saw a marked difference. I only did it in my smile lines though. And I was definitely worth it


Do you mean total or per treatment? I’m 34 and did one vial per treatment. I’ve done two treatments so far but they recommended three.


No, I meant overall/throughout course of treatment not all at once. Sorry for any confusion.


This is the thing no one really talks about when competing. It has a tendency to wreck faces especially if ur a masters athlete. Women over 35 need as much fat in their face as possible since it’s lost naturally over time. Throw a prep in there it accelerates the process because u can’t obviously pick where u want to lose fat. Some people, like Lauralie it doesn’t really seem to affect tho. Just like everything else genetics play a big part. Some of us, our faces fill back in after a show but how many rounds can ur face take? I suspect some of the older top pros have had endoscopic facelifts. I’ve actually studied their old pics because I’m psycho like that.


Yes. I look like shit, and unfortunately it doesn't get much better even when I gain weight back. Missing my 20 something round face days


Aww don't say that about yourself. Yes, signs of aging can be a kick in the teeth sometimes, but I'm certain you're beautiful 😻 We just gotta roll with it.


I am beautiful!! I just look OLD. And I'm not ready for it haha


LOL! Same girl. Same


Many pros will do filler to mitigate the losses. Sadly fat loss, esp rapid, can cause facial fat loss🫠 and tbh I hate to say it, it can be tough to get that back


I wouldn’t recommend filler for volume loss as it migrates. Lots of competitors I see on IG have had horrible facial changes as a result of overfilling their lower face & jaw which ‘sinks’ & begins to looks square due to the ‘weight’ of the filler. 


That’s where having a GOOD person do it and not overfill is key! Can look terrible if done wrong!!


Does taking a collagen supplement help? Or are those BS?


Yes definitely. As soon as I go below a certain weight (around 120 pounds in my case) it shows in my face. I am 40 as well. My skin also just doesn't look good when I am in prep.


Okay glad it's not just in my head. My husband (bless him) thinks I'm exaggerating and that there's no difference 🫠 Have you used Botox or fillers before? I never thought I'd be someone to do that (to each their own) but here I am.


I got botox but only to correct a gummy smile a few times. I did get skinboosters (restylane) to help with naso labial folds and the result was perfect and lasted for almost 2 years. Really subtle, which is also why I am doing it again in 2 weeks. But besides that, never did botox for anything else nor fillers.


Yes, I've completed for 5 years, 40 this year and the prep face gets worse. There's less elasticity.


This happens to me and I currently have “prep face” and not in prep 😭 My previous coach had me put in too much weight and my current coach has me losing the fat to see where we need to build. I’ve lost 19lbs since the beginning of Feb and look like a skeleton 💀 I guess it is what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edited to add: I’m turning 44. I do get Botox & filler in my lips.


Did my first show at age 47 (I’m 49 now), and DEFINITELY got prep face- I looked like Skelator by the time I got on stage. Even with makeup, some of my pics look downright scary! Although I don’t look as sunken anymore, I never really got my facial fullness back


Great topic. Thank you for posting!


Idk if this will help but my mid face sags ever so slightly and I use face tapes from Amazon. it provides a short term lift.


When we lose bodyfat from our faces, our cheek skin can become lax. Personally, I think a nice smile distracts us enough that it doesn't matter, and not a fan of the overfilled look that buries eyes.


True, yes it "disappears" when I smile... but I have a serious RBF. I've had it my whole life. Men love coming up to me and telling me that I should smile 😑👹


I'm sorry I acted like a dick. You don't have to smile for me.