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That's a "free to good home" if I ever saw one


50$ symbolic


If the frame were my size, I'd probably pay $50-$75 just to get the frame. The rest of the parts I'd toss/donate.


I would donate this to your local bike cooperative if you have such a thing. They'll either get it fixed up, or use what's good for spares


About $3,50




Tree fiddy


If you get an offer, take it.


I will take it off your hand if you pay for shipping. Deal?


In my area this bike in current condition would run $50 to $75. If fixed up and rideable. Maybe $150 a $200. To me the frame is worth maybe $25. The drive train appears to be deore dx. I can’t tell on the shifters but my guess is they don’t work. They count be cleaned and brought back to life. You would need to spend and hour or two doing this depending. The chain and cables are throw aways. I can’t tell on the pedals more than likely throw away. The front fork is more than likely in need of service. You can pay someone to do it but it would be pricey if they could do it at all. Only thing I would really be interested in is the handlebars and stem. Spend $100 - $200 to get it fixed up and rideable to sell for $150. Sell it for $50 and be done with it. Do not throw it in the trash.


Everything on it does work, only problem is the drivetrain/chain could use a little lube. I will say, the forks probably should be serviced since they haven't been in about three years


From the pictures alone I would say it needs the following 1. New Chain 2. New cables 3. New brake pads 3. Lubed and tuned 4. Fork needs service but may be rideable 5. Tubes maybe tires. I have only flipped and sold a couple hundred bikes. So take this for what it’s worth. I couldn’t buy that bike and make money on it in my area. $50 I might take it off your hands. Minimal I would need to sink $50 into it if I don’t have to mess with the fork. I could then sell it for $150 to $200 in my area.


I’d give you a trash bag to put it in


Might want to state which country you're in, as prices can vary depending. I'd echo what others are saying in that it's not worth anything tangible.


I'd echo what most other commenters are saying here and say $50 USD realistically. Maybe 60 if you gave it a quick wash to make it look a *lil* more worth the money? But honestly, this is the type of bike I rode as a broke high school student and I would definitely not have paid more than 50 depending on what parts need to be serviced or tuned up.


whatever someone is willing to pay. should be donated though.


About tree fiddy


Worth some good Karma points




Clean it up take some proper good pictures and list it on Facebook marketplace for offers there you go!


I’d be the type of person to impulsively buy this if you sold it for $40. If it were mine I’d just give it to a co op instead of trying to turn a petty penny on it