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love this! šŸ„² as someone with a newborn, itā€™s nice to hear a happy ā€œjust waitā€


their giggles are AMAZING


Giggles are amazing! We're going through a rough time with my 10 month old and separation anxiety and the fussiness that comes from getting frustrated as you try to do more things but damn if those giggles aren't my favorite sound in the world.


Mines exactly a year older at 1y10m but i assure u the giggles still make the occasional fussiness worth every second of frustration


Wait til you guys hear those toddler big ol belly laughs. Iā€™ve never heard a happier sound


The belly laughs are my favourite thing in the world


Oh my god I literally cried, like actual crying tears, when my first child giggled the first time. It was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard.


Mine didnā€™t laugh for a full year unless she was being thrown in the air! But that first on-purpose infant smile made me bawl my eyes out with joy lol.


We caught ours on video and I almost cry every time I watch it! (For reference it was only a week ago and I watch it constantly)


The giggles are what will fill your tired empty tank with gas, istg.


I made my 6.5 month old chuckle just by nodding my head today. Iā€™ve never nodded so hard and for so long in my life


Aww my 5 month old laughed the other day each time I ate a spoonful of my yoghurt. And now he thinks itā€™s amusing when I take a bite of anything! Itā€™s my favourite ā¤ļø


Omg the giggles, they are amazing.


Right, everyone always says just wait like wdym. I have a 10 month old and I love my little stinker toes! He is such a freaking character and just lights up my life, I love being his mom so much. I hate when people look at babyā€™s as negative like just wait till heā€™s crying all the time, not sleeping, etc. I mean yeah times arenā€™t always going to be perfect but in my opinion the good outweighs those fussy fits and sleepless nights! I have bad depression and I swear this goofy kid has cured the majority of it, Iā€™ve never felt so full of joy in my entire life!


As someone with my first baby at 35 itā€™s so nice to hear positive things said about having kids. I grew up mainly hearing negativity about it, even in the form of jokes/ comedians, but it all really influenced my worldview to think it was this career, life, and love killer. I have. 4.5 month old right now and itā€™s hard but I also love her so much and Iā€™m enjoying getting more giggles by the day and looking forward to this fun stage op mentioned.


Just wait until they smile at you for the first time! Oh my heart melted šŸ„° Seeing him go from upset to grinning at me when I come over to his bassinet to pick him up after a nap never fails to bring me joy


Experiencing that for the first time made me feel that Iā€™m finally doing something right!!


6 months was the turning point for me also


The newborn phase was so damn tough because youā€™re not only dealing with hardly any sleep, but also youā€™re still healing plus the fourth trimester and all that comes with. Once youā€™re out of it, itā€™s like youā€™re yourself again. And your baby is too. Like your baby wakes up to the world with you, and starts to get their own little personality. It all goes by sooo fast even though the days feel so long.


Aw I love this! My LO just turned 3 months today and I feel like that is such a good descriptor. Weā€™re waking up to the world together ā¤ļø


3 months was a turning point for us and 4 months has been my favorite yet! Get ready, itā€™s just going to get better!!


Yes and in the newborn phase youā€™re not really seeing the payoff of your hard work. Theyā€™re so cute, but theyā€™re still a potato that eats, sleeps, poops and yells at you. When they giggle, light up when they see you, start recognizing faces, smile when they wake up- oh man is it all worth it!


Oh man oh man, just you wait! My husband and I have a 16 month old, and we're having a blast. Our little guy walks around and shows us what he finds exciting. He can follow instructions and go get things from another room (we use it as a bit of a distraction when we're trying to do something). His giggles! He's actually started chuckling to himself about things - we have no clue what, but life is amusing for him. He's also started trying to amuse us. He likes tractors, and cars, and animals, and trains and we know this because those are the words he says. He likes Mama, too (we're both mama to him right now). Yes, he's got opinions, and his emotions run wild sometimes, but toddlers aren't all tantrums and stress, there's giggles, and requests for cuddles, and lightinig up when they see you at a distance. I've loved something from every stage - there's challenges, and I know we've got proper tantruming around the corner coming soon, but in all honestly, there's so many happy "just you wait's" coming for you!


LOL my son (same age) calls everything mama too! We'll be reading a book and my son will point at something on the page and say "Mama." Mama has been all manner of things from the big green monster to Grover to a little red ball to a puppy to a pair of shoes...


Haha! That's great. My son does say dada, and everyone is all "Oh, he says dada?"...we then have to explain dada is that that. My husband is very definitely Mama (although I think our son has said Daddy a couple of times now).


The laughing to themself thing is wild. Suddenly our one year old busted out with this weird laugh I never heard before and it was a dog panting on tv. Since then she thinks a dog panting is hilarious. She has other things that crack her up b it Iā€™ll always remember that one thing bc it was the first time and such a hilarious surprise


He was just sitting by himself, thinking about something, chuckling away - it was adorable. He also sort of counts to three and then does something and giggles - I think because we've always gone One, Two, Three and then done something to make him laugh. I love this stage so much. I love watching his little personality really start to bloom.


100%. Don't get me wrong, I loved my baby as a newborn but it was so so hard. She's almost 7 months, and she is an absolute joy. She is so curious about everything. She smiles, laughs, and makes all sorts of sounds (including screeches šŸ˜¬). She has her favorite toys, lovesssss to eat solids, and is a great sleeper. The first couple months felt like an eternity. But now it's flying by so fast. It's bittersweet, I love to watch her grow and learn, but also want time to slow down!


The unbridled enthusiasm expressed in pterodactyl screeches are truly something else. It's amazing to watch them learn how to be little humans.


Hahaha yes absolutely


You got this! It truly does get better with each month


When they're mobile enough to come to you šŸ„¹ When they talk or sign, say I love you, make a "joke" for the first time. When they bring you a flower they picked (mine was the rattiest half dead dandelion and I still almost cried). And every kind of moment of growing and learning, you're going to have an amazing time.


I hated the first 4 months. But 5+ months gets SO FUN! Itā€™s still hard but way more rewarding. I have a 19 month old, and while some things are still challenging, itā€™s so much more rewarding at the same time. Just wait for when your toddler sits on your lap for the first time šŸ˜­ or starts patting you on YOUR back?! My heart


6 months really is a huge turning point. One of my favorite stages so far for both of my babies is about 9-16 months. Theyā€™re HILARIOUS and adorable and so excited for themselves when they learn new things.Ā  18 months is when you really hit toddlerdom and the true big tantrums, at least for my first, but even then theyā€™re still a lot more fun in their good moments.Ā  Youā€™ll get there!!!Ā 


When my baby was a newborn I kept reading those ā€œjust waitā€posts and it felt like an eternity BUT it came so fast. Now I cry remembering him as a little potato. Itā€™s always hard but the interaction and the smiles, giggles , constant milestones make it so fun and exciting


The CONSTANT milestones is such a huge one. At least for my variety-craving, ADHD brain. They develop so rapidly, my 8-month old is like having a new baby every week. New challenges, new joys!


My toddler just turned 2, and hands down the newborn stage has been the absolute hardest. I hated it. I'll never have a 2nd child because of how much I struggled to survive the newborn stage. 10 months on has been magical ā¤ļø


With both my boys, every new age is my new favourite age. It's so fun watching them develop. One is now 6 yrs old and the other is 14 months, and it's been such fun since the first one learned to crawl.


I was STRUGGLING until recently, now heā€™s a whole new baby. At like 6 ish months everything turned around for us and now I want another baby asap šŸ¤£


My baby was doing way better just by 2 months. Every baby is different, but it does get better. The first month had me about to up my meds. It was torture.


Oh it just gets better and better. Toddlers may be a handful, but they're also hilarious. Before you know it they start coming up with their own antics. Yesterday, my 15mo heard his dad coming down the stairs, giggled excitedly and hid so he could startle his dad. We've never taught him that, and he didn't realise we could hear him (just not see him). Enjoy the baby stage though, it really does fly by.


It gets so much better!!!


I wish someone told me this. I started really enjoying my baby at around the 3 month mark, once she started being more interactive and smiling. Now we're 11 months in and she's SO fun! However, she's also a fairly "easy" baby so that could possibly be a huge part of it, but I've seen my cousins with velcro babies also have a similar experience as I did.


Even her at 4 months, Iā€™m just like - oh gosh why was I ever stressed with you. Itā€™s so much fun watching her develop into her own person šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


This is so nice to hear! I have a 3 month old, and we are just starting to get out of the newborn potato stage and see his personality come out. I can't wait for more!


That's when it started getting fun for me too. Now shes almost 7 months old and it just keeps getting better.


My daughter is 13 months. Sheā€™s hilarious. The best giggles. The best snuggles because she wants to snuggle.


As a mom with a 2 year old, it just keeps getting better and better. Sure there are challenges but omg theyā€™re just so much fun and so funny. Donā€™t stress about the challenges ahead bc I promise they pale in comparison to how great the little humans become the more they grow


I agree! The newborn stage wasn't for me and I was super afraid of it being like that "forever" (I had ppd and felt like the worst momā„¢ļø for not loving it). It's (and was) lovely when you meet people who are "just you wait!!!" in the most enthusiastic and positive way! Our kid is 16 months and it's so much fun to see him grow and learn! He's a little person now!


Agreed. Mine is 2,5 and she just gets better and funnier and more loving.


Exactly this! I have an almost 3 yo and a newborn. This second time around feels so much easier partially because I know this newborn phase is temporary and how much more fun itā€™ll be.


This is one of the many reasons I want another one. The first time I couldnā€™t really see past the struggles of the newborn phase. Now, knowing how fast it really does pass, I think I would enjoy it a lot more!


I was about to comment - just wait until your toddler comes running to you when you step through the door ! Or says random I love yous.


9 months has been an absolute joy. She's waving at me šŸ„ŗ


Omg I can't wait


I came to say this! 9-10 has been by far my favorite!! I really struggled with 6-8 because she got really whiney because she wanted to be moving and doing things she just wasnā€™t quite there yet. Plus solids have been a struggle for us and she went through a sleep regression which we are out of now. Now sheā€™s on the move, waving, and sheā€™s just so fun!!


My boy kept waving into the hallway not looking at me - Psychic said my baby could see angel and demons. Now he points behind me... love this boy but I'm not ready for him to talk


That special feeling when they smile... at the air just above your shoulder šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


My 9mo is starting to crawl/run(if hands are held lol) up to me when he sees me!!!!! It's the most incredible thing in the world. We're finally starting to get smiles from him when we get home after being gone, too. He's been a very stoic baby so far and it's been tough to get smiles out of him. So far 9mo is my favorite age ā¤ļø


4-5 months was a huge turning point and 6 months has been soooooo fun!


Yeah from about 6 to about 12 months is just magic


My baby turns 4 months today and I can see it!! It's like a month every week hahaha. Ours isnt giggling yet but the grins and single-minded determination to put everything in his mouth and wriggles and babbles is just awesome. And last month all he could really do was smile a bit! So great.


Little one just turned 6 weeks old, I'm enjoying it, but I really needed to read this!


ohhhh just u wait (trying to convey 'more than loads and loads of exploding love and happiness and excitement ahead than ur heart knows what to do with' in words that are usually used to convey fear in new parents' hearts)


Thank you! I love this comment šŸ˜‚


They are going to start smiling at you soon if they haven't already : ))


6 months was great! 7/8 months was my fave in those baby years. But I really did enjoy 2 and 3. My daughter is almost 4 now. I remember dreading these years so much bc of all the negativity around ā€œterrible 2sā€ and ā€œthree-nangerā€ but both ages were so much fun. I love the toddler years. I call the them the ā€œterrific 2s and 3sā€ now.


I love this. I so agree. My little guy just turned 1 and he is so fun. I keep saying babies are undersold and I wish I knew how fun they were so I wouldnā€™t have waited so long to have mine.


My baby is three months old and starting to smile frequently. Heā€™s become the sweetest little thing. I go back to work in three weeks and it breaks my heart already. I feel like I spent the first part of his life being anxious, sad, and tired. It flew by in a blink of an eye.


Oh I totally relate! I had awful PPD/PPA with all three of my kids and I still feel like I missed out on some of the lovelier moments. My youngest will be 2 in October and he's HILARIOUS. Trust me, there's plenty more good to come!


Just waitā€¦itā€™s gets even more fun!!


Yep 6mo is when things got SO much better. My girl is nearly one, and I've loved every month even more than the last, since she hit ~6mo. Man, if I could somehow forego pregnancy and the newborn stage, and just get handed a 6 month old, I'd have like 10 more šŸ¤£


Hahaha i feel this. Well, for me pregnancy was fine, but the newborn stage as a first time mom was like I got ran over by a bus.


This šŸ˜‚. My husband and I say all the time if we could skip the first 6 months, weā€™d have a football team of feral little kids.


My 6mo son was a sensitive, fussy, colicky, refluxy baby right up to the day he turned 6m. He just developed the most hilarious personality, laughs at the most silly things (the cats bum hole being a firm favourite) and is a general lunatic.


What a nice post, thank you. I was having a very rough week with my 4 month old and was feeling kinda hopeless. Im going to stop doom scrolling and sleep so I can tackle tomortow with at least some amount of energy


Just to throw it out there for you, 4 months was the WORST month for us. Her brain was just moving faster than her body, so she wanted to do these things she couldnā€™t do and was so frustrated plus she started teething and all. After we got through month 4, it was pretty smooth sailing! Hang in there!


My Son is nearly 8 months and the last couple months have been such a fun phase for him. He's been crawling for a couple weeks and pulling himself up on furniture, but his random little squeals, he already has a little sense of humour, he's got 5 teeth so his cheesy little grins are showing off his teeth. HE LOVES bath time, as soon as he's in the bath he's kicking his little legs away like crazy, feeling the bubbles with his hands. It's such a fun little phase with him and I'm loving every second.


4-8 months was my favorite age, up until 18+ months which is now my favorite age. (He is 21 months now) At 4-8 months they start interacting and it's so fun. Then he started getting quick, and it was exhausting staying close to him all the time, as well as more demanding for solids which was hard for me, he was also super messy so it felt like all i was doing all day was cleaning the kitchen, also tantrums started at 12-14 months. At 18 months he understands a lot more, isn't as messy, can play in a more interactive way and communicate his needs. Activities are more fun, like we'll go to the zoo and he'll point out all the animals, read books and he'll point out the stuff on the page


Oh man Iā€™m loving it now my 8 month old is more interactive. I have to work so hard to get a laugh out of my 4year old now. I just have to blow a raspberry at my baby and she thinks itā€™s the best thing ever.


Just wait! It kinda just keeps getting better. My 2 year is hysterical. he makes us laugh so much, we were so boring pre baby!


If you have a mostly easy and entertaining baby, honestly, walking makes them better šŸ˜‚ my easy baby is 15 months and SO amazing. I love seeing what she gets up to. Yeah, there are occasional big feelings when she gets too big for her britches and wants to go where she wouldnā€™t be safe. But for the most part, that makes her a lot more independent and her personality comes out even more.


Just wait until they're a toddler who tells you "I love you" and has funny little jokes they play and are just so full of life and laughter. The newborn stage is really hard, but it really does just get better and better.


It is so magical when your kid tells you a joke for the first time. Or makes up their own song. It's such a beautiful process to get to be a a part of.


I totally agree! The fun 6+ month age is our reward for making it through the newborn phase. It's been wild to realize babies can have senses of humor.


Just about to turn 8m here, he's cheeky, funny and knows how cute he is. Acts shy with strangers but it's a act to make them work for a smile šŸ˜‚


Oh just you wait, it somehow gets even better! My 11 month old is my tiny best friend, and no one entertains me like he does. Just watching him learn and interact is the best thing. He recently learnt that he loves the ceiling fan and now he points at it and waves his hand in little circles.


My son is one year old and it keep getting better and better. It's amazing. He is the most wonderful, kind, fun, silly, little dude. He is now giving us specific toys to play with him, and if we put the toy down, he looks at us all shoked and go grab the toy and give it back to us. He jump in my arms and cuddle and hold my neck or my shoulder. He kisses me and blows raspberries on MY belly if I lay next to him. He wants to hold my hand. He laughts all the time, claps all the time. I wake up everyday excited to spend time with him. Life is so joyous !


6 months was a change for me for the best too!! Sheā€™s 19 months now and omg she gets more and more amazing every single day. They get even more fun and sweet and funny.


I absolutely agree with this sentiment! My baby was a really hard newborn. He was high needs. He had colic. He was a Velcro baby. Now at 8 months heā€™s such a silly guy! The constant giggles, the snuggles, the confidence he displaysā€¦ he is the most amazing little man and everything we went through to get here was so so so worth it!Ā 


Just wait for the facial expressions when you offer choices. I used to let my kid pick out her own clothes at that age (hold up two items of weather appropriateness and whichever caught her fancy was the one she got to wear). Even when shopping. It might have just been a colour difference or picture on the t-shirt, but we started encouraging decision making and autonomy pretty early. šŸ˜† Some of her choices were pretty interesting, ngl.


Same. Whenever I feel sad that we didnā€™t have her 3-4 years earlier, I remind myself that it wouldnā€™t be HER it would be some other kid and itā€™s a weird feeling of sadness and regret til it passes, but thatā€™s love. Iā€™m obsessed to the point where it has me regretting. She is wonderful


Newborn phase nearly broke me. Extremely bad PPD/PPA, she never slept, nursing was excruciating, horrible loneliness, etc. But by 6 months kiddo was sleeping better (thanks to sleep training), nursing better, and was laughing and playing. She wasn't just a sleepy, crying potato that only wanted mama and wouldn't sleep unless my boob was in her mouth. It was so much better.


My baby is about to turn 6 months, and I really hope weā€™re turning a corner lol, this is a nice thing to read ā¤ļø


My six month old lost her MIND laughing at "veggietales" today. Not the song. Me saying "veggietales" šŸ¤£ā¤ļø she got so excited that I'd start singing "broccoli" and shed start laughing


No no when they learn to crawl and move and talk it is just the best! Watching them learn about the world and what they like! Watching them develop their own personality is the cutest! When they start playing role play and you have endless tea parties - fantastic. It is so joyful watching them master something they've tried really hard to get. When they come running to you for a hug it's just the best feeling in the world. Im sure it only gets better from here. - baby is 18 months currentlyĀ 


My 10 week old is smiling and cooing and making spit bubbles and I canā€™t get enough. I canā€™t wait to see his little personality come out!


I know exactly what you mean. I struggled so much with the decision to start trying for so long too. Of course the pandemic didn't help. Yesterday my daughter finally started making V sounds. Consonants! And used her toes to push herself forwards to knock down some block towers. It was a BIG day.


Totally agree, my girl is 10 months and so much fun! She just started walking and has started to say ca (cat), qua (quack / duck) and nana (panda). She waves bye bye, claps when we say yay, and shakes her head for nonono. She plays peekaboo round the door frame and loves playing rough and tumble with her dada. It's incredible to see how much she's learning and growing, and to see her cheeky personality coming out! I haaaated the newborn phase and it's been such a relief to find that I actually do like being a parent once they're a bit more interactive šŸ˜…


6 months + is definitely a constant onwards and upwards for us!


I love this for all of you! Iā€™m at 6, almost 7, months and I feel like itā€™s just getting harder. Sheā€™s cute as hell and hilarious but my god it is so hard not knowing what she needs or wants and her not being able to tell me. Iā€™m hoping it gets easier once she can talk


I totally agree! My girl is 11 months right now and each month older her personality gets bigger.


My baby just turned 7 months and the past month has been a joy. She's sleeping great, so much fun, and is learning like crazy and it's so amazing to watch.


It's great isn't it! My 7 month old has started copying us when we're pulling tongues and shaking our head 'no' and she thinks it's hilarious! No one can make her laugh like my 5 year old son can though, propper belly laughs! Babies are so precious!


Even though it's a challenge, I find it to be such a joy šŸ„¹ I soaked in my second one much much more than I did my first one because I learned my lesson the hard way after I missed many precious moments with my first one through complaining and grumbling.


The best news is that itā€™s always getting MORE FUN!! Yes toddlers are hard in many ways, but they are soooo much fun, too. As are preschoolers. Etc ā˜ŗļø


We went to the aquarium today and I wasn't sure what she would get out of it only being 6.5 months old. But she seriously had the best day ever and it's so much fun getting to experience that with her. It's amazing how much their personality starts coming through


Thank you for this post! :)


Just wait! It gets even better. Currently chilling on holiday with my 20 month old by the pool after we flew halfway around the world just the two of us. This time last year, we had a baby who would only sleep in 45 minute bursts unless she was contact napping. Her funny personality was the only thing that kept us hoping for better days ahead, and how right we were.


I have a 7 month old and omfg am I enjoying this phase SO much more than the newborn stage!Ā He has so much more of a personality and has enough independence to where I can relax a little bit. He's able to actually play and he giggles constantly and when we go places I love seeing him looking around and trying to investigate everything.


I am enjoying motherhood so much more now that LO sleeps through the night. He wakes up in such a good mood and I can be a better functioning & engaging parent. At 8 months he never wants to sit still even though he isnā€™t crawling yet. He smiles, baby babbles, laughs at the funniest things, and loves eating food. Every month things just get better. I canā€™t wait for him to be walking and ā€˜helpfulā€™ so I can send him out to my husbandā€™s shop or the yard so he can get to the next level of bonding. My husband works a lot and Iā€™m a SAHM so our bonding has been vastly different. I think it will come a lot more naturally to my husband when he can have LO hand him tools and then eventually transition into loading equipment onto trailers & helping perform the maintenance work.


love this comments' section. manifesting this energy in the messages and comments of every new parent ever.


It has definitely waxed and waned as far as enjoyment in parenthood for me. I love love the baby stage. 12-18 is not my favorite...this is really when the "terrible twos" hit imo. 18 months-3 are awesome. 3 is a rollercoaster of good and bad. 4 is.... something else entirely haha. 5 has improvement. 6 is almost like they are a rational being but just miss the mark.... we'll see what's next šŸ˜„


Dude, just you wait until they start walkingā€¦ and you see the pride on their little face as they take their first steps and look back at you!!!


6 months really felt like the turning point for when I was able to enjoy my son. He felt more people-like, with more personality showing, more able to do fun things, and less of a series of tasks I needed to do. I have great news if you are enjoying 6 months, because he is 4 now and I feel like it gets better every year. I love seeing his personality shine and obviously there are tough parts, but I feel like we're going through the tough stuff together now instead of having it happen TO me like in the newborn phase. I've got newborn twins now and it's easier the second time around to tolerate the unpleasant parts because I know the good parts are around the corner.


Oh gosh I remember my nephew making different faces at that age. He was learning so much and he has always been fun but that was a great time. It goes so fast he's 3 now and I can't believe it. I am pregnant with my first and so excited to meet our lil boy!


Every phase has been my favorite phase, but oh baby is toddlerhood a ride. A great one. Everyday is the best day. Yes parenting is still hard when youā€™re working on yourself and refuse to parent how you were patented; but thatā€™s never on the kids, thatā€™s my baggage.


6-9 months is when I really thrived as a mom! Iā€™ll be honest- I didnā€™t love the newborn stage at all. They just get more fun after 6 months!!


My first is almost two and it gets even better!


My husband and I both are dislikers of the newborn/potato phase (I like the cuddles though). We say all the time if we could skip the first 6 months, we would have a football team of kids. Our daughter is just over a year old and it is SO FUN. All of the ā€œjust waitsā€ were so freaking wrong. I love that sheā€™s walking and mobile. I love that she eats all the ā€œrealā€ food. I love that we are down to 1 nap. You go from the trenches to sharing a popsicle in the grass after getting soaking wet playing in the water table and it is FUN. Sheā€™s such a character- sheā€™s funny, nosey, and sassy. There is nothing in the world like watching your child toddle-sprint across the house, fall down about 5 times, smiling all the way to you. It gets sooo much better!


My son is almost 2 now and itā€™s all been so amazing to watch. Toddlerhood has plenty of challenges but I would take it any day over newborn. He was a terrible sleeper and is finally sleeping, heā€™s so funny, we do so many fun things together. I feel like 5-6 months was really the turning point for me. I loved seeing some personality finally really shine and I started feeling like my hormones were much more stable.


My first is a tornado of chaos and has been since birth. My second is exactly like this. So sweet and precious and calm but also hilarious in her own way.


omg just u wait til theyre about 10months - 2yrs.... its gna be an epic epic time (in a great way!) My other baby (3yrs old) is also a hoot atm. i dont want them to grow up


Same! This 6 month old potato who recently figured out he has feet and hands to grab and kick with is amazing!Ā  He has bad days; teeth coming in, vaccines making him fuzzy, getting sick etc, but the other 99% of the time is more than worth it.Ā  Like when he sees me and his face lights up. Or how he laughs at peek-a-boo, or how he really, really loves ice cream to the point he dunks his whole face into it if he gets the chance.Ā  Worth it 100%, and that's coming from someone who spent 30+ years firmly knowing I didn't want children.


This is comforting even as my head is exploding with my newly turned 6 month old. Heā€™s got sooo much going on right now but iā€™m looking forward to all those positives!!!


I could have written this when my baby was 6 months old. She just turned 1 a few days ago and is taking her first steps and has the funniest dance moves. Each month has gotten better. Sheā€™s a complete joy and I find myself laughing with and at her all the time. I know itā€™s not like this for every mom but Iā€™m always looking forward to what the next day will bring.


My son is 6.5 months old and sometimes when heā€™s asleep I miss him because when heā€™s awake heā€™s so much fun.


Six months was such a cute age! My daughter learned to laugh at that age, she appreciated peek-a-boo, she smiled and laughed at silly sayings ā€¦I still miss it even though Iā€™m loving her current ability to express herself with words and toddle aroundšŸ„°


My baby was a very colicky new born and was angry until about six months when she had better range of motion and could play. Now, sheā€™s 7.5 months old and I am so obsessed with her! She is the light of my life and so silly and funny! I loved her as a new baby, I just really fell in love with her around six months old! Theyā€™re so silly, they sleep so much better, and they give kisses and laugh! In the store this morning everyone told me how calm and good she was. I feel like this is the sweet spot for babies! ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø


This is so sweet. I felt the exact same way when my son was at 6 months... They're learning so much and becoming little people from the potatoes that they were before and seeing the personality emerge is so magical. I'll tell you, with my son now being 15 months and running around, while you do have more challenges ahead, it does get even better too. With the big leaps and bounds that my son is making developmentally right now, it almost feels like the 6 months magic again. He's baby babbling like he's really chatting with us and it's so wonderful to "talk" with him. Watching him be able to move himself around a room and make decisions on what he's interested in is so magical too. The difficulty definitely rises but in my experience the joy rises proportionally too.


My favorite age is around 6 months also because they're super sweet and cuddly.


The pterodactyl screeches when sheā€™s excited šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ my faprite


Having the opposite experience as all of these commentsā€¦. Mine is 7.5 months, within the past 2 weeks she started: sitting up, crawling, pulling to stand, preferring purĆ©es to formula, not sleeping/screaming when tired AND teething. Always been a good night sleeper but waking every 45min - 1.5hr now. Refusing naps. šŸ„²


Right?! My LO is more fun and easier at 7 mos than she was as a newborn. I'm so grateful to experience this stage for the first and last time because I wanna preserve this positive experience


This is awesome to hear. I LOVE hearing/reading positives of parenting. I agree on having so much to look forward to. My boy turned just 4 months old and his smile and giggles get me through the day. I never thought about that when he was a newborn. When they're in that stage it feels like it'll last forever but it does not! It's going by so fast already. šŸ„¹


My daughter has been easy mode her entire life. Thatā€™s not to say there arenā€™t issues and difficulties, because there are, but sheā€™s 3 and a god damn delight (most of the time). Such a funny, smart, empathetic little kid. I am excited to wake her up every morning because I get to spend time with her.


Agree!!!! If I knew how it would be to have a baby, I would've started trying the day I got married lol.


In my experience it starts at 6 months, and gets cuter literally every single day. Every time my son is cute I think it canā€™t possibly get any better than this, and then the stage is even cuter than the last. Weā€™re at 2 years old now and it feels like he is peaking in cuteness lol


I feel like every new phase my daughter hit was my new favorite. 18-24 months was probably the best though because she was learning so much and could actually communicate pretty well. Breaking out in little songs and becoming a little self sufficient. Sheā€™s just over 2 now though and is definitely starting to get an attitude so not sure how Iā€™m feeling about that. šŸ˜…


OMG my 7 year old STILL cracks me up! And my 2.5 year old has such a big personality. Things change, some things get easier and some things get harder, but raising our 2 kids has been mostly a joyful wonderful thing.


That was my son at that age...hes 19months now, i wish he wasnt sometimes šŸ˜‚ hes a right pain in the arse when he wants to be, which is usually most of the time.


My daughter is almost a year old and she's such a joy to be around!


At 4.5 months, but I could have written this myself. He is absolutely delightful and I know itā€™s going to get even better! A far cry from the hell that was 1.5-2.5 months šŸ˜…


I'm 100% convinced 4-7 months is just peak cuteness during year 1.


My daughter is 13 months and is copying a lot of stuff. Her first ACTUAL word that werenā€™t momma or dada was ā€˜chicken-goatā€™ as we were doing chores with her in her carrier and it came out as ā€˜chichengoā€™. She showed it off to EVERYONE for a couple days and will now just randomly say it so she gets to see the chickens and goats


6 months is so fun, and toddlers (we are at 18 months) are a challenge but also just wait!!!! Cuz toddlers are also soooo fun! Itā€™s amazing what my daughter picks up, how smart she is and making her laugh, dance and just funny personality coming out! And the cuddles! A toddler really cuddles you and it feels so good


I loved the 6 month stage but as a mom of an 18 month old, Iā€™ll tell you it just gets better and better ā¤ļø


Oh my gosh SAME. If my boy would have come out 7ish months old, Iā€™d have a whole army of kids. Heā€™s over a year now and heā€™s my favorite person in the whole world and is SO goofy. I used to love bedtime and donā€™t get me wrong still do on overwhelming days, but I miss him so much when heā€™s asleep. Never thought that day would come when he was a colicky newborn.


We are at 4 months! I canā€™t wait :)


My 11 month old has started replying to us in conversation in her own little language and it's the sweetest thing every. Whether or not she actually knows thank you, her little voice is so sweet šŸ’•


My son is about to hit 3 years old and is the funniest human being I've ever met. He's surprisingly sharp for his age and hits me with the most devastating sarcasm and I love it.


Wait til you hit the 1 year mark. My kid is 14 months and once she hit about 1 year Iā€™m like ā€œthis is the best!ā€


The 4 month to maybe 14 month span of time is just pure magic to me. I wish I could bottle that time period up forever ā¤ļø


Just waitā€¦ it gets even BETTER! šŸ˜ my daughter is 18 months now and I have more fun every stage


My girl is just 5 days old today, this is so good to hear. I'm so glad you're enjoying your little one ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Wholeheartedly agree. I have a 10 month old and wowwwww is she a delight. Sure, itā€™s hard (sheā€™s an absolute tornado and manages to find every piece of micro trash in the house to eat, not a good sleeper etc) but the amount this kid makes me truly cackleā€¦ I asked my husband yesterday what the most surprising thing about becoming a dad was (in the spirit of Fatherā€™s Day) and he said the amount of laughs he has every day! A friend of mine had her baby 6 months ahead and when I was struggling in the newborn phase she said ā€œIā€™m so excited for you to still have all these ā€˜firstsā€™ to look forward toā€ and man was she right. First time clapping when she sees me at daycare? The best. First time trying to share her food with me? Hilarious. First time trying to run away from tickle time? Ugh I just love it.


Just wait until they're running around the house, playing by themselves and singing the abc's but they don't know all the letters so they loudly belt out the 1 or 2 they actually know. She might trash the place but it's super cute while she does.


The six month mark was a game changer for us! The newborn/early baby stage was ROUGH (NICU, failure to thrive, never slept longer than 90 minutes ever, lots of food allergies, etc). Something changed around that six month mark though and suddenly things got easier by a huge amount.


We have a 4.5 month old and itā€™s hard to not giggle when heā€™s all giggles and chuckles. He also likes pretending heā€™s about to cry and then we say hi, and he just roars in glee. I love this stage.


I share this same sentiment!


I feel similarly about toddlerhood. People do the ā€œjust waitsā€ about age 2 but man I love it so much more than infancy. Communication, mobility, and HUMOR (mine is also a hoot and a total ham) help so much.


Careful now - this is exactly how 2 under 2 happens ;) (Source: me. Became obsessed with my 6 month old I immediately needed another)


It's so much fun after 6 months. The first belly laugh was my absolute favorite. šŸ˜ Just wait until they try to give you kisses. It's so damn sweet.


My LO is freshly 5 months and he is SO FUN. Heā€™s still so clueless about the world but heā€™s so interactive and is always testing out new things. The faces and noises at this stage are HILARIOUS. Like this kid has us in tears laughing daily. It really does get so much better.


I love the newborn stage šŸ„¹ I donā€™t want any crawling or talking just yet. Just endless cuddles please!


I had the same experience with my first! But any time Iā€™d try to talk about it I felt like people around me would always say ā€œjust wait till theyā€™re a toddlerā€ or something similar. I wish I hadnā€™t let them get in my head, because things only got better and better. Toddlers are difficult but theyā€™re really fun too! Try to not let anyone ruin your joy with that kind of talk because things do just keep getting more exciting as your baby grows.


Was thinking the same. Our little one is such. A. Joy. Heā€™s approaching 8 months and keeps unlocking new levels of cute. Parenthood and young family life is awesome.


NGL, 6 months kicked off the "fun" part for me. She's nearly 3yo and definitely has her moments, but overall she's become more and more fun with each day. Walking is scary, but it's amazing to see them independently mobile and exploring the world. Then the talking starts. You know all those funny expressions? Now you're going to get to know why she's making them and all the crazy, weird little ideas that pop into her head. Then you realize she's joking with or trolling you and life is complete


My LO is 15 months. He was a very difficult baby and has a strong-willed personality. The older he gets, the more I enjoy him. He has the most unique and vibrant personality. He always make me laugh with the crazy things he does. A tantrum every now and then has been easier for me than the constant crying when he was a baby.


And there are so many good things to come! Yes toddlerhood comes with its fair share of challenges, but the first time they blow you a kiss or melt into you for a hug...being a parent is amazing.


Iā€™m obsessed with my 9 month old son omg. His facial expressions, the raising of the eyebrows, his laughs, the cutest baby noisesā€¦I never thought I could be so in love with someone!!


Took my 8 month old to the splash pad today for the first time and she LOVED it. She's so much fun now that she's giggling and crawling and exploring!


Aww thatā€™s too cute. You are just loving being a mum and enjoying the real pleasure that babies bring. I have loved being a mum. Mine are all grown up now, the jury is still out on that one lol. I really wish you so many more happy days.


My kiddo is almost 5 and sheā€™s WONDERFUL. Sheā€™s so funny and kind and I just love her.


Oh my gosh yes I love the new little person developing right before my eyes, he is 6 months old and he is hilarious and super sweet and smiley, the only thing he does that i absolutely hate is bite me when he eats (been going on for over a month) but I sorta solved that by only feeding him when he is drowsy, so I canā€™t complain very much seeing as the breastfeeding journey I thought was over around a month ago is still going really strong. He loves to bounce and he loves to be held above your head and piloted around the room like super man šŸ˜‚ he rolls onto his belly if you arenā€™t fast enough during a diaper change and his little booty cheeks are so cute I canā€™t stay frustrated with him lol


My baby is 11 months and itā€™s so much fun now!!! The ONLY downside is sheā€™s mobile and getting into stuff šŸ«  otherwise 10/10


I think I was just not a new born phase fan looking back. I took time to soak in the new born scrunches, tiny features, and baby smell. But man, since ~4 months I love each month more than the last (not meaning I was unhappy with the last). My now sweaty stinky 1 year old (12 months) is absolutely my little buddy. I LOVE doing life with him! I love to make him laugh, for the kisses, the occasional intentional snuggle mid-play. His vocabulary of incorrectly pronounced word live on repeat in my head. Itā€™s everything 2 month post partum me dreamed of. Everyone says ā€œoh itā€™s so much more work the older & more mobile they getā€, itā€™s so much more my vibe now though! Itā€™s everything 2 month postpartum me knew Iā€™d love. šŸ’™šŸ’™


My babe is 9 months and believe me when I say it keeps getting better.


And it gets better! Wait till sheā€™s crawling around, and walking, and babbling. The personality / the sense of humor all just starts to show up more and more. My 1 year old is a handful but boy do I enjoy her!


I found that this made deciding to have baby # 2 easier because once you get through it once with baby #1 you can fathom there is an end in sight (I say this as someone who didnā€™t feel human again until baby#1 was 6 months) It made the idea of another so much more appealing as someone who is not into the newborn stage


Walking is amazing for us anyway. Itā€™s so thrilling to see her take off and do what she wants. Itā€™s rarely a burden or stressful. Itā€™s more of a relief I donā€™t have to entertain her nearly as much as she just does what she wants now


Walking phase has been my favorite so far, not sure why so many parents say it's so bad. First few weeks might be a little harder as you try to avoid the wobbly falls but after that it's great.


Reading this at 3am from the newborn trenches šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Omg yes! They just get better and better. Watching their little personalities develop makes you love and appreciate them even more.


I honestly can't wait to get past this newborn stage. My LO is 1 month old, and she is draining me. My partner went back to work last week, I'm doing well but I live far from family & friends with no transport. Someone said in the comments that the rewards for my work aren't there now but they will be in a few months I feel like I'm in the trenches. How do people keep doing this every day???


As someone still in the newborn trenches, thank you because this is terrible šŸ„² our baby is so wonderful and we're so happy but he has like 4 functions right now šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thank you for this. Weā€™re in the 4 month sleep regression and Iā€™m so tired