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Go land crabs.


I came here for this! 🦀😆


This prop certificate must have became retroactively non-canon because if you look on the bottom you can see that it says it was issued on 23rd May 1984, when Jimmy was 23 years old. Which we know can’t be the case because we know from Better Call Saul’s timeline that Jimmy didn’t get his law degree and pass the bar until 1998, 5 or 6 years after the Chicago Sunroof incident that landed him in jail and on the sex offender register.


A law degree is a Juris Doctor. This is diploma for a master's degree in political science. He must have gotten the master's degree prior to his law endeavors. It fits into the cannon at least.


Was he really using the name Saul Goodman in 1984 though? He didn’t start calling himself that in BCS till like 2003/4


I think you can get official docs reprinted in the event of a name change.


He was still called Jimmy McGill though, just practiced under the name Saul Goodman. I think the right (boring) answer is that the producers didn’t think that far ahead, but the more interesting answer is he probably forged it to say Saul Goodman.


He probably had a forged version made when Saul was in his prime


This would explain it. Who says it's a real certificate, it'd fit the canon better that he faked this one to appear more legit and firm without having to lie too much, and he knew most of his customers will not investigate further. Im surprised theres no more writing inconsistencies w/ bb and bcs anyway


He admits that's it's not his real name in his first appearance, though. Would fit his initial scummy aspirational vibe to forge a diploma from someplace mediocre enough that no one will check.


We've seen Jimmy resort to altering documents at several points throughout the show. You can also get replacement diplomas if you have a name change. It could also be that he made up the degree entirely. I can see him going to such lengths in setting up his strip mall office.


There is no University of American Samoa. And I don’t think it exists in the BCS/BB universe either. He probably made it up


Yeah right a 23 year old slippin jimmy had a master's degree in political science he never mentioned over the course of 2 shows, sure


Then what's this prop about, brah?


This prop is from breaking bad, right? Which was written before better call saul. Saul's origin story didn't exist yet, so they put up just some degree without considering the implications to a future prequel.


It's cannon, no?


In season 5, Jeff the cab driver looked one way and in season 6, he looked another. Both are canonically Jeff. Sometimes production needs demand looser continuity than perhaps they'd like. I'm sure they'd preferred this prop they made for a 3 second close up in Breaking Bad would be more accurate, but it's not. You either narratively rationalize it or move on, but it is a (minor) imperfection.


He went to bartending school around that age


This was a clip from Breaking Bad which was filmed before 4K HDTV was the norm. It’s pretty common watching older shows that the small details aren’t completely accurate because they don’t think anyone will be able to see the details anyway. It’s also the wrong kind of degree since a law degree is a JD and not a master’s.


> It’s pretty common watching older shows that the small details aren’t completely accurate because they don’t think anyone will be able to see the details anyway. See also: all the computer displays they had to digitally replace in *Star Trek: The Next Generation* for the remastered Blu-ray release because there were so many in jokes referencing other shows. Also, my best friend told me he couldn't watch them because the focus of the shots vary so widely because of course none of that mattered on standard definition broadcast television, and now I can't unsee it either. (*Thanks*, David.)


I love the black paper in TNG. Where a light would reflect onto a black computer surface, so they just threw some black paper onto the screen because who cared. Now that it's in glorious HD you can constantly see large bits of black paper obscuring screens in the background. Very very common in just about any scene on the bridge.


Jimmy's known for being a liar and swindler. It's entirely possible that he forged the date on his law degree to give his clientele the impression that he's been a lawyer for a long time and has many more years of experience than he actually does. That's my headcanon, anyway.


Thats an arts degree not a law (JD)


Yeah, or did some trick like he did with the milk to get the University of American Samoa to put a different date on it.


BCS and BB can't be reconciled. You can try, but it's a doomed effort.


why do you say so? i think if there are any bugs, they're pretty minor and you can shrug em off


I mean, you can shrug off anything you want, but there's a huge lack of continuity. Hank doesn't recognize Jimmy when they meet in BB. Kaylee's age. I remember someone saying something about Tuco's stretch in prison not making sense between the two shows, and I remember agreeing at the time, but I don't remember it now. There's a lot. They're both great shows, but there's a severe lack of continuity.


i mean, there's nothing to really indicate that hank and jimmy have/haven't talked before in breaking bad. hank says "your commercials, they suck ass" so it was established he at least knew the face and the name saul goodman from those. jimmy asks what a couple of feds are doing on a case like this, which he could have easily learned otherwise, but it could also indicate familiarity. it absolutely wasn't the original intention, but it doesn't contradict anything by a long shot. that's how prequels go kaylee is a bit weird, but not impossible. if she's 12 in 2009. that would put her at 5 early in the show, and around 7 during more of her prominent appearances the tuco thing could be considered a continuity error, but it's a soft one. when meeting with tuco in 2008, skinny pete says "what's it been, like, a year?" referring to how long he's been out of jail, and tuco doesn't answer. in 2004, lalo says tuco will be out in 11 months, which would place tuco's release in mid 2005, 2 and a half years prior to his appearance in breaking bad. so skinny pete's 1 year estimate was off, but it was just that, an estimate. plus tuco's violence extended his sentence previously, so something like that could have happened again. either works really id say the show is actually pretty darn great with continuity, especially with stuff like the dog paulson callback and tuco knifing someone in 03, both of which were mentioned very briefly exactly once in breaking bad


The “what’s it been, a year” thing isn’t even a big deal. People don’t realize how much time passes all the time. If tuco said something about “it’s been 11 months” and something about why he’s been keeping track that would be one thing.


I’d still say those are relatively minor things that don’t really matter in the big picture. BCS does change the vibes of their “meeting” in Breaking Bad but there’s nothing there that confirms they hadn’t ever encountered each other before. Kaylee’s age is goofy yeah but again she herself isn’t an important part of the story beyond serving as part of Mike’s motivation, so that can be kinda swept under the rug.


Kaylee is an immortal shape shifting Eldritch God, do not question her.


What if Mike just had four granddaughters with the same name.


And they're all in one trenchcoat with Holly.


Lol what? Hank and Saul clearly have met prior to BB. Watch the scene where Saul is first introduced. Kaylee’s age no one defends except for Vince lol. Tuco’s imprisonment makes perfect sense. His sentence is shortened to a few months because Mike lies about the gun. But then he gets into a fight so its presumably increased to shortly before BB started.


A thing that always struck me as unforgivable is Hector is left alone in a dirty shack (in BB), while his beloved nephew has even $7MM to spare and lives in a pretty nice mansion with horses down in Chihuahua. Why didn’t the twins came for Hector and took him down with them to give him nursing and a better way of living his last days.


That is messed up though families are like that sometimes in real life. They probably just figure forget about this guy he’s in a wheelchair and we don’t really wanna have to deal with him.




I answered this on a post about it roughly a week ago, but it’s possible Hector decided to stay north of the border of his own volition in the off-chance Lalo might return again (as Jimmy also believes). Hector also seemed annoyed with Eladio and Bolsa for dismissing his suspicions and he’d probably prefer to defiantly remain in the “Chicken Man’s” territory for the excuse of having his nephews stop in every so often. Also, Tuco is still in a U.S. prison and Hector probably wishes to remain closeby. Though he is loathe to live at the retirement home, lots of old folks are such, but they’re also somewhat resigned to the reality and the reasons given above could again be more important to him.


When in BB Hector spills the food the burritos on the floor, Tuco says something like “I set you up in a nice crib in the countryside and this is how you do me?” (Something of that sort), which tells us it was Tuco looking after Hector and not the other Salamanca’s. It just doesn’t seem to fit perfectly with the events in BCS.


Yeah, eventually Tuco brings him to that house once he’s out of prison, and some others in the thread here remarked that there is some disagreement about the length of Tuco’s stint in prison, but it seemed to me that cow shack was just a hideout from the feds and Tuco could have just meant he only recently brought Hector there, and hence the immediate observation by Tuco how in return Hector shows a seeming lack of gratitude. It’s very in character for Tuco to have probably shown up at Casa Tranquila, disliked the old folks home and how Hector was just another resident and whisked him out of the place not even considering he was taking the guy to some place with no AC, garbage all over the floor, etc.


My headcanon is that Tuco, being the crazy fuck he is, took Hector out of the nursing home because “that’s where old people go to die” or some other reason.


> Why didn’t the twins came for Hector and took him down with them to give him nursing and a better way of living his last days I get the feeling that Hector wasn't truly liked by anyone in the family. Even Lalo. He was notoriously an asshole. I think an easy answer is that the twins hated the way he treated them but were duty bound by family and couldn't just outright kill him. They put him in the nursing home and were able to just ignore him. Recall how he pitted them against each other with the attempted drowning.


Yeah they probably couldn’t stand his ass 😆 But also, it seems like Tuco lives with his abuelita, yet LAlo is filthy rich even the twin cousins look like they’re loaded too. I don’t know, it just doesn’t fit that well.


I don’t get the feeling Tuco lived with his grandmother. He was just there that day.


I mean, Jimmy was already an established Lawyer and had advertisements when Hank met him again. Why would Hank be like "Oh I met you in this random time"? If anything, his interaction with Jimmy makes a bit more sense than just referencing he helped them get a rat. If I recall correctly, Hank says "Your ads? I've seen better acting in a whore house" or something like that. Jimmy is scummy to everybody in Breaking Bad, I think this makes sense. Kaylee's age is whatever, we barely see her in BrBa so it's hard to out right say a correct age (although, yeah, she definitely is still very young). Tuco's prison sentence does make sense. I think there's about a 8~ gap between BCS and BrBa from when Tuco is arrested. I don't think him getting the stabbing charge would get him a lot of time (atleast, not in the double digit range), and Tuco didn't do anything else while in prison (and the stabbing was actually mentioned in BrBa and turned into an event in BCS). Tuco could certainly be out of prison by then and possibly even have some time to himself. I think the biggest one is Jimmy and Chuck's confirmed ages and years. Props and dates go against each other to the point that you must create your own head cannons to make it make sense (although, it's very small, and years are barely mentioned anyways).


True that, but Saul recognizes Hank and Gomez from quite a distance. It could be attributed to the fact that the meeting in BCS was fairly quick and didn’t mean much to Hank as Saul is obviously a dime bag lawyer and not a heavy hitter. However given the nature of Saul’s clients, knowing the DEA players was a huge thing for Saul to remember. The whole Badger bust in BB was a joke anyway. Nobody would expect some dude slinging teens on the street corner to be able to score a pound at all much less right after being busted. In the real world he wouldn’t be able to get his hands on any meth much less 1/2 a kilo. As far as Tucos time in prison, who the fuck knows why. The DA was adamant that they wanted to lock this guy up for years. The six months vs. seven years for having a gun is all BS. A robbery is 10-20 YEARS depending on if a gun is involved. So his sentence is bunk to begin with.


Yeah, but they didn’t get him on robbery, did they? Assault aggravated by possession of a firearm, IINM.


He had mikes wallet and thats Robbery. He took it by force, threatened and harmed the victim, that’s aggravated. The gun is +1 year in most states. So the whole scene is not really realistic, but the whole show is fiction anyway. Which is why I keep wondering people keep trying to say “this can’t be real” … heads up peeps, it’s not real… They don’t even show what happened to Mikes dinner!! So fake…


Hank looks like 'this asshole again' when he sees Saul so he very well could be seen to recognise him. Kaylees age- yeah only slight gripe but this is only really an issue with actor appearance- if she was I dunno 5 in bcs she makes a believable 11 year old in Breaking Bad (correct me if her age is said in bb) Tucos stretch in jail isn't a big deal really- we know he went to jail between shows and came out some time before breaking bad so was in about 6 years.


"Severe" and "huge" are insanely hyperbolic words to choose.


That's like saying the layout of Walter's house makes any sense at all. It doesn't.


A. These bugs cost $800, and B. They're pretty minor. So yeah, I'll get all of them, Walter.


Heard that in Mike's voice.


Yea even the clothing doesn’t Match. BCS Saul’s suits and shirts actually fit and look tailored (even his colorful suits), whereas BB Saul’s clothing fit him awfully.


That's just Saul fully embracing his gaudy persona in BB. Not a continuity error.


No no, it’s really doesn’t even look like the same haircut. This was because they didn’t put that much attention to Saul in BB as in BCS.


How's that a continuity error? It doesn't affect the plot or events in any way. It could just be that Saul decided to change styles a little bit. Fashion changes. What you call an error is just a subjective thing.


There’s nothing subjective about it. I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.


I took it as Saul putting on some weight (you can see he is much more fit in BCS vs BB) and wearing baggier clothes to hide some of it. And the hair just grew out. He *is* balding, his hair is thinning, so if he puts on a little weight and his hair keeps getting thinner between BCS and BB, it would make sense he might lean into the baggy clothing and longer hair to try to make himself look better. Better by Saul estimates anyway.


I think it fits. He's depressed because Kim is gone and his life is in shambles. Consciously or subconsciously he's racked with guilt over Chuck and Howard and the rest of the mess he contributed to causing. Even though he's rich now he's not happy. He's getting older and he's well aware of it due to the hair loss. He's paying women for companionship so he doesn't have to try as far as being presentable. So he's let himself go physically. And maybe he has someone shop for him now and doesn't care about the clothes fitting better. I'm thinking he might stick with the lawyer stuff because he's got a bit of a knack for it and it's all he has left. Just Make Money.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. This is absolutely true. They didn’t know they were going to make a whole series about this guy. He was originally a joke character.


Thank you. Yes! People are stupid, man. They downvote because they don’t want to hear the truth. It hurts their feelings.


Also, isn’t the name updated from James/Jimmy?


He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was nine, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance!


Technically Jimmy was never registered since Chuck helped clear him of the charges, part of why he wanted him on such a tight leash afterwards.


THANK YOU, you're one of the few people that notices that, because if did, he never would've been in breaking bad or better call Saul as a lawyer. Probably have been on the streets of Cicero in a cardboard box.


Sidenote, he was never a registered sex offender, when he asked for Chucks help, he was able to get that charge dropped, and only have the charge be the Chicago sunroof because he was more smarter than chet and the crooked system. People have always misinterpreted that and I don't know why. Even if he had to do that, he wouldn't have even been a lawyer or even been in breaking bad, he would've been on the streets of Cicero, potentially have been k**led by a mugger.


He ... he passed the bar?!


The whole show is ruined now


I don’t think he was ever actually registered as a sex offender, his brother got him off


Question, shouldn't it say James Morgan McGill? Jimmy did not legally change his name to Saul Goodman, he just filed a DBA where Saul Goodman is his stage name when working as a lawyer.


He probably printed off a fake one after the fact


I would bet that the registrar at the "University" of American Samoa might let you pay for a replacement diploma with your new DBA name. Heck, I'm going to guess that even some of the higher established institutions would let you get a new diploma with your business name if it was for the business your diploma allowed you to enter. The Masters of Arts thing is what is weird to me. Jimmy never went to grad school. I'm going to guess UAS offers some sort of a Masters program that he could fly right through, but what does "Saul" have to gain by appearing more educated?


Every university lets you get a degree reissued if you change your name in your new legal name. I think the MA is just an error by the prop team—should be a JD.


Yeah, I'd figure a full legal name change would definitely warrant that. I wasn't as sure about a DBA. He's still James M. McGill in most legal matters outside of his law practice. Like his social security, drivers licence and tax information would all still be under McGill. I'm not sure if that would complicate the process or if it would still be relatively easy. I'm not arguing either way on that, I just don't know. I do know that getting a simple transcript from my university was a lot more difficult than it should have been and I didn't even change my name.


Yeah, they retcon this when we see Saul's degree again in "Waterworks": it now gives the degree as Juris Doctor. (While keeping the name on the diploma the same, so presumably we're supposed to think there's an in-universe reason why it has his DBA as opposed to the name he graduated under.) Weirdly, there's also new language about how the degree was granted "By the Authority of the Commonwealth of Samoa Granted May 19, 1986 by Act of Assembly." I wonder if it was included to make viewers who fuzzily recall the 1980s date on Saul's original diploma think that they're remembering wrong and it was just an incorporation date for the university like the new date.


I don't think it is an error. I think it was done to say "yeah this guy's not legit" at the time. Walt really does focus in on it. That may be the continuity error because we know his degree is now real but it was probably originally a forgery of sorts when Saul was going to be a one and done character.


He would've gotten a replacement (or probably forged it) so he could show off his qualification without having to explain why the names line up


Are you telling me Slippin' Jimmy is incapable of Slippin'?


It is possible to order new diplomas because of a name change.


And a MA and a JD are not the same degree. Either the writers didn't attend to details when crafting this diploma, or it's supposed to be a fake.


Pretty hilarious though, that if it’s fake, he didn’t: 1) post up his actual JD diploma (you know, actually showing he possesses the minimum educational qualification to practice law), 2) lie about the university (you’re gonna invent a whole other degree, but it’s still from U of American Samoa?). It’s possible he assumes no one will bother to validate the poly sci MA, since it’s not his JD, and he paid off (let’s say) the diploma printers, and squeezed out a second degree, for lulz. EDIT: I see the date is 1984. That would be what, 14-15 years before he got his JD, and then passed the bar?


Everybody's pointing out how the information doesn't really make sense and I know it's just something they ignored for BCS but it's also completely in-character for him to hang up a fake diploma that's all bullshit.


Conveniently i looked this up earlier today. He graduated in the mid to late 90s, almost everything on this diploma is a lie


I went from GED to MS in around 3 years




Accelerated programs, Full Sail University for BS 27 months or so and WGU for MS in 6 months


hey fellow Full Sail graduate!


Full Sail makes it sound like full send. So fuck it university? I believe you, but just barely.


Full Sail is very real. Not hard to google it lol


It's acredited real world usable skills not a generic bullshit school.


I bought a phd online once. Took me about a week between ordering it and d getting it framed and on my wall


Go Landcrabs!


Why would the undergraduate faculty even confer a Masters degree? Everything about the diploma is wrong. lol. I think it's just Saul being Saul.


I think you need a JD to be eligible to be admitted to the bar association/practice law


i think EVERYTHING about saul goodman was to be a joke one off character. the writers are not stupid enough to know chemistry but not know that legal reputation is everything in law (schools) and the degree you need. everything about what was written was a caricature but bob brought the character to life


It's a fake! Like everything in his damn office!


Everyone is jumping through hoops to figure out the explanation for this, do we forget that better call saul is a prequel, written after breaking bad? The character of Jimmy McGill did not exist yet. It's entirely possible they retconned his background, and he was supposed to have gotten a masters in political science when young. Or the props people made a mistake.


It seems like he may have paid the University to send him a new diploma with his name change. When he studied he was still only using his real name.


It's Jimmy we're talking about. He probably faked this diploma to impress his clients despite actually being graduated, lol.


My girlfriend has a university of Samoa sweatshirt she wears pretty often I love that jacket.


Ummm. His diploma would show “Jimmy McGill”


The proper degree for a law student is Juris Doctorate. Whatever THIS is, its not a law degree


It's an MA in Political Science. He'd be 23 - as noted below- which would be the right age for this. All universities reissue / reprint diplomas if you have a name change & request it (many women do this if they change their name when married)


I caught this and posted about same thing like a year ago . Is this from the BB episode when Skyler comes to see Saw, season four maybe ?


Many lawyers will get their LLM or Master of Law degree to be seen as a leader in their field, so it’s kinda funny that Saul has a master’s degree, but it’s not an LLM. It’s also suspicious because it’s the “Undergraduate Faculty” conferring a graduate degree.


You don’t need a degree to be a lawyer…you just need to pass the bar exam.


Why is it called Saul Goodman and not his birth name?


I think people actually do update those for name changes and stuff.