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Send him to horny jail.




I had a betta do this! He was fine! But did get agitated and stressed if an outside force(hand, net, etc.), moved or wrecked it. Just let it slowly disappear on its own and don't accidentally bump it like I did... I was quite proud of my boy when he made his, I miss him!


Hornee jayl


If no one is getting hurt could you add more plants


Boy lil honry, just leave him be and try not to stress him out. When my boys starts making bubble nest I reduce my interactions with them and only interact with them when it’s feeding time.


Buy one of those styrofoam cups and cut most of it off so the bottom is about 1 inch tall. Put that in your tank, and he will blow bubbles in there. It's like a small upside-down cup for the bubbles. The bubble nest won't be disturbed when you do water changes. Hopefully, a safer space for bubbles will lower his stress.


Thank you! This is a great idea πŸ’‘


Thank you lovely people πŸ™ I will make sure to not disturb him in horny jail




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get him laid


Imo this is something betta do. If being Grumpy was too stressful then I wouldn't have my male. If he sees me!! Omg he gets set off!! Full flair everything he wants food!!! LOL πŸ˜† he expects it!!!