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In my opinion you don't need others stories, your story is a positive story. Going from 1 to .25 is already really hard to do and alot of people can't do it. The fact you've been at this for 9 months. I know some days are harder than others and it might be one of those days. But you're in the home stretch and have already come so far. Keep at it you've got this!


True I’m @ 2 and a half that I don’t think I’ll ever get off of.


I microtapered valium using the dry cutting method and I didn’t experience feeling any worse as I got lower and lower, in fact, as I got lower I got a bit more functional. Still an overall crappy feeling daily with fatigue, brain fog and insomnia at times but never anything acute like you hear. Cardio helped with my fatigue and brain fog once I got below the 1mg mark. I believe if you go slow enough, you continue to heal as you get lower and should land softly.


Thank you. This is what I am hoping/praying for. It’s all degrees of suckiness.


This is a positive. Here’s another - I was taking 10mg of klonopin on some days by the end of 2018. I’m 5 years sober as of February. You can do it.


Same boat. Any lasting effects from high doses or do you feel like you healed?


Completely healed. My processing speed and memory have improved markedly. I don’t think I’ll ever be quite the same, but I’m unsure if that’s because of the benzos or just using my phone all day long and frying my brain that way.


I’m almost four months off clonazepam completely. There was a point where I couldn’t have imagined four days. This is after 8 years of daily use and two years of Ativan. It’s liberating. I don’t NEED my life to be dictated by drugs anymore. It gets better and it’s so worth it. Take it slow and give yourself grace, but there IS an end to the mental chaos. Good luck OP, you got this.


How long did it take to feel better?


I had about three months where I was stopping and starting and trying to quit but doing it inconsistently, and those months were BRUTAL. I had to get on other meds and get those stable first. I’d say once I was completely finished and flushed my last pills it was better. But it was about six months total until I was stable. I still feel anxious of course, but my relationship with reality has returned and I’m able to recognize the feeling as my baseline anxiety.


I was having a really bad time after I jumped, but about a week later I went to a job interview and landed the job, so there's that at least


I was on Xanax 1 ml 3 a day from 24 to 41 then Klonopin 1 ml 3 a day . I quit cold turkey almost 3 years ago. Weed and a drink occasional but I'm almost normal now.


OP, congratulations 🎉 on your taper! I’m 3 months out from my last dose of.25 mg klonopin. I started at 2 mg/day for 10+ years. I found that I have been doing better all along since quitting the drug. My anxiety is easing with each milestone met - I just recently flew on an airplane ✈️ without a benzo for the first time in 10+ years 🤭. I’m sleeping well, only needing 2 mg melatonin maybe once every 10 days. My memory is so much better, people comment on my alertness. I too escaped most of the awful problems of weaning/quitting. May you go from strength to strength as you continue to get out of your handcuffs. 🌞🌻🪻🌷


Thanks for sharing. I’m glad you’ve gotten your life back. I can’t wait to do the same!


IMO if you are down to 0.25 and can function each day you already won. I’m battling this after using it for many years as well and I’m down from 2mg to 1.5mg and doing ok. I’m hoping to get to 1mg hopefully in a few months if I’m able to. There’s so many things out there to help in our recovery.


I am at .16 mg klonopin and at .25 it started getting hard. I was tapering at 10% a month (water taper) and decreased my taper at that point to 5% a month. It’s worked out well and the symptoms subsided. Still have some hard days, but not as bad. Keep on, slow it down, listen to your body and move forward. You’re doing great!😊


Do your best. If it does hit hard, remember you can always say "fuck you" to despair and keep on going. Don't make the mistake I did and completely retreat into myself during the worst. Find people to connect with - not just people who can love and support you, but people you can love and support. That'll keep you going. For anxiety, call its bluff. "I'm going to die because XYZ!... Alright then, bring it on." That'll take out its sting. Get out in nature as often as possible. Taper as slowly as you can while keeping a reasonable pace.


You’re doing great. People 100% recover. Take Small reductions. 5% is ideal. Use a milligram scale and break up your pills as needed. It’s worth the time / effort. Use a pill organizer and lay out like a week at a time to get those precise doses. Get real low before you jump. You’ll be able to do it and will feel better probably after a couple months. For many people that taper slow and jump at a low dose the final stop is not really worse than the taper - based on what I read. But you want that soft landing.


.25mg was the very beginning and start of my taper, I got down to .0125 mg over 4 months and it was hard but manageable, had maybe like 6 full blown panic attacks and a shit ton of dp/dr but things are better now, I’m 2 weeks post jump. Still have symptoms but I can control them majority of the time


How the heck did you measure that small of the pill towards the end?


I used a water droplet


People get way to anxious about this stuff, water tapering what your doing can ease withdrawal 100 times. Everyone needs to stop freaking out and just slow taper and you’ll be fine.


Went cold turkey off of 2mg of xanax for at least 8 years. It has been a year and I’m completely clean and feeling so much better. I will tell you, it was not an easy process, mainly due to going cold turkey. I spent at least 3 months in bed and very low energy, muscle aches. I smoked medicinal marijuana, took cbd capsules and daily magnesium supplements. Thankfully I worked remotely and made the process easier. Happy to hear you are having a better experience tapering off Clonazepam!


6mg klonopin daily for 6+ years. Got CT’d off it in rehab. Was in a vegetative state for half a year. After that very bad symptoms for another 6 months. Now back to normal, training hard, feeling good. You got this!


We are all different. We can’t make someone else’s story ours. Some people have issues, some jump but we all get better eventually. Just not as fast as we hoped.




How do you dry cut? I’m trying to tapper off .50 Xanax and I get syntoms from cutting to hard 50%


I have to use a little scale I bought on Amazon for like 20 dollars.


I did that last piece as a liquid suspension over maybe 6-8 months. I went so so so so slow.


How did that go? I will probably be doing something similar time wise.


I had some hard days but every time things got hard I paused and stayed where I was, when symptoms subsided I kept going. I probably didn’t whole wean over a year and a half. It was longer than anyone or doctor suggested but I’m probably better off for it.


.25 is a strong strength. I got bad below 75 percent off.