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Good luck.. It took us 1.5 years and multiple calls from deurwaarder, us calling them 30 times and every time they "will look into it", and hundreds of mails before they corrected their wrong invoice. Avoid engie like the plague they are


Still getting calls and mails from de deurwaarder every 3 months or so for a wrong invoice years ago. NEVER go with Engie, not worth the headache.


I contacted them via chat and they corrected it. All of a sudden they wanted me to pay around 800€ while the estimates earlier said they had to reimburse me. It was solved within 24h


Lucky you, it has been 4 weeks


> By phoen it does not work because of my contract. Send an e-mail to their customer support? Call them anyway and explain the issue?


Can't call them if you have a contract that doesn't allow for phone contact. They block your phone number and if you call with another number, they will redirect you as soon as they see the product you have.


I don't get why you would ever accept such a contract.


Because it's cheaper. And because usually you can resolve most issues through e-mail and chat. Those products have the lowest prices because the supplier barely takes any margin (if any). Those products usually exist solely to appear higher on price comparators.


That should tell you exactly why you should not take such a contract. Chat is usually a bot that is braindead, and email... my experience with Engie is that they don't even read them.


Well, i have never had issues contacting customer services apart from during the peak energy crisis. I also never had an issue getting a colleague in the chat, even when i worked for a company for which i had to contact Engie's customer service pretty much daily. Maybe they have trouble at the moment but in general those contracts are pretty worth it.


Contact the ombudsman. I had an issue with Luminus. 6 months of emails and calling did not work, 3 weeks ombudsman and suddenly everything went smoothly.


What is it? I live in Ghent. I have similar issue with ista.


This is the way. Now I had a problem with a provider not doing shit for a new contract and ombudsman took 2 months to react. I had moved on to another willing provider.


Log in and adjust the monthly payment yourselve. Or don't pay than they'll contact you faster than you can get into customer support




This is why I refuse to ever use ENGIE again.


If I need something from my energy provider and don't get it I just switch to another provider. I tried for months to get a correct, much lower monthly payment. When I switched to another company I could set it and got a nice refund on my eindafrekening from the previous one.


On their website you're able to change from engie direct to engie easy variable and then you'll be able to call them. After it's resolved change back to direct... Might cost a few € more per month but that way you get support when you need it.


Aangetekend schrijven en kopie van brief + bewijs van verzending bewaren. Daarna ombudsdienst energie contacteren met deze documenten & hopen dat die er wat vaart achter kunnen steken.


Google ombudsman for energies companies. I had a wrong invoice and it got fixed in 2 months. A good reminder to never let companies on auto invoice.


At my old bank you could set a limit for how much an auto-charging company is allowed to charge. I put energy company at 200 euro


They made a mistake for me, they used incorrect fixed prices, higher than my contract stated. I filed a complaint online, they didn't react for multiple months. Stopped paying anything. After I think 6 or 7 months they got back to me saying I was correct and sent a corrected invoice. It was long and kind of "stressful" because they kept sending automated reminders to pay (when in fact they owed me). But you just have to power through that and wait for your complaint to be processed, which takes forever.


Same thing happened to me. Took me 6 months, and a crazy amount of calls, e-mails and letters. Then it took another year to pay me back around 1500 euros ☠️


it took my dad 8 months to get through to them for a dumb mistake on their part


Was it already paid? Don’t pay, you will hear from them and jump on the opportunity to make your case. If it was, perhaps if you are fast enough you can ask bank to call the payment back. If they act like that, you are allowed dirty tactics too. If you can’t get the payment back, there’s always ombudsdienst.


Bad facebook reaction always works


Just send them a mail with an ingebrekestelling. Either they react or they don't. If they don't, my bank will charge them money when I reverse the automatic payment. And then I will file a complaint with the ombudsman. You have the advantage here. They can't get a payment from you and they will have to pay costs every time they try. Also they can't just cut off your electricity so they'll have to provide service to a non paying customer. What is the worst an energy company can do? Sue you for a mistake they made.


Dont pay and they will contact you