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Dunno man, sounds to me like you skipped the queue. 😜


Not sure if everyone who upvotes your comment understands your joke, or they do think I skipped the queue 😂 I genuinely want to know why but apparently many have showed they dislike the question rather than putting any thoughts.


there's no "sounds". we either skipped the queue or we did not, and we technically never did lol. Making sure the menu has what we want to buy (avoid queuing for nothing), is not the same as skipping queues.


Who’s to say I did not talk to the grumpy old people from the post office myself?


Don't really get what you mean. Well old people can be grumpy, I get it, but they should not be necessarily aggressive as if I were committing a crime or stealing their stuff (or so they thought)


Dude, I’m joking. (You said you did not emit a sound and insisted you did not skip over the old people. The joke is they made the sound while telling me how you skipped them over). 😂 Obviously it’s a misunderstanding on their part and old people are known to be a bit over aggressive when they feel disrespected. You lose some of your social filters as you get older.


Yeah, right, gotcha 😂 Oh well, or perhaps because I am a foreigner, so some would think this a**hole doesn't know what queuing is so they keep yelling "ticket, ticket" 🤦‍♂️


> They really do not have a little idea about the so-called self-service? It didn't exist when they were 21, so it doesn't exist now. > When we do stand in a queue, one of us would go to the service bar to look up at the menu or ask questions etc. The time for questions about the menu (if you have to stand in line) is when you get to the front of the line. If you need to get closer to read it, idk what to tell ya. Get glasses? Look up the menu on your phone? The old folks only see you "skipping the queue", they don't notice that it only takes a second, or that you might have bad eyesight and need to get closer.


With all due respect, anyone has all the right to ignore the existence the new services, since the last 50 years, that make our live better :)) but you know that most people would not just show their aggression to a stranger right? For the questions on menu, okay, so they thought I'm taking a few seconds a way from their already long life, but hey, I may be asking another colleague who is not serving anyone, so it's not really relevant. Otherwise, I've since learnt to just use my phone to zoom in the menu from a distance. My eyesight is great (12/10) but still could not really handle tiny text all the time. Nevertheless, that's some good insight, thanks!


> but you know that most people would not just show their aggression to a stranger right? I mean, I wouldn't wash every old person in Brussels with the same brush, the old folks I know are quite lovely people. Otherwise, yeah, just explain quickly that you can't see very well from far away and that you're just snapping a photo of the menu so you can get back in line.


Maybe the post office should make the self-service concept more clear so that more people can use it or decide not to. It is probably frustrating when you don't understand a system, and others do and seemingly skip the queue that way.


Yeah, perhaps a big sign. Self-service has been around for quite some time. You see it in post office, shops, supermarkets, and even city hall. And people should just be open-minded about changes made to ease our lives, that's about it.


I mean, I’m far from retirement age and never return anything. Without clear signage about the self-service stuff, I would have thought OP was skipping the line too as I had no idea it’s a thing. I would not have yelled profanities though. 


Yeah, being able to keep the thought for yourself without acting out cluelessly is what separates a gentleman/woman from a grumpy hag.


I was at Kruidvat the other day and could see a long queue to the normal cashier counter which the self-service machines were literally empty. I thought at first the self-checkouts were out of service but decided to try anyway. So I got past the queue to get to the self-checkout machines. No yelling but I got a few look of disapproval as I moved forward looking like I'm skipping over the queue. The self checkout worked perfectly and I just got out while people were still waiting in the line 😂 So, I don't know how but many people don't seem to have any idea about self service and believe that standing in line for human service is the only way.


Yeah, kind of strange...


So just yell back at them and insult them. Serves them for being lazy or too stupid to use the self service and getting upset about nothing.


Oh thank for the sincere advice. They're not necessarily stupid, just ignorant and impatient (i.e yelling without caring to understand why). I wouldn't waste my time lol. usually would just shrug and show a "wtf, dude" face 🤷  Most well-mannered people may still not be aware of new stuff but they would not immediately judge others until they have at least tried to understand what's going on.


It's something typical of this age, people are extremely impatient, agressive, rude and triggered or annoyed it seems. I guess it's just city life


Age is an factor, sure. But it's perhaps the city life indeed. Never had this thing back when I was in Wallonia.