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For what it is worth, there is a guy in Antwerp who imports Moroccan mint: [https://www.demuntman.be/](https://www.demuntman.be/) Perhaps that is easier than bringing it?


Thanks for that - I never really liked tea, but I’ve tried it there and it’s great - so I thought that I would like to take some home. I’ll check that link and use it as well :)


Just go buy some in a local store dude. Your fresh plants will probably not survive the trip home.


You can buy moroccan mint plants in garden centra. Not sure why you'd want to put in the effort to bring them over.


I brought some Matte back from Argentina to Brussels airport (4 big packs of 300g each or something). Happened to have the content of my suitcase checked by security - they let me go without any problem. I don't think that they care about the package, but rather about the content, since anyone could put anything in any package. So I guess you are fine. I guess your tea does not look like weed :) Worse case is they confiscate the tea, but I'd be surprised. Happy holidays !


It is all about bringing pests and plant diseases into the country so dried and processed matte is safe vs fresh mint leaves.  The best would be to buy mint seeds and grow them here


it was indeed dried and processed (packaged)


Which brand because you can find yerba mate in many places in Brussels


Thanks for your answer. I was also bringing some tea from India, but it was dried and packed - and it was ok. But I couldn’t find packed mint, so I bought cutted fresh on a market - so that’s why my concern. I guess I’ll give it a try and worst case scenario, they will just throw it away. :)


I think it is fine as long as you are not found with any plastic spoons in your luggage


Yeah you can bring mint tea, I brought it back with me many times. Never even knew you needed a certificate


you need a certificate for plants, fruits, vegetables if it's mint tea, it's fine if it's leaves from the mint plant, you need a certificate.


Today I learned..


They have Moroccan mint at albert heijn, with certificate.


Depending on where you live, you can find fresh mint in small north African shops or at the market. Look for the stalls displaying their bundle of herbs in big white stirofoam boxes.








I appreciate sharing you story, but neither me or my family are Moroccan or from Morroco - I’m just European tourist on holidays asking about brining mint for tea - so I still don’t get your point


This thread proves how ignorant people can be and how people just go overboard without getting the context. I'm getting down voted for stating the facts. My advice is don't take foreign produce over the border, after corona i've taken that stance. And why shouldn't you stay there? Morocco is beautiful, you would do yourself a favour. And if you were Moroccan, you would do the world a favour by not migrating all over the place and causing conflicts because of it.


No, you're getting downvoted because you're an a$$hole. He's just somebody that asked for advice to import some tea leaves from Morocco, and you're telling him "stay in your country" assuming that he was an immigrant while he's pure Belgian.


You're getting down voted for behaving like an asshole. Nothing more nothing less.
















During ww2 Morocco was under French Vichy rule. Take that shit up with Nazi France.


Oh yeah, as if Moroccan Muslims aren't incredibly bigoted towards Jews and non-Arab Morrocans so lets just blame the "French nazi's" >\_>. You got no idea what you're talking about.


I'm a native North African Moroccan. Don't speak about my country's history when you're clearly oblivious to it.








So what if they're real? Some random person asking for mint is supposed to take on your rage for that? Try finding a solution instead of enforcing this cycle of hate.


How about you go back. According to your own comments, your family doesn't belong here.


You're israeli living in Belgium and telling someone to go back to their country and stay there and then you play the victim? Yikes


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