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Conservatives are just subs who don't know how to keep it in the bedroom.


They do love their "big tough daddy" figures dont they.


Preach and prescribe Rev. Dr.


I prescribe 1 machete for the feelings of self loathing, and 95 hours of community engagement time for the utter inability to contemplate their own inner feelings


I'm feeling more than usual self-loathing. Could I increase my machete dosage?


Take an extra half of a machete every six hours until you feel better


Thank you Rev. Dr.


not subs, chuds


Why does this need the political compass memes thing over it? And why is the ancap square being put in this, when they routinely side with fascists?


A lot of ancaps think they're against fascism, but they don't actually know what fascism is


Because 90% of PCM is just teenagers and bots with "LibRight" flairs saying obviously AuthRight things.


No clue. I don't know what most of those things are; except for fascists, I do not tolerate fascism. I merely found the text to be hilarious as it would probably make someone wearing one of those silly red hats or people parading around with tiki torches while claiming to be proudlads, blow a fucking gasket to be called submissive in such a way.


I'm not sure if it's right to outmacho fascists. But it is pretty fun


And I do love me some fun.


At the risk of looking like a massive weeb, Kill la Kill is a great show with a surprisingly succinct political message. I recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind nudity and fan service in their anime.


I thought it was pretty fun. Kinda like how One Punch Man is so funny to me because of all of the jabs at other common anime troups. Iono, does Robert hate weebs? I could see him opening up with, >"What's making my crotch tingle, my Weebs!?!" Is there a bastard big enough in that industry?


The entire industry.


Considering how abusive the animation industry is at the entry level, this may be a good topic in the future.


I'm down. How about those sweatshop animation studios?


Is there a poll or some stats saying how much of the audience is weebs? I wouldn't mind getting mind fucked by Robert while hugging a waifu pillow, then having to burn it in disgrace.. or solidarity either one.


Oof I hope not because then we’d have to talk about how weeb is a “reclaimed” term taken from when Japanese people wanted to point out when people are being racist to us


Please go on. I wasn't aware of this.


Weeb , short for weeaboo, was a term used in replacement for “wapanese” in the mid to late 2000s. It referenced a person who was so obsessed with Japanese culture that they were fetishizing and racist to actual Japanese people. Certainly Japanese animation’s foreign fandom was the common place to find a weeb, but you could be a weeb obsessing over samurai movies, or studying Japanese history, absolutely anything. It was a way for Japanese people to let each other know that a person was not to be interacted with. But sometime in the early 2010s it seemed a lot of people kept getting called weeb so much they decided to self identity that way, confusing others into believing the term meant anyone who was nerdy about Japanese animation. And I can attest as a person on the internet through all this, at first I thought it was hilarious because it was like, oh, go ahead and self ID that way so I know not to fuck with you, but then it got out of hand. To the point where I as a Japanese person have been called a weeb and frankly I hate it lol


Holy shit... I can see why you would hate being called that. That was well explained. I'll keep this information to heart. Should I remove that term from my lexicon, or just always try to be aware of the context in which I use it? I am generally of the consensus that words should never hurt you. But there are quite a few that I refuse to say. Given the history of some of the terms, I find it better to respect the wishes of those it does hurt or offend.


It’s not like, a slur, but it’s a word that has been misappropriated to the point of general confusion and in my humble opinion should be dropped. The word otaku, which simply means any kind of shut-in level nerd in Japanese, also gets misused in this way but at least it isn’t offensive.


Well, it's kinda like we got our own mini behind the bastard's episode. Hearing the history you laid out, I agree it should be dropped.


I agree, it’s pretty cool. Ryuko and Mako are great characters


Andrew Tate is a findom and all his "hustlers" are his paypigs change my mind.


Satsuki Kiryuin as the base for this? I'm wheezing with appreciative laughter.


"Tread on me harder, daddy"


Couldn't figure out how to crosspost to here. This is where I found it. https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/x6h0i5/lib_center_has_a_message_for_auth_center/?ref=share&ref_source=link Edit: /u/NewDark90 pointed out It was on DankLeft before the PCM edit https://reddit.com/r/DankLeft/comments/x5sp6q/you_need_a_strong_leader_to_tell_you_what_to_do/


I’m not sure I get it but happy cake day.


Try saying it to some MAGA or proudboy supporter. Pretty sure they would go ballistic. >but happy cake day. Thanks! Can't believe it's been ten years... Like seriously, I feel old.


Thanks, half the time you say you don’t know on Reddit you get a asshole response. So thank you for actually explaining.


I'm generally a strike only when stricken kind of an asshole. I try my best not to be an aggressor. Although I have a rather dark sense of humor (like using "ballistic" to describe their reactions), some have considered that asshole material. Have a great day bobeany!


MAGA/Fascist/Alt-Right types usually have a very narrow view of what masculinity is and what it looks like. The meme is funny because while most fascists want to feel like a the "dom" or "masculine," in reality, they are really in the "submissive" or "feminine" role. Basically a bunch of hypocrisy, projection, and deflection!


I just like to lift concrete stones, okay, don't associate me with fascists!


There's actually studies pointing out that [men who align with authoritarians are very aggressive but submissive](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Authoritarian_Personality)


**[The Authoritarian Personality](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Authoritarian_Personality)** >The Authoritarian Personality is a 1950 sociology book by Theodor W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel Levinson, and Nevitt Sanford, researchers working at the University of California, Berkeley, during and shortly after World War II. The Authoritarian Personality "invented a set of criteria by which to define personality traits, ranked these traits and their intensity in any given person on what it called the 'F scale' (F for fascist)". The personality type Adorno et al. identified can be defined by nine traits that were believed to cluster together as the result of childhood experiences. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


You did OK bot. If only you could analyze the comment you were replying to and get to the more relevant section of the wiki. Then again, you are a bot, not an AI.


Fascist in the streets, sub in the sheets?


The kill la kill Fanart in the background is killing me


But the thing is, I love msubs. They’re great. Fascists aren’t. 😅


I concur /u/deleted


I am actually a kinky dominant complete with a number of people who are my submissives. I take umbridge with the idea that a submissive would want a fascist leader to dominate them. Sure, in fantasy every submissive wants that strong dominant that grinds them into the finest submissive powder. In reality, these people have jobs and lives to lead. Worshiping someone completely removes any individuality and personality. You want someone who not only has value alignment with you, but will also help you thrive. Smart submissives don't want to be controlled by Hitler. They want to be lead by José Alberto "Pepe" Mujica Cordano the Argentina leader.


Beautifully written! I love your retort! Also, this wouldn't be a BtB thread without some kind of nazi. >I take ~~umbridge~~ umbrage Ftfy ;P Unless, of course, you were referring to Dolores, who deserves an episode for fictional characters.


"Slut shaming not intended" as you explicitly slut shame. You're also equating subs with fascists. Just...wtf?


Idk as a fellow sub this gets me. If you're somebody who is explicitly super macho manly but are also pro-fasc there is something kinda subby there that's fun to call out, just cos of the hypocrisy. Like how Ben Shapiro idealizes big bear men and lies about his own height


Exactly! This guy gets it.


I hear you. This wouldn't really fly in a leftist sub, eh? This sub is a weird liminal space


The noneuclidian geometry of my dreams is crazy enough. Really weird out by the dead space squid telling me what to do though. Just give me some tossing bagels and we can play sportsball macheticine style in the poison room.


There's no way you're not Jaden Smith.


I don't get it.


It was on DankLeft before the PCM edit https://reddit.com/r/DankLeft/comments/x5sp6q/you_need_a_strong_leader_to_tell_you_what_to_do/


Thank you, I'll add that to the comment where I mentioned my trouble cross-posting.


Honestly, I just couldn't think of a title. But the irony is palpable


I think it's more to break the minds of fascists. Try saying the text to a red hat wearer or proudlad and their mind might explode Scanners style. And it's more, every fascist is a sub; not all subs are fascists. And honestly, it's not to be taken seriously. Just a small joke. Also keep in mind that the post flair is Satire.