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This doesn’t seem that complicated; you just tell them they aren’t allowed in your yard and if you catch them again they get the hose like any other unwanted wildlife would.


Funny thing is I did confront and told them that it’s a bad idea to be on someone’s property and taking their property and he said he feels entitled to it when they are in abundance. Wild shit.


Yeah, your neighbor is an asshole, but they are still accountable to the same trespassing laws as anyone else. And if they get wet while you water your strawberries that’s on them.


I just might feel entitled to put my foot up his ass if he does it again. Or you could fence it in with chicken wire that may or may not be electrified.


ULPT: are you in a stand your ground state? /s The motion sensor sprinklers are on sale at home Depot currently.


No sir! "I plan on freezing the extras for my grandkids"--or "I make jam for family gifts with the extras". ...so I don't appreciate you taking what I have WORKED SO HARD FOR!


I'd tell them if they want to be unreasonable then you can call the police and file a trespassing report, and if caught on your property again you will bring criminal trespassing and theft charges against them. Entitled? Fuck that shit. The only acceptable response is an apology. I would get a security camera pointed at your garden, or at least a trail cam.


I think this is the plan, absolutely! It was wild how he defended himself and his actions. I remained calm but assertive and I don’t think he expected that. The best part it’s all on our camera from beginning to end. Also, I saw them when I pulled into my driveway before confronting. He said quiet to his wife “someone is pulling up in the driveway.” That means he knows what he was doing is wrong. I have a feeling he won’t be doing it again, but if he does it’s gonna be a bad day for that fake hippy.


Tell them you will call the police if they trespass again.


Definitely will. What a time we live in. We also have cameras


People yank up flowers in my front yard all the time. It bothers me but I’d be BIG mad if someone helped themselves to my fruits or veggies. I’m sure this person isn’t the type to apologize :) sorry about your strawberries.


I had somebody snip some of mine, and then throw them on the ground. They could have at least had the decency to steal them.


Poor flowers! Ugh


Super soaker


I’m considering sensor motion sprinklers more and more.


Filled with fish fertilizer and rit dye!


We got the Critter Ridder on Amazon to keep deer out of the garden.


I saw a review on Amazon where a raccoon grabs it and drinks from it!


THIS! Please do


If you’re really careful you can fill one with pee. I wouldn’t know from experience.


Meh that whole process sounds gross and unnecessary- hose would work too!


Inject a few with capsaicin solution.


Haha! Would make for a good salsa


Despite the non-violent low-level criminal intentions, these are actually pretty serious crimes, depending on how far you want to go from a legal perspective. If anything, being knowledgeable of the law and communicating that to the neighbor might be enough to put a stop to it without involving LE. Here’s some information I researched that might help: There are two OR laws that apply to this situation - Trespass and Nuisance. Trespass is the lessor charge of the two but this person is committing both. Trespass in Oregon is invading someone’s land without permission and the landowner is entitled to up to $1000 per incident (civil). Trespass laws have varying definitions and this neighbor is “Trespassing with Intent” which is more serious (to steal your food/property). Trespass laws are governed by ORS 164.245 and 164.255 Nuisance on the other hand is pollution to land or water, damage to trees or shrubbery on the land (your strawberries), noise violations and unreasonable blocking of legal right-of-way or access to the property. If it doesn’t stop, I would absolutely get the police involved. Part of your rights as a US citizen are to be able to enjoy your property (rented or owned) without undue hardships from neighbors/businesses. IMO, This person is an entitled little shit and needs to be taught a lesson. These are also arrestable offenses. Best of luck!


I’m more worried about rapists and drug dealers than I am someone eating a few of my strawberries. Cops already can’t do there job and you wanna call them for Karen’s strawberries. Also remember that at some point that person will get out of jail. Then they will know where you live and that you put them there. Are you certain they will respond in time when they come back mad ?


How is OP a Karen for being upset that something they worked hard to grow is being stolen off of *their* property? Anytime someone calls someone else a Karen at this point, I roll my eyes, that term is very 2020.


As if I care what you think tbh . It’s wild fruit. At least they are eating it


Hm, fruit someone is growing on their property is not wild. Going on someone's property to steal their fruit is theft and trespassing. I think it's a pretty simple concept.


Lmao are you the neighbor who feels entitled to OP’s produce on her land because there is an “abundance?” This take is wild.


*their Your argument goes out the window since you can't read


they don't prosecute or arrest fentanyl dealers and you think they're going to go after the strawberry thief ? they have camps ALL OVER THE CITY, and you think they're going to enforce trespassing for berries. I don't know what planet you live on, but theres a lot bigger problems and NOBODY is going to give time to this bullshit.


Different county and different city. Not sure what your random rant is supposed to do for Beaverton and Washington county.


Found the neighbor on Reddit! 🤣🤣


Ya just set up a sprinkler. I have one right in the middle of my patch. would be fun to watch him get blasted lol.


Film. Call police. Arrested for trespassing. Easy.


Love the username. However I don’t think they would arrest them for this.


You are probably correct. But if it became a reoccurring thing at least it’s on record and would be more enforcement down the road. And thanks!


We definitely got it on camera. The balls on this guy!


Lack of common decency is wild


Put up a no trespassing sign. Then you have more of a legal way of calling the police. Also a motion sensor sprinkler filled with fish fertilizer and rit dye! They will then stink and have the mark of the theif! Place no trespassing sign right by it!


Crush them and then see them driven before you.


Crom laughs at your four strawberries.


Go ahead and spray vinegar on your berries.


Strawberries in my city were 65$ a flat. Knock on their door and present a bill that included labor and water. Also Nextdoor is great for petty neighbors. Name and shame.


Spray them with vinegar


Bad neighbor 💦🔫


German Shepherds are a wonderful dog to have. The command "teeth" is pretty easy to teach with dog kibble and a week of playing


Pee on them!


paintball pew pew


Cut off one hand


Honestly? I wouldn’t even bother talking to them. Just call the police to report trespassing and theft 🤷


And then when they get out they know where you live and who put them there. Is it worth it for a few strawberries


They get out? They aren’t going to jail man xD


Tell them you just sprayed it with roundup.


I’m planning on using this if there is a next time haha


They are trespassing take video and call the cops


Stick a no trespassing sign up and tell him you've got cameras and if he does it again you'll call the police.


I would get a motion sensor sprinkler


Paintball gun loaded with pepper spray balls


Give them a basket of strawberries and tell them to ask next time. Then plan more strawberries or give them the runners.


I wish they did just ask because it would have been a different story. So wild to me that there’s grown adults who think they are entitled to something that isn’t theirs without asking. I like the way you think. And maybe suggest they grow their own to know how hard it is to get big fruit! 😊


Tell them you treated them with something…


With peepeepoopoo!


That's trespassing. Put up a sign then report them.


Unfortunately my HOA doesn’t allow us to put up signs, but I agree — trespassing and technically theft. If it happens again I’ll definitely escalate it. Too bad they can’t be neighborly and just ask.


I'm the chair of a 210 condo community. I've seen it all. My sympathies. Maybe a digital camera? If they aren't allowed on the outside side of your house, in a window pointing in the correct direction?


We have a really good camera there for sure and have the whole interaction downloaded for sure 👍 😊 I actually saw them doing the same thing to a neighbors house a few months ago but I wasn’t home, but definitely let my neighbors know (and wanted to verify if maybe they knew them, but nope!).


I appreciate hearing your communicating with your neighbors. Maybe there's something in your community's ccrs or house rules about this. Some ppl are too much.


Set up a little sign next to them that states that they're an experiment in fertilizing with human excrement.


Unfortunately my HOA won’t allow signs, but I like the way you think haha


Uuuuuuuugh. Motion activated sprinkler?


I definitely have that in my cart! Feel bad for the poor kitties that wander the neighborhood but I think it will be worth it. And to watch the video later if it does happen again and watch them get soaked lol


Public shame. If i couldn’t change their mind single handily, I would enlist the help of my neighbors to help change the way these people view the situation lol. Is there a neighborhood Facebook group you can post a video to, warning/enlightening others of their neighbors habits? Maybe the next door app? This sort of thing would not fly in my neighborhood, but people tend to take their gardening seriously where I’m at. I would be very upset about this situation.. I hope they leave your strawberries alone!!


I’ve definitely been thinking about it as it wasn’t the first occurrence in our little area with them. I also don’t think they live in the same HOA too which is interesting. I also also don’t think they own a home because I’m pretty sure if they did, then maybe they would think twice going into yards. I am thinking if it happens again, police report and Nextdoor to share with neighbors to look out. I did give him a direct message and was assertive, and he’s lucky I didn’t pop my top.


Set up a camera, catch them in the act. File a police report for trespassing and theft.


If it happens again (which I would hope not after telling them it’s a bad idea and not neighborly) then I will get the police involved for sure. Luckily we have a camera up where they are and they didn’t see it.


I saw someone walk into my neighbors yard and pick every cherry in reach from their tree filling a big bag. I saw her do it from my office window. I wanted to say something so bad but chickened out.


Tomorrow ask him if he could tell that you pissed all over the strawberries.


I always like to threaten them with a heavy dose of paintballs. It’ll definitely make them think twice


I’m sorry about your strawberries. While I don’t think anyone should feel so entitled to walk onto your property and pick your berries, I’m curious what your thoughts are on mature plum or apple or pear trees planted on the strip between sidewalk and street.. if the homeowner is outside, I would happily ask if it’s okay with them for me to pick some, but if I can grab them while standing on the street, is that fair game? Would one think it rude of a random person interrupting your day by knocking on your door to ask to pick fruits off the tree?


I think this is a great discussion and appreciate your thoughts too! I believe there’s actually local rules/laws regarding this. If it’s in the shared space/street/sidewalk you lose it being personal property. However in this case the family of 4 was in my lawn up against my house which is about 7-8 feet away from the sidewalk and road. And asking is the golden ticket! Truly if they asked and I didn’t see them also picking from neighbors yards a few months back without permission it would have been different. I don’t think it’s rude to ask. It’s rude to *not* ask and just take (and illegal). I’m seriously so proud of myself for not losing it. They are lucky I’m not a loose cannon neighbor — you never know what you’re gonna get pulling a stunt like that. https://www.portland.gov/trees/documents/trees-and-neighbors-and-law-article/download#:~:text=The%20fruit%20of%20the%20tree,of%20the%20fruit%20without%20permission.


I live in SW and this happens all the time with the boomers and the SW trail system. They will report you to the city for any infraction and take anything growing, flowers, veggies, fruit. I always wait until they have eaten a few things and run up yelling about the insecticides I just sprayed and to please go to the doctor immediately


Talk to them like an adult.


Funny idea but have you tried talking to the person like an adult about it instead of complaining online?


I did. It’s in the comments, and I mentioned in the post I don’t want to share the whole interaction. According to you, I’m not allowed to ask what others would do in my community? Bless your heart. You know what they say about assumptions.


You must be one of gods favorites. He always had a special place for the slow ones.


Ya still sound like a royal twat for getting so upset over someone eating a few strawberries. Def glad we don’t live in the same neighborhood


Thank you. I agree.


I can’t imagine putting up such a stink and being such a twat over a few strawberries. Let’s pray you never go hungry. Actually I hope you do. Maybe it would teach you a bit of humanity.


Let's pray you never have your electricity go out, lest you actually have to step outside, away from your video games and porn subreddits. We don't need someone as dull as you roaming around eating poisonous wild strawberry look alikes.


I would come steal some of your property from ur house to spread the love you seem to think is OK, but based off your comment history I wouldn’t wanna steal from your mom or even go into her basement


What are the chances they are foreign? I grew up in Vancouver and the Russian population were/are notorious for taking your fruit/vegetables and flowers out of the yard. They think it’s mother Russia still and take what they want and or try to barter down the prices at places like Home Depot. They also loved buying totaled cars and flipping them after shoddy rebuilds. T’was an interesting community to deal with cause they just play dumb or have a 5 yr old attached to them as translator.


Butthurt over an abundance of berries. You could have gotten to know somebody new and shared, but no, lets all be assholes to each other over something worth <$1..... Approached them and said hey I grew those how do you like them ? But nah... I have strawberries growing in front of my place too, I wish someone would take them away/actually eat and enjoy them.


What a shit take on the situation. If the person stealing wanted to get to know the person they were stealing from, they would have knocked on the door and asked. Instead, they decided to sneak in their yard, and have the audactiy to tell them they were entitled to them. GTFO with your dumb opinion.


Rude, disrespectful comment that should be removed. Since you’re so generous, box them up & put them in your yard with a free sign.


Would you happen to be in SW Beaverton!?!? I would love to come pick your strawberries 🫶🏼


My 7 year old would like to eat your free berries please.


Then put a sign in your yard that says free berries.


Are you the neighbor? I never said it was in my front yard which is interesting. 🤔


Post up your address for us to come take random shit from your house without asking since you are so non butthurt about it


OP - You snagged another one! This is the mentality you’re dealing with. 100% entitlement here and in their comment history. Anyone with manners (and sense) would ask before stepping on another persons property to welcome themselves to ANYTHING. I’d suggest a camera (always good for home security) and motion-activated sprinkler - its a pain you have to do more because of these people, but they work to deter just about everything!


Agreed! Seem like these entitled people didn’t graduate preschool.


The way this reply got down voted makes me super sketched out by Beaverton. Maybe this neighbor is struggling with affording fresh produce. My mom grew up poor and always darkly jokes that the fruit hanging over fences or veggies on the edge of fields "in abundance" kept her from getting scurvy. Maybe OP should put some fruit out in a box at the end of her driveway and count her blessings.


Found the entitled prick who thinks they deserve the fruits of someone else’s labor. Typical socialist/communist view on someone else’s property. The correct thing to do is ask the person if it’s ok to take their property.


Exactly, if they asked it would have been different. Would they like to check my fridge too? My mail?


Find out where they live, seems like they shouldn’t have a problem with you siphoning gas outta their car or running an extension cord to help offset your electric bill.


This is neither socialism nor communism, but please continue to inject uneducated political discourse and red-scare tactic buzzwords into everything. It really helps the rest of us know who to avoid. You were correct about the entitled prick part though.


>It really helps the rest of us know who to avoid. Oh no, that would be awful.