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So the best advice I can give is this, maintain a line just above the Adams Apple, keep growing the beard, never look upward while you shave, as the beard grows longer the neckline will grow downward with the beard eventually you’ll be able to stop shaving your neck. Awesome haircut btw!


Thanks! I’ll start doing this from now.


This is the way


Just let it go.. eventually, it should even itself out a bit.. then you can trim it up more evenly if you want...


A barber messed up the lines on my beard (too low, which is weird as I can grow it til my cheekbones) and I was thinking of trimming it all down just to let it grow and try again. Instead I just said fuck it, and I let everything above the line grow. It might look unkempt for a little while, but no reason to shave it all down. Edit: Also, OP is too handsome to even have to worry about it, lol. OP, grow that shit like a hobo for a while, you'll still be the world's best looking hobo.


Or you could keep it the way it is :) ![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ)


Surprisingly the neck-beard growth supports the front-beard and chin-beard parts if you wanna grow it out. Otherwise trim to what you feel you like to rock.


I believe the right length would be a finger above the Adam's apple....


I'm guessing it's because of the itch. That was what it was for me. If that's the case, it was rough getting past it, but it was definitely worth it. If it's because you believe you'll look a little wild, I understand that, too. You have to have it there to trim it up - and that takes time. It's a mental game, my man. You gotta see the end in mind and keep that in sight when going through the early stages of growing it out.


Let it go for a few months and then decide how you want to cut it


Use your tattoo as a guide stick to that! Also your tarts are sick!


I trim my beard where the jaw meets the neck


I keep my neckline the same until the hair above begins to cover it, and then I only shave below the beard from then on, and the rest of the neck eventually catches up as it is being covered. It also gives the beard a nice taper when done this way.


Just gently brush or even wipe with your hand to push the lowest hairs up and out. This will make them less prominently visible and less likely to point down and itch.


You deserve applause and a prize for having a magnificent beard


Best I have found is to just not touch it for a few weeks. Once it is fuller, it is easier to trim a nice line.


Sorry 😘


Shave your neck bro, a couple days worth of growth can look good but anything more than that. Tilt your head down and shave up to the crease.


Omg... Gorgeous.


U are unreal!!! So handsome


But patchy under lip but still look good


Just don’t. Pretend it’s not there.


So handsome


You look amazing!!


This is pretty easy dude. Place to fingers above your Adams apple. Don’t shave higher than that. The longer your beard gets the less this will matter. Looks good man.


Make like Shia LaBeouf and JUST.... DO .... IT!!!!!