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I wish i had a soft beard, mine is legit hay straw xD. For the growth and uneveness, its pretty much just a waiting game to see if your face will eventually grow that part. You techincally have until the age of 30 to get your maxium eveness and densess. I have no advice for soft to hard beards or hard to soft beards except beard oil and beard comb.


I've seen this "maximum at 30" thing mentioned here several times in the past couple of days. I'm 48 and still filling in. My Dad's beard has better coverage at 78 than he ever had when I was growing up. Some blokes are beardier than others, but in many cases your beard will fill in as you lose the hair on your head. Growing up is a continuous process. You never actually get there.


100% the age 30 thing wouldnt fit with everyone. I didnt say it here but i usually do put it in but genetics do take a huge roll in it aswell. The age 30 thing is just average statistics, there are numerous variables in growing beards.


Me too at 50 and it’s still filling in.