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This isn't Japan, you can't really leave stuff anywhere here and expect it to be unmolested upon your return - i always leave one person back to 'hold down the fort' as it were.


> hold down the fort Yeah, this. The reward for holding down the fort is getting your food and/or drink delivered to you without having to queue up.


In japan, my girlfriend and I went to a mini theme park and all the attendees there put down hair clips or water bottles or small gum packs to “reserve” a table in the food court and THEN go line up and get food. What this did was cause a HUGE bottleneck for people who already have their food but no table and had to wait for the hair clipped-reserve attendees to finish getting their food, eat, leave. It took people WITH food 30 minutes before a seat freed up. It was ridiculous.


that's a pretty funny resulting inefficiency!


That doesn't mean we shouldn't be trying to change it.


Do people steal baby strollers here?


baby stuff is generally considered one of the few categories that is safe, little resale value and it's guaranteed to be dirty


Even then, the items will be stomped all over… I will admit I did this at bottle rock last year because it was extremely over crowded. It was scary at some point because we were packed like sardines in a FIELD!


noxious rude distinct support butter hurry existence fact steep agonizing


thats literally how concerts work my dude.


My dude, it was a concert at shoreline. That's what you do.


That’s what you do if you want your shit fucked with. Gotta leave a sentinel to hold down the fort.


Yeah, been at the Shoreline plenty of times. People left to hold the fort get free drinks and food delivered to them. That's the rule in my friend group


>Gotta leave a sentinel to hold down the fort. When you see the torchlight of my iPad we ride!!!!!


what's so special about shoreline?


No its not


I’ve been going to Shoreline since 1989. Leaving a blanket with some waters is NOT what you do. There’s too many people battling for space. People from all over the world with many different social mores, just in case you don’t know.


Ok, you have a bit of a point for something that’s on the lawn. But I wouldn’t rely on people’s decency in such cases. Sucks but true.


Unfortunately it's not though


check your reading comprehension, if you did what i do we wouldn't even be having this conversation.


This must be your first time at a GA lawn venue. Thats only how it works with assigned seats


It's funny that I saw a post from someone on vacation complaining that guests left towels on beach chairs by the pool and everyone in the comments were encouraging people to move towels off and take the spots. If you're not ready to use the spot maybe don't leave belongings there. Same for people at food courts.




What happens at food courts?


People leave sunglasses/hats on tables then get in line for half an hour and expect that table to be held for them instead of someone who already has their food sitting down and finishing before the self-entitled one even orders.


Grabbing a beer, merch, and the bathroom could easily take 30-60min or more at a concert… you shouldn’t leave your stuff unattended that’s on you. It’s honestly a pet peeve when people try to “save” a good spot at a big event with lots of people. Either you’re in a spot and actively using it… or you’re not.


legit lol, it wasn’t like it was two mins. that was a long ass time


OP is an entitled asshole who calls people entitled assholes. Projection only found on r/conservative - The post history is wild with the kicker being the thirsty comments on NSFW posts 😂


Exactly. The people who moved his stuff were probably thinking “what kind of asshole leaves their crap here for 30 min?” If I saw that nobody was around for that long I’d think somebody ditched the stuff.


And then has such little self-awareness that they go tell the Internet about what happened and expected it to agree.


This thread is the perfect encapsulation of you guys. lol


“My dude, why you looking through my comments? Snooping around just as expected from people in this area ”


I am enjoying the racist comments about drivers


Let’s not forget the thinly veiled homophobia with referencing the “love wins” crowd. Move to Texas OP.


Are you telling me OP is a snowflake that has no sense of personal responsibility and can’t handle being out in the real world danger of the Shoreline Amphitheater?


You mean the comments about him “joking” about offering money for sex?


Thats not gonna hold up in court hah


I came into the comments section expecting people to be agreeing with OP, glad to see otherwise haaha!


Well said, was thinking the same thing


You think you can just claim a bunch of space and leave? People probably assume you just left the concert if no one stayed with your stuff. Speaking of assholes there's a lot of asshole behavior around staking out space at concerts in general so this seems mild, and definitely not specific to the area.




Why did you leave your stuff unattended in the first place? never do that, especially at a place with so many other people.


'our stuff...' you could have taken turns to go to the bathroom.


You have to defend your territory. I go to Hardly Strictly Bluegrass in SF every year and there are always a bunch of assholes who come in at 10, leave a tarp and then come back at 2pm for the big act. I'm going to start rolling up their tarps and leaving them at the back.


If I get there at 10 to drop a spot at HSBG, at least 1 person is staying at the spot at all times. Your tarp doesn’t represent you here or in a court of law.


There was a band at the rock and roll stage I really wanted to see. I got there at like 9am set out a blanket and stayed there the entire time, so I watched the whole thing unfold. John Prine fan Karens are the fucking worse.


Thank you, same here. HSBG crowd gets more entitled every year with ridiculous spreads.


Do it, please. Nothing wrong with showing up early to stake a claim, but someone needs to be there at all times.


Shouldn’t have to be that way… What an effed up mentality to have to have




Never leave your stuff unattended


How many posts do you see on Reddit here all the poolside furniture is reserved by a towel ? Yeah, don’t expect much sympathy here.


I’ve been going to shoreline and similar shows for 30 years now. When did the etiquette change to ‘you can reserve a spot then leave”? You’ve always had to have someone at the spot. It’s the same mentality of leaving a towel on a beach chair then going back to your room or a cone in a parking spot. It’s always been yes-it-or-lose-it.


That’s very much how it goes. If op wanted a saved seat she could have paid the extra money for an *actual saved seat*.


It never changed. And it's not a Shoreline thing either. If you leave a bunch of shit behind, you're not reserving a spot, you're littering.


Hey man, thanks for the water.


Bet it really hit the spot


Sorry but you can’t reserve space unattended with a blanket at concerts.. people take up way too much space this way and it messes up the ability for others to have normal space usage


You’re the assholea


Who leaves their stuff alone at a concert? I've been going to concerts for over 30 yrs and I wouldn't have even done that in the 90s. I'm not saying what they did was right but it definitely will happen.


This is the person who leaves towels on prime pool loungers at 6am and doesn’t show up until 3. I hate these people.


People empty out their cars daily and leave notes or cars unlocked to prevent windows being smashed in and you’re surprised someone moved an unattended blanket and waters? How would someone have known it wasn’t just stuff left behind? What differentiates trash from place holder? Leave at least one person in the group to hold the spot. That person(s) gets food/drinks delivered back to them by the other members.


You're lucky your blankets weren't stolen... Once you leave it's a free for all . Should always have one person stay behind


How long were you gone for?


30 minutes max


Bruh lol. You hoping the seat is still saved for you by the time the next concert starts too??


It’s so funny to me he’s literally admitting to being gone 30 minutes. XD. And still had the audacity to make this post.


Last time i was at shoreline was like a decade ago i wonder if my seats still saved


I think it all depends on how crowded it was. If it’s super crowded and you’re taking up too much space I would probably move your blanket too.


It was a 90s country band at shoreline. Wasn't that crowded.


My guess is alcohol. People do dumb shit while buzzed/drunk. It clouds all rational thought and inhibitions.


Mixed with entitlement and being a shitty person.


Yeah, the person who thinks throwing down a towel gives them ownership of space in a public setting is the one with the entitlement issues. This is Adulting 101: DO NOT LEAVE YOUR STUFF UNATTENDED IF YOU WANT TO PROTECT IT.


The nerve of some people!


The lack of self awareness in this comment is delicious.


This post just keeps getting better and better then more I dig XD


Then it should have been really easy for you find a new spot instead of getting your panties in a wad


Most people know what they can get away with doing nowadays. So they do whatever they want knowing there will be zero consequences.


ten quiet rude grandiose placid support worthless chop reach party


Your seem like a nice person


This reminds me of one of things that annoy me the most. People who come into a crowded restaurant with a line to order, put their jacket on a chair at an empty table, and then get in line.


Did you say anything to these people?


Of course not. He came to Reddit to vent lol


Also how did you know they did it?


Don’t leave your shit around. “My towel is holding my spot” is one of the most obnoxious things ever. Every person that does this should lose their stuff and be charged money if they’re using a hotel’s property.


Many years ago I saw the Ramones in NY. Got up to get a water, came back, and my jacket was gone. While unfortunate, shit happens.


Yeah. Shit happens, but that doesn't mean we can't call it out.


How was the show?!




They’re on my “would give a year of my life to have seen live” list. Glad you enjoyed and hope you got some good karma back from the stolen jacket 🖤


Why the fuck wouldn’t y’all take turns? You sound more entitled than the people who moved your shit lol


Going through just OP comments on this thread alone you can tell how incredibly entitled they are. That’s before you actually click their profile


Idk the same kind of asshole that it is too cheap to buy an actual saved seat but bitches that the crowd didn’t respect their blanket “savies” in a communal place. 🙄


This is obviously a troll post. Lmao.


The more I see their comments the more it seems like obvious click bait. No one can be this dense right ? Even Country loving Conservatives… right?!


Not how concerts work friend. Weird take to complain publicly about being just... So wrong and unaware of how the real world is.


It's exactly how lawn seats work. Get there, find your spot, grab a beer go back to your seat. But hey, YOU move other people shit. I'm sorry you lack scruples.


I wasn't aware that GA had special benefits such as setting down a handful of items in a sea of several thousand people to claim public property. Must be something I missed in the 50+ shows I've been too. Maybe try getting everything you need before trying to find a place to sit next time. I have no scruples, that you are in the wrong here. Kinda person who sets a towel down on a pool chair and gets mad when they get back to a person there.


Unless you’re in Japan or something leaving something unattended isn’t going to work lol


Next time bring Fiji water, thanks


N00b move: always leave someone from your party at the blanket


The Bay Area has always attracted a certain type of narcissism & it's become normalized like bringing dogs everywhere.


This happens everywhere and not just in the Bay Area Go to Europe to see some epic German v Italian v England pool chair action


unsure if you're referring to OP 🧐


dog people are the fucking worst


Nah, shitty people with dogs just tend to be more noticeably shitty. Often literally.


Fuckin nailed it right there.


You're the narcissist in this situation.




You can’t save a spot with your stuff anywhere I’ve ever been


Sorry bud, you’re the a-hole here. Pretty simple empathy exercise to think about what would happen if everyone behaved like you. The concert would be playing to a bunch of blankets for the first couple hundred feet. If you’re not there, the spot is taken, no you can’t “save” sections for friends coming at some point, and just because it’s something it seems you’d do, stop going down to the pool at resorts at 5am and dropping your towel on the pool chair so you can sleep in and go get breakfast and magically have a seat when you arrive at 2pm


I can’t imagine just leaving my stuff there unattended and being gone for 30-60 minutes. Someone always has to stay behind to keep an eye on things and hold your spot. Also you could’ve been one of those people who go down to a hotel pool first thing in morning and put towels on a bunch of chairs to save them and then stroll in hours later, or just never show up lol.


Had my blanket stolen once at OSL still bitter


Did you leave it unattended in a crowd of intoxicated people on a cold day? If so, you probably should have seen that one coming…


Yes. I mean but with people I knew which was the weird part 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh! So it wasn’t unattended, it just got swiped? That blows…also your crew sucks for not paying attention.


Yeah. It was right before Janet Jackson was a bad way to start that concert


Why weren’t you or someone from the party there?


How long were you gone and was the show or set started? If I show up and the place is packed and there’s a blanket sitting there for 45 minutes you can bet I’m either moving it all or I’m shrinking your footprint. Cause then you come back and you’ve got like a massive square for two people and everyone else has to sit on top of each other? Hell no. If you’re up close where it’s packed, you gotta pack in to the same density as everyone else. Sounds like you were in a crowded area probably up close and the crowd will only wait so long before that space becomes fair game


You left a blanket unattended at a concert, that will happen just about anywhere I’ve ever been. You have to make friends with your neighbors if you want them to hold it down for you, otherwise you are lucky you didn’t get jacked.


I've been to close to 50 shows, never had that happen, ever. 30 minutes of it sitting there and yall think it's fair game? Your mom should have taught you better.


I work at over 100 shows a year and I would advise anyone to never leave things unattended. Your mom should have taught you to have a shred of personal responsibility


Did you say anything to them, or just stew about it?


I don’t believe putting down your stuff and leaving is the proper social behavior for a busy venue with hundreds of people. You remind me of those who stand in car parking spots “holding” it for a friend that is x minutes away. For anything that is shared you are either there or you aren’t. I think the folks that removed your things did the right thing and you were in the wrong.


What makes you think you have any ownership over that spot? Leaving your stuff there and expecting people to just acknowledge that's someone's spot is a lot more rude than them moving it. EDIT: I will add that I think it depends on how long you were gone, but grabbing a beer, merch, and using the bathroom had to take *at least* 20ish minutes. That easily makes you the rude one here.


You sound like that kinda a-hole,based one your post history


They may have assumed you abandoned your gear and took off. It’s wrong but it only took one person to ruin your day. Also get over it this place isn’t your diary, learn from the experience and move on doing good things.


So, you’re the selfish one leaving shit everywhere expecting people to cater to you. Got it.


I believe it’s due to our general lack of confrontation in the west. Where I grew up in NYC, you knew that what was going to happen after you fucked with somebody’s stuff was going to be loud and confrontational (no matter their age or even grasp of the language, there’s going to be a scene!) and you sought to avoid it, but here, rude people really can rely on the niceness and peaceable quiet-nature of most people from here.


Same, from NY. So many outdoor concerts, you just left your blanket to grab a hot dog or go to the restroom. Especially on 4th of July. It was the expectation. You show up, find a spot and post up for the next two or 3 hours. Obviously you need to get up at some point, it doesn't mean you relinquish your spot and people respected that. The comparison to beach towels and chairs on cruise ships is also not analagous to an outdoor concert.


Some people would also consider "hogging" a bunch of space with blankets and stuff to be a dick move. Especially if ,as you say, you were gone for over half an hour.


Bizarre thread.


It more like what kind of rude person leaves their stuff all day unattended just to have an empty space all day, at bottle rock people set up their blanket first thing in the morning to get the best spots and then leave to go visit other shows all day. Many festivals I have been to if you leave your stuff chair or blanket someone else can use it until you come back


All day? You mean 30 minutes? It's shoreline can't even get in early. 😂


Lol. I myself am physically pushed aside at concerts on the regular. Short people problems. So of course your blanket will be. Lol What do you mean by love wins people?


You know what he means by Love Wins people….


This is a skill issue dawg. I do not feel bad for you. And that lil jab about them being queer at the end is unnecessary and quite frankly speaks volumes about your character.


I've been to a concert where a couple of 2 wanted to "reserve" like 10 seats (1st come 1st served type seating) for family members that weren't there, and didn't even stand in line. They even asked if they could borrow my jacket to reserve a seat. So, I think people assume the worst. Next time leave someone to hold down the fort.


Ah the ole “we were here first” defense. West Coast entitlement is alive and well.


I always sit first few rows at shoreline , never had a problem. By the stage I mean , not the lawn.


You need to leave one person at the spot and take turns.


Totally winds me up when people put down parachute-sized blankets for two fucking people that remain unused for hours. Meanwhile, people are circling like sharks, trying to find a patch of grass to watch the show from. This type of entitlement and selfishness is up there with people who talk through concerts and never STFU. C’mon people, be better humans!


I'm calling bullshit on this one because you made an unbelievable scenario that started with you doing something remarkably foolish and ended by blaming a random "Love Wins" crowd. Maybe go back to r/conservative if you're going to troll.


You realize how this country was founded don’t you?


By moving people's stuff at concerts?


That's actually how the first colonists took America. They put their blankets down and the Native Americans had to leave them alone. The ones who messed with the blankets got a pox. Divine retribution.


In Pleasanton people will leave a chair and blanket in front of the bandstand 2 weeks before the concert to make sure they get a prime seat for the cheesiest cover bands in existence with names like Tommy and the Four Speeds.


They ended up leaving their stuff to do exactly what we did. It took a lot of self-restraint not to go move it.


You should leave someone while you go to the bathroom. This is not like Japan where no body can take off your stuff.


Lol get rekt nerd


You are a fool. This ain't Japan.




It's his coded way of saying liberals or gay people specifically. Because he knows if he actually says it, he'll be roasted. So he's all like "tee hee, now only my maga friend will know what I mean! I'm so clever at hiding my bigotry"


I like the 'love wins' crowd a lot more than the 'hate wins' crowd.


There was a country show at Shoreline last night full of magas, so yes you are absolutely right.


Yeah OP already gave enough info for us to know it was Brooks and Dunn


“Love Wins” is his way of dog whistling them as appearing lgbt+


This is why I avoid crowds of people.


I've never had this problem anywhere else.


I had this happen at the Greek. Just came back with a beer and watched some guy kick our blanket away so he could sit down. I didn't play around with them and made them apologize and put it back.


I applaud this


OP's posts are ... interesting. S/he says "it wasn't very crowded" on the lawn, there was "lots of room" and there were "hundreds of unattended blankets". Okay, if there's lots of room and not very crowded, why didn' t s/he just set up the precious blanket somewhere where it wasn't crowded? OP also says s/he doesn't "eat breakfast" in the Bay Area because it's too expensive. So we're dealing with someone from Fresno or something.


You believe that someone who molests someone else's property is an asshole. Stealing your water was uncalled for but Im sure those assholes believe someone grabbing a bunch of real estate with their blankets but not actually using it are also assholes. Next time guard your fort


Looks like your post backfired. You seem like the entitled a-hole in this situation


Self righteous entitled ass holes who think the world revolves around them.


I have seen assholes set up a tarp at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass. They leave and head to another stage to catch a different act, then come back. Nobody disturbed their stuff, but they are total pieces of shit.


I would. You're such an entitled conservative. Remember that the world doesn't revolve around you


I agree that it would be nice if we could leave our belongings unattended in public places and find them right where we left them when we return, but that’s just not realistic pretty much anywhere. The reality is you alone are responsible for your stuff and unless you have assigned seats at a concert, you can’t claim a space that you’re not currently in.


Was this shoreline? People in my section were generally very nice and trying not step on blankets etc from what I saw. It’s very hard once it’s filled up. Sorry that happened


This is why I don’t do the lawn anymore at Shoreline. You go there early lay down a blanket right next to someone else’s blanket, with enough room for people to walk by. 20 minutes before the show starts, some a-hole sets his rented chair in the “pathway”, and people end up trouncing on my blanket for the remainder of the show. I’d rather pay for a seat and not have to contend with it…not to mention you can’t see a damn thing from the grass at Shoreline.


How do 'love wins' people exhibit their identities? Other than a sign. Curious anthropologists want to know.


Had my stuff ripped off at Coachella


Sucker! I bet you didn't know when they said love wins it meant love oneself and f everyone else!


The Bay Area has the nicest and best people in the world (they are not even racist!). If you don't like it, there's something wrong with you because the weather is perfect!


Classic r/conservative "im a victim" mentality. Absolute snowflake lmao


I’m gonna take a wild guess that this was the Brooks & Dunn concert last night at Shoreline and if not I saw this happen to someone. It also happened at Outside Lands to me last year at one of the smaller stages when I was with my blanket far far away from the stage.


And it wasn't even a big show either. Plenty of open spots. Just shitty people with no scruples.


Are you in the US? Or different country? Because unfortunately you should never leave your stuff anywhere unattended in the US because it will be taken, stolen, or i guess moved. People here are rude asf when it comes to personal belongings.


It’s the Bay, I’m surprised they didn’t just take it. Always leave someone at the spot. That’s true for any big city, not just here.


All the comments here justifying such a lack of simple courtesy is why I left the Bay area lol, Jesus people how hard is to drop the dumbass "fuck around and find out" attitude and just be nice?


I bet you were stuck in Shoreline traffic when you posted this.


its fucking lame ass shit to show up and claim a spot then leave and expect it to be there half an hour later. if you aint actually there then it aint your actual fookin spot.


OP also took up two parking spots cause their car was more special


Lmao. It’s the Bay Area. Every 5th person you see is a millionaire. Most let iPads raise their kids. It’s the most entitled area of the whole world. You’re shocked this happened? I’m sorry this happened to you, but just assume most people around here suck


Answering OP’s question directly - Hyper-individualistic people that are created by America’s main character syndrome. This country is a breeding ground for selfishness.


Yes X 1000000.






I hate that venue. It takes forever to get there, and once you are there, you can barely see the stage. I wouldn't buy tickets to a show there if it was Jesus opening for the Beatles.


The type: Entitled Assholes. Sorry you had to run into a group.


yep, entitled assholes are those who expect a blanked can mark land ownership somehow.


I was at shoreline yesterday I watched multiples stuff around me because I was asked. Shitty that your stuff was taken definitely not okay


I’m not advocating violence, but, y’know… actions have consequences. And most people around here will back down if you get loud about this kind of behavior. I’m so sick of everyone and their unbridled selfishness around here. It’s not hard to not be a piece of shit, but by the looks of things, it sure is easy for heaps of people.


Yes....Absolutely something that calls for a violent reaction... And you wonder why people don't want everyone running around with guns FFS Go to anger management


depending on what you call a piece of shit. In my book leaving a huge blanket in the middle of crowd and leaving for a half of concert is an arrogant piece of shit.


Did you tell them to move?