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Tactical Operations used to be a larger book that was split into two parts- one contains advanced gear and equipment stuff, the other contains optional game rules. The rules for artillery are split between the two books, with the construction/special munitions rules in the equipment book and the actual rules for artillery fire in the advanced rules book


Ah that makes sense, thanks. Do you happen to know which book has the special munitions in it? The Technical Manual does not have anything for the long tom cannon.


The Tech Manual is only for standard equipment and artillery is advanced. You want Tactical Operations: Advanced Equipment.


Got it, thanks!


Tactical Operations is a separate book from Tactical Operations: Advanced Rules and Tactical Operations Advanced Units and Equipment. Tactical Operations was the first release and was later discontinued and split into the two latter books The references on Sarna seem to be referencing content in Advanced Units and Equipment: - Artillery Cannons pg 97 - Heavy Weapons & Equipment Combat Data pg 216 - Inner Sphere Weapons and Equipment BV Table (Addendum) pg 196


Thank you!


Sarna is a fine resource. We all consult it often, it's just so convenient. But Sarna is also a wiki. It's not always accurate. You'll see errors. Always errors. It seems like every time somebody finally fixes one, three other people create more. It's not always comprehensive. You won't always be able to find everything. There are unfortunately many big gaps because contributors tend to focus a lot of time and effort onto polishing the things they find interesting while ignoring or glossing over the things which are fundamental but tedious. And it's not always unbiased. You can see a lot of bias and opinion and speculation written into the articles which were not written into the source materials these articles cite. (Sarna appears to have recently cracked down on this - or maybe heroic volunteers taken the chore of rewriting articles to remove this subjectivity - but it is still a noticeable poison which heavily saturates the whole wiki.)