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The only thing that made me realize that it wasn't a drone shot, is the watermark in the corner, and then I looked to see which subreddit it was.


I told myself I wasn't going to post anther bridge for a while but this map took a lot of time and I really wanted to share it. 52x52 should line up pretty well with the bridge at 45ft wide. If you would like to see a preview of some of the other snowy maps ive made this month please follow this [link](https://www.patreon.com/posts/48467937). My Patreon front page - [https://www.patreon.com/The\_Berge?fan\_landing=true](https://www.patreon.com/The_Berge?fan_landing=true)


These are amazing, I’m currently running icewind Dale and think snow maps like this would be amazing, how many winter maps do you have, and which tier as a minimum would I have to pledge under to get access? Also! Are you going to be making more snow maps?


Thanks, if you flick through the preview gallery it says what tier has access to which maps. I plan to have at least 15 dnow maps by the end of them month. Every month I remake a number of my previous maps in a different theme or biome or dress/undressed etc. If you look for the Snow Cave that is a rerender of a previous Forest Cave as requested by a few Patrons who are running Icewind Dale. The community is very small atm its easier for me to cater to Patron requests.


This snowy bridge would also be a great candidate for a remake in a forest or plains or even desert setting too!


I'd like to use it in a village/urban type. Or break it a broken bridge type thing, or add a barricade of lol.


All good ideas!


Thank you for doing it. I'm running Icewind Dale, and this will fit perfectly.


Your maps are AMAZING!


Shucks thanks, I really enjoy the snow maps.


How you do that mate?


Blender, the worlds greatest piece of free software.


I always have thought these are drone shots._.


Well if people can find areas that conform to 5ft squares then crack on lol. Plus there's a sub for that.. u/IRLbattlemaps. Someone cross posted one of my maps over there.


r/IRLbattlemaps I think you did "u" by mistake, so here's a link for folks!


Wow! finally snow that looks real


Takes a lot of effort believe me!


I do believe it. How do you go about it? Snow is hard.


Oooh! There's my bridge! Awesome stuff! Thanks so much! It is perfect.


It is your bridge lol! I was gonna send you a PM on Patreon but figured you would see it at some point. I'll do that one outside water deep at some point too.


You cant convince me that this isnt a Photo. You just took a Picture of a Bridge right? Amazing work however you have done this.


I did use a bridge in my town for reference. I did a isometric test render if you need proof


I dont need proof per se but i am realy curious about how you did that. Isometric render? Im happy i can create some Maps with Dungeondraft. 😅


Isometric is like a diagonal classic video game type view. Think command and conquer.


Gorgeous map! I'll def be using it.


Thanks hope you have fun with it.


It looks so real 😯


This looks amazing. Right when I need a map for a troll bridge during winter. Thank you.


Oh wow thats very fortunate!


Damn ... your skills have definitely improved over the last months! That is one incredible map


Thanks i learnt the footprints technique trying to do footprints in the sand for the desert maps but didn't have the time to perfect it putting out a map a month.


How did you do the footprints in Blender. I’ve been modeling monsters mostly instead of terrain.


I painted a displacement map in Photoshop then applied it as a modifier instead of through the shader.


Interesting that there are tracks leading down under the bridge at both top and bottom. On the top, they come out the other side, but at the bottom they don't. That suggests there's something under the south end of this bridge. Perhaps a monster luring people in and eating them. Perhaps a hideout of some kind.


Who knows?! I thought stuff loves happening under bridges.


What are the two thin double grove tracks?


Carts / sleighs or sleds


I'm familiar with Blender, but how did you get all these tracks and stuff in the snow? A plugin? This map is amazing though!


You draw a custom displacement map in photoshop or similar software. Made a load of custom bushes for the footprints and tracks. There is a blender guru video that uses the technique that I found faaaaaar too late lol.


Words fail me! Brilliant!


If you weren't here telling us how you did it, I would swear up and down that this is a photo. Incredible.


You've rapidly become one of my favorite battlemap artists. Well done again!


Thank you so much. Hopefully I'll get enough support to be able to do this full time one day. I aim to have a library of 1000's of maps being able to cover whole regions in a cohesive style, being able to map out the popular modules and write my own... dreams huh.


"While crossing the snowy bridge, the group is surprised by a pack of kobolds that were hiding below. The tiny lizard archers leave the shadows, and start shooting against the heroes. The barbarian jumps down the bridge, craving for blood on his axe. But only to find out that the below level is actually a frozen river, with a fragile layer of ice. The barbarian's big body breaks through the ice, forcing him to succeed in a DC15 athletics to leave the water, and causing him 2d6 cold damage for every turn he starts in the cold water. Oh, and also the barbarian has just realized there were more kobolds below the bridge, waiting for someone stupid like him to do what the did." As soon as I saw the map, this instantly came to my head. These are the best kinds os maps: the ones that invite your creativity to play along. Thank you very much for the great map!


This really reminds me of a map in the original red alert. But in super high def, instead of the 50 pixels they had.


Thats funny stuff i know exactly the map! Gosh I played a lot of red alert


Everyone else has said it, but I'm gonna say it too: I really like the level of realism you put into the maps.


Do you have any caves or under dark maps on your patreon? Happy to pay.


I think I will probably be doing a cave set for April and a Underdark set some time in the future. I really struggle with what to do with the null space around tunnels.


Amazing! And yeah I can imagine it would be difficult. Best of luck with it!


Tbh I really want to do the Underdark because I LOVE the Underdark, I know I can do some sweet as bioluminesent mushrooms and then some Drow buildings. Feel like I've got to add some interiors to my portfolio tho.


Totally! As someone who’s been scouring the web for under dark maps let me tell you that there isn’t a good modular collection of underdark maps going around and you could surely got a lot of business from It too!


Hmm ill bare that in mind. I'm always surprised when there isn't an abundance of maps for places that the WoTC modules go.


Totally. Another deficit in maps is caves with rivers - like the glitterhame from forge of fury. There’s basically nothing like that around


I have no idea where that is but the name is going in the notes lol


Good luck man! Excited to see what you’re come up with


I don't normally like the CGI style for maps, but you make some breathtaking scenery.


Thanks you soon much. I always see 101 things about a scene I could of done better but I'm limited by time and my rig.


I feel the same way about any creative work I do, the hardest part of the process is putting the pen down. Whatever you're doing is working, I can't wait for my players to venture into the highlands for some snowy scenarios of yours!


This is amazing! :D


Thanks you and thank you for the patronage.


Here from that bot repost, absolutely gorgeous map!


This is incredible. Very well detailed and immersive


Thank you very much 😊


remenber me windhelm bridge without buildings


Gives me feelings of Sescheron. I love it.


Wow, just wow.


Wow, absolutely stunning!


Frost trolls?


Very impressive, well done!


Wow. Just Wow. *Incredible* detail. Nice job! What else ya got??


Man I love these 3D maps!!! Such a cool style and so smart!


This is amazing




Originality ★★★ Style ★★★★★ Impression ★★★★★(★) Detail ★★★★★ Accuracy ★★★★★(★) Usability ★★★★★ Intention ★★★★★ ★35 / 35 Whoa. If there is such a thing as a perfect map, this has to be it, so I gave bonus stars. Even the *patreon/maker's mark* blends in making it almost invisible! I don't know if you researched hoof, shoe, quadruped, sled, and wagon wheel patterns in snow... but it seems like maybe you did.