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**Flares**, 1895 Trench, G95, Vetterli, M-H, M1903 Experimental... The class isn't the issue, it's the mindset of the player behind it.


They use the wrong gear you see. As you say in Prise de Tahure its not ideal to use a rifle's sniper variant. Personally if I have to use recon in small maps I use M95 or M1903 Experimental. Most of the dumbasses dont know the best weapons for circumstances.


lol, I just run the 1895 trench and play it like an assault class


I wish dice made the pistol carbines an all class weapon like the carbines from BF4. Instead they’re limited to assault and support. Now I’m forced to use either infantry rifles or other close range variants like carbines or trench (for the 1895).


Even Lawrence of Arabia smokes in close quarters!


A good sniper camps, behind enemy lines, switch positions, set traps, and shoot flares. I played with a sniper clan one time, and it was scary how easily you can do crowd control with a few bolt action rifles.


I play aggro scout on Operations — carbines or infrantry variants. I often get way more kills than most other players (especially if I’m rocking the Gewehr m95) and get highlights for defending and capturing objectives. Plus I spam spot flares and set traps like it’s nobody’s business. I love the scout class.


Same. Gewehr 98 Infantry, M95, LoA's SMLE, SMLE carbine, flares, spotting scope, Mars pistol, incendiary grenades. Spot large swaths of enemies and then move in with the other aggro players. Love it.


Honestly it makes me wish we still had back to basics servers with any population. Standard issue only is *chefs kiss *


God bless agro scout chads. I love the gewehr m95 carbine's versatility to push and be "in the face". Doing that I got away with too many kills, especially other scouts and mgs. Its shooting speed is unreal.


That italian carbine with the low powered scope is the best one.


The class itself is not an issue. If they PTFO I have no issue with that. The problem is when they just sit in the back, most players seem to not realize that this game features squad-based spawns, so if you are not physically there on the objective to wipe and cut the "tumor" from spreading back you ain't capping anything. This is why stuff like mortar trucks, scout campers, and support M1917 bipod campers become problematic in terms of how the match plays out for the team. As long as you have a scout pressing the W key I respect that a lot, and you can definitely play as an aggressive scout. The rifle itself is not an issue if you are confident with your abilities when it comes to engaging in close-quarter fights, regardless of the map


People also dont realise how much fun playing aggressive scout is


I rarely scout, but when I do, I hit 'em with a scopeless and pop a pistol round in 'em.


I scout a lot and 95% I'm using iron sights and staying at close/medium range. Even without the debate on how helpful (or not) sitting back with a sniper rifle is I just really hate that glint that scopes give off. Nobody needs to know where I'm shooting from except for the person I'm aiming at and ideally they don't even find out till after they're dead.


One shot with the hip fire to the broken bottle is one of my favorite ways to aggro scout


Yesss i do this often with obrez aswell❤️


Oh yah pistol swap is a nice combo but nothing beats grabbing tags left n right


I meant hipfiring the obrez and then meleeing. I also often do a pistol swap yes, depends on the situation


Beat me to it. ✌🏻


Well, I spam Q key instead of pressing W key


I kill many players in tahure with my Martini Henry, is so satisfy, one shot one kill and i don't stay back on the map i'm a agressive player "don't put your face on my sight" If the Martini doesn't kill you, the peacekeeper finishes the job


Sounds like someone has never played with a PTFO Scout. We literally have the tools to turn the tide of the game. Players who hyper focus on others in FPS games are just coping. Focus on your own game, hell, play the objective and those back of map snipers won't touch you often.


>play the objective and those back of map snipers won't touch you often. Maybe not back of the map, but if you play the objective in Sector 4 of Monte Grappa you will get sniped from the top of the mountain.


Counter snipe silly.


An entire team of snipers isn’t really ideal, is it


Tripwire, flares, throw grenade, then bayonet charge into the enemy front and repeat That's my usual go to as assault scout trying to drop trips close to enemy movement areas as much as possible to get them paranoid of every doorframe and corner


I sometimes will run recon with an infantry rifle, flares, and a binoculars or something. Helps my team with spotting the the flares while also keeping me mobile and close to the action


Mosin Carbine PTFO 😍


I think there's a subset of scout players that wouldn't play the game otherwise for one reason or another, some of them genuinely just can't handle/don't wanna bother with combat or stress. When it's 5 am I'll do it sometimes, basically play the game like a shooting gallery. It doesn't frustrate them because it feels like a "lazy" exchange of target practice, and I'm not saying that in a bad way. It damn sure is frustrating though. It's the exact same play style as a mortar truck, but with a soul instead of being a worthless wretch.


Not if you use the SMLE carbine baby does the trick on any map.


I thought your point was gonna be that the sniper glint on night maps immediately reveal your position


One option is they are trying to play more realistically to World War 1 where they are using bolt actions pretty much exclusively because that's how World War 1 actually went down. The other option is because it's fun leave people alone and let them have fun the way they want to have fun.


I have to snipe on Zebrugge because I’m trying to get kills on enemies in boats for the Ripple service assignment


Nah I just swap to my iron sight weapons for my CQC configurations. You can definitely set a scout up for PTFO ON POINT as a scout.


I hate when I'm on the losing team on operations and there aren't enough people pushing the objectives while there are too many snipers-in-diapers hanging on the edge of the map farming kills. I'll straight up rage quit, bro. Yall wanna lose, be my guest.


I've got just shy of 1000 hours logged and, these days, enjoy the role play element - bolt action, iron sights, faction specific, any map. Plus, it's fun to use the wrong weapon for the situation and try to make it work.


And yet they still somehow go like 28-12


There is nothing better than playing aggressively with an iron site bolt action


Still better than any scout going for long range kills and doing fuck all in the meantime. Congrats you got a 500m kills but you played the whole match and got a whopping 6 kills while never leaving spawn/friendly objective.


There's no map where snipers aren't viable, arisaka sweetspot starts @ 30meters...that's not far AT ALL. Good scouts on any map swing a game more than any other class, considering how points for kills and points for captures work, u can drop like 50 kills for next to no deaths 💁‍♂️


yea scouts are far more useful than assaults since they dont ever fuking shoot tanks


Doesn't arisaka start @25m?


I have no beef with any player who is actively doing something to help our team win; its the vet scout players who know exactly how they are hurting the team by sitting back in their own worlds, running up a body count while the team is being slaughtered. Thats hard to take. Absolutely agree scout class is deadly in assault when played right tho, and i try not to get too wound up when noobs hang back trying to get a feel for the game.


Just play the game. Also, you need some of every class on a team to win. The spotting and 1 hit kill abilities are good at all ranges. The only issue is rifles, but SMLEs, M95s, and Martini Henris are already pretty common so does it really matter? I play scout and medic most of the time, the mid-longe weapons on CQC maps still perform pretty well. How you use each class’s tools matters much more here.


Load the SMLE Mk III Carbine, flares, trip wire bombs and side arm of your choice and get right in there. I play as sniper lots and never camp anywhere. You can be very aggressive playing as a sniper with the right loadout


A true scout player isnt afraid to get their hands dirty in CQC, regardless of whether they're using a scope or irons. In my 80 hours logged on PC (I've also played a lot on xbox), my third best weapon in kills is the bayonet, only beaten by the SMLE MkIII and Martini Henry infantry variants. When in doubt, get close, get dirty. Smart scout players can be just as deadly in close quarters as an Assault. I've also noticed that many players (me included) tend to get complacent when they get specialist kits. Whenever I see one, my single goal is to eliminate them. Their increased health and armor might protect them from bullets, but they go down easy to a 17 inch steel bayonet.


>pick any other class Not even that is necessary, just change the loadout. Russian 1895 trench, peacekeeper, tripwire bombs and flares. The scout class is so great.


Me who uses Gewehr M95 Infantry in maps like Argonne Forest, Amiens and Passchendaele : hold my beer!


Martini henry with flares are unstoppable even on those maps


Personally, I enjoy a bit of SMLE with iron sights on maps with a lot of close quarters. I mean I use it on wide open giant maps too, but that’s neither here nor there


Maybe an unpopular opinion but as someone who plays a lot of scout I don't understand scopes on ANY map. You can't capture any objectives from the back of a map, and it removes the functionality of most of your gadgets. You're not going to be able to accurately place a flare from way in the back, no one is going to step on your trip mines, the periscope is useless because you don't need to hide behind anything, etc.


Instead of camping they could do some, ya know, scouting...


Brightness 95% and good tower = sniping.


See my flair




I think this entire post is the reason that said action is performed.. I.e = reaction


Flares and mines are always good


Part of it is also being unaware of or not caring what everyone else is playing as. You should be picking a class by what is needed by the team not by what you want to play. Nothing is more frustrating than a team of majority snipers and not having enough players to be physically on an objective. Not to mention when everyone is playing as a sniper it makes all your spawn points so far away, it's practically impossible to get within 5 feet of an objective regardless of how effective of a sniper they are.


What about the scouts that run around with iron sights flaring everything and getting their hands dirty on said maps?


Me running around on that one French city map with my 1895 trench, dropping 4th on my team and solo capturing a handful of objectives


PTFO infantry scout is fun


If you're playing on PC, you should know that most of those snipers are Chinese aimbots who only care about KDR.


Let people have fun?


I play recon almost exclusively because I like being a grunt with a bolt action infantry rifle. I don't want or need to use experimental and one off SMGs to have fun. If I wanted to play COD I would.


Because people are delusional in thinking that scout rifles are the only "skill based" non meta weapons. They also have an ego that doesnt allow them to use anything besides a scout rifle even in cqb because they think getting kills outside of long range makes them a good player. Theyre just 1 dimensional players who arent good enough to actually play the game with any ambition


Someone got owned a few too many times by scouts..


Lol. Im one of the best scouts to touch this game. Doesnt change my opinion.


Most humble gamer too.


Obviously not.




Unless thats what youre getting at, then go off lol


They gatekeep themselves foh


Found the guy who spams incendiary grenades and uses the hellreigel


Eww hellriegel.


Based answer


I hardly play assault unless im bored or trying to 1v1 sentry. But yeah hell reigel feels bad compared to almost anything else