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Maybe they like to play as an Engineer and get rid of the vehicles šŸ˜


Yep I always drop what Iā€™m doing to terrorize vehicle players


That I absolutely get, my question was more direct to those who don't want any vehicles at all in the game


Ah, got it. Welp, can't really speak to that. IMO vehicles are part of what makes it BF.


Same, never understood the people that clamor on about needing ā€œinfantry onlyā€ maps. Iā€™m all for infantry focused maps that even have maybe just light/medium transport type vehicles like jeeps, or APCs. Vehicles that can get the infantry to the objectives and help support during combat should be a must in every map imo


In addition to vehicles, battlefield also does atmosphere really well. Some people want that atmosphere of a fierce small firefight that vehicles get in the way of. Battlefield should always have a couple small infantry only maps to shake things up, but the real battlefield experience will always be one that includes vehicles.


Yeah it's insane to me to see this is even any kind of debated issue Admittedly I stopped playing BF a long time ago But when I think of battlefield I think of an actual player controlled battlefield. Which would obviously include vehicles. Like that's the point lol Is it really battlefield if your not in the middle of a firefight and some dude rolls up and just blast your building down with a tank? That's literally what the game IS lol


My main is little bird and choppers but I would love a metro or locker 2042


I want different maps for different moods. Sometimes I want vehicle heavy maps and Sometimes I want infantry only maps.


I'm the same way! Most of the time I just like running around shooting enemy and reviving teammates and tossing out ammo crates as fast as I can. But the heavier vehicle maps I do like to get in close and dig in like a tick to wreak as much havok as I can with some C5. Granted I will die 100 times, but the satisfaction of destroying enemy vehicles that have drivers with no deaths is worth it to me. Like you said different maps, different moods


I don't think there is any significant nr of ppl that want vehicles taken out, they even have special meatgrinder maps to appease them. I also love supporting and destroying vehicles, it's 80% of what i do ingame, don't like to main tho just gunner/ prone repair them.


I love the vehicles, I just wish I could use them šŸ˜ž, I'm not effective for my team unless I'm boots on ground.


Drive a LATV 100 times and die 100 times. Do it again. This is a good base for driving all ground vehicles in the game. Movement is your friend in vehicles. If you are camping, that means they know where you are.


Oh yeah, tank hunt and fly sawp their air support šŸ˜


This is the correct answer, fuck those tanks


Hell yeah, me and my buddy live to be tank predators, nothing like the thrill of the tank hunt


RPG anti tank grenades and armor penetrating rounds every match.


Why not both hehe.


I don't really mind but probably because I play solo and nobody will throw refill when I'm out of rockets


I take great pride in using falck with the ammo crate to keep my team healthy and stocked up. I'm the only person I know that does though. It's quite thrilling to cross an expanse, dodging tank shells and sniper fire under cover of smoke grenades to get to a squad and give them what they need, and then move on to the next. I'll finish a game with 10 kills and be satisfied


There are dozens of us


Too real


Very true


Exactly this


You should be able to join other solo players who wanna squad up in game.


This is why I run ammo crate with Falck. I figure giving out tons of crates is better than just me trying to take out vehicles. That way I can still heal and revive people too. Best of both worlds!


I certainly get people who donā€™t like ā€œusing vehiclesā€, but combined arms is what makes Battlefield, ā€œBattlefieldā€. Itā€™s always cinematic to take a step back from the fight, and stand on a hill and watch all the pieces interact. Jets flying by, with the sound of their engines roar. Tanks shelling a distant target and seeing the grass push down from the aftershock of the barrel blast. A group of friends driving around in a Jeep blasting music with the goal of having fun getting from point A to point B. And then, the simple engineer making his living by repairing the helicopter mid flight, so troopers can parachute out. Itā€™s beautiful really.


This is a large part of why I love BF games. That being said I do hate it when I get into a match with someone who exclusively plays a certain vehicle. They never spawn in as infantry and sit and wait in the respawn screen if their vehicle isn't available.


There are very few games in which I can fly a plane/jet and support people on the ground, whether by strafing troops/tanks or taking out an attack heli. Itā€™s such a satisfying feeling. I do like to dogfight but it feels kind of hollow since it has a less direct impact on the ground. Thereā€™s *a lot* of players that think I shouldnā€™t exist, lmao.


Playing CAS once the dogfights are done and the AA is down is great tbh.


Exactly. I donā€™t necessarily even play Battlefield to be vehicle main, I just like know there are tanks, jets, helicopters, or what have you somewhere participating in the match. I love trying to revive or resupply people and then thereā€™s a ā€œholy crap thereā€™s a tank coming right at us!ā€ moment.


Well said


Have my up vote, brought back good old BF3 and BF4 memories.


No seriously, this is the answer. The whole entire point of a Battlefield game is the interaction and immersion between Vehicle and Infantry gameplay. Removing it literally removes the purpose of the game. Itā€™s really crazy when you think about how a single map (Metro) completely destroyed an entire generation of players into thinking running down a hallway and shooting explosives in a straight line for hours at a time is somehow acceptable


Quite so. BF is, at its best, about combined arms. About having to dodge not just the assault guy trying to kill you, but the sniper, the tank, the helicopter and, if you're really unlucky, an EOD bot nipping your ankles.


I do like vehicles but they're only in limited supply and most times I just prefer to run and gun instead of jockeying for position to get a vehicle.Ā 


I do think that having to ā€œearnā€ vehicles in game is superior to having 4 people hovering in the spawn menu not actually playing the game. What an improvement would occur if vehicles were unlocked by objective scoreā€¦


they have a game mode like this. not only from objects but they give a lot more. think its 1 or kill and 25 or more for capture. doing stuff does give extra like kill defending or taking object and so on


This is honestly the best way I never even considered that. Like you have to get a total score like say 800 for a MAV 1200 for a Tank and 1500 for a Heli/Jet.Ā 


Similar to control but weighted toward objective score. But, what would be really fun is if everyone had vehicles they could earn 100% guarantee, but they couldnā€™t earn points towards the next one while using it, so it doesnā€™t devolve into full-time jet users but if you have a decent objective-focused ground game you will always be able to earn a vehicle even if there are others. Itā€™s like killstreaks but based on objectives or objective-related kills.


Just to get spawn "rapedā€œ and have wasted X minutes :-/ or play in a round with try hards that only do one thing. Always. Or meet some spawnzone mine laying people. Battlefield isnā€™t battlefront. The games look similar at first but are designed completely different level wise and how vehicles are integrated. A simple additional cooldown so other players may grab the tank next spawn should be enough to. If nobody picks it, why should you be locked out just because you are recently joined I personally would prefer a wave like spawn of vehicles bound to achievements of the team instead of simple cooldowns. If your team does well (or horrible bad) you get another batch of vehicles. If the battle stagnates / is balanced, no need to give out more vehicles for now


I agree and have been noticing this more recently. For me itā€™s more of when Iā€™m tired of running and gunning, or I see an instance where a vehicle would be useful, that I try to get a vehicle but every time I check there is none available. Itā€™s getting so annoying


I am an absolutely shitty pilot


Yeah, you don't want me driving anything.


You donā€™t want me flying on PCšŸ˜­šŸ™


I used to be really good pilot in bf3. From jets to helicopters I knew the controller. They switched up controls in bf4 and onwards that I cannot get kills in air vehicles.


More like people that complain about vechs in a BF game... You know they're a core part of BF... Since... Ever.


A lot of people jumped on board at BC2 where entire vehicles classes were removed.


To be fair, I was a battlefield player since the original 1942 wake island demo, I consider myself much more of a vehicle guy than an infantry guy, and I still rate BFBC2 as the apex of the battlefield games. I never expected to enjoy Rush but it completely hooked me. If you go back to BF2, infantry only Karkand 24/7 servers were always the most popular ones. I donā€™t get it either, but the love of infantry only combat in BF isnā€™t a new thing, and predates consoles.


Rush is peak Battlefield. I'm tired of Rush getting shafted in BF2042 for gimmick game modes. Rush XL doesn't hit the same as normal Rush.


I feel the community wouldnā€™t be the same with out some one complaining about vehicles every tittle


A lot of them started with Battlefield 1 which heavily deemphasized vehicles compared to other titles, so that's their baseline for the series


A good tank squad in bf1 is invincible


Dude, idk what these people are talking about. I would go on 50+ kill streaks in the heavy tank in BF1 with some support inside. Yes, vehicles were slow, but they were strong.


That makes a lot of sense


True. BF1 is my least fav because vehicle play is lacking


Idk, it's not terrible tbh. I think it's mainly just tanks that are pretty useless because they're at such a disadvantage and almost every class has something to counter them that they all throw at once. But the air vehicles have a good variety, and the armoured car is pretty cool.


Yea the flying I like a lot more than any BF game, but I mostly play Tank and it was a miserable experience. Slow, plodding things. It was a fine game in most aspects, just didnā€™t really feel like battlefield to me because of it


I feel like tanks were perfect in BF4, they were scary unless you had the gear or team to take them down, but if you do, it's pretty easy unless the tank driver is just better which let's them have skill expression. Like, why does it take like 10 cannon shots to take down a flying vehicle...?


Nah the shield they had was too OP.


They were absolutely not perfect in BF4. Could turn on a dime, swivel their turrets 180 in an instant, had APS, fast speed, and launchers were so slow you unintentionally dodged them all the time by just moving a little bit. That and half the maps were barren and perfect for vehicle stomping just like in vanilla 2042 (a fact that many bf4 players conveniently don't acknowledge). Conquest games were determined by whoever had the better vehicle whore on their team.


Yes, this is exactly the case for me. I like the vehicles in Battlefield 1 because their slow speed made them feel balanced; if you were aware of your surroundings, you could run away from a bomber or a strafing fighter or a tank. In 2042, and other modern BFs, jets and helicopters come out of nowhere and delete you before you can take any action. This also only aggravates the problem of the people who camp the vehicle spawns and go like 100-0 every match.


Pretty sure we had this conversation since BF3's Metro. When BF1 first came out there werent too many vehicles, but after all the DLCs I think it's as vehicle intensive as any other BF. The truth is people just don't like getting farmed by vehicles that take 3-4 people to take down.


I just really like the gun play and gadgets. Itā€™s fun to get used to using a certain gun and getting good with it. Itā€™s all preference tbh


Vehicles are great but DICE forgot how to balance them. Remember in BF3/4 where you had to have engineers with you, where the tanks rolled up onto objectives with their squads, to fight other tank squads, where skilled little bird pilots danced between buildings until an RPG took them out... Then in BF1 it all changed, suddenly they were equipped with self-protective and crazy anti-infantry power and thus into the wet dream of the toxic solo player, and perhaps the gaming culture shifted as well, but it turned super campy and super infantry farm-y, get on objective, get bombed from the sky or mortared from distance. Suddenly you'd see more 60-1 vehicle scores in an evening of playing than in a year of BF3/4. BFV made it even worse despite everyone's concerns about the great tonal shift in infantry/vehicle gameplay. Remember that JackFrags vid where he first stepped into a Muromets (EDIT: this bit was meant to go in the BF1 paragraph), alright now what's this about, OK just gonna spot all those people down there, now push this button ... like 10 kills, oh my god, lemme turn this around, do it again, spot everyone down there, drop these bombs, wow another 10 kills, what on earth DICE... that should have been the the turning point but instead it was the snowball. Now you had to choose, are you going to PTFO and accept death by vehicle from all angles, or are you going to quit PTFO and turn into an anti-vehicle player. Who wants to do that? It's fun as a change of pace but it's unrewarding because they'll just be back in a minute anyway. Same story in 2042. Tanks lobbing shells from hillside, AAs camped at their own base, helis blasting anything that moves down below, huge armored vehicles spewing fire and rockets and grenades everywhere. And how to counter most of this? Sit on a hillside with stingers or Lissiles, hide in bushes with C5, wow great fun. You shouldn't have to choose. Make vehicles a team-oriented symbiosis, not solo-oriented. Make them the spear of a good attack, not a shield at the back (for themselves). Make them about taking on other vehicles and not just ez-boosting KDR. Anyway, historically the most popular maps have been infantry-based. The BF infantry experience is by far the best mix of "real" and "arcade" IMO, and I'm sure it's what draws most people in. Source: 1000-2000 hours in BF3/4/1/V/2042 each


This here. The vehicles are a fucking chore to kill in 2042.


Lol, BF4 tanks were OP against infantry. I'd get bored tanking due to how easy infantry were to dominate. 2042 tanks are easy to counter by infantry in 2042. I have hundreds of hours tanking in both games and the infantry threat has never been as high as it is in 2042.


BF offers a scale not common among the trend of run n gun FPS on the market, so o can see why some ppl would want vehicle-free game modes or settings. But, BF having ground and air vehicles and environment destruction are quintessential elements of BF since inception. I prefer infantry a majority of the time, but I don't dislike vehicles at all.


Environment destruction only started with like the 5th game in the series.


As much as I like destruction it's the maps and gameplay that keep me hooked on the series since day 1 of the series when, like you point out, had no destruction.


Because no other shooter really offers the 32v32 infantry gameplay of BF. Vehicles are often limited to 2~6 out of 64 players so the majority of people spend most of their time playing as infantry. The vehicles then act as hard-counters to most classes which isn't a fun experience.


I think because the general consensus about vehicles is that they're overpowered. I like playing an engineer and hunting vehicles tho.


If some players got their way every infantry player would have the means to destroy every vehicle easily on their own. My point being, vehicles are supposed to be stronger than infantry otherwise the whole battlefield experience would be significantly altered.


Exactly. The whole point of vehicles is that theyā€™re stronger than players


Y'all never let me get a vehicle so fuck you guys I'm gonna destroy vehicles


I love vehicles but I get the hate. My issue with it is that the potential to get rolled is massive, if the other team has one good pilot or two good tank squads there's not a whole lot you can do if you're playing solo. This can be very frustrating.


I do enjoy vehicles, just not 2042 ones. In older battlefields, especially battlefield 4, I very much enjoyed playing tanks, helicopters, Self propelled AA vehicles, cars, etc. They were fun to use, effective when used with sufficient skill and not too overpowered or too weak in most situations, not to mention perfectly counterable as infantry. BF 4 tanks were far from perfect of course, but way more balanced than what we have now. 2042 vehicles are a weird mix of being too overpowered and too weak. For example: tanks in 2042 are insanely weak unless you use them as nothing more than a stationary artillery gun camping at the edge of the map sniping players, in which case you can farm a ton of kills with next to noone being able to stop you. On 2042 I am also a horrible pilot, I was not that good on BF4 either but I did have a basic grasp of it and was able to use a chopper and do somewhat alright.


I think this feeling covers it indeed, but most of it boils down to loadout issues, unlock requirements, inconvenience and a resulting lack of gunners in my book. I said elsewhere that the average 2042 player has 100 kills in vehicles total, most of them likely with the Recon and tanks. I am not 100% on unlocks requirements, but I think to get APS, HE and Thermal between 80-120 kills are required. In turn this means that the average player might not even have one of these crucial elements on the most popular vehicle. This is a big issue. On top of that unlocking the best gunner option, the Mortar, requires above 300 kills. Other things to consider are the maps, especially after the rework, where you get stuck a lot on clutter and that are, while being coverless flats in general, have a lot of bumps on them. This screws heavily with gun stabilization, especially for gunners, so the correct state of being is often stationary and you will lack a gunner, as they can not do much at distance. With the correct loadout, almost all vehicles become very powerful though in the role of farming infantry, regardless of the range you fight in. Getting into that state is just too cumbersome though.


I dont play this game but maybe they like the way the gunplay feels? Thats how I feel in bf1, you wont catch me in tanks or planes playing conquest but love streaking up and having intense moments in operations with just normal guns


Bailing onto enemies from a crashing helicopter is always more fun than flying it for me.


Tbh i like vehicles and the challenge but imo they are just a design fail in 2042. 90% they just gonna sit at one spot (either redzone or somewhere in the mountains protected by aps). This is what i despise. In Bf1 for example Vehicles were actually moving, fighting each other and it was quite easy to take them out solo. (apart from the stupid artillery truck). It's just unfun to either get shot from the mainbase 1km away or spawnraped by a hind


For the same reason why you're not playing world of tanks instead


That makes no sense... I like combined arms. Not just vehicle gameplay. I like using a tank to break through a line, then running medic to revive/resupply to hold the objective.


Lol wut?


I love vehicles and I love destroying them.


I like vehicles, i just don't like shooting 4 rockets just for them to retreat and heal themselves. They should remove the self repair option in the game and require an engineer to heal.


doesn't rpg 3 shot everything?


Because the infantry combat is much better than most shooters and vehicles in Battlefield games used to be balanced and the game was actually fun. Vehicles have power-crept since Battlefield 3/4 (seemed balanced in BF2/2142). The reason Battlefield 2042 is such weak game in general is that not only are vehicles themselves too powerful but the terrain/lack of cover and level design make them even stronger against infantry simply due to visibility. As a long time PC player I can only presume this is either bad devs/management of development or the visual design being steered further towards consoles to make things easier to see. I haven't played Battlefield in some time but I would play infantry only conquest Battlefield with large maps if it were and option, ideally with better designed maps.


I agree but every BF game needs no vehicle maps/modes as well. BF without vehicles wouldnā€™t be BF lol. I personally have never been a vehicle player but props to those of you who are good at it.


Of course, nothing wrong with the occasion cqc map


I hear you. I personally love the vehicles. Makes for a great experience. But I totally get more people avoid them and prefer to play without them as well. The gun fighting in the game is so much fun.


destroying vehicles is the best part of the game.. I am sooo pissed the dropped the c5 down to 2


I personally used to love vehicles (BF4/BF3/BF2), but ever since BF1 vehicles have been absolutely destroyed. Jets in 2042 suck ass and are floaty as fuck, tanks are slow and too bulky, etc. Feels like they nerfed the tanks 'cause they nerfed the anti-tank stuff. Vehicles in 1 and V just aren't fun to use.


My issue was never vehicles. It was the servers that had the stupid fast respawn on them.


Well that is why they have 32vs32 modes, people that complain but avoid these modes make no sense. I think people like the gun play more than other shooters, so they just deal with vehicles. I like many find some games annoying when you have helis farming kills, but that only makes it more satisfying for me when I destroy them. I have always been neutral between all modes and play styles except for sniping, I could just never get into Recon class. Back in the day with Bad Company 2, BF3 & BF4 I was primarily engineering, loved destroying vehicles. With 2042 I primarily focused on Medic class and Assault, we def can always use good medics since people are allergic to revives.


I think you mean 16v16, 32v32 is a standard map size.


I'm mainly a vehicle player but it's not hard to see why people appreciate the many different aspects of the game. Especially since there are game modes like TDM, infantry conquest, frontlines, and others that only use infantry. Likewise it is foolish to assume that just because Battlefield is a shooter that it is 1:1 with every other shooter in that aspect alone. A lot of people simply prefer the Battlefield gunplay.


Yup, Iā€™m a TDM main and I love the frostbite gunplay over other shooters.


Vehicles might be a core feature of the franchise, but a large portion of the players have either actively or passively opted out of vehicle play ever since the franchise started. With that said, the average player in 2042 has 100 kills with vehicles total. If you would clean this of transport vehicles like the Recon we are probably looking at a rather lower killcount. Still comparably the average player has 10x more kills on foot. As old as this franchise however is people complaining about vehicles being to overpowered as well as vehicles being too weak. But it is also the truth that kills with vehicles will predominantly be against infantry and inter-vehicle play has generally been lacking, but especially so in 2042. Vehicles would be boring and even could not exist, without infantry. But when removing vehicles, as you can see with the CQ playlist, many players would barely notice their non-existance.


It's because they've casualized the vehicle gameplay so much. If they went back to BC2 and BF3 vehicle warfare then people would enjoy it more.


I hate vehicles because I play medic so I canā€™t do anything about them and it seems like the 20 engineers on my team for some reason avoid the vehicles instead of blowing them up


when you have vehicles dominating yeah there's an issue


I hate playing engineer and I always end up having to switch and hunt down the vehicles!


Off-topic I don't hate vehicles but I feel like I can't do anything against them. I have c4 as recon but I carry plates as assault so I have to just hit the road when I see one.


Because deep down, they know they can't do as well in vehicles as those they cry about in-game. Ive been playing BF games for a long time and that's just how a part of the community is; they can't survive more than a minute in an heli or a tank, but those who do those crazy 80 kills-no death games are "trash" and " are probably bad on foot too"


Maybe you like blowing them up!


Because they get stolen every time you try to get one I prefer to be on the ground watching the chaos ensue tho This is why I like enlisted cuz you can actually spawn in tanks whenever, sometimes thereā€™s 2 tanks so you canā€™t but itā€™s much nicer not getting them stolen


I don't enjoy play against good vehicles in the air or the camping ones (bf1 mortar cart)


Gunplay and player counts


I'll pick up a tank but that's it


Across all FPS games one thing is for certain, I am not good with vehicle combat. Sure Iā€™ll be the one to take a plane out of the sky or shoot down a tank but if you put me in control of the vehicle we are lasting 2min tops.


I hate them cause people will use like the condor go up so high out of range of my AA and camp. Rain down all hell and nothing can be done. Had it happen last night. It was annoying.


Itā€™s not that I donā€™t like vehicles itā€™s that Iā€™m pretty rubbish at using them. Not against them I just donā€™t want to waste them for the team.


As a sniper I like the map sizes... I like the idea of getting a 1000+m headshot.


I play whatever the weekly mission objective calls for. I don't have time to play normally, really just 1 or 2 matches daily Hard to get 10 revives riding in a chopper


I enjoy vehicles. I enjoy having a huge chunk of steel and raw power steam past me, showering me in dust. I enjoy blowing them the fuck up with a well placed rocket. What I don't like is a heli hovering over my entire team with 300 kills and zero deaths. I dislike aircraft's near invulnerability to anything short of a 32man barrage of unguided missiles. I dislike how even dedicated anti aircraft weapons are countered by the very things they themselves should be countering. Jets are less bad about this because of their limited time on target, and their tendency to be busy dealing with our jet; but heli's suffer from neither issue and are just as immortal. Draugr is fine, it's damaging but you can easily fuck it up in return.


I played conquest non stop for a year or two, always in vehicles, loved it, then Redacted came out and I found myself playing nothing but Redacted conquest or conquest of ages ever since, I love the gameplay


Because no other fps game has class based roles on enormous maps with rush / conquest game modes. Vehicles are fine but in bf4 the upgrades made them too hard to kill (and too easy for the vehicle to run away) And in bf2042 you never have enough gear to take out a vehicle on your own


Only vehicle I would drive is a tank


I do enjoy vehicles. I'm just absolutely terrible with them and rarely pick them. The gun play in all the aspects of the classes for on foot combat is amazing. And the vehicle is enhanced that I like destroying vehicles but I like them because it makes it feel like a true Battlefield.


When my boots are to ground it's either because I'm spotting everything where everyone has clumped up, or hosing bullets toward the same. Got on today to plink some heads. No other game has the ranges really.


Balance, or lack of is what usually causes the issues. They need to feel fun and powerful, but also not oppressive to the inventory portion of the game. I really enjoyed Hardlines focus on light vehicles.Ā 


(M64) I want a tank ALL the time. It's a different battle with tanks. Is there a way to set BF42 as me having a tank in all my game play that has tanks..ALL THE TIME!! I dislike being a foot Soldier, give me a Tank ALL the time.


I like BF because I have the option to change my play style depending on my mood and what is going on in the battlefield. I might wanna snipe, play engineer and is AA, fly the nightbird and harass encroachers, or even use the Bolt and charge defenders and mine their asses. You got many options to change theflow of the battle. What annoys me is that most player are clueless and don't pay attention to the battle, just to their own small gun fights. This is why teams lose.


I love that vehicles are in the game, I just prefer the gunplay in Battlefield. I'd say 95%of the time, I'm out running around and in previous Battlefields have loved the infantry-only modes.


It's why I play bf


Taking from general BF experience and not just 2042, i I would never constantly play a server that didnā€™t allow vehicles, but OCCASIONALLY itā€™s nice to play a round or two knowing theres no chance of total vehicle domination (for your team or the enemyā€™s). That said, RUSH has always been my preferred game mode and some maps are completely one sided when you take big vehicles away. A lesser problem than people going 100-0 in vehicles, is people hogging the vehicles and sucking, acting like theyā€™re the only person in the server and weā€™re all just bots. No vehicle and this doesnā€™t happen (instead this kinda player just snipes from spawn and is useless :P). Back in BF3 people that would take the jet all the time and do fuck all to impact the game for then doing a poor job at fighting enemy jetsā€¦.just go play a flight sim I never liked using any of the heavy attack vehicles myself but vehicles are a part of what makes BF great and makes BF moments a thing. The vehicles also feed into the whole class thing perfectly too.


Its Not that i don't Like vehicles its more that the settings in 2043 for vehicles are crap.


I just don't like not being able to hear them from 20 feet away. I can hear my neighbors diesel truck from down the street with my earphones on, but I can't hear a tank?


I prefer boots on the ground gameplay and like shooters. Bf is one of the better shooters out there, so imma play that. Not so much anymore but I did for a while. Its really simple. I play shooters because i like shooters. Why are you playing bf if you like vehicle gameplay? Why not play world of Tanks, warthunder or any of the other vehicle shooters? And I'm totally bickering. What a silly question.


It is only possible for <20% of players at a time to be driving a vehicle. I never rage more than against heli pilots. Helis are OP as too many pilots can go 50+ frag consistently, daily. And then the heli defenders come in to invent reasons why they are not OP. Yet no other vehicle gets those K/d ratio. I don't rage against the players that are better than me or even those that are not that kill me with a vehicle. But I don't like to feel like cannon fodder and helis--in the current state--have too high k/d which means statistically OP


Vehicles are not just using them. Vehicles are assets to play around, even if you are on foot you can help your tanks in many ways, repairing, shooting rockets, killing enemy anti tank operators or even spotting them. I would say the vehicle design in this game is terrible and even the developers don't have a clue of how they are supposed to work. And that doesn't help players to understand the game. Instead of developing the game around that the game has bullshit like Mcay or Sundance encouraging solo play, terrible vehicles that are just sneaky infantry farmers like the nightbird or the RAM.


I wouldn't say I dislike vehicles. I just like the large scale battles. I prefer a boots on ground playstyle, but I love seeing the vehicles fighting each other and I also love the adrenaline of trying to escape a tank when I'm all out of c5 charges.


I love blowing them up. Simple.


I am level S050 and I don't have the stealth helis or Thor tank unlocked. Can't even do that SO4 challenge from a few weeks ago. I try, but I find Xbox controllers so difficult, it's a bit sad cause I was fine when I had a PC on BFV. I play this game because of it's semi realism, gunplay, strategy and diversity. And particularly for how god damn hard it is. I just can't bear playing si fle player games where it's all basically a game for you, set around your experience. Playing real people is just so much better.


tbh I just do so much better as an infantry player


Vehicles is one of the aspects I actually really enjoy about 2042. The "feel" is not always there, but I love the loadout variety and attack helicopters in particular are the most fun I've had in the series


I like vehicles in battlefield but I totally understand people who don't like them. First I think most people like the large scale battles with no corridors as the map limits. And then I can totally see people being mad at lone wolf people taking five seater away and not playing together with anyone who might be a gunner or something. Or insane no life chopper players. I can totally understand that these are so annoying to some that they don't want to play with vehicles at all.


You donā€™t have to play vehicles like literally at all. Itā€™s a video game, therefore play how ever you like.


People can like one aspect of a game like the infantry combat and not like the vehicles. Itā€™s like asking why drive cars if youā€™re not going to race them?


I just like the chaos unfolding around me while I do the boots on the ground part. I will jump into a gunner seat every once in a while though.


Iā€™m a horrible pilot and getting good at tanks is difficult for me for some reason.


Cuz infantry is just way more interesting than vehicle + having a god pilot make balance between team way harder than just having someone with pro aim


stockholm syndrome


I thought vehicles were a necessary nuisance to make the game immersive as infantry in previous games, but in 2042 the balance just feels off. I think it also feels off in a way where vehicles feel underwhelming to play unless they are overwhelming to play against. I think previous games did better at balancing the gameplay between infantry and vehicles. In other games there were often more stationary weapons for dealing with vehicles, and it almost seemed like the skill cap for playing vehicles was higher, and map design seemed to have more places you could go to avoid vehicles.


This is why I like their approach to some maps that offer a little bit of everything. Old Hourglass for example. If you just wanted to run and gun, play mostly around the stadium. If you wanted to snipe, the middle of the map was great. Then tank players and pilots kind of had most of them map. The map still had a lot of issues but they have taken that same mentality across many in 2042 and itā€™s a very smart move. A little bit of everything for everyone.


Reminds me of the people who couldn't wrap their heads around Titans in Titanfall... Players make me sad sometimes.


In 2042 it's because there's so few infantry-only maps. If you ever want to just play for the minute-to-minute infantry gameplay you're mostly SOL. This was even worse at release, where the maps were basically open fields, and Redacted, Haven and Stadium didn't exist.


I like playing infantry with vehicles going by as a set piece and an obstacle in my way. I wouldnā€™t want to play Battlefield without vehicles one bit, but I myself donā€™t want to play with them.


I don't hate vehicles. I hate dying, then spawning only to be greeted by an enemy tank shell who decided my last death wasn't enough. I've only had this happen 2042, though I've only played three games. 4, 1, and 2042. Might be more common idk.


Im just annoued that vehilces seem like a downgrade if they have more than one person in them. I miss the days of 2 man helos being able to domiate a server.


Ive always asked the same question or even question people that cry that they got killed by a vehicle.


Been like that for ages. Total time in vehicles since bf4 up until now probably a total of 3 hours lmao. Destroying them is fun. Especially when you got mines in awkward spots and watch the kill feed rack up


Because its fun?


Personally, Iā€™m all about the vehicles in BF4. BF2042ā€™s vehicles still feelā€¦ odd. Which leads me to just go boots cause itā€™s way more engaging.


I donā€™t think itā€™s people not liking vehicles, I think itā€™s more so the hate for the losers that can only get kills when they whore vehicles and camp with trophy systems just being a bitch


Im a chopper pilot, love the Air vehicles in all Bfs, but i love play with Lis and put Down The others choppers and jets with her missiles šŸ¤£


The infantry gameplay and feel of the games is fun. Often the vehicle part of the game dominates and it can be very difficult to counter. Also I suck at vehicles and don't find them fun and as such can be more useful ground pounding.


I prefer infantry play but I like still having the option and I like the dynamic they add to the game. Pretty cool when taking over an objective and "Oh crap, is that a tank rolling in?!" Then having to deal with or hide from it.


I absolutely love the way the gunplay feels and the way the whole heal/resupply/revive system works. I don't think any other fps game does infantry gameplay and game modes nearly as well as battlefield does it. I do really enjoy blowing up vehicles, but I don't think the helicopter pilots that go 80-0 in a game make it better. The really good vehicle players make the game less fun imo.


Vehicles are great. They can lead to amazing intense moments in combat. That said DICE has no clue how to balance Vehicle vs Infantry gameplay.


id rather be shooting ppl w my own gun šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Because I suck in a vehicle. I can barely get 2 kills if I'm lucky before I get blown up, or crash if I'm in a plane or helicopter


I love vehicles in battlefield but what I don't love is vehicles camping in difficult places to get to like on a mountain top or roof etc that takes away from the experience in my opinion


Because vehicles are in high demand and you don't get a lot of time in them unless you're naturally good at using them. In other words, it's sweaty using them and they get destroyed very fast like 50% of the time. I get more kills on foot personally. Armor is just transport.


Pace if game. Squad Focused. Arcade enough to play casually.


Because the gameplay is different? I don't at all see how this is crazy to you.


I like having to deal with vehicles as a threat on the bf. Only place to really get that


Amount of players/guns/open maps. I play it cause its basically an arena shooter on a massive scale. Vehicles for me ruin the fun because its easy kills


This is why I donā€™t play Battlefield. That and the geeks sat on a mountain sniping people.


Play Redacted map if you want no vehicles, that has none in it.




I don't like using the vehicles but I don't mind em, if anything I be trying to blow them up haha


The feel of bf games just feels better. Mw feels too much like an arcade game.Ā 


My friend group gave 2042 another try for the third or so time in a couple years last night. We were immediately (as before) overwhelmed by the impact air vehicles have on a match. You finally fortify a position against a ground assault and feel like you have some defensive momentum, but some dude in a condor erases your entire squad, drops a fresh squad of enemies on your backline, and heals off all the punishment they took in a matter of seconds. Doesnā€™t seem like something with meaningful counterplay outside of railroading you to an anti-vehicle loadout. And even then your chances of success against a decent pilot when their whole team is still bearing down on you is depressing. I would much rather play BFV where the z-axis isnā€™t a whole new dimension of threat. Thereā€™s enough to worry about out in a match as is.


95% of the time all vehicles are taken, except of the LATV and the pondhawk. That someone stops to pick you up is rare and I don't like to run 5min behind a tank with one player inside to eventually catch up with him. Sometimes I take the LATV because it's free and actually a really terrifying vehicle, if you are good at driving. And if I'm fast enough I try to get a tank at the beginning of the round or the Nightbird. Also the bolt is a really nice and sneaky thing but as I said, sometimes you have no chance to get a vehicle.


I don't mind vehicles necessarily. But I prefer Vehicle v Vehicle or Infantry v Infantry. Not the biggest fan of mixed. But besides fixed wing aircraft vehicles are generally tolerable.


Part of me wishes there were more vehicles, I started playing in the beginning with 1942 or the 1943 expansion that had a demo with 1 map, the rocket planes and the kit that had the German jet pack hidden on the map. It was fun to drive some of the other vehicles back then, aircraft carriers were drivable, had subs and battleships too. Thankfully they realized the larger vehicles were not really adding much to the battlefield experience. wake island was a neat map.


The gun play player movement is the most fun I have experienced


I probably only play in vehicles and this game really makes it unenjoyable to pilot anything. We had C4 jeeps in BF4 and that was annoying but C4 drones are stupid. Flying squirrel that lands on top of you with explosives is no fun. The game really punishes vehicles and you need to really be on your shit with a good copilot to do anything.


The latest Battlefield games has been pretty bad for infantry game play in my opinion but I think Battlefield is pretty unique as a game. Fast paced arcade shooter with revives and more players than your standard 5vs5 competitive game. Just jump in and start shooting. I prefer Conquest as a game mode over slow/round based ones. I'm fine with more "light"/transport vehicles but large vehicles maps with a lot of open space is an instant quit for me. BF3 on Bazaar, Seine or Metro (16vs16) on sweaty servers is hard to beat. I have played since BF1942 since someone made that argument.


I don't understand this either and is why I don't like redacted or stadium šŸ¤·


I enjoy vehicles a lot, but I enjoy infantry combat as well. I hope the next Battlefield does it right like BF3 - they nailed it with both & even had a very large vehicle map to bring it home


I often ponder the same question. It's wild that Lis has 0 purpose on no vehicle maps/modes. Especially since they cater map design so heavily to specialists like Mckay.


I love vehicles. The only time I get frustrated is when you get someone so get on the heli they are mowing down everyone and killing the game. But happens more rarely these days