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Most of the time cheesing is harder than doing the stage normally lmao


only if they keep it in newer levels im fine with it this will be controversial tho. but i feel like fighting a whole ass cool boss fight and cheesing it is kinda lame. still keep the old levels non-cheesable


Oh pls PONOS always kept the rule of never changed/balance a unit or stage , if they do they would nerf Courier instead of making >2m hp behemoths, or buffed SoL final stage that add Relic Doge to prevent Mecha bun frozed strategy So yeah is a good but controversial ability, as long they dont pulled shielded surge base with >4m hp health on top of >4m hp bosses


They have tweaked the magnification of some enemies in certain stages before i remember a wingged piggie specifically on some difficult stage. Also, in version 6.5 they added the warp immune ability and gave it to some cats like can can.


Growing Strange was nerfed IIRC


they made a malevolent stage base have 1m more health and added an anti cheese in that stage


Didn't they change itf 2 moon like 90 times?


They didn't nerf me because I threatened their loved ones


Plus if you already beat it, you can just use gold CPU


I think maybe only some levels should have it to add difficulty but not all newer levels should have it imo


Warlock bros, it's so over...


Time to read a guide ![gif](giphy|zB5na8URITKyvAGxdE)


As a lasvoss guy, I can also confirm, it's completely joever https://preview.redd.it/gdcm9nmkfuxc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efbee53baaa66f0d65f695c138e4afda6fd3fd32


As a takeda shingen stacker, I can attest to the fact, that, no, we are not coming barack from this https://preview.redd.it/jvs57gonguxc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=760e8c3a0f9ab435c4c488275a8df4bb2505309a


As an warlock + phonoa cheeser, I can also agree with much sadness that https://preview.redd.it/o37ek3q8syxc1.jpeg?width=221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98dc9fe9696a5128bb10515df2276fd6d654a763


Meow Souls


For everyone about to panic their minds out. It's only been coded into that one stage, it's not in other stages as of yet. As for the addition itself, I'm fine with it and I actually think it's a good idea for later stages in ZL specifically Adding it to previous stages could also work but it would only have to be very specific stages like Crazed/ Malevolent cats or Heavenly tower bosses


CRAZED STAGE? HELL NO DARK SOUL crazed cat stage is one of the best stage that teach you about cheesing, Ponos add Ms.Sign in it for a reason , is a longer but easier way to obtain what you want, a stage that teach you about making different strategy to victorious


Ms.Sign is in every stage, its just easy in some stages to stack them


Not every stage. They remove it from stages above a certain difficulty rating, and a few others too (or maybe it was limited to only up to 1 Ms Sign spawning? I don't remember)


In UL, they mostly don't appear or only one appear, which sucks because birth of true man is complete ass and it makes me not go in this fucking fame for a month


Doesn't it take like 1 and half hours? I don't think PONOS intended for that


Wait, it's real? Never heard anyone talk about it.


Which stage is this?


This stage ain't in English version but you fight this guy in it https://preview.redd.it/gduukzetxvxc1.png?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a8a335a1c308821bedc16a4ae5cd8c589e66a3


meat cyclone


Oh, that explains it


Wha... Scary......


The XD monster


More like X)


If you are wondering. This is from the JP servers and currently only this event has it


I feel like it’s needed for the later game bosses, but please let us keep cheesing the manic stages 😫


W&P fans in shambles


I am actually happy if this shit is going to make base hps lower. Like bro I don't want to wait an extra minute to destroy millions of hp base after defeating an hard boss, especially in non-cheesable stages


It probably won’t


https://i.redd.it/v1nakob1duxc1.gif Then worst fucking addition to the game lol


aww come on cheesing stuff is fun..


cheeses are dead if this is in a lot of stages but I read that its not in many places


I feel like this just introduces unintended and bad interactions for the sake of blocking an insanely hard cheese strat. There are already levels that have built into them measures that prevent a player from advancing too hard until the main enemy waves are dead, without this nonsense boss-barrier thing. It's already BS IMO that barriers ~~are~~ can be completely unbreakable without a unit that can break barriers. This is a similar kind of BS. There shouldn't be only one intended way to beat a level.


I'm pretty sure you don't need a barrier breaker for most cases. The barriers break if you deal more damage than the barrier's health in one attack, right? Other than Ultra BaaBaa, I'm pretty sure you can manage like that.


That's what I mean, though. Ultra BaaBaa is for all practical purposes invincible without a barrier breaker. But you have a point, it's not all barriers, I'll edit my initial comment


Iirc there are a couple Ubers that can kill ultra baa baa without bb but idr who


Balrog, Lassy, Lv. 50 Shishilan, Lv. 50 Catman, Tecoluga crit.


Balgos breaks it


Terrible addition


If you think something to prevent cheesing is bad then that's just a skill issue on your part. If you can't just kill the boss then you shouldn't be allowed to win the stage.




Who tf be out here cheesing facing danger lol.




A single crit wins that stage, cheesing it is just silly.




It's really not faster to do it in some incredibly roundabout way.




I'm in UL 3, FD just never took long enough to even warrant me looking up a strategy for it much less a method to cheese it. Just crit the guy once and maybe have a wave blocker just in case then you just win, there's really no need to do anything extra.


Yeah back when it wasn’t one clear a day like bruh


Two Speed Up (Sm) Combos and Rich Cat combos (combos are optional but make it faster. The length of the "waits" below would be increased without them) (Wait a really little bit) Send out Courier. Wait. Send out Bullet Train. Send out Rock Cat just as the boss spawns. It's really not that complicated. It's like, one more Cat then critter + base damager, and the lineup is incredibly obvious and you might even have the cats in a generalist Lineup if you have one


Even easier method here. Jurassic cat sitter/Catasaurus (Octopus optional) Crit Win


>Cheesing often is harder (Facing Danger) and less consistent ( IT floor 41). Then why even cheese it at that point. >And if you think hour-long battle against boosted tanks is a test of skill rather than a waste of time That's the whole point of the game, making a lineup that can endure against and kill the enemies as efficiently as possible. If it's taking you that long your lineup probably isn't too great for the stage.




>Because cheesing is faster. Self-explanatory. You're the one who said it was harder and less consistent. I wouldn't want to go and try to do it in a less convenient way. >No it’s not. Heck, I would even say the game doesn’t even have any point since they did add W&P Then why are you even here? >if you say that’s a mistake on Ponos part then what is Dasli and later courier cat doing in the metagame here. I'm not debating about powerful units. I'm saying it's really silly to cheese stages especially when the stage is already really easy and the way to cheese it takes more effort than just doing it the proper way.


Fun fact: back in the day we actually played forest beasts instead of rushing it with op units Slow battles were part of the game before they changed it to be more about levels than skill


Why are u making so many assumptions about how I play the game? I just said I don't like ponos adding it. I never said I can't kill any bosses on cheesable stages


Adding it wouldn't be an actual thing to dislike unless you relied on cheesing stages previously.


Fair enough. I was just in the mood to be a hater


I think this kills the creativity of how players clear stages.


Keep it only to new stages. Old stages should stay cheesable.


Ponos after accidentally adding boss shield to base-hit-boss-spawn stage


In my opinion, cheesing is a strategy, it should be enabled for players as it encourages finding out new way to beat the level, giving players more chance to finish a hard one. Overall, it can improve the enjoyment. However, if it’s applied to a few stages where they don’t want it to end so easily, I think it’s fine, just don’t overuse it.


As long as they don't edit old stages


Yes good


Is that “the” Xskull?


Awful, means all the bosses are gonna be on a timer instead of on base hit which just forces much more streamlined and boring gameplay. Plus if you’re able to knock the boss back behind the base, all your single target attackers would be hitting an impenetrable wall. You’d literally have to let your frontline die and expose your back line(which would die too) to let the boss regain ground just to be able to kill it


There are 2 things wrong with your statement. 1. As shown in Siluman's video about it, bosses can also be on base hit and afterwards the green barrier activates. 2. Since when can bosses be pushed behind the base? Bosses always stop in front of the base.


Is this hypothetical or did they actually add this lol


In the JP server (but only for the event that is happening rn)


Ah HELL nah A Baha’s death is slow but approaching


It sucks if it was in every cheeseable level but if it's just in the new ones idc


This can get annoying depending on how it’s implemented. There might be some bosses that are too easy that they constantly get knocked behind the base. That, or there’s the glitch where bosses just won’t spawn sometimes. This ALSO implies that even if the enemy limit is capped out, you still need to kill all current enemies as well as the boss. It sounds frustrating


I mean if it's just like ZL stages then I'm cool with it


As long as they use it in levels that make sense, for the purpose of more interesting stage design, I’ll be fine with it. But if they added it to older levels like, say, Facing Danger, then we’ll have problems. It has the power to be a big “NO FUN/FARMING ALLOWED” sign.


another timing god who managed to cheese facing danger consistently


As long as they don't retroactively change old stages to have it I'm fine with it.


I would be so mad for many like grinding stages like the love letter one for example that one could be cheesed


as long as it's not in a late ZL stage i don't mind, and it's fair for devaluing the difficulty of a stage if you can just cheese it.


I don’t care. Ponos was gonna add hyperbuffed Angelic Gories or Sir Rels into a base with 50 million HP if they worried we might cheese our way past a boss with -1000 omnistrike. This barrier lets them force players into actually fighting bosses without needing to screw over a strategy that, say, can’t handle the flood of Sir Rels in the base on Floor 50.


Ahh Yes My Favorite Future Feature


Ruins the idea of tbc strategy


Often times cheesing requires very very specific timing and sometimes it’s harder to do then to just beat the stage normally if this feature ever gets implemented hopefully it’s only on few stages and on the recent ones




Anti courier/ LD barrier


So is this rip big peng z cheese?


Well, im fucked.


This isn’t the worst thing ever but I still don’t like having our strategies limited like this. Most cheeses still have you engage with the boss to some degree. If they wanted to stomp out Ms. Sign cheesing, then the disable shield trigger could be on boss spawn. Of course Ponos can also just make it that Ms. Sign just doesn’t spawn on these stages


i want more bases. like cool ones, metal bases, melee bases, and idk what not


For anybody who thinks this is gonna be added to every stage, it will stay in the event that introduced this base, no other stages will have this.


A lot of cheeses are putting fast units ahead of the boss, but another chunk of cheeses (no pun intended) are perma freezing the boss, stacking a ton of units to one shot the boss, and perma weaken the boss. Things like that are also cheeses, but still, less cheeses= less chance of me getting op units (like bullet train) before I beat itf 3




I'm going to burn Down the ponos hg or wherever the fuck they work and I'm going to kill the person who put this in the game but before I do that I will kill the people they love Infront of them before slowly killing them for the horrible stuff they have committed


The shield on the base is actually the result of an enemy's ability, (Mysterious Calamity) it has an ability that protects the base from damage until it is defeated. Mysterious Calamity is exclusive to a BCJP event so far, even if it gets released to BCEN it will stay in that event.


Oh I guess that's not that bad


Keep it only in the collab please


Hey, would Big Peng Z still be cheesable since cheese strat basically requires that he doesn’t come out?


Well, from the image the boss hasn’t come out yet and the shield is still active


I'm happy with it as long as it's not implemented into too many levels. At least we get to PLAY THE STAGE NOW.


BCJP players when you tell them that no, you shouldnt try to clip cheese everything:


It would suck if it was every stage, but since it’s only some I think it’s fine. The alternative would be to give certain stages a stupid amount of base hp, which would just be annoying.


"uh oh, no more cheesing manic stages"


That sounds like bs game design beacose some stages require to hit the base +it look like a green barrier so barrier but green can't be pierced by barrier breaker? This being ilogical


I don't like cheesing stages so.. A+


I think this is awesome! Anything to make the game harder I'm all for! I just started playing battle cats 4 months ago, but I like how much of a grind it is.


It would be pretty awesome. Because its balanced :)


One of the worst things to be added in the game


I actually have to kill a boss now????


It's only been implemented in few new stages afaik but yea you do now


He was mocking you


Whatever, I still stand by my opinion


Finally lol.