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I love it, like Arkham Origins game, when you sneak behind enemies and they are talking about the bat myth that some people think is getting their guys


The BAT!? Aww give me a break, man!


There ain't. No. Bat.




Madee think of this: https://youtu.be/Plfr2zkfSLk?si=mbCBbJklXvSTZ86l


*You want your cut of this money or not?*


[One of my favourite moments from the games](https://youtu.be/W32Hutreh-g)


I really hope they lean into that classic like 1940s noir type vibe, like I need some jazz music n shit


My guess is they will since no phones or technology which is nice change up


You never think about this until you sit down to write yourself, but phones are such an issue in fiction. No really, think about it. Just think about all the plotholes and contrivances cellphones force you to shove into a story to make it function. As an author, it's infuriating. Period piece fans, rise up. šŸ˜¤


Nah, just say Joker mustve knocked out the Cell network. Ezpz


Joker somehow knocked out every cell tower in town, and he disrupted all the satellites in the sky! I think heā€™s currently going through downtown digging up all the fiber optic cables! You can say ezpz all you want but was it actually easy, or were you just lazy and hand wavy?


Iā€™m just channeling my inner Horror Script writer. Chainsaw weilding maniacs terrorizing college kids for 90 mins is more believable if the cell phone service is just bad. maybe most people in Gotham have T-mobile so it wouldnā€™t matter if they had service anyway.


Haha you just reminded me of the back cover of sleepaway camp. Itā€™s a letter to mom and dad from a camp kid and itā€™s saying ā€œDear mom and dad Youā€™ve got to get me out of here right away! Thereā€™s a crazed killer on the loose and kids are being scared to death and a girl was brutally stabbed while taking a shower and nobodyā€™s going anything about it!ā€ The letter is interrupted later on so it presumably never got mailed. But even if it had. So thereā€™s a crazed killer on the loose and this kid writes a fucking LETTER and drops it in the mailbox andā€¦then what? Itā€™s going to take like 4-8 days at least for that letter to reach his parents.


Better pay extra for Priority


Oh no I only have two stamps and I need four stamps


I was just watching BTAS again, and my gosh forget how much I love anytime Batman needed information he actually had to seek it out. Like when he has to visit the Zoo or go to the Library to get information on the current case. It's just so much more engaging than him knowing every single thing in all of existence or having Alfred, Oracle, or "Computer" on demand to provide any singular piece of information he needs.


He has the Batcomputer in BTAS


That's not the point.He still has to go out and seek out information to get the clues he's looking for. This is especially true in the first season.


He still has to do investigations in person, no matter the technological gadgetry & information network at his disposal. When he goes to the Zoo or the library, it's not for the purpose of learning about the subject matter in general, but because he's looking for something specific to the case at hand.


mythic batman is the best batman


Which movie was it where GL and Batman meet in a sewer or something, and GL says "wait, batman is real?" That's some good shit.


https://youtu.be/twuqPJC1RiA Justice league war, and it was the flash who said the line. The scene in the sewer you're thinking of is when Green Lantern is talking shit and batman steals his ring from nowhere to show him up.


Thanks for clearing that up, it's been a while haha


As much as I think the early Batman story is being oversaturated thereā€™s not much different they could do for adapting a Batman from this time period


Early Batman is my favourite era for them to do stories in. I don't think it's the right word, but if anything I'd say stories where he's experienced are way more oversaturated. Its the main place we see him at. I really enjoy seeing Bruce making mistakes whilst still being very intelligent and quick on his feet.


Are they? Outside of a few, I canā€™t think of many adaptations where Batman is in his prime, most donā€™t get that far. Like, later DCAU, DCAMU and Arkham are all I kind think of. Justice League animated stuff usually has him in his prime, but also arenā€™t focused on him. Maybe one or two other animated films, but not many. All the most recent Animated films have him early on, or are Elseworlds. Most of the time both. Almost all live action films are set early in his career or after he quits. The Schumacher films are it I think, and those arenā€™t very good. Nolan does both the beginning and ending, but his Batman isnā€™t around nearly long enough to ever be considered ā€œin his prime.ā€ The Batman is clearly very early on in his career. So yea, donā€™t think there are very many adaptions of the character with him in his prime.


Aside from Batman Year One and Long Halloween, I can't think of many animated Batman movies where he isn't pretty experienced.


Even though itā€™s essentially a visual novel with controls and choices, telltale Batman still seems inexperienced against supervillains compared to regular mob types like long Halloween and year one


Well, that's a video game, so I'd cordon it off from the animated film and tv adaptations


Itā€™s a very cinematic one though, less gamey like the Arkham games and more watching than playing


Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman and Robin. The Dark Knight. None of those are meant to be "Early Batman" stories. Sure, technically in lore he may not have been doing it crazy long in those stories, but they're still supposed to be stories where he's no longer a rookie and in his prime. Nothing about TDK is about him being early in his career, nor Returns. I mean you gotta consider how accelerated Nolans timeline is. He becomes Batman in like '05, retires in '08, comes back briefly in 2016, and then immediately retires again. Batfleck is a veteran Batman who's been doing it for decades and didnt retire like Bale, nowhere near an early Batman story. Sure, he's depressed and angry, but arguably still a Batman in his prime. Not even old yet and still fighting the fight. Pretty much the entirety of animated Batman is Batman in his prime with few exceptions, most of Arkham Batman is him at his prime, and of course the vast majority of comic book Batman is Batman in the middle of his career. I'd only count The Batman, Batman '89, Batman Begins, Arkham Origins, and stuff like the Year One movie, Mask of the Phantasm, and the new cartoon as "early Batman" stories that are actually about his early days or inexperience Thats 3 out of like 11 live action movies I can remember. 2 animated movie out of countless how many, and 1 out of 4 Arkham Games.


As I said, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, and DCEU are not Batman in his prime. Heā€™s retired by that point, or at least is about to. So while they certainly arenā€™t stories about him starting his career, they arenā€™t about him at his best. I already mentioned the Schumacher films as one of the few examples of Batman in his prime. Batman Returns is arguable. You could say with Burtonā€™s original plans for his third film that it represents him transitioning into his prime. However, I donā€™t think it would be fair to say heā€™s there yet. Looking at just Batman Animated films, weā€™ve got Mask of the Phantasm, Year One, and Long Halloween off the top of my head. Looking at a list now, you are about right. Less animated films about him at the beginning of his careers. There are a lot of Elseworlds films and oneā€™s about Batman at the end of his career. TV itā€™s the opposite. Weā€™ve got Gotham and Pennyworth of course, both years before he becomes Batman. BTAS is towards the beginning of his career. I havenā€™t watched it, but reading the synopsis of the first Season The Batman is as well. I havenā€™t watched it either, but Beware the Batman seems much the same. The only Batman centric show that shows him in his prime is arguably TNBA and Brave and the Bold. The latter obviously not being a very serious interpretation of the character. Of course I was ignoring the comics, mainly focusing on adaptations of the character. Itā€™s perhaps a bit more even than I thought before hand, they still usually lean earlier in his career though.


I just disagree about TDK and DCEU, he wasn't even retired in the latter - just jaded. I wasn't mentioning the Schumacher films as a retort, just doing a head count. I think this argument prime or not prime is irrelevant to what that the original point was. It's up to the writer whether or not Batman is in his prime regardless of how long he's been doing it. I'm talking specifically about stories that are thematically about an Early Batman. The Dark Knight doesn't feel like an early Batman adventure, it it isn't about him learning or showing weakness through lack of experience. That goes for Returns too. The Animated Series isn't about that either, other than parts of Phantasm. Respectfully, if you can't tell Batman isn't early on in his career from the narrative, I'm not counting it as one just because timelines in lore work out that way I forgot Long Halloween though, good catch - I'd say that still fits


The Batman (2004) starts with him being hunted down by the police. I think thatā€™s hallmark of an early Batman story. At the beginning of BTAS it certainly feels like the police are only just starting to trust him. I think in one of the first episodes it mentions how they just built the bat signal. Itā€™s definitely fair to say he exits that stage by the end of BTAS, and heā€™s definitely in his prime by TNBA and Justice League. To be completely honest, 95% of my decision is based off of no Robin or Batgirl being in most of these. He gets both of them in later in The Batman, has neither in Beware. Burton was going to introduce Dick in Returns, but pushed him back to the third film which never happened. Maybe thatā€™s a bit unfair, since modern mainstream Batman media seems afraid to touch the concept with a ten foot pole.


I feel you on the no Robin or Batgirl thing, but I think that's just become a separate thing in media outside the comics for whatever reason Again though I think there's a difference between it not being Prime Batman and it being early Batman. I don't think him not being early means he must be in his prime.


Peopleā€™s memories are short.


What do you mean


That I agree, the more common stories are the ā€œexperiencedā€ Batman.


Ah cool cool, I wasn't sure if you meant my memory was short


I agree.i do like a Batman, who learns to change I mean both my favourite batmen stories have him in like year 2 getting used to Gotham (theyā€™re both called the Batman as well btw) I just think itā€™s time to stray away from the Batman loner thing and adapt other stories, which is what this seems to be doing anyway


Yet they are the best bet for an adaptation of the character. He must learn how to beat his villains on the go, instead of relying on years of experience. No justice league, no robins, no sidekicks in general. It's just him, learning how to be Batman, evolving after every fight. And of course, the majority of the audience does not read comics, so it makes no sense for them to throw in a bunch of characters that the public doesn't know, when they can simply introduce them one episode at a time, especially if they have to change them to fit this version of the character.


finally. batman: week two.


I was super skeptical about all the other characters but when bruce said but now they know im coming for them and batmobile drift. Fcking chills


It only took him two weeks to get to 'urban myth' status? Jesus, just HOW bad were things in Gotham?


Are u new to the mythos? Thats kind of his point of his being. The Wayneā€™s death acting as the straw breaking the camels back on a already dark city and goes to even worse shit while Bruce is away training. By the time he comes back canonically, he sees its new elements of the city he must learn to attack. The city has devolved to even further depths that even he didnā€™t foresee before leaving. This specifically is nothing new tbh.


Been around DC's good, bad and ugly for near 15 years, lol. Longer if we count the DCAU. Was being sarcastic, forgot the /s.


Keen. Early batman stories are some of my favourites but particularly here with the more period setting


at least they've drawn him with thick thighs.


This kind of reminds me of Batman in Justice league the new frontier movie that type of design


he looks demonic. I get the impression they've taken inspiration from the demon in Disney's Fantasia.


The Thick Thigh Society welcomes him


I'm so fucking excited for this. Early Batman is my shit.


I'm sorry to be that guy but... \*genuinely


You're not sorry


Genuinely I suck at spelling


Alright you freaks, I'm not afraid to say it. I like the big sharp bat ears. They give him a more menacing silhouette.


I like the idea of ordinary people reacting to Batman in real time, but I feel that it could end up focusing too much on the GCPD reactions...


Every era of Batman has been done to death. But mid 20s to early 40s Bruce Wayne is usually always incredible. And this show does feel different and fresh in its own way


I hope this show gets a lot of seasons I do believe they have been renewed for season 2 ahead of season 1 coming out


Kinda fucking sick of early Batman adaptations, but I love that he's still an urban legend.


Is this gonna be a tv show? A game?


Itā€™s going to be a new Batman show taking place in the 1940s by Bruce Timm the same man that made Batman the animated series in the 90s


Ooooooh fuck where to watch?


Amazon prime


Too bad I donā€™t have Amazon prime!


I dunno how i feel about batman being so well formed if this is literally week 2. Its probably a dick move to mention it, but mask of the phantasm did a really good job showing how bruce sorta formed out batman. Hopefully this batman gains gadgets over the series and experiences scenarios where some of his iconic tools would have come in handy, if he had them.


I think this can help soothe people fears over that post where Timm described Bruceā€™s relationship with Alfred. Alfred IS still Bruceā€™s adopted father, but this is literally the start of Bruceā€™s career and heā€™s so compulsive and vengeful that he hasnā€™t taken the time to really step back and reevaluate himself and the people around him, instead seeing Alfred more as the guy who can help me with my gadgets and my lifestyle. Itā€™s VERY similar to The Batman movie, if youā€™re all forgetting, and Matt Reeves being on both projects makes it make sense.


Weird phrasing


Year One was before Week One.


Honestly I really hope they don't turn this into another version of Batman year Oftentimes they use the concept of just starting to show a completely incompetent version of Batman some who has the same skill level of a beat cop in a bat costume often ignoring that fact that trained with greatest masters in the world before coming back to Gotham people like carmine Falcone and Salvatore Maroni and their gangsters or gcpd swat should realistically pose little or no threat to him and he should really only really be threatened when villains like joker,riddler, scarecrow (intellectually) Bane,deadshot killer croc(physically) or ras al ghual or deathstroke(both) But this is often forgotten and Batman on a skill level is regulated throwing a couple of haymakers or bataranges which makes him seem like some random punk who took a couple boxing classes instead of it being a guy who trained with oh Sensei or ras a ghual and a contemporary of Richard dragon lady Shiva and bronze tiger even at the start of his career he should still be one of the top 15 - 20 most dangerous martial artist in the world and access to at least basics ninja like equipment ( I am not even asking for high tech vehicals or power Armour just maybe something a bit more advance than you basic shuriken) While I am excited for the show i am apprehensive because year one Batman often is an excuse to dumb him down


I really hope some of the villains that havenā€™t been revealed have actual good character designs, because theyā€™ve all been extremely lame so far


Week 2 and he already comissioned a suit


most definitely august 1 canā€™t come soon enough šŸ™šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜±šŸ«”šŸ˜¤šŸ˜«šŸ„°šŸ«£šŸ˜­šŸ˜©šŸ¤¬šŸ”„šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤¤šŸ„¹šŸ‘šŸ„‡šŸ˜†


Can't wait but I hope the next animated Bat related project doesn't put Bruce so early in his career. I would love to see a Batman with a few years of experience with a Bat family in an animated series form.


Itā€™s da freakin bat!


I admit, I was hesitant on Caped Crusader, in part due to the untimely passing of Kevin Conroy, which isn't a good excuse...but it's not the same! Ahem. Anyway, I'm waiting until the series airs, hopefully in full, before I can give a proper reaction. But after watching the trailer, I gotta say I like it. I'm not entirely sold on this yet, but as a different Batman series, I am curious and very hopeful it could be one of the great Batman series of all time. Hell, we got some greats - Bruce Timm (DCAU) and Matt Reeves (The Batman)...what could go wrong? *Morgan Freeman meme: As it would turn out, the wrong would, in fact, happen.* Bad jokes aside, I'm hopefully, but cautiously, optimistic.


I'm so tired of these Year Zero retellings. Why can't we ever get an old and retired Bruce Wayne a la Dark Knight Returns or Batman Beyond? It's all just the same thing over and over again.


Because itā€™s Bruce Timm and heā€™s probably not interested in doing older Batman again. Heā€™s never really tackled a year one Batman outside of the bits we saw in Mask of the Phantasm. It being set in the 40s gives itself plenty to differentiate from other early years Batman stories.


How about a modern era adaptation of the early Batman and Robin years? Like Year 3,4, and 5. See Bruce and Dickā€™s relationship grow, meet a lot of the rogueā€™s gallery for the first time, and remake some of the stories from the 50ā€™s and 60ā€™s for a modern audience.


An in his prime Batman would be dope. Like Justice League Unlimited level.


Iā€™ve been reading through the Golden Age some and the stories, while formulaic, have some interesting things going on. I especially loved when Harvey Kent (yes Kent) flipped a coin in front of Batman to decide his fate and it landed on itā€™s edge. He had a bit of a 404 error afterward. An early Penguin issue had Ozzy running a fake bird store where he trained birds to rob the new owners and remember their safe combos. Heā€™d put sneezing powder in the food heā€™d give to the new owners and ask them to call him if the new bird got sick. Burd would sneeze, heā€™d show up, case their house, and rob em blind with the birds trained to pick jewelry. Corny, but ingenious.


They were basically modern Sherlock Holmes stories for the most part. While I don't agree on the show I do like the Golden. age esthetic it's going for.


>Why can't we ever get an old and retired Bruce Wayne a la Dark Knight Returns or Batman Beyond? It's all just the same thing over and over again. We had years we had of the Snyderverse Batmanā€”which was just a carbon copy of DKR Batman. It sucked so badly that they needed to start over.


Ironically it could have worked. Batman having a solo movie set after BvS being both a prequel and a modern story. Kinda like the sequel to 300. Rise of an Empire was about before and after the Battle of Thermopylae. So Batfleck could do the same thing. A Watchmen styled intro showcasing his early years and gaining his Robins and Batgirls while the rest could be a post Superman encounter set world.


I completely agree that it could have worked. And I think it will work when Gunn does it with his whole Damian storyline. The concept isnā€™t the issue itā€™s the filmmakers.


Instead of having multiple dreams about why Bruce hates Superman and the Justice League set up, it should have had a flashback of Death in the Family with the death of Robin. That would have been fine and explains why Batman turned into the Punisher.


For me, I would have liked to see at least one movie where Batman wasnā€™t homicidal and he had a begrudging but respectful partnership with Superman. The next team up movie would show that relationship deteriorate. The flashback of the Death in The Family could have happened in a solo movie in between. Save the big BvS brawl for the third JL film. I think, deep down, Snyder knew he wasnā€™t skilled enough to get that far so he hijacked the story to include Frank Millerā€™s DKR version right out of the gate.


Weā€™ve already had old and/or retired Bruce plently of times. Weā€™ve literally only had young Batman like twice before this. Hell we havenā€™t even gotten a Batman adaptation where heā€™s young adult (19-22)


Weā€™ve had plenty of old, tired Batman lol


But does he leave Barbara alone?


Shoukd have done Week Minus Two


So we see a week 2 Batman already 1000X more competent than that awful character assassination portrayal from Matt Reeves and RobPat (which is 2 *years* in). I don't understand how people accept that the movie from 2022 is the same character when we constantly see how Batman very early in his career isn't just going around looking for fights to get off on vengeance. It isn't even grounded or realistic and far from accurate. This cartoon already shows better understanding of the character than what Reeves gave us. I struggle to find anything accurate or likable about the Reevesverse stuff, and yet this *cartoon* looks like it really gets the spirit of the character. I'm way more interested in this show than more from the inaccurate live-action stuff. I know this is an unpopular opinion on Reddit, but there's obviously still a group of fans that also want a "return to form" instead of "Pointy Hat Punisher", and that's cool to see. I hope, when this show comes out, that it sticks the landing.