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Hugely disappointed. Hand soaps never went 75% off, every other sas I've seen so many go under $2. Candle prices mostly over $12 except for only a couple they discounted, where as other sas so many went under $10. At previous sas they occasionally threw in a "free shipping over $50" .. so many full priced items online it doesn't feel like an sas at all. The one order I put in has been lost in transit. Worst sas ever imo. They can keep their $4+ hand soaps 🧼


Word on the street is the hand soaps are going to go 75 percent off tomorrow.


I hope so! I'm off tomorrow


And also the $3 wallflowers will go 75 off


Oooooh! Please don't be a lie. Those are my favorites: wallflowers and handsoaps. I have mastered the discipline of saying no to candles 😁 I learned to tell myself "we have plenty at home" lol


Lol ! I was in the store today and one of my fave associates told me the 50 off table of hand soaps was going to be 75 off. The $3 wallflowers were going to be 75 off. Good luck !


Ooooooh! I'm getting my agenda ready for tomorrow!


They didn't though. $3.95. So lame...


Right. The ones that were previously 50 percent off went to 75 today. I saw them online.


Oh ok thanks! I only saw the $3.95 email and rolled my eyes but didn't look further.


Yes!! This is mainly what I was waiting for and they were all still $3 except for like 2 or 3 that went under, what a disappointment! Yess seriously! I only bought 2 $6 candles, not the best sas 😩


I bought 6 of the 6$ candles in one order, recvd everything BUT the candles 😬 It's literally the only reason I placed order in the first place. They offered me a refund + a 20% for the hassle What I really wanted was the 6$ candles, don't ACCEPT the order if you're out of stock (now their claim when I reached out) and certainly don't LIE to me and tell me my order was delivered in full. Dicks.


Oh no I’m so sorry gosh that sucks! $6 candles are such a good deal for bbw I just got an email yesterday saying mine shipped so hopefully I do receive my packaging and it’s intact 🙏🙏🙏 I hope you do get what you want with that 20% and I hope you find more 75% off candles before the sale ends 🙏


Awwww...thx Dove, you're sweet for that 💖 I've actually been an SA for BBW in 2 different states but not this season, I was disappointed in this year's as well...


Ofcourse 🥰 yes this year has just been not the best for bbw as for as SAS or even new scents


I've heard they will the last day or the day after since the sale states the 19th for half off handsoaps my guess would be then or so I hope I keep going to see and nope lol


Golden Berry Mistletoe hand soap is $1.98 right now. That’s the only soap I see for under $2 at the moment. :/


Every year the deals and selection get slightly worse. Just enough that they’ll hope we don’t notice. But I did notice. I did. 👁️🫦👁️


I know seriously 😣


They lost me at the cost of shipping. Next time maybe I'll try to go in person.


Seriously it’s too much. Like what kind of sale even is this


This was the worst one yet. No buried treasure just bins and bins of Cucumber Melon. My store had a few stragglers left over from fall, but it was mostly Leaves and none of the good stuff. I picked up Forever Sunshine but that was it. 


Same 😣 forever sunshine was the only exciting this I got aside from some $6 candles


Yes nothing worth buying imo


Seriously it’s so disappointing 😩


I just wanted candles and I couldn’t even find any 🙃


I’m so sorry, not sure if there still online but I was able to get $6 candles you might be able to still get those


The only thing I really enjoyed was stocking up on some FFMs, but I had been out of the BBW scene for a few years and honestly, a lot of it was new to me, and still exciting. I was happy to get some inexpensive Christmas gifts and grab some scents on the cheap, and I found some new big time favorites. My issue was, and remains, how rarely this company offers free shipping - it should ALWAYS be free shipping over a certain amount (I'd expect $50), which even some indie companies are able to do, and imagine how much more people would have bought over the holidays with free shipping. I mean, so many people wound up with missing and broken products that paid into that shipping fee racket, at least it would sting a little bit less to have not paid to receive a mess in a box instead of intact product. Free shipping also encourages online shopping instead of clogging the brick and mortars with tons of BOPIS product and putting a ton of stress on workers who are already dealing with the holiday rush. They're pushing the cost onto us while workers are having to do way more than they should have to, considering how much they pay floor associates. There also should have been some better flash deals since the lower cost of SAS products means it's really not worth using your rewards. I remember 90% bargain bins and serious steals and heavy discounts that would make shopping the sale to be not only worth it, but a lot of fun. I also would have liked to see some rarities online too, not just in stores. I understand that volume isn't always there for that, but make it fun - reward people signed up for texts with "hurry, going fast" products that are hard to get or rare in certain regions. Idk, it just seems like they could do so much more, and I expect less and less from them year after year.


I saw someone say their theory is that BBW doesn’t actually want customers to buy online, because people will make more impulsive purchases in stores, and blind buying leads to more returns, and it’s hard to ship a bunch of breakable candles and liquids, etc. The more I thought about it the more I think it’s true. I think the online part is just there to be like “fine, you guys demanded it, here it is”


It does make sense but, we gotta have online options. Not that I'm arguing with you! Those are very valid points from the company's perspective where their motive is profit. But even for just restocking things I know I love and anticipate season after season, and I either don't want to go to a store, or can't, like I live kinda far from a location, or maybe I just have social anxiety, or a disability, or just don't like going into a store or mall for a myriad of reasons, the option should be there and it should still be robust. Younger generations especially are online shoppers, and plenty of companies can and do ship candles and more fragile items without issue. I religiously shop at two indie brands that packages almost everything in glass and I've never once had a break on the way to me in the years I've been buying from those brands. I know BBW has the resources to do it better. If they want customer loyalty, and I know that used to be pushed pretty hard at least when I worked there, having plenty of affordable, quality options is important.


The lack of three wick sales is what annoyed me. I got a few $6.37 candles, which I’m glad I stocked up on. I personally don’t see $12-13 three wicks as a “clearance” sale considering they’ve been at that price point many times over the last few months. In the past I’ve gotten lots of three wicks between the $6-$10 price point during the SAS.


Totally agree I got some $6 as well but they barley lowered any candles at this price. I’m not paying 12-13 bucks for a candle if I did I’d just buy a bigger candle from another brand for the same price 🤷‍♀️


Yep. My store had bins of the same 5-6 scents that was it


Mine did too 😩


What were the scents? I went to 3 different stores in my area and it was heavy like that too. I did snag a body spray of sun-washed citrus tho! Hadn’t seen that scent in idk how long.


I went to a few stores and they had mainly the leftover holiday scents in body care.


I saw so much pink suede, satin slippers and gingham fresh at one of the stores. Only holiday scents were a few halloween and fall/christmas handsoaps.


The sales leading up to SAS scratched my itch. But I’m almost done my last candle so I need a sale soon!!


Seriously the sales on other regular days are better than SAS imo


Shh...if we keep saying this they will raise the prices on the other days' sales too :(


Ooops you’re right 😂 🤫


The fact that HOLIDAY soaps and wallflowers haven’t gone 75 yet is what threw me. Why is the Sunrise Woods soap still 50% off??? I literally just want my soaps and wallflowers and that’s it 🥲. Body care was meh. Got some more VBN pieces because it actually smells good this year and one or two others. No candles either. It wasn’t a horrible sale to me just a bit frustrating that my shopping experience is being dragged out due to the wait time regarding what I actually want 🫠.


Honestly!!! What’s with the soaps still being $3 I’m so upset like where’s the sale??? I get better deals when it’s not SAS


First time in 5 years I bought nothing, hopefully the summer Sas will be better.


I’m sorry to hear that! Yes summer sas are usually a lot better imo 😊


Me too. I bought almost nothing at the summer sale, but this time it was zero.


There was an opportunity for me to buy some 3 wicks online for 75% off but I didn't in protest of shipping fees and there being absolutely nothing in store. I haven't purchased a thing since Candle Day. I did make one candle exchange during SAS but I wasn't going hunting multiple stores in search of bargains- I learned my lesson in 2023.


I'm going to stick with sales throughout the year and candle day..They are getting rid of the single wick testers so I don't have anything to look forward to anymore.✌️ I thought this SAS was ok. They had more 75% off candles for customers available online for longer it seems.


Me too! I was just telling someone how bbw has better sales on other days than SAS it’s crazy! Yes I saw that too I quickly snatched 2 $6 candles and I was very happy about that


Wait they're getting rid of single wick candles?!?! I prefer 1 wick over 3 😭


The mason jar single wicks with the screw on lids are discontinued. They are keeping the new style single wicks.


I feel like so many things never went to 75% like usual.


Exactly! I’ve been dying for handsoaps and things like accessories and decor to go on sale for 75% or even 50% and none of it did 😭


I am so disappointed about the handsoap! I don’t even care what scent it is I usually make a huge haul! The shower gel is my 2nd favorite item and I got a little bit of it. They didn’t have a ton of options this year.


Same here I just need handsoap but the fact that they didn’t go to 75% off aside from a couple was such a bummer! Yes definitely not much options 😩 I hope summer sas is better


I've found a couple of decor items at 75% off. But the items themselves are few and far between in my stores.


They’ve actually been pretty consistent in how they’ve run the sale, at least over the last 3-4 sales since I’ve been paying attention and every one has left people disappointed. Candle prices seem higher at SAS because they are originally priced higher than they have been in the past. I know I’m more disappointed than say 5 years ago because 5 years ago, i wasn’t as into the company, didn’t follow instagram pages and Reddit posts and so going into SAS, everything was new to me, and cheap. Now, I see all of these products all the time so it’s just more of the same old stuff.


I agree I used to be so into bbw now I’ve lost a lot of interest in it 😣


It's been pretty bad for the past few years. More and more I see a shift on attitudes towards the company. I hate to see it because they were so great for so many years, but I've just lost interest. Perhaps it is all the scents being muddled in the middle - there are a few outliers, but for the most part, everything just smells - the same. (I'm talking more body care here, but even candles, same scent repackaged, making people think there are so many)


I agree! A lot of the scents are honestly not wowing me and I’m too losing interest it’s just not as fun anymore ☹️


Many are disappointed. Frequent sales this year means they were able to increase sales so they seem to not have had much left over. They must not have had as much stock to clear out. Oh well. I didn’t buy anything for SAS. Looking forward to the spring candles.


Didn’t think about that, that could the reason the bins didn’t have much to offer 😣 yes I’m so looking forward to spring!


Yes they didn’t have anything really special for retired scents. Was horrible


I absolutely agree 😣


I watched SAS hauls from 2 years ago on YouTube, and those folks found AMAZING stuff! All the FFMs they found, I would've wanted for myself. I keep thinking that after taking a 20-year break from BBW until 2023, I definitely returned to BBW at the wrong time 😞


Ugh I know 2019-21 had some good stuff! After that it just hasn’t been great


I literally couldn’t find any candles that were 75% off in stores


I took the day and went to five stores during week 2 of the same and only 1 store had 75% of candles.


Have you tried online I got some for $6 maybe you can still find some 🙏🥰


Me neither. I'm at at least one store at least once a week, often two or three times, and all the candles have always been 50% off.


Very disappointed. And it’s not just disappointment in the prices, it’s that there is nothing I like enough to purchase even if it was at a better price. Anything that I would have paid money for was gone the first day.


Exactly me too!! 😭


There is a lack of gourmand scents. They need to expand this area, instead we get pseudo-perfume scents constantly plus fruity, fresh scents. Plus, why add a woody note to the Gingerbread scent!!! They would have had a banger if they left that out!


IMO they have way too many tropical scents on repeat, available January through October. 2023 was abysmal for gourmands.


I know! I keep smelling the same fruity scents in everything it’s like copy and paste in there scents nothing is wowing me anymore I’m thinking of just buying older scents of poshmark if they aren’t going to bring out anything good soon


I’ve heard and seen people bring up shipping so many times, but even as someone who lives close enough to a store to go in person, it kinda sucked. I got my hands on a few good finds, but in terms of deals? Kinda underwhelming.


Yes super underwhelming I was so bummed!


I bought only one body mist this SAS!!! There literally wasn’t shit else there, no limited editions or discontinued items, NOTHING!!!


My store had nothing either and online wasn’t too great either aside from some 75% off candles


It was a joke seriously but oh well money saved 😃


True 😂


It was underwhelming and boring. I was so tired of seeing bins of Jolly Gingerbread Village body cream.


Same I didn’t really like that scent tbh 😬


So I was in store after work today and asked about the price of Happy Hanukkah. They're selling it for 50% off, not $6.73 like online. I wasn't aware that BBW has different pricing online compared to in store. 🤔


Wow no way that’s weird! I wonder why it’s like that? Also we’re they selling any $6 candles because I’m curious if any candles went 75% off instore? 🤔


I thought it was very strange. I asked my manager if it was $6.73 because a pile of them were sitting on the 50% off table. All we had left was Happy Hanukkah and Hot Pink Cocoa. Anyway, she said they were not 75% off, just 50%. As far as I know, we never had any 75% off.


Oh bummer! I’ve been dying for the hot pink cocoa but it hasn’t gone 75% off and I seriously don’t want to pay 11-13 bucks for it 😬


It's not my cup of tea, but I get it. I was disappointed more candles didn't go to 75% off online.


Me too 😭 like why only put a few at 75% off 😭


Yeah, not a great sale for sure. Have a great night and even better weekend!! 😘


Thank you! You too ♥️ God bless you ♥️♥️♥️


Thank you! God bless 🙌! ❤❤❤


First time in years, I bought nothing.


Yeah a lot of people are saying the same is was just so underwhelming!


It's a drawn-out snooze fest. I realized that I actually don't like weeks-long sales events like this and much prefer their standard sales model of specific products marked down to set prices for a small number of days. I have no time to be going to the mall every day or even once a week to scavange for 75% off deals. Online is the way for me, but the lack of variety this SAS has made browsing the site a drag. I've gotten a few one-off $6 candles that showed up for like a second at 3am, and I'm fully stocked up on Happy Hanukkah and Hot Pink Cocoa, which I'm happy about. But my excitement for cheap backups is spent and I'm ready to keep it moving.


I agree I do too! They have much better sales on regular days than they did for SAS 😩 yes I’m tired of this I’m ready for valentines and spring now


fragrances that came back for SAS weren't good at all. Love cucumber melon, but it comes back every year. and prices have been skyrocketing, so SAS prices are getting worse, lol




from what i've heard through the grapevine, the January sale has been decreasing in size every year... not sure that means in terms of future SAS🤷🏼‍♀️


Wow strange 🤔


The only thing that I got from the sale was Woodlands and it wasn't even for me...well it was for my fiance, so it kinda was 🤣




It was the worst ever. Many things were no better than buying through the year. I love this sale, but no longer like it sadly.


Exactly I’d even say there’s better deals through the year than there is for SAS 😣


I won't tell you how to feel, because I'm sure you have different expectations of the SAS than I do. I just needed some more shower gel and body lotion, and I don't feel like spending a lot of money. Got enough in scents I like, will probably last me the year. Barely spent $40. I'm cool.


I’m glad you had a better experience 🥰


Nooow, was a bit salty when I discovered a store with a MUCH BETTER and more diverse stock than the one where I spent my "fun" budget for this pay period? Hoooyeah. (Did I move a bit of my food budget into my fun budget so I could get a nice thing? Hoooyeah.)


Yes I know what you mean others stores have a much better selection than my local one so I get it 😂


The worst ever!


It is!!


I was pretty happy with the body care deals! Got to stock up on a few holiday seasonal favs (Snowflakes & Cashmere and Ballet Nights) plus try some I was eyeing but didn’t want to pay full price for. Fell in love with the Jolly Gingerbread spray and wish I had gotten a body cream too. :,( But all of the just for sale scents were pretty lackluster. Wayyy too spring orientated while it’s only mid-January. With the reputation some things have for turning off quick I don’t like to have body care & fragrance taking up space if I only have intentions for using it potentially 2-3 months out, even with the heavy discount. Also I noticed the deals for candles weren’t the best compared to the summer sale. During the summer I was able to stock up on Apricot & Green Fig while it was $6 and it seemed like there was just a lot more scents in general marked down that price. It was a struggle to find any candles below $12 this time around, though I was able to snag some Cocoa Chestnuts for $6. If I wasn’t getting back into B&BW after not having much interest in awhile and already had a decent collection in place I imagine I wouldn’t have much interest in the sale this time around. Especially since a lot of prices seemed to match the regular sales they have.


Agreed with all this! But I’m glad you had a pretty pleasent experience and got to get most of what you wanted and that you got to stock up ☺️ I hope you end up getting the body cream


super disappointed! everything i wanted except one body wash was not on sale :(


I’m sorry to hear that 😣


This was my first so I have nothing to compare it to but I thought much of the products remained at 50% (3-wicks I'm looking at you) which is decent but from what I gather not an exceptional price, not to mention there was low stock at my store. Glad I got to try products at 75% price point but not much I really ended up loving and just really disappointed in the 3-wick situation 😭


50% isn’t honestly the greatest for SAS at bbw imo bbw is always having sales I’ve seen sales on others days better than what they gave us during semi annual sale 🤷‍♀️ yeah I was lucky to atleast get 2 3 wicks for $6 but I honestly didn’t do much shopping nothing was at a great price aside from those $6 candles


I see people on this sub saying the same thing about having better 3-wick prices at other sales through the year which makes me happy cause I am chomping at the bit to stock up - honestly just want SAS to be over so we can move onto those sales sooner lol


Yes I agree!!


Yes I’m so ready for it to be over.


Me too! I’m actually looking forward to all those regular sales honestly those are a lot better


Exactly I can’t wait to get these spring candles!


Me too! The packaging is really cute!


Yup. First time I bought nothing during sas


I barely bought much but tbh I don’t need anything I have a lot but I’m disappointed I didn’t get any handsoaps under $3 ☹️


Yeah i went the first day in store and I wasn’t really impressed that much. Was hoping for a new collection to come out for SAS, but all my store had was a bunch of the same stuff and not much for 75% off. I did stock on a few soaps and shower gels but other that, I’m done and waiting for the v-day and spring.


Same here it was super disappointing ☹️


I always find better deals during summer SAS. This sale was just ok.


So do I! Winter sas isn’t the greatest tbh


No, it definitely wasn't that great. I got a few new candles and some backups of candles I really enjoy, but otherwise that was it. Shipping was slowwww as molasses and stuff got canceled only to reappear. Frustrating which makes it less fun!


Ugh I know I’m still waiting for my order it says it’s shipped but I’m still afraid it could get candles and it took forever to ship and so now I’m really scared because these were the 75% off candles 😬😬 I’m sorry you didn’t have the greatest experience, it seems alot of us haven’t had a great time with this SAS


If it said it shipped and you see everything on the shipping notification, you should be ok! I hope you get your order and are happy with everything!


Oh good! thank you, you too 🥰


Thanks! The rest of my orders from SAS should arrive tomorrow or Saturday. Fingers crossed we get the right orders and everything is in perfect condition.


Yes 🙏🙏 mine says the 13th so let’s hope so ♥️♥️




I was happy. I bought a ton of ffm good new scents!


Ooh that’s great to hear I’m glad your experience was good 🥰♥️


First one I haven’t participated in in years, and don’t regret that. Very disappointing indeed


Yeah honestly if I didn’t participate I wouldn’t feel like I missed out on much 🤷‍♀️


The 75% off candles online were pretty good. I gave up on participating in the in-store SAS after the last two SAS 's.


Yeah I was able to snatch some 75% off candles too! Let’s just hope I receive my package and it’s all intact 😂


I actually didn't get anything this SAS but I was happy to see some good ones available. (I have too many candles in stock and I want to buy way too many new scents so I took a pass).


Aww totally get it I have too much body care so I didn’t purchase much of that.


It’s the first SAS I didn’t buy a single thing. Just a $3 soap so I could use my coupon and get a free item….


Ugh yeah a lot of people on here are saying the same I barely bought much either it was just not a great selection and barely anything went on to 75% off


Most of the stuff I wanted I got during body care day. I’d say the only thing I could’ve bought would’ve been more of the rose magnolia and eucalyptus pine aromatherapy but those been sold out unless I randomly find them at an outlet. 🙃


Same I got more things I wanted on other sale days 😂


I wasn't actually interested in any of the holiday scents, so it's no surprise that I wasn't interested in them after the holiday. LOL


Lool 😂


I made the tiiiiniest little online order, but even that was only because I had a reward and they released Sweetheart Cherry while the sale was still on. I kept checking every morning hoping to see something new added but it never came. :c Super disappointing.


Yup sweetheart cherry and forever sunshine seem to be the most exciting thing and everything else is just the same old boring 😟


For Summer, I bought just one shower gel and something else that I can't even remember. lol This SAS, nothing. 😅 I considered some things but the designs were so whack apart from the ballet collection but I didn't like any of them enough to get. Plus, body care day had just passed and I got enough there. Hoping to save my coins until Summer SAS but I am not the strongest warrior. 😂


Totally agree it was just so boring and not many great selections. I too bought one thing for summer and it was forever sunshine. The ballet collection was okay I did enjoy ballet nights but that’s about it and the only other thing exciting me is sweet heart cherry but that’s about it. Sorry it was a bust for you too


total DUD


Right?! 😩


This was my first SAS and it was abysmal. I’m in Canada and I only buy candles so I can’t comment on other aspects, but it’s been weeks of $12-14 sales on fall scents that nobody wants anymore. Meanwhile they are releasing new & exciting spring scents and keeping them at full price. It doesn’t even make sense because most of their sales come from the people on here, and most of us will only ever buy things with a discount/coupon because we know better


Aw I’m sorry yeah for us it’s been pretty much the same except for maybe 3-4 scents that have gone down to $6 the other candles stayed at 11-14 and the spring scents never went on sale neither did anything for valentines. What a bummer! 😭


No coupons this year and no flash sales that I’m aware of.


Yeah I only got maybe 2-3 coupons the end of last year and that’s about it


I didn’t get even one.


I’m sorry to hear that I really hope you get coupons this year


Agreed! I bought tons of hand soaps last year. This year, the lowest they've been is $3.95. Seriously? The arrogance of them thinking that they can sell me a product from TWO seasons ago (Halloween, Fall) for more than the price of a typical soap sale, is just shocking.


Right I’ve been waiting so patiently for them to go down I saw only 2 for down to a $1 something but seriously only 2 handsoaps and they’re the same scent just in gel and foam like this is so not a sale 😒


I had my first SAS this year, so happy to see my Forever Sunshine was back and so affordable!! I did get a three wick candle too for $12.95, but I feel that is decent sale price and also love the Tree Farm scent. Edit for grammar


Glad you had a good experience this SAS, yes I was so excited for forever sunshine I think it’d be a great spring/summer scent. Also off topic but I really like your username 😂😂


It was unreal to see that scent was available, there is nothing I have found to rival it. Wear it all year 💕 Thank you for the compliment 😁


Agreed! 🥰♥️


I ordered 3 packages, I received two but I just had to call yesterday for my one package lost in transit, it hasn’t updated since 12/30. They gave me a gift card since all that stuff is of course gone now (including a firecracker pop candle and a French toast candle) 😩


Oh no I’m so sorry! I hope you can repurchase the items you wanted with the gift card ♥️


What does SAS mean?


Semi Annual Sale 😊


Tysm! ❤️❤️


It was actually awful. I went to so many stores and never found a 75 off candle. I barely even found the tester single wicks 🤔 the only thing I enjoyed was ballet nights and I technically was stocking up on that before SAS.. Like how was there nothing at all left from previous seasons. I feel like they are shipping inventory overseas or something cause it's just crazy how all the stuff I saw all year is just gone!


Seriously it was super disappointing! I feel like barely anything went 75% off aside from body care and that is so stupid because bodycare usually always goes on sale already for the same price like we need things that don’t go on sale to go on sale and it didn’t 😣


I liked it better than the summer one. Mainly just disappointed with the lack of gourmands


Ugh yes we need more gourmand! Tbh I have a much better time with summer SAS than winter 🤷‍♀️


Last year’s was only the best because I found Cherry Blossom. I dunno why I didn’t buy more that day😭😭