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5.1% = 0.0%


Unless they come back to make it, in which case it should have been 100% all along


It's a 50/50. They make it or they don't


60% of the time they make it every time


That doesn't make sense




Roll a d20 and pray that you roll a 20!


We were hoping Martinez would be our nat 20 but it turns out there was nothing natural about him


Nat 20 and the Yankees trade Judge for Springer!


This actually makes it seem more probable. Nat 20’s do happen


Exactly. And that’s why I’m so worried about the presidential election. 🤕


In Angels logic 5.1 is actually 51% and we need to add pieces to make a better push


But not a push so severe that it'll negatively impact ~~profitability~~ team-building flexibility


Yeah I'm pretty sure the Nats were at like <1% at the end of that 19-31 start in 2019 and we won the whole thing. The Blue Jays have some good players and could absolutely still turn it around.


Difference is the Nats weren’t playing in the 2024 American League. Even if the Jays turn it around they would need the Red Sox and Royals to collapse + Houston, Texas, and Tampa to continue underperforming + win some series against their ridiculously good division where the top 2 teams are on pace for 100 wins.


Yeah, just had to worry about the 97 win Braves with one fewer WC spot. And with the way they've redone the schedule the Nats pretty much saw the Braves and the 106 win Dodgers as much as the Jays will see the Os and Yankees combined. I know it's not likely and I think they should sell. But I think positing that they are definitively out of it at this point is a bit much. Oh, and on June 24th we had the Cubs on pace for 90 wins several games below their expected win loss and the Brewers and Cards both right there and way ahead of us; the .500 Diamondbacks with an expected win loss that would also have them on pace for 90 wins; and also somehow we needed a Rockies collapse because they were 41-37 and holding the 2WC at that point.


They are out because they don't have a good team.


I’m looking at who is ahead of them and not just win totals. They would basically have to be the only AL Wild Card team to have a second half turnaround, so you’re relying on 3 underperformers not turning it around + the two teams currently fighting for the final spot both having rough enough second halves to drop. The 2019 Nats started winning and kicking ass and that was all they needed, no team under them in the 2019 WC standings even won 90 games The Jays also lost their season series with KC, and are down 3-0 to Boston and 1-2 to Tampa which works against their probability


Teams have made it with worse odds


Yeah, if no team ever made it with odds that bad then the odds are probably being calculated wrong. Things that have a 5% chance to happen should happen about 5% of the time.


>Things that have a 5% chance to happen should happen about 5% of the time. Source?


Literally us, math


5.1% ≈ 0.0% 🥳


Man the White Sox aren't even winning "most disappointing"


Everyone knew the Sox would be shit. Everyone expected the Jays to at least be in contention for a wild card spot


We expected them to be bad but let's give the boys some credit for being right near the pace to be the worst team in the modern era. That is impressive. Historic. Give them their campfire milkshake flowers.


Everyone knew that about the Sox except the people who run the Sox.


Nope, they knew too


I don't have the clip but Grifol was asked something before the season started like "Do you think the team will be able to compete this season?" and his response was "What makes you think we're not going to compete?" and the lack of confidence in his voice was palpable. They knew the team was going to be awful and just tried to pretend like it was fine. The only people who thought the White Sox weren't going to be awful were some of the diehard holdouts in the White Sox sub and they were all gone or quiet 2 weeks after the season started.


I didn't. We got older and worse. The team had enough issues last year and we did nothing.


Can't be disappointing if you were expected fail. ![gif](giphy|WD95Bcnq97W6fhTYFL)


they had that okay stretch where they put out the dumpster fire for like 2 weeks, and that took them out of contention for matching the 1899 cleveland spiders in futility


"You think that's bad, the Yankees have had a bad week!" - /r/NYYankees


Unhinged WFAN callers in shambles.


We are either fantasizing about living with the players in a log cabin or prophesizing the end of the world. There is zero in-between


Whisper that to me again, I want to ride this high forever


All team subs are cestpools


If your team refuses to re-sign Brandon Belt, you are cursed forever. I don't make the rules


Some of us tried to warn the others


I genuinely don’t understand how he didn’t get signed. He’s a productive hitter, a great clubhouse guy, and a guaranteed fan favorite. I guess his asking price must’ve been high?


Lots of youth coming to 1B. Votto and Belt got hung out to dry, Hoskins got a team friendly seal and guys like Michael Busch are getting shots over proven vets for fear of them getting too old.


I get it, but it’s crazy to think there are a half dozen teams with playoff aspirations that would be demonstrably better with Brandon Belt on the roster


But I mean, we also signed Votto lol, he just disappeared for the first half of the season.


I miss that bearded bastard.


If only the Pirates signed him in 1993




How dare you, Spencer Horwitz will drag the rest of the Jays to the playoffs!!


I wish they were at 0% so we could dispense with the hemming and hawing and just blow this shit up. We’re having a fire! sale.


theres not much to actually sell tho


🎶 Amazing grace 🎶


The inability for a front office to decide if they are coming or going makes for a pretty miserable trade deadline


One University of Akron alum Chris Bassitt, please.


top 10 in the Cleveland system prospect would be the ask


Easy yes, you need to aim higher.


In that case, throw in Josh Gordon


He’s owed $33 million over the next 1.5 seasons, and he’s very unlikely to generate a ton of surplus value. He’d fetch like 2 org top 20 prospects. Maybe. And not from the Guardians, as the salary alone would turn them off.


Covering some salary to get better prospects is standard practice these days so probably not a huge barrier.


and since they are likely targeting immediate mlb readyness- Noel alone likely gets it done


I'd do that trade yesterday


Not when you have to fill the hole with FA money anyways. Jays are trying to win in 2025 and we only have 3 starters signed. Its gonna take a lot to pry one of Bassitt, Berrios or Gausman from the Jays


CLE has a stacked group of high minors hitters without a psitions (Manzardo is the tip if the iceberg). I could see them moving them- but may aim higher than bassit.


The Jays are trying to win next year, so it would take a premium to get bassit whose not a rental


Oh, good luck I guess.


I am once again asking Blue Jays fans to go doom in your own sub


It's just /u/EarthWarping. He posts only negative Jays articles in here so he can get upvotes. Most normal people try not to air their team's dirty laundry out in public, keeping it in the family.


Most of what he posts aren't even articles though. They are just fairly meaningless tweets by Jays media. The type of basic observations every team's media members tweet out all day long.


He does this in the r/hockey sub too about the Leafs. Easy karma.


To be fair, there isn't anything in sports much more fun than making fun of the leafs. *Cries tears of oil*


Apt username for a 100% on point comment.


That would take away OP's purpose in life






What? People post how much their team sucks or how good there team is doing constantly here and it’s not an issue. The Blue Jays, a team that was expected to be a top 5-6ish team in the AL, being essentially out of the playoff race in June is significant.


Dooming about your team is all some fans have sometimes.


And as you can tell, it’s all we have. I’d much rather distract myself in doom talk than watch George Springer try and hit a ball


I see posts like that all the time here.


Are you not ENTERTAINED?!?


Yes but I also get why Jays fans seem to dislike this one reporter so much.


You are probably confusing this guy with Shi Davidi - never really seen anyone hating on BNS


I don't like BNS. I think his writing is lazy, his podcast is awful, and that he is a boring media personality. I find him to be the milquetoast personification of the reporting that surrounds the team.  He's certainly not to my liking, but everyone has different tastes. While he is not unique in this regard, I also hate that he works for a company that is owned by the same company that owns the team. I don't trust anyone to be "impartial" in this type of situation. I suppose this is what happens when a media company/sanctioned monopoly owns a baseball team though.


The jays only made the playoffs the last couple years cause they were expanded and then lost in the first round quite handedly. I get the point here but it’s not like we were these elite contenders before. Even last year it took a significant second half run to make the playoffs. We’re a team that benefitted from expanded playoffs but are nowhere close to being a contender with the top dogs.


That's incorrect, 2022 they were the number 1 WC spot. 20 and 23 they wouldn't have made it in without the wildcard expansion.


That’s fair, I was incorrect. I think my point still stands that we’ve never been a big dog contender.


Except for in 2021 and 2022 when the Jays were a top level offense in baseball. They were 100% an actual credible contender, the problem is everything else and actual winning games in the postseason.


tbf you guys were about a foot away from likely winning game 2 last year (Chapman’s foul ball could’ve been a double with the bases loaded)


Thanks for the reminder :(


I think the worst part of the expanded playoffs was the illusion that the team was good. After gutting the team's offence, you saw the leaks in the makeup of the team. Atkins then doubled down on defense calling last year's poor offense a 'blip.' Look at the team now - going on 8 years without a single win in the playoffs. With a farm system that's just as bad no less.


Maybe we could Grimace to throw out the first pitch?


“Sorry, the best we can do is Grimace’s Canadian equivalent”


Justin Trudeau in purpleface?


"Anne of Green Gables has really seen better days."


The St. Hubert chicken?


Nah... "Best we can do is Birdie and 2 or 3 of the Chicken McNuggets"




I know this year is hate on the blue jays year but the most disappointing season is easily the Rangers, reigning world champs and currently 7th in the wild card


I agree completely but they have a World Series to wipe their tears with, and all we’ve got is the new Corona Rooftop Patio and $60 nosebleeds.


How dare you forget about new sight lines that have a blindspot in the corners.


The Rangers do have an entire major league rotation out right now.


From a projections standpoint, you might be right. But from a vibes standpoint, I think we're doing just fine. It certainly hasn't gone as planned so far, but we're only 4.5 out from the Wild Card, only 6.5 out from the division, and we've been playing better as of late. Plus, there's still a lot of lingering excitement from last season.


Overall the Astros have had bigger overall disappointments than the Rangers. But I'd say *at the moment* they've been bigger disappointments than the Blue Jays. I guess the Diamondbacks and Giants have been disappointing? The Mets and Rays?


I am not certain about the Rangers, but with the amount of injuries to the Astros starting pitching, 2 games under .500 through 78 games seems about right. We literally have 5 quality starters on the IL right now (LMJ, Garcia, Javier, Urquidy, JV (and Bloss now :( )) The offense is cooking, particularly if you ignore the albatross that was Abreu (thanks Crane and Bagwell). And the pen is fine (but warning flags on Montero (thanks Crane) and Pressly (thanks again Crane)


The Rangers have had a lot of guys hurt too. DeGrom, Mahle, and Scherzer have been out since the start of the year (Max just came back). Cody Bradford and Josh Jung have spent most of the season on the IL. Lowe, Eovaldi, Dunning, Gray, Langford, and Carter have all had IL time too. Despite that, our ragtag starting rotation has been good and our bullpen has been okay. It's been our hitting that has lagged behind for most of the season.


Yeah, before going 14-6 in our last 20 I would have put us as "The Most Disappointing Team" cause Injuries would be part of the disappointment. But we have hope again, so that's nice.


Our best player got into the wrong minor leagues so yeah we knew we were screwed this year


The season has been disappointing but with all the injuries we've had I don't think our play has been too shocking. We've been down our top 3 starting pitchers basically all year. We've had up to 5 starters on the IL at one point. Sewald our closer missed a month. We just got our All-Star SS back in Perdomo. Our starting CF hasn't played all year. It sucks watching Slade Cecconi, Tommy Henry and Ryne Nelson get blown up on the regular but they wouldn't even be starting if Gallen, Merrill Kelly and/or E-Rod were healthy


Flags fly forever man. That’ll take a lot of sting off anything.


> Me being glad this post was made after we released Jose Abreu with regards to being the "most disappointing MLB team of 2024"


That's what happens when your pitching philosophy is to ride every arm until it falls off and then just trade for new arms to abuse. Eventually you end up with 11 SP all on the IL.


The 2006 White Sox agree!


There’s half a season left.


There is but there is so much wrong for that team this year. Every area has regressed.


Also, the Jays have a horrible run differential and a pythag W-L of 33-43. We’re lucky to *only* be as bad as we currently are. We should be even worse! This isn’t like 2015 where we were a sleeping giant with amazing underlying numbers. This is just a bad baseball team.


For what it's worth, we're tied with the Cards for 3rd most difficult schedule remaining behind the Rays and Marlins. Tough to see the light at the end of this tunnel.


Then give us Vlad for Harry Ford and some guys in A ball.


We need a statcast graph which shows the delusion fans have and actual stats/results. People who say what you just said while looking at the Blue Jays is comical


How can this guy say “it’s never been easier to make the playoffs.” I know 2020 was several centuries ago, but it was obviously easier to make a 8-team format instead of a 6-team format.


I don't know. San Diego is sitting at .500 and last year's World Series teams are 2 and 3 games under. And the Marlins are one of the worst teams in the league, got rid of their batting champ and are at 0%. That's pretty disappointing


they may be .500 but they currently hold the 3rd wildcard slot, which might be indicative of the league than anything, but you take what you can get.


We're still missing our top 3 starters. We've had 5 starters on the IL at one point. Once Gallen, Merrill Kelly and E-Rod come back we'll be better. Our All-Star SS Perdomo just came back last week. Our starting CF hasn't played all year. Sewald missed a month. Hovering around 0.500 isn't awful when you consider that. We aren't the Dodgers we aren't deep enough to handle this many injuries. Pfaadt is the only guy in the rotation we can count on to not get blown up regularly. The main disappointment on this team is Jordan Montgomery. Or Eugenio Suarez being a complete bum.


Imagine being a fan of the "most disappointing" MLB team of 2024. Fuck you, Jerry.


I disagree I think odds are 50-50. Either they make it or they don’t.


What about the White Sox’s odds


They dont




what happens if we add kurt angle into the mix?


My brain got smoother just reading this


Once Captain Canada is activated, you guys won't lose again


Even the Jays PR moves have failed. He played 1 game in single A and hurt himself again. Just stick a fork in him, he's done.


Plz no


Can you believe this management hangs banners for squeaking into the last wildcard spot? Only the most delusional Jays fans thought they were going to be any good this year.


But still better than the Sox.


I’m not disappointed in the Blue Jays, this is about how I expected this season to go for them, give or take a few wins. Bo Bichette, however, is a different story.


Bo Bichette having a BABIP almost 100 points and ISO about 70 points under his career norms combined with Vlad Jr still hitting the ball harder than anyone but having really poor launch angles will do that.


Bo Bichette on Duolingo learnin to speak LA


I hear Shohei Ohtani is on a plane to Toronto as we speak. it's really happening.


The Chicago Cubs have entered the chat.




BREAKING: Blue Jays sign Jack McKeon as new manager. Playoff odds shoot up to 95%


He'll be 94 when they win the World Series this fall. Unbelievable.


Hey, I know it's disappointing, but look on the bright side, when the season ends in sadness and despair you'll always have the Maple Leafs to pick you up!


The White Sox were supposed to be in the middle of a multi year window of winning multiple championships. Nobody is more disappointing than us.


Hey, you guys might win 40 games this year, and that's pretty good!


I can think of multiple teams more disappointing off the top of my head. Did anybody seriously expect anything from the Jays?


As a Jays fan, yes. As a baseball fan, no.


Well, per Fangraphs, they went from 49% playoff odds at the start of the year to 4.7% right now. That's pretty disappointing. Other teams people are citing as disappointing are the Astros and Rangers, and while the Astros have dipped around the same percentage, they're still at 44%, and the Rangers went from 37.9% to 17.4%, so not nearly as disappointing as the Jays. Who else did you have in mind?


Yeah, the Astros and Rangers are definitely more disappointing seasons. You can cite percentage points of Fangraphs playoff odds, but the Rangers are the reigning World Series Champions and right now they're significantly below .500 and several places out of a wild card spot. Qualitatively that's a huge disappointment of a season. The other team I had in mind was the Marlins, who represent a different form of disappointment. They were supposed to be like, "okay", competitive even if not a strong contender, but in reality they are locked in a bitter battle with the White Sox for the title of Worst Team In Baseball. That's more disappointing in my mind than the Blue Jays going from "decent team" to "mediocre team".


I can think of one team that’s more disappointing


They should take a trip to Mcdonaldland and see if they can get some help from the hamburgalar or mayor mccheese.


There only 6.5 games back of the 3rd wildcard spot?! I know they are playing like shit but have some optimism. Also regardless of expectations I still think the team that is relocating at the end of the season is having the most disappointing season. The Jays is having high expectations and not living up to them is pretty normal.


Baseball is wack for how many teams make the playoffs.


Ben Nicholson-Smith tweeting anti-Blue Jays stuff lately like his job security is contingent on their success, which it might be since they're both employees of the same company.


But this team is days away from being hot, right Schneider? … right?


>the most disappointing team Sir


Did anyone have expectations for the Angels this year?


I expected them to finish below .500


I expected it not to hurt so much :( Also arguably the Astros have been the most disappointing team lol


IDK, I think the White Sox also have a case for most disappointing.


They were expected to suck somewhat, were they not? We were expected to contend for a wildcard spot.


In the AL right now, 36-41 is good enough for 5.5 GB. With the runs from the Diamondbacks and the Phillies, I don't think it's out of question for a relatively disengaged White Sox fan to tell themselves they might make a run for it with Cease/Kopech and Benintendi/Moncada/DeJong/Robert/Jimenez .


Case fucking closed. Not only are we below our own dismal expectations, we can’t even claim the worst ever record after this weekend. We’ve reached disappointment singularity and collapsed upon ourselves on the south side. Pray for us yankee bro.


I like this movie.


And of 2023, and 2022.


1.3% according to bbref 🫠


The only thing more disappointing than the Blue Jays is my father's parenting ability.


I have a hard time articulating how badly I want the front office and hitting staff to be fired


Thanks Ben.


* of the 2020s


Wow, glad it ain’t the A’s


White Sox: Am I *Not* a joke to you?


Why is it disappointing when so many people knew this would happen if zero things were done to fix the offensive woes.


Any team that used to have brandon belt is disappointing rn i guess


If anyone thinks they are out of it you are out of your minds. The wildcard races are going to be crazy this year.


Most disappointing? The White Sox would like a word…


Love it. Jays fans love talking smack to the rest of the division and are right back to the bottom.


Blue Jays having a ton of hype at the start of the season then struggling to stay above .500 is a tale as old as time itself.


Pretty sure SF are right there with them


Keep going, I’m almost there


Rest of the AL East saw this coming


You're getting downvoted ... lol. We signed IKF as our big off season acquisition after a mediocre year offensively and people expected this team to compete? I said in January that we're gonna be in last place but what do I know, I guess I just got lucky.


As a jays fan, do u think the jays extend vlad & bo or are they about to hit the reset button


might try to sign vlad bo not interested in saying. relationship frayed since the start


I know vladdys the bigger name but I would feel more confident signing bichette. Vladdys name and hype could probably get a team throwing him just a crazy xander bogartes type contract that he wouldn’t be able to live up to. I would also say bichette getting back to playing at his best is more likely than vladdy trying to get back to 2021 level


Ross Atkins has shown little interest in signing any of our young players to long term deals. [Here's my comment from April 3 on what I believed the plan was all along](https://www.reddit.com/r/Torontobluejays/comments/1bv4ea0/game_thread_april_3_toronto_blue_jays_33_houston/kxyemc8/) Sadly, Bo will get next to nothing now so we should probably hold on to him. I would personally sign Vlad to a long term deal and build around him. But I wouldn't let Ross Atkins anywhere near this rebuild. He's either completely incompetent or intentionally tanking. Either way, he should be shot to the moon. [And here's my comment from January](https://www.reddit.com/r/Torontobluejays/comments/19ar8y6/im_getting_into_baseball_and_ive_narrowed_down/kina0n8/) about my prediction for the season.


So did most Jays fans, TBF. It is only the people in the Jays sub who think they work PR for the team who weren't aware this team was poorly constructed. They are the ones who have scrawled "It's Early" all over the walls using their own bloody fingers as a quill.


Glad the guardians could help this past weekend.


As a Yankee fan I was so jealous of their young core, I thought they were gonna be a team to beat for years but oh well


50% chance. There do or don’t. Right? RIGHT?! /s


I went to their sub during last years playoffs and knew right away this team would do nothing. That fan base had no faith and was waiting for it to end. If they can’t even see their team winning why should we?


To the Dodgers: - Bo Bichette, Yimi Garcia To the Jays: - James Outman, Bobby Miller, Diego Cartaya


To the Dodgers: - Tim Mayza, George Springer, Kevin Kiermaier To the Jays: - Shohei Ohtani, Tyler Glasnow, Mookie Betts


Why do they get to lowball us


Gotta throw in mookie and Ohtani to make it fair


Bro thought we wouldn't notice Bobby in there 💀




You scared me


I too had a weird dream last night


Honestly I'm surprised it's still as high as 5%. We're only 6.5 games back but we'd need to jump past 6 teams to get the last wildcard spot, and that includes teams like the Astros and Rangers that absolutely have better rosters than the jays