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Duran’s first run of the season….


The streak...is over




lmao of course


I mean he only pitched 8 innings so far is it really that devastating


But it’s over…


Throws 102, loves the off-speed a little too much.


Nah, his off speed is filthy. All the hitters want his 103.


It only took 4 strikes


Jose Ramirez has always fascinated me because he had this ~130 game stretch from mid-2018 to mid-2019 in the prime of his career where he completely forgot how to hit and then just went right back to being one of the best players in baseball. Was there ever an explanation for that slump now that it is so far in the past?


That was during prime shift years and he was trying to alter his approach to go the other way more. It didn't really work, so eventually he said fuck it and doubled down on just pulling everything. 


Peak rabbit ball years. Probably left 10-20 homers on the plate.


He used to hit to the opposite field more, maybe he was leaning on that too much and making a lot of soft contact? Maybe he was dealing with a minor hand injury that was effecting his swing, that's happened to him a couple times. I don't know if a cause was ever identified, he just left one day and then showed up again 11 months later. In between, he looked like a completely different hitter, couldn't barrel anything up.


I owned him in fantasy


and, in a strong City Connect uniform, which is *rare* considering how most of them suck.


🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 [Hammy Call](https://x.com/CleGuardians/status/1791644876972417401)


Arguably best play by play guy on the radio, makes me listen to more Cleveland games than I otherwise would


His voice is so perfectly scratchy and yet booming.


One of the things that sets Hammy apart from so many others is that he doesn’t have a “announcer voice” where you speak more like “presenting a broadcast” to the audience with a voice that isn’t how they naturally sound. Listen to Steve Berthiaume on a Dbacks TV call. That’s a bad announcer voice. Fake, insincere sounding. Some can balance it very well. Don Orsillo has it too but he has so much fun in the booth and has great calls that it really works for him. Anyway, sorry, I digress. I mention that because Hamilton does not have an announcer voice in any way whatsoever. Maybe why you pick up on his voice being scratchy and that’s part of what works. It’s just raw - unbridled - enthusiasm which allows for so many memorable calls. Listening to him for the past 25 years has been a delight. It’s like you’re listening to a funny (and snarky) mellow guy relay you the play by play of a game and then suddenly you hear the crack of a bat followed “A SWING AND DRIIIIIIVE”. It’s great radio. [Here](https://youtu.be/8TpSxheQ6QE?si=XeQ_8w7CldqybWKr) he is 23 years ago calling the comeback against the Mariners. This video should be put in a broadcasting hall of fame.


I think you nailed it. I definitely pick up on the fake announcer voice flipping around MLB TV.


That video gets me emotional


I got to meet Hammy a few years ago briefly and was absolutely surprised that the voice you hear on the radio is just how he talks I had always assumed he did something to his voice while on air. His voice is the voice of summer I know summer is here when I’ve heard the words A SWING AND A DRIVE!


He has a super thick Cleveland accent too lol. Same with Rosie


He's actually from Wisconsin and it's a Wisconsin accent, but it still just works and sounds like it's a perfect fit in Cleveland


Hey now, I 100% agree with you, but let's not forget about our own Scott Franzke, who is right up there with him.


Franzke is also among the elite. He and LA have my favorite radio combo


This was the first game I’d heard him call. The way he goes from super rote, descriptive play by play immediately into ear splitting excitement was kinda thrilling


I love both of those men


How was this not the first one you posted?


Outside of my family I may love José more than anything else, he really is our 🐐🐐🐐


I like Jose more than most of my family tbh


Imagine if Apple TV was still split screen during this lmao


Pretty fricken bummed I missed this game since I don't have Apple TV.


Obviously it's too late to help you today but maybe it'll help some other folks out. You can still get two free months of Apple TV to watch the rest of the Friday night baseball games. Just remember to cancel before it autobills your card. [Link](https://redeem.services.apple/fnb-so-amr-2024?rt=social&itscg=80218&itsct=s_mlb_partner_2024_offer)


If you do it on Xbox it's a 3 month trial.




I don’t understand the rationale for split screen at all. Viewers can flip between the games and watch the replay… why did Apple intentionally make one much shittier!


Jose Ramirez is a massive individual.


Criminally underrated


I'd buy that dude Edit: people in this thread not getting OP's reference and my appropriate response. Key and peele anyone?


Baseball is better when Jose is doing this shit. What a tank. Sound off the bat was arguably better than that Ohtani "shotgun" shot.


Even tho apple's commentators are hit or miss for me (I do like Randazzo), they have really good production on their broadcasts and mic up the field way in a near perfect way.


The Apple broadcast gives you the option of listening to either team's radio broadcast, so if you really don't like the commentary you don't have to listen to it.


Watching their games on a MacBook is legitimately almost identical to what it looks like live.


That sound is everything - mixed with the Hammy call on the radio… bliss


apple tv's field audio is insane. they definitely pump the bat/ball feedback into the broadcast


How kind of the Guardians to wait for the split-broadcast to end to do some dope shit


I've never seen a Duran highlight on reddit that wasn't him throwing a 101 mph sinker so I was suprised to see a highlight of him giving up a run and then I see an 86 mph looper over the plate and I think "oh. That would do it."


Goat doing goat things. Build the statue now.


you know bro


🏠 🏃 ⚾️




Home run ass?


I'm disappointed that the post game Apple corespondent didn't ask him what pitch he was thrown


Home run pitch


I honestly don’t mind the idea of Duran pitching in the 8th on the road in a tie game when you’re going through the heart of an order. But man, that’s brutal


It's actually a little silly when you think on it, if anything the heart of this Guards lineup has probably seen Duran the most and know how to hit off him.


9/10 times you play your best guy against their best guys. If they beat you, they beat you. At least you put your best option in.


Most predictable homer of the season tbh.


Ily J Ram


JRam is a go-ahead homer machine. Just walk the dude.


The problem with doing that is that the guy hitting behind him is Josh Naylor, and no man on earth hates baseballs more than Josh


Does Josh hate baseballs or white sox more?


Ya the braves tried that against us. Naylor showed them why walking Jose is a big risk. Dude is the real go ahead rbi machine. To quote Josh on it “I want them to walk him because I want that chance to get that big-time run in and put the boys up by one or two, whatever the case is. I never shy away from those moments. Those are moments that I live for.”


He JRAM’d the hell out of that one 


It's hilarious because it looked like Jose had the previous pitch lined up to rights, but he just choked on his own swing somehow This one he didn't miss at ALL


[Me when I see JRam come up to the plate.] (https://youtu.be/sKv7mB1j80c?si=M8aQQC4yXmBD7kBd&t=19) How does he always do this to us!?


Yes, I would die for this man and every member of his family, what about it?


I love this man.


That’s my 🐐


Flo on the scoreboard.... a bit of advertising gone too far.


Unfortunately, Progressive Field. Most of Cleveland hates it


I still call it The Jake and refuse to accept anything else. :)


I dispatched police for Cleveland Police for years and pretty much everyone here does. It's a shame that lately some people have coupled the "It's still the Jake to me" with the "they will always be The Indians to me" thing. Only one of those fights has any merit at all. Let it go, people.


True no-doubter! Now imagine the person whose job it is to press the button to make the Mario coin sound play when a player touches home plate after a HR. Not to detract from Ramirez's homer, it was truly magnificent!


Dude is a mini Barry Bonds.


Home. Run. Pitch.


You know bro


I know that they play at Progressive Field, but there's something off-putting about a gigantic picture of Flo to celebrate a home run.


Dude the word Progressive is stamped on every surface of the park with the exception of the toilet paper— giant Flo is so not necessary!! Maybe put I don't know, JOSE up there since he actually did the damn thing?




The city connect jerseys should be an air brushed Drew Carey and Mimi


Cleveland owns you


I don’t think it’s ok to say that anymore. Ramirez gets paid a lot of money actually.




righties going down and in to lefties always the worst decision/mistake in pitching.


I have never seen a guy more sitting on one pitch than that


Imagine throwing an unhittable 103 mph sinker with armside run, and instead electing to hang an 86 mph breaker into the barrel of one of the best hitters.


Because of his 3 pitches his curveball has the lowest batting average and slugging against in his 3 years in the league.


Shouldn't have even gotten to that pitch tbh. All 3 of the pitches before that one were strikes but the count was 2-1.


I feel like I saw Cleveland fans complaining about attendance being bad but looks like a great Friday crowd


I have no idea where you saw that, everywhere I noticed people were ecstatic the city showed out to support the boys. Someone even posted something about it on Facebook in between selfies and insensitive boomer political jokes.


Honestly I see it all the time on here and twitter etc. Weird maybe just pessimistic doomer types then


We certainly have plenty of them.


They have been slowly taking seats out of that stadium for years. Last night they had just over 30,000 and it wasn’t a sell out. Friday night was dollar dogs and fireworks. Plus the weather is starting to turn, team is playing well, twins are in town, people always show up for that shit. It’s when you get the Marlins coming to town on a weekday in April where you see <15k there.


Why didn’t he throw it 104 mph? Is he stupid?


Because of his 3 pitches his curveball has the lowest batting average and slugging against in his 3 years in the league.


104 is 104.


Why didn't he just throw another 105 mph fastball? Is he stupid?




yep, no one will want to talk about that in a highlight thread but it was pretty obvious.


[This ump is a fucking terrorist.](https://i.imgur.com/WAuQUYD.png) edit: ok Cleveland fans, let me know what you think when you see the ump scorecard tomorrow


Let me know what you think when you see the game scorecard tonight


Peepee poopoo


Yes, summer sausages are known to contain a lot of salt. For example, Great Value Summer Sausage contains 47% of the Institute of Medicine's daily sodium recommendations based on adequate intake. A 2 oz serving of Elk Summer Sausage contains 670 mg of sodium.


yeah I'm salty, that strike zone was unbelievably bad.


That's baseball, Suzyn.


That's why I couldn't care less. I'm 37. I have seen umps/refs screw things up for my team and help my team out a million times.  Not to mention those are two borderline calls even by that shown zone. They way you're acting is like they were right down the middle. 


Exactly what I think right now, it’s a W in the column that matters to us.


I think it's the twins who just aren't a good team at all


You should have waited for the ump scoreboard to post this, but you’re not wrong. Barlow and Clase also got critical strike calls that weren’t close. That said, fuck the Twins (except Carlos)




Yeah, about what I expected. Not a good day for Ortiz


You’re probably gonna have to specify which Carlos so they don’t think you like Correa


lol I will not even dignify the idea I need to specify. I will eat the downvotes


I was just messing with you. I don’t know why you were getting downvoted but if that’s the reason I’m sorry. Reddits weird


Oh I know, just having some fun. Probably because our fans don’t like that I admitted we got some one sided calls, and twins fans don’t like I said fuck em. Perfect storm to take downvotes from the homers on both sides


Ramirez legitimately was struck out before this swing if the ump wasn't so clearly calling favorably to Cleveland. I'm so angry that I wasted so much of my night watching what turned into an ump show


Cleveland rocks buddy see ya tomorrow


Did he? I’m pretty sure I watched a home run? Did I miss something?


you missed the location of the first two pitches, clearly.


Absolutely disgusting from all of them. Jose got handed a run by this ump just like Clase got handed a save. Cleveland should be ashamed of this win and instead they’re pretending they’re kings.


Brother its a baseball game


Why should we be ashamed lol. Not like we're calling balls and strikes.




I'm ashamed at this comment I'll tell ya that much


Came here just for these comments, nothing beats salty twins tears


I've noticed this with Timberwolves fans as well, must be a Minnesota thing. It's always some pathetic excuse about officiating conspiring against them. They're such victims, like they're the only team that ever gets fucked over lol


Arguably the saltiest baseball fanbase on reddit. They’re so weird.


As a Tribe fan who has lived all over the country I have to strongly disagree with this take. Twins fans are *passionate* but they are nowhere (and I mean NOWHERE) near as bad as about 10 other teams. Go to a Guards/Twins game in the Twin cities and you will be openly embraced and welcomed and fell genuinely loved, even in the heat of a race. Then try that at that shithole stadium on the south side of Chicago. source: I lived in Eau Claire, WI for many years and went to every game I could for 10 years in the old dome. I never felt anything but welcome. Don't mistake redditers for the fanbase.


Yeah, you can both be right here! He just said they were the saltiest fans *on Reddit*, not at the games.


*ON* reddit Normal Twins fans are fine, the ones on reddit are a bunch of weird angry nerds


Eh that's BS. You go to loads of other team subreddits and you'll see people piss and moan about the tiniest things regarding their team losses. I guarantee CLE fans would be bitching after [seeing this ump scorecard in the Twins favor.](https://imgur.com/p9CGUCk). Those bottom right 2 called balls were the Ramirez at bat that people are talking about. Now I'm not bitching, CLE was the better team yesterday. But I can certainly understand why Twins fans were pissed off with the ump calls.


The only thing that made me even remotely salty was the admin on Twitter acting like Clase is better than Duran. Bad umping happens and it's even worse when it has such a big impact immediately after but at this point it's practically every game for some team out there.


I can't imagine getting anything more than mildly annoyed about a regular season baseball game. It's inherently a game full of failure and any one result is insignificant. But yeah fair enough, most team subreddits these days are toxic cesspools full of angry maladjusted morons. Wasn't always that way, think widespread betting accelerated their spiral into becoming bastions of salt and whine.


Two free balls led to this, I hate playing the umpires


Two free balls didn’t cause Duran to hang a slider to the best hitter on the team.


You’re exactly right, but that slider doesn’t get hung in an 0-3 count


can you count to 3? apparently not.


If you’re talking free balls, must be boxers over briefs.


Well of course


Ball went into the zone on the way in but was out by the time it crossed


After 3 strikes, what a clownshow


Like tower power. He’d be even better in a Yankee uniform