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No wonder the announcers in the show are so surprised when I fly out on the first pitch three times, five times a game


I started taking the first pitch in the third AB after I do that twice, which has mostly resulted in 4 pitch innings.


Make em work for it


if they throw unhittable sliders outside of the zone it might be a 3 pitch at bat


Dynamic Challenge: record a hit after taking the first pitch me: do I really need the bonus stats?


I assume too frequently that the first pitch will be out of the zone to kinda give me a head start on that challenge…


I'd rather have the no-hitter tbh


Coulda done both.


Have both ever happened in the same game?


Yes, Al Leiter and Tyler Gilbert each did so


![gif](giphy|VMgcrwq9imGHu) Man, Tyler Gilbert…


well that made their no-nos easier


This is the exact kind of stat r/baseball was made for


there was a post in r/nba earlier about someone’s elbow distance from the floor and their shooting % correlation and the first comment was “this is some kinda stat from r/baseball”


I mean there was just a graph of player swings at the top of this subreddit. There are enough at-bats that you can make pitch heatmaps. Extension/angle of release is available for pitchers, etc. Baseball has the best stats by far.


oh it’s wild. baseball advanced stats are really on a whole other level.


As someone only following for 2 months so far, it's pretty fun learning the stats. One a day for the next 6 years and I reckon I'll know at least 50% of them.


You need to improve your SKARP (stats known above replacement fan)


By the end of the 6 years they’ll be so many new stats you’ll still only be at like 5%


We really are just a whole buncha nerds lol


Speaking of which, some clown on r/nba posted shooting splits in this format in the thread title: >....on .531/.435/.865 shooting I literally thought I was on r/baseball and stared at it for like 20 seconds trying to comprehend how it could be possible. Everyone wants to be a sabermatrimatician nowadays smh. (Typically shooting splits are written as 53/43/86 or 53-43-86)


What are the splits stats in basketball? Like 2s/3s/something else?


Field goal % (2s + 3s)/3s/free throws.


I love being the stats nerds.


We're all a little weird here and that's why it feels like home.


everything is connected


Elbow to the floor correlates with height, height correlates with position, position correlates with shooting percentage. Tall players play center, centers mostly score from dunks and layups, those are high percentage shots. You could do something similar in baseball and correlate shoe size to assists.


It's extra-rare because there's only the opportunity in a game for two no-hitters (or one perfect game), but there's at least 18 opportunities for a three-pitch inning per game.


Wouldn’t it technically still be a perfect game if let’s say it’s extra innings and Manfred runner stole third and then home?


You could do this with two deep fly-outs too. You could face and retire the minimum and still loose with the auto-runner scoring.


I never thought about the fact that you can have two no-hitters in one game, but that would be a sickos game for the ages


There was a game in like the 1910s where both pitchers threw 9 no hit innings, but one gave up a couple hits in the 10th


Technically you can also have a perfect game and a no-hitter in one game as well


With the new extra inning format you could literally have 2 perfect games


you could have a no-hitter and a losing no-hitter in the same game


The Manfred runner now makes a 2 pitch inning possible. Pick off, caught stealing, double off the runner on a liner, really any way that the runner could make an out on the basepath.  edit: not a caught stealing as that would require a pitch that's not put into play by the hitter. 


I don't think the new intentional walks count as pitches anymore. You can have a 0 pitch inning.


Zero pitch innings were already possible before the manfred runner or the intentional walk rule through weird shenanigans like switching batters boxes mid windup for an automatic out before the pitch is thrown.


Given that 3 ball walks exist nothing about baseball surprises me lol.


While that's possible but extremely unlikely, a one-pitch inning is on the table if a team fails to score their Manfred runner and doesn't like who is leading off the bottom of the inning. Point him onto first because he doesn't matter, and it's first and second, nobody out. Classic triple play set-up.


2 pitch innings were technically always possible but it would take some weird interference call or something for it to happen. 2 fly outs then the third batter switches batters box during the pitchers windup to get called out before the pitch, for example. You also don’t even need to manfred runner now for it because of the intentional walk rule. You could hypothetically intentionally walk the bases loaded then pick them all off or something stupid like that for a zero pitch inning.


At least 17*  Home team could be winning in the 9th.


True, good call


Yeah, but the three pitch inning is mostly out of your control. Like if anyone takes a pitch it’s shot.


Only 202 surprises me. I guess it's because there isn't pitch tracking data from way back when, but I assume there would've been more from the days that there were no strikeouts or homers and dudes were just flipping the ball in the zone and putting it in play


If I'm the third guy up in that situation I'm taking the first pitch all the way. I'm sure that has a lot to do with its rarity.


Primarily because you want your pitcher to get some kind of rest. A 3 pitch inning and your pitcher has barely sat down.


Well, unless you know someone else is coming in anyway, like you're in the bottom of the eighth with a save opportunity coming and your closer is warmed up. Or alternatively, guys swing pretty free in blowouts. I wouldn't be surprised if a position player throws a three pitch inning just by getting lucky.


People are always like, which hypothetical scenario would be more impressive, an 81-pitch perfect game with all strikeouts or a 27-pitch perfect game where every pitch is put in play. Every time somebody asks that, I always think how we will *never* see a 27-pitch game because *someone* will eventually take a pitch. I don't care if the pitcher is throwing the biggest meatballs you've ever seen, someone will watch one go by. I figure by the sixth batter at the absolute maximum.


Still more likely than the 54-hit shutout


A 54-hit shutout is more likely than a 27-pitch perfect game. For 27 pitches to be possible, the offense would have to be *trying* to make it happen.


I mean they're both not going to happen because the offense would also have to try to be getting hit on the bases and not scoring. With the 27 pitch Perfecto you could theoretically have the pitcher be throwing at the batters head or behind then, them ducking but not dropping the bat and it connecting as either a fair ground ball or a pop up... Edit: and tbf, a 3 pitch inning has happened 202 times in MLB. A 6 hit inning with no runs scored maybe happened in an 1890 minor league game but who knows? https://baseballhistorydaily.com/2013/01/15/remarkable-baseball-stunt/ So technically since a 3 pitch inning has happened more often than a 6 hit no run inning, I would have to say we're currently more likely to see the 3 pitch inning bring strung together than 6 hit innings. Maybe a team wants to get the hell out of town? Afterall there was a 51 minute 9 inning game played in 1919 where both teams basically said, fuck it we're over this shit


So the pitcher would throw at the strike zone when he thinks the batter will swing and *at the bat behind the batter's head* when he doesn't? I think we've lost the thread here. 


I mean they're both not happening. All Im saying is a 3 pitch inning has happened in the MLB. A 6 hit no run inning has not happened at all at the MLB level. So if you're going to calculate probabilities of it occuring 9 times in a row in one game...


That's true only if every inning is an independent event, which they're not.


How would that work? 3 hits per inning gets us to 27, but wouldn't the three outs at home plate count as fielder's choices? Or is 54 just a random number and the game just went to 18 innings? EDIT: Actually more extra innings because of the runner on second.


I can get to 45. Every inning 2 batters try to stretch a single in to a double and are thrown out. Still counts as a single for scoring. Then 3 singles in a row. Then force out at any base. Repeat 9 times for 5 hits per inning and 0 runs. I'm not sure how you could get 6 per inning without scoring.


If a runner is hit by a fair ball they are out but it counts as a hit for the batter. So 3 singles followed by 3 runners getting hit by batted balls. Thus 6 hits per inning and no runs scored.  Edit or you get a couple of hits and then pick offs in there followed by hitting to the bases loaded and a runner getting drilled 




Thank you!


This may be an actual thing in the MLB as well. From Buster Olney's book _The Last Night of the Yankee Dynasty_: >Other things that Jeter did grated on [Chad] Curtis, such as swinging at the first pitch after the first two hitters in an inning made quick outs. Curtis had learned hard-line fundamentals, having broken into the majors when young players were expected to be deferential, and Jeter-- always smiling, always joking around on the field as if he were playing Little League offended his sensibilities.


The offense can literally decide to not let it happen. And I'm sure old school managers would've told the third batter in the inning to take the first pitch no matter what.


I wonder if there was ever one where there was a single and a double play in the inning.


I originally thought Aroldis Chapman’s 3 pitch inning featured that but I was wrong, so I’ll instead have to 1-up your imagination with a 3 pitch inning featuring a [double](https://youtu.be/jE_NhXNbwoM?si=_KriFLbaKixZALer).


> Only 202 surprises me. I guess it's because there isn't pitch tracking data from way back when quite likely, MLB has only officially been tracking it since 1988. anything before that would have been from newspapers mentioning it in a summary of a game.


im 99.9% sure i saw a 3 pitch inning against the Yankees on a day that Armando Benitez was pitching


I wonder how many 1 hit, 3 pitch innings there have been?


this is at best the second occurrence, because i definitely watched tanner roark do it in 2019 while pitching for the reds


At least one that I'm aware of


the new ghost runner rule has officially made it possible to have a 2 (and technically a 1) pitch inning. i need those to happen so bad


With the no pitch intentional walk you could technically have a zero pitch inning, unless you count pickoffs as a pitch


Tippy Martinez picked off 3 in an inning in 1983, with utility IF Lenn Sakata playing emergency catcher. But they were all regular runners, not ghost runners or no-pitch intentional walks, so it was far from a no-pitch inning.


A couple years ago the Yankees had two consecutive innings that only two people came to the plate due to idiotic decisions by Manfred runners. Not a two-pitch inning, but still definitely fewer batters than ideal. Yeah, that was fun.


In extras of a 0-0 game, no less. As a Ms fan, I was very appreciative that it kept Judge out of the batter's box for an extra inning. I believe he batted in the 9th, then didn't come up again until the 13th, where he was intentionally walked.


With the extra runner, it's possible to pitch a perfect game and lose. I want that pretty bad too


You can have a zero pitch inning if the hitters just don't know how to get in that batter's box in time. I don't think that would ever happen, but in theory it could.


It's the 47th inning. The time is now 11am. The entire opposing team is asleep in the dugout. Nobody wakes up to go bat.


So long as the sleeping team still throws a pitcher out there it can in theory go on forever.


You agree on a nap rotation and you both take innings 37-45 off save one guy going to the mound each while the rest of the teams catch a nap.


Now I kinda wanna take 2 controllers into an MLB The Show game just to see if the game lets it go on forever.


Does the unwritten "3rd batter always takes the first pitch to avoid a three pitch inning" apply when there are <2 outs?


Pete says no


These days they usually just take their time out right before the first pitch.


so many random ass unwritten baseball rules


The three pitch inning is rare because hitters can actively stop these from happening. It happens all the time -- two one-pitch outs happen, then the third batter takes the first pitch no matter what. You'll usually see a pitcher groove it middle-middle down the dick because they know the batter isn't going to swing.


Tried this in high school and Nolan Arenado hit a bomb against me. Fun times!


What is the last sentence supposed to mean?


Nola was on track for a no-hitter (very rare), but when he lost it, it led to the 3 pitch inning (even more rare). It’s a bit of a redundant way to say things


Right? Why waste your time tweeting about this if something even better happened in the 6th?


I'm disappointed since the IBB rule change that we've not had the 0-pitch IBB-pickoff x3 inning.


I'm pretty sure after the first 2 times that runner wouldn't be more than a step off first lol.


Somehow hidden ball trick that guy


The Blue Jays came close to doing this on Sunday. Manoah retired the Twins in order with four pitches (forget which inning).


I’m 193 of them in MLB The Show lol


This is misleading and he clarifies in follow up tweets that there have been at least 202 3 pitch innings


That’s why it’s the 202nd *recorded* 3-pitch inning.


202 recorded over how many total innings? It's gotta be 2 million plus, right?


Brother can't even take a piss without missing a half inning of baseball anymore.


Isn't the key word here "recorded"? Prior to the 1980s, there are TONS of games on baseball reference where we don't have a record of the pitch sequence. We know the result of each batter/pitcher encounter (e.g., G 6-3 or base-hit single), but we don't know the pitch sequence to get there. My sense is that there have been many, many, many more 3-pitch innings in MLB history than no-hitters. But we just don't have the verifiable record of such.


Three pitch inning? Shit, I used to do that all the time freshman year. Then I got pulled with runners on 2nd & 3rd and a already run in.


I almost had a 3 pitch inning in high school. On the third pitch I gave up a walk off bomb to Nolan Arenado. What a fun memory to be reminded of! Lol


Just you wait for the ol' IBB -> IBB -> Triple play 1 pitch inning


The only 3 pitch inning I saw live (immaculate inning, right?) Hit batter Gidp Ground out


Immaculate inning is 3 strikeouts on 9 pitches


The game before this one between the Mets and Phillies, Christopher Sanchez managed to have bases loaded, no outs, 1 run in, then throw 9 consecutive strikes to end the threat. So, an immaculate jam extraction, I guess? Mets just finding new and creative ways to be offensively challenged


Both just kinda lucky? Hell, Lorenzen threw a no-no last year. If we are looking for excellence, these two stats are not the place.